616 research outputs found

    Sofic groups and direct finiteness

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    We construct an analogue of Neumann's affiliated algebras for sofic group algebras over arbitrary fields. Consequently, we settle Kaplansky's direct finiteness conjecture for sofic groups.Comment: 9 pages, a shortened proof of the main resul


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    Matchings on infinite graphs

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    Elek and Lippner (2010) showed that the convergence of a sequence of bounded-degree graphs implies the existence of a limit for the proportion of vertices covered by a maximum matching. We provide a characterization of the limiting parameter via a local recursion defined directly on the limit of the graph sequence. Interestingly, the recursion may admit multiple solutions, implying non-trivial long-range dependencies between the covered vertices. We overcome this lack of correlation decay by introducing a perturbative parameter (temperature), which we let progressively go to zero. This allows us to uniquely identify the correct solution. In the important case where the graph limit is a unimodular Galton-Watson tree, the recursion simplifies into a distributional equation that can be solved explicitly, leading to a new asymptotic formula that considerably extends the well-known one by Karp and Sipser for Erd\"os-R\'enyi random graphs.Comment: 23 page

    Expansive actions on uniform spaces and surjunctive maps

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    We present a uniform version of a result of M. Gromov on the surjunctivity of maps commuting with expansive group actions and discuss several applications. We prove in particular that for any group Γ\Gamma and any field \K, the space of Γ\Gamma-marked groups GG such that the group algebra \K[G] is stably finite is compact.Comment: 21 page

    On Turing dynamical systems and the Atiyah problem

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    Main theorems of the article concern the problem of M. Atiyah on possible values of l^2-Betti numbers. It is shown that all non-negative real numbers are l^2-Betti numbers, and that "many" (for example all non-negative algebraic) real numbers are l^2-Betti numbers of simply connected manifolds with respect to a free cocompact action. Also an explicit example is constructed which leads to a simply connected manifold with a transcendental l^2-Betti number with respect to an action of the threefold direct product of the lamplighter group Z/2 wr Z. The main new idea is embedding Turing machines into integral group rings. The main tool developed generalizes known techniques of spectral computations for certain random walk operators to arbitrary operators in groupoid rings of discrete measured groupoids.Comment: 35 pages; essentially identical to the published versio

    Identification of Young Stellar Object candidates in the GaiaGaia DR2 x AllWISE catalogue with machine learning methods

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    The second GaiaGaia Data Release (DR2) contains astrometric and photometric data for more than 1.6 billion objects with mean GaiaGaia GG magnitude <<20.7, including many Young Stellar Objects (YSOs) in different evolutionary stages. In order to explore the YSO population of the Milky Way, we combined the GaiaGaia DR2 database with WISE and Planck measurements and made an all-sky probabilistic catalogue of YSOs using machine learning techniques, such as Support Vector Machines, Random Forests, or Neural Networks. Our input catalogue contains 103 million objects from the DR2xAllWISE cross-match table. We classified each object into four main classes: YSOs, extragalactic objects, main-sequence stars and evolved stars. At a 90% probability threshold we identified 1,129,295 YSO candidates. To demonstrate the quality and potential of our YSO catalogue, here we present two applications of it. (1) We explore the 3D structure of the Orion A star forming complex and show that the spatial distribution of the YSOs classified by our procedure is in agreement with recent results from the literature. (2) We use our catalogue to classify published GaiaGaia Science Alerts. As GaiaGaia measures the sources at multiple epochs, it can efficiently discover transient events, including sudden brightness changes of YSOs caused by dynamic processes of their circumstellar disk. However, in many cases the physical nature of the published alert sources are not known. A cross-check with our new catalogue shows that about 30% more of the published GaiaGaia alerts can most likely be attributed to YSO activity. The catalogue can be also useful to identify YSOs among future GaiaGaia alerts.Comment: 19 pages, 12 figures, 3 table