4,100 research outputs found
pengaruh permainan bola keranjang terhadap kemampuan motorik kasar anak kelompok b (5-6 tahun) di tk aisyiyah 11 palembang
AbstrakPenelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui ada atau tidaknya pengaruh permainan bola keranjang terhadap kemampuan motorik kasar anak kelompok B (5-6 tahun) di TK aisyiyah 11 Palembang. Dalam penelitian ini menggunakan penelitian kuantitatif dengan metode eksperimen, design yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah One-Groub-Pretest-Posttest Design. Sampel yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini yaitu seluruh anak kelompok B2 TK Aisyiyah 11 Palembang yang berjumlah 17 anak. Teknik pengumpulan data yang digunakan yaitu melakukan observasi dan dokumentasi, dan untuk analisis data menggunakan Uji-t. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian pretest dan posttestyang dihitung menggunakan uji-t dengan taraf signifikan (α) 0,05 dan dan dk = 17 â 1 = 16 di dapatkan nilai thitung  = 6,20 dengan demikian dapat disimpulkan bahwa thitung > ttabel atau (6,20 > 1,746) maka H0 ditilak dan Ha diterima. Dengan demikian kegiatan permainan bola keranjang memiliki pengaruh yang signifikan terhadap kemampuan motorik kasar anak kelompok B2 (5-6 tahun) di TK Aisyiyah 11 Palembang. Kata kunci : Permianan Bola Keranjang, Motorik Kasa
Pedagogical Experiment with Portrait Lighting in Combination with different Actorâs intent in the case of novice Actors
Portrait lighting and acting both carry substantial weight in creating character engagement by the viewer, but are rarely researched in conjunction. At the same time both acting and portrait lighting have considerable canons that have developed within the craft system and realized through tacit knowledge. Thus, as both are fields with considerable amount of knowledge and skills, but not enough scientific research conducted yet, it makes sense that the first expansion of knowledge should be conducted through artistic research. In line with Root-Bernstein's ArtScience approach that calls for processes of invention and exploration (Root-Bernstein, 2011), the current study tested out a possible model for researching the interaction between portrait lighting and acting. The current article should be considered as an analytic report on the first interdisciplinary experiment that melded together cinematography, acting, portrait lighting and pedagogy
Regulatory domain and regulatory dexterity: critiquing the UK governance of 'fracking'
This article provides a critique of the UK government's regulatory response to âfrackingâ. It shows how government has adopted two distinct schemas of regulation, which may usefully be classified under the headings âregulatory domainâ and âregulatory dexterityâ. These schemas rely on very different interpretive conventions and are in many ways contradictory. Yet, government uses both âdomainâ and âdexterityâ arguments simultaneously in order to advance its policy in favour of fracking. The article explains how two seemingly different regulatory approaches work together towards the same policy goal, and highlights the role of law in facilitating technological development
Euroopa Liidu struktuurifondide kasutamise vÔimalustest tervishoiu valdkonnas
Struktuurifondide kaudu viiakse ellu Euroopa Liidu regionaalpoliitikat, mille eesmÀrk on Euroopa Liidu erinevate piirkondade majanduslike ja sotsiaalsete erinevuste tasandamine ning tasakaalustatud areng. Struktuurifondide kaudu jaotab EL igal aastal rikkamatest piirkondadest vaesematesse ringi ligi 30 miljardit eurot
The background of this study was to determine the potential Sawi Island in detailing on the side is still very limited facilities and infrastructure on the island Sawi. This study aims to determine the potential on the island Sawi so as to identify the weaknesses and advantages of tourism Sawi Island. Data collection techniques used were interviews, observation and documentation. The analysis technique used is descriptive qualitative analysis. Results from the study showed there is a lack of completeness of infrastructure, facilities and infrastructure on the island Sawi. Given this research is expected to help stakeholders as supporting data for developing Sawi Island neighborhood
Le Mont-Saint-Michel â La Chambre du Suisse et ses abords
ParallĂšlement Ă lâinstallation dâun sanitaire dans la Chambre du Suisse engagĂ©e par le Centre des Monuments Nationaux et menĂ©e par lâArchitecte en Chef des Monuments Historiques, François Jeanneau, une prescription de fouille archĂ©ologique a Ă©tĂ© Ă©mise par le Service rĂ©gional de lâarchĂ©ologie de Normandie. Les objectifs Ă©noncĂ©s sont : « étude de la structuration de lâespace, des amĂ©nagements et des dispositifs de circulation au sein du complexe monastique. La fouille devra prĂ©ciser lâorganisat..
Stavovi o ranom uÄenju engleskog kao treÄeg jezika u dvojeziÄnoj sredini
This diploma paper analyses parentsâ attitudes to early language learning in schools in Istria, a bilingual county in Croatia. The aim of this paper was to observe whether parents demonstrated positive or negative attitudes to the acquisition of three languages from Grade 1 of primary school, since their attitudes and opinions could greatly influence childrenâs success during the language learning process.
The paper presents the theoretical background to the study, focusing on the concepts such as early learning of multiple languages, interrelationships between each language, the role and influence of parentsâ attitudes and the linguistic context of Croatia and Istria. The second part of the paper involves the description of the study, its aim, participants and form, which is followed by the results and discussion. The results generally showed positive attitudes towards early language learning, language teaching, the choice of foreign languages, simultaneous acquisition of three languages and the interrelationship between the languages. Lastly, the conclusion brings a summary of the main concepts and findings presented in this paper.Ovaj diplomski rad analizira stavove roditelja o ranom uÄenju jezika u ĆĄkolama u Istri,
dvojeziÄnoj ĆŸupaniji u Hrvatskoj. Cilj ovoga rada bio je promatrati pozitivne i negativne
stavove roditelja o usvajanju tri jezika od prvog razreda osnovne ĆĄkole, buduÄi da njihovi
stavovi i miĆĄljenja mogu uvelike utjecati na djeÄji uspjeh tijekom procesa uÄenja jezika.
Rad prikazuje teorijsku pozadinu istraĆŸivanja koje se usredotoÄuje na pojmove kao ĆĄto su rano
uÄenje viĆĄe jezika, meÄuodnosi izmeÄu jezika, uloga i utjecaj stavova roditelja te jeziÄni
kontekst Hrvatske i Istre. Drugi dio rada obuhvaÄa opis cilja, sudionika i postupka
istraĆŸivanja, nakon Äega slijede rezultati i rasprava. Rezultati su pokazali da roditelji veÄinom
imaju pozitivne stavove o ranom uÄenju jezika, poduÄavanju jezika, izboru stranih jezika,
istovremenom usvajanju tri jezika i meÄuodnosu izmeÄu jezika. Naposlijetku, zakljuÄak
donosi saĆŸetak glavnih pojmova i rezultata predstavljenih u ovome radu
Le Mont-Saint-Michel â RĂ©novation, restructuration et effacement des rĂ©seaux (tranche 1)
LâopĂ©ration de fouille prĂ©ventive concerne le suivi de la phase 1 des travaux de rĂ©novation, restructuration et effacement des rĂ©seaux du Mont-Saint-Michel conduits par la commune. Elle a Ă©tĂ© menĂ©e de novembre 2015 Ă avril 2016 par une responsable dâopĂ©ration accompagnĂ©e ponctuellement par un topographe et deux stagiaires du Master Pro de Nantes en fĂ©vrier. De maniĂšre gĂ©nĂ©rale, les terrassements effectuĂ©s ont repris en grande partie les tranchĂ©es de rĂ©seaux anciennes ouvertes en 1913. Les ves..
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