21 research outputs found

    Experimental Inoculation of Dermatophytes on Psoriatic Skin

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    Two dermatophytic agents, Trichophyton rubrum and Trichophyton mentagrophytes were used in the experimental inoculation of psoriatic lesions in 27 volunteer patients (13 males and 14 females with an age range from 17 to 72 yr). T. rubrum was inoculated in 14 patients and T. mentagrophytes (varietas granulare) in 13. For purposes of control in each patient the same agent was also inoculated on healthy skin. Results were noted once a week for a period of 1 mo. A positive response was found in 12 of the 14 patients inoculated with T. rubrum but only in 4 of the 13 inoculated with T. mentagrophytes. Healthy skin was found to have a positive response in only 5 cases, in 4 with T. rubrum, and in 1 with T. mentagrophytes. These results confirm the possibility of invasion of psoriatic lesions by dermatophytes and suggest that the coexistance of psoriasis and dermatophytic infection may be not always purely coincidental. The importance of the awareness of the presence of mycotic lesions and their possible spread with the application of steroid ointments under occlusive dressings in a psoriatic patient is stressed

    Relaciones interpersonales en conflictos maritales de pobladores en barrios urbanos marginales del cono norte de la ciudad de Puno - 2018

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    El objeto de la investigación fue las relaciones interpersonales en conflictos maritales desde las mujeres del cono norte de la ciudad de Puno. El objetivo, fue determinar y analizar las relaciones interpersonales en conflictos maritales desde las mujeres durante el año 2018. La muestra, fue obtenida de 16,099 pobladores de 18 a 45 años de edad, 153 mujeres registradas en la comisaría de Huáscar de Puno. El método utilizado fue el enfoque cuantitativo. Los resultados: a) Los grupos de cónyuges, la mayoría estuvo conformado por adultos jóvenes con secundaria completa y superior incompleta; estado civil convivientes la mayoría, ocupación comerciante con secundaria incompleta; el tipo de violencia predominante manejo del dinero, ocasionando miedo por enojo del varón y roles de trabajo doméstico asimétrico en el hogar; b) en la violencia económica la mayoría reclamaron cómo gasta dinero la mujer e insuficiencia de ingresos proporcionados por el varón y distribución asimétrica del dinero; también, hubo de entrega de dinero con amor a su pareja y planificación de gastos; mientras otros pelean o castigan no dando dinero e insuficiencia de dinero; c) los cónyuges ocasionaron miedo e intimidación en las relaciones interpersonales de infidelidad y la sumisión, agresiones físicas: empujar, golpes con puño y objetos al cuerpo, jalón de cabello y patadas; violencia emocional de infidelidad y celos, miedo, falta de afectividad por libar licor; percepciones de infidelidad sin comunicación ni compresión, los varones exigieron relaciones sexuales sin que ella lo quiera y actitudes de perdón a la infidelidad. Conclusión: los conflictos maritales fueron de abuso por el varón a la mujer en los roles domésticos, económico, afectivo infidelidad y celos, asociadas con la masculinidad dominante desde las mujeres en los barrios urbano marginales del cono norte de la ciudad de Puno.Tesi

    Is Age an Independent Factor in Assessing Renal Health and Function in Healthy Individuals? A Pilot Study

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    Estimated glomerular filtration rate (eGFR) is a measure of renal filtration and clearance of serum creatinine and is conventionally used to characterize the progressive decline in renal function. Assessment of renal function and health is traditionally believed to be age-dependent. However, in the absence of cardiometabolic diseases (hypertension, diabetes, hyperlipemia, etc.), this may not be the case. Recently, novel markers of renal health and function support the notion that age is a secondary factor influencing renal decline. PURPOSE: To determine the magnitude of age as an influencing factor involved in the decline of renal function with novel markers of renal health and function in the absence of cardiometabolic risk factors. METHODS: Thirty-nine participants (n = 18 men; n = 21 women; age 32.5 + 12.6 yr; height 171.1 + 11.4 cm; weight 78.7 + 15.6 kg; BMI 27.1 + 5.8; SBP 120 + 11.2; DBP 78 + 6.6; CHOL 173 + 30; and GLU 96 + 7) completed a single health assessment to quantify renal health and function. Blood and urine samples were collected by the same technician under standardized conditions and stored at -60 ºC until project completion. Serum creatinine (sCR), urine creatinine (uCr), urine epidermal growth factor (uEGF), uEGF/uCr ratio (uEGFR), cystatin C (CyC) and eGFR - modification of diet in renal disease (MDRD) and the CKD-EPI - responses were analyzed and compared in age groups (20s, 30s, 40s, 50s) using 4 (group) by 1 (sample) ANOVAs. RESULTS: There were no significant differences in markers of renal health and function between any age group. sCR (p = 0.90), uCr (p = 0.17), uEGF (p = 0.15), CyC (p = 0.32), uEGFR (p = 0.28), MDRD (p = 0.17), and CKD-EPI (p = 0.83). CONCLUSION: In healthy individuals, changes in renal health and function appear to be independent of age in the absence of cardiometabolic diseases. Indicating renal health and function could potentially be maintained throughout adulthood, middle age, and possibly attenuated in the senior years with the continued absence of cardiometabolic diseases

    De bruidschat Israels, of onderwys der Hebreeuwsche spraakkunst : met twee Bygevoegde Woordenboeken

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    opgestelt door Eleasar Soesman. Voorzien met een Getuigschrift van den Hooggeleerden Heer Cornelius Hugo VonkDie Vorlage enth. insgesamt 3 Werk

    Eleasar Loew family tree.

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    Genealogical table of Rabbi Eleasar Löw (1758-1837), from the 14th to the 20th century.Rabbi, 1738-1837, born in Wodislow. Talmudic scholar.Processed for digitizationSent for digitizationReturned from digitizationLinked to online manifestationdigitize

    The use of Role-Playing Game (RPG) in science teaching: a voluntary activity and complementary to classes in Elementary School II

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    Nesta pesquisa é proposto o uso Role-Playing Game, mais conhecido como RPG, como uma estratégia no processo de ensino e aprendizagem no ambiente escolar. Os estudos com RPG e educação demonstram grande potencial como tecnologia educacional, proporcionando aprendizagem ativa e significativa modificando a forma como se ensina. Este trabalho teve como objetivos: investigar sobre as possibilidades educacionais da implementação do roleplaying game (RPG) no ambiente escolar como uma atividade pedagógica complementar e voluntária no ensino de ciências, verificar a aprendizagem de conceitos fundamentais de ciências que foram expostos aos alunos através do RPG, bem como analisar as impressões dos alunos quanto ao contato desses conteúdos de ciências por meio do RPG e também quanto à experiência de jogar RPG no ambiente escolar com o professor. Para tanto procurou-se inicialmente, um levantamento bibliográfico de algumas obras que discutem os problemas educacionais brasileiros e expõem estratégias para solucioná-los, dentre essas, destacou-se as que verificam a viabilidade da utilização de jogos didáticos. Em seguida, essa pesquisa sintetiza as publicações referentes ao uso de jogos de RPG, na educação em diversos níveis e faixas etárias. Em seguida, faz-se uma breve descrição do que é RPG, e da metodologia usada nesse trabalho, no qual foi realizado um experimento com alunos do oitavo ano do ensino fundamental que jogaram RPG no ambiente escolar, de maneira voluntária e fora do horário de aula, juntamente com o professor, que abordou por meio do jogo, conceitos de ciências, como: ácido, base, escala de pH, densidade, as três Leis de Newton e também morfologia de artrópodes - insetos. Para o levantamento dos dados foi utilizado uma pesquisa qualitativa exploratória por meio da observação, questionários e um teste para avaliar o aprendizado de ciências, principalmente dos conceitos de ácido, base e escala de pH. Os resultados apontam elevado potencial do uso do role-playing game na escola como uma atividade voluntária e complementar ao ensino de ciências, bem como a formação do aluno em geral, pois além da eficiência do uso pedagógico deste jogo para o ensino de ciências, observou-se que o RPG além de motivar os alunos, proporcionou um ambiente de cooperação, interação, construção conjunta do conhecimento e criatividade.In this research it is proposed to use Role-Playing Game, better known as RPG, as a strategy in the process of teaching and learning in the school environment. Studies in RPG and education demonstrate great potential as an educational technology, providing active and meaningful learning by modifying the way it is taught. The objective of this study was to investigate about the educational possibilities of the role-playing game (RPG) in the school environment as a complementary and voluntary pedagogical activity in science teaching, to verify the learning of fundamental science concepts that were exposed to the students through RPG, as well as analyzing students\' impressions regarding the contact of these science contente through the RPG and also the experience of playing RPG in the school environment with the teacher. In order to do so, a bibliographical survey of some works that discuss Brazilian educational problems and strategies for solving them was presented, among them, those that verify the viability of the use of didactic games. Next, this research synthesizes publications regarding the use of RPG games in education at various levels and age groups. Next, a brief description of RPG is given, and the methodology used in this work, in which an experiment was carried out with eighth grade elementary students who played RPGs in the school environment, voluntarily and outside of school classroom hours, along with the teacher, who approached through the game, science concepts such as: acid, base, pH scale, density, the three Laws of Newton and also arthropods morphology - insects. For the data collection a qualitative exploratory research was used through observation, questionnaires and a test to evaluate the learning of sciences, aim at the learning of acid, base and pH scale concepts. The results point out a high potential of the use of role-playing game in school as a voluntary activity and complementary to the teaching of sciences, as well as the formation of the student in general, because besides the efficiency of the pedagogical use of this game for the science teaching, observed That the RPG besides motivating the students, provided an environment of cooperation, interaction, joint construction of knowledge and creativity

    Die Familie Steinthal vom Jahre 1720 bis 1935 1935-1961

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    Family tree of the Eleasar Steinthal family of Gröbzig, Germany, from 1720 to 1935. The family tree includes some birth and death dates and locations. Also included is a photocopy of the original family tree with additions up to 1961.Processed for digitizationdigitize

    Evaluación de la terapia de reentrenamiento (trt) como tratamiento para el acufeno en pacientes del Hospital Honorio Delgado Espinosa – Arequipa. 2015

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    La terapia de rentrenamiento (TRT) se está instaurando ampliamente y proporcionando los mejores resultados en el alivio de los pacientes con acufeno con mejoras en más del 80%. La “resistencia” a este método: la demora a que se empiece a percibir la ‘tan esperada’ mejora y la falta de conocimiento sobre el TRT. Nuestro objetivo es evaluar la efectividad de la Terapia de Reentrenamiento (TRT) como tratamiento del acúfeno. Se revisara archivos de pacientes con acúfeno que han empezado el TRT y el análisis de los resultados se llevará acabo al iniciar el tratamiento y 1°, 2°,3°, 6°, 9° y 12 mes. Para la evaluación de la respuesta del acúfeno utilizamos dos variables: EVA (escala visual analógica) y THI. Los criterios de inclusión para el análisis fueron: 1. La presencia de una indicación formal al TRT en el archivo. 2. Pacientes que cumplan con sus controles al inicio y 1°, 2°,3°, 6°, 9° y 12 mes. 3. Acúfeno constante de más de 6 meses de evolución y 4 . Pacientes que no reciban otro tipo de tratamiento (farmacológico).Trabajo de Investigació

    Otimização e caracterização microestrutural de cerâmicas de carbeto de silício obtidas com material nacional para uso em blindagem balística

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    Armas de fogo têm sido usadas em periódo dificeis da história, nos quais conflitos entre países têm ocorrido, ou no cotidiano cada vez amis violento das grandes cidades. Neste sentido, a blindagem de veículos, aeronaves e de pessoas é uma necessidade cada vez maior. Das cerâmicas utilizadas para esse fim, o carbeto de silício tem um excelente desempenho devido à alta dureza e baixa densidade. O objetivo desse trabalho é otimizar a manufatura de cerâmicas de carbeto de silício feitas de matéria prima nacional, caracterizá-las tanto quanto comparar suas características com aquelas de material importado, visando sua aplicação em blindagem balística pessoal ou de veículos leves. a fim de proporcionar independência tecnológica nessa área. Foram confeccionadas cerâmicas de carbeto de dilício de dois tipos de pós: um nacional Microservice e importado - H. C. Starck. As cerâmicas foram conformadas por prensagem uniaxial, seguida de prensagem isostática e sinterização com fase líquida, utilzando YAG como aditivo de sinterização. A caracterização das cerâmicas foir formada por: ensaios de flexão por quatro pontos, medidas de densidade, testes de dureza e ceramografia. As cerâmicas confeccionadas com o SiC H. C, Starck apresentaram maior densidade e maior resistência mecânica do que as demais. Enquanto que, as amostras nas quais o SIC da Microservice associado a 10% de YAG como aditivo foi usado, demostraram a mais alta homogeneidade e valores de resistência mecânica e dureza os mais próximos aos valores daquelas feitas com matéria-prima importada. Esses resultados mostram que é possível usar cerâmicas feitas com o SIC nacional para propósitos de blindagem balística.Firearms have beem used either in hard periods of history, in which conflicts between countries have occurred, or in the everyday life of the large cities, wich are more and more violent. Thus, the protection of vehicles, aircraft and people is an increasing need. Among ceramics used for this purpose, silicon carbide has an excellent performane due to its high hardness and low density. The goal of this work is to optimize the manufacture of the silicon carbide ceramics made from Brazilian raw-materials, characteriza them as well as to compares their characteristics with those form imported raw-material, aiming their application in personnel or in light vehicles armor to provide technological independence in this field. Silicon carbide ceramics were made of two kinds of powders: Brazilian - Microservice and importe - H. C. Starck. The ceramics were shaped by uniaxial pressing, followed by isostatic pressing, and liquid phase sintering using YAG as an sintering additive. The characterization of the ceramics was consisted of the four-point flexural tests, measurements of density, hardness testsm and ceramography. The ceramics made of SIC H.C. Starck presentes higher density and higher mechanical resistance than the others. While the samples of ceramicsm in wich the SIC of Microservice and a 10-percent of YAG as an additive was used, presented the highest homogeneity and mechanical resistance and hardness values closets to the values from those made of importes raw-materials. These results show it is possible to use ceramics, made of Brazilian sources for ballistica armor purposes.Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES