603 research outputs found

    Meshless Hemodynamics Modeling And Evolutionary Shape Optimization Of Bypass Grafts Anastomoses

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    Objectives: The main objective of the current dissertation is to establish a formal shape optimization procedure for a given bypass grafts end-to-side distal anastomosis (ETSDA). The motivation behind this dissertation is that most of the previous ETSDA shape optimization research activities cited in the literature relied on direct optimization approaches that do not guaranty accurate optimization results. Three different ETSDA models are considered herein: The conventional, the Miller cuff, and the hood models. Materials and Methods: The ETSDA shape optimization is driven by three computational objects: a localized collocation meshless method (LCMM) solver, an automated geometry pre-processor, and a genetic-algorithm-based optimizer. The usage of the LCMM solver is very convenient to set an autonomous optimization mechanism for the ETSDA models. The task of the automated pre-processor is to randomly distribute solution points in the ETSDA geometries. The task of the optimized is the adjust the ETSDA geometries based on mitigation of the abnormal hemodynamics parameters. Results: The results reported in this dissertation entail the stabilization and validation of the LCMM solver in addition to the shape optimization of the considered ETSDA models. The LCMM stabilization results consists validating a custom-designed upwinding scheme on different one-dimensional and two-dimensional test cases. The LCMM validation is done for incompressible steady and unsteady flow applications in the ETSDA models. The ETSDA shape optimization include single-objective optimization results in steady flow situations and bi-objective optimization results in pulsatile flow situations. Conclusions: The LCMM solver provides verifiably accurate resolution of hemodynamics and is demonstrated to be third order accurate in a comparison to a benchmark analytical solution of the Navier-Stokes. The genetic-algorithm-based shape optimization approach proved to be very effective for the conventional and Miller cuff ETSDA models. The shape optimization results for those two models definitely suggest that the graft caliber should be maximized whereas the anastomotic angle and the cuff height (in the Miller cuff model) should be chosen following a compromise between the wall shear stress spatial and temporal gradients. The shape optimization of the hood ETSDA model did not prove to be advantageous, however it could be meaningful with the inclusion of the suture line cut length as an optimization parameter

    Incidence of cervical stump metastasis after subtotal hysterectomy done to cases proved later by histopathology to be endometrial cancer in Al Shatby university maternity hospital patients

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    Background: Subtotal hysterectomy is associated with lesser complication, lesser time consuming than total one, but total hysterectomy has advantage of radicality of its management in cases of accidentally undiagnosed endometrial cancer proved later on by histopathology, that why hysterectomy should be total even in apparently benign causes that indicate it. The aim of this study was to access incidence of cervical stump invasion by malignancy in endometrial cancer cases and its relation to pathological types after subtotal hysterectomy done to cases proved later by histopathology to be endometrial cancer.Methods: Following approval by our institutional ethics committee a prospective and retrospective observational descriptive study was done on 100 patients recruited from gyne-oncological outpatient clinic of Shatby university hospital of Alexandria from August 2018 to June 2021 with past history of subtotal hysterectomy. All these cases were proved later after histopathological examination of the uterine body to have type 1 or type 2 endometrial cancer. Stumpectomy was done to all patients after a written informed consent were taken from them before the study. Histopathological examinations of the cervical stumps were done and incidence of stump invasion with cancer in relation to its type was analyzed.Results: Histopathological examination of the stump of all cases revealed that only 13 cases showed microscopic stump invasion. 7 cases with stump invasion were type 1 endometrial cancer, 4 cases were grade 1 and 3 cases were grade 2 in relation to 6 cases of stump invasion were type 2 endometrial cancer with papillary serous adenocarcinoma. Regarding relation between stump invasion and pathological types of endometrial cancer there was a significant statistical difference between them as type 2 are associated by higher number of stump invasion (p=0.0001).Conclusions: The present study concluded that cases subjected to subtotal hysterectomy with undiagnosed endometrial cancer are associated with considerable incidence of cervical stump invasion and type 2 endometrial cancer have higher incidence of cervical stump invasion in relation to type 1 endometrial cancer

    Protective role of Aspergillus fumigatus melanin against ultraviolet (UV) irradiation and Bjerkandera adusta melanin as a candidate vaccine against systemic candidiasis

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    Melanin protects pigmented cells from physical and biological stresses which are associated with virulence in several important human pathogens, but little is known about the immune response to this ubiquitous biologic compound. Melanin content increased in Aspergillus fumigatus mycelium exposed to ultraviolet for 10 min but gradually decreased after 60 min of UV exposure. So, it can be concluded that melanin protects fungus for survival until 60 min which was obvious after studying conidia and mycelia by transmission electron microscope (TEM). This research hypothesized that melanin produced by a higher fungus, Bjerkandera adusta, is immunogenic against fungal infection. Melanin was purified from melanized fungal hymenium layer and used in mice immunization, then the actively immunized mice were challenged 1 day later with 107 candidal spores. The antibody (Ab) response was evaluated by radio-immunodiffusion diffco-plate of IgM for accurate quantitative measurements of immunoglobulin in biological fluids. Candidasis was detected in mice target organs after the challenge and urea was assayed to detect the degree of kidney damage. The results demonstrate that melanin could be immunogenic; this is indicated through IgM follow-up and its development might suggests that this amorphous insoluble polymer can stimulate the immune system against the latter challenge, thus reducing the degree of infection. This was observed through the reduction of candidiasis and the enhancement of kidney function.Key words: Melanin, ultraviolet (UV) irradiation, active immunization

    Effect of different concentrations of phenol on growth of some fungi isolated from contaminated soil

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    Phenol concentration in 25 water samples collected from three Egyptian Governorates (El- Gharbia, Kafer El-Sheik and El-Menofia) was assayed. The wastewater collected from El-Mehalla El-Kobra II (El- Gharbia governorate) was the most polluted sample with phenol and was equal to 0.0 88 mg/L. Czapeks medium was the most suitable among the other tested media for the growth of Hormodendrum bergeri, Fusarium oxysporum and Aspergillus flavus var. coulmnaris. However, where they were able to grow in the media containing 0.1 g/100 ml phenol, they failed to grow in the potato dextrose medium (PDA) with 0.14 g/100 ml phenol. On the other hand, the efficiency of Aspergillus ochroceus to grow on phenol was low when compared with H. bergeri, F. oxysporum and A. flavus var. coulmnaris. The growth of H. bergeri, F. oxysporum and A. flavus var. coulmnaris was optimum on the medium that contained 0.1 g/100 ml phenol after 6 days. The addition of a mixture of vitamins (B1 + B6 + B12) at 0.1% (w/v) to Cazpeks medium enhanced the growth of H. bergeri, F. oxysporum and A. flavus var. coulmnaris in the presence of phenol. Growth in the presence of phenol induced some morphological modification in both F. oxysporum and A. flavus var. coulmnaris.Key words: Phenol, growth, fungi, morphological changes

    Extracción con disolventes del aceite de jojoba a partir de harina prensada de jojoba

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    The solvent extraction process of jojoba oil from the meal cake obtained after the mechanical pressing of jojoba seeds was studied. Commercial hexane and petroleum ether were used as solvents and the extraction was carried out at temperatures ranging from 30 to 55 °C using solvent-to-solid ratios, R between 2 and 15 L/kg. The equilibrium compositions of the solvent and solid phases were determined. Based on the equilibrium data, the partition coefficient or distribution ratio, D of the oil between both phases was estimated. Also, the number of extraction stages necessary to achieve a certain degree of oil recovery has been determined using different hexane-to-meal ratios. Jojoba oil was also tested for its physical and chemical properties including chemical composition, percentage fatty acid, peroxide value, flash point, fire point, pour point, refractive index, saponification and iodine values. The stability of jojoba oil during storage at room temperature and during heat treatment was also studied.Se ha estudiado el proceso de extracción con disolventes del aceite contenido en la harina residual del prensado mecánico de las semillas de jojoba. Como disolventes se han utilizado hexano técnico y éter de petróleo, habiéndose efectuado extracciones a temperaturas comprendidas entre 30 ºC y 55 ºC , con relaciones de disolvente a sólido, R, de entre 12 y 15 L/kg. Se han determinado las composiciones del extracto y del residuo sólido en el equilibrio y a partir de los datos de equilibrio, se ha estimado el coeficiente de partición o cociente de distribución, D, del aceite entre ambas fases. Asimismo, se ha determinado el número de etapas de extracción necesarias para conseguir un cierto grado de recuperación del aceite, utilizando diferentes relaciones entre hexano y harina. También se han determinado las propiedades físicas y químicas del aceite de jojoba, incluyendo la composición química, el porcentaje de ácidos grasos, el índice de peróxidos, el punto de inflamación, el punto de ignición, el punto de deslizamiento, el índice de refracción y los índices de saponificación y de yodo. Se ha estudiado asimismo la estabilidad del aceite durante su almacenamiento a temperatura ambiente y durante el calentamiento

    Exercise programmes for individuals with ESRD treated with dialysis and their effect forquality of life.

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    Title Exercise programmes for individuals with ESRD treated with dialysis and their effect for quality of life. Objective: To evaluate an effect of regular 6 months intradialytic exercise programmes at functional state and quality of life in patients with ESRD. Methods: 15 patients with ESRD on haemodialysis participated in exercise programme during haemodialysis. Senior Fitness Test (SFT), dynamometry of hands and questionnaire tool SF-36 were used to evaluate physical function and quality of life of the research group before and after 6 month exercise period. Results: Results of output motoric tests and questionnaire tool after exercise intervention were conform with majority of cases or better than the results of input tests. Improvement was recorded for patients, that did exercises regularly. Only in one test we observed statisticaly significant change- in case of women, increased their test performance in 2-minute step test (p<0,04). In case of men there were no statistical significant difference. Statisticaly significance of changes between input and output tests, were evaluated by small number of patients in group. In majority of the results before and after exercise intervention were no statistical significant difference. Summary: Regular exercise programmes realized during hemodialysis can...Název Pohybové programy pro jedince s CHSL léčené dialýzou a možnost jejich využití k ovlivnění kvality života Cíl práce: Vyhodnotit vliv pravidelného šesti měsíčního pohybového programu prováděného v průběhu hemodialýzy na funkční stav a kvalitu života HD pacientů. Metody: 15 osob s CHSL léčených hemodialýzou se zúčastnilo pohybového programu v průběhu hemodialýzy. Senior Fitness Test (SFf), ruční dynamometrie a dotazníkový nástroj SF-36 byly použity ke zhodnocení tělesné zdatnosti a kvality života výzkumného souboru před a po absolvování pohybového programu v průběhu hemodialýzy. Výsledky: Výsledky výstupních motorických testů a dotazníkového šetření kvality života po proběhlé pohybové intervenci se ve většině případů shodovaly anebo byly lepší, než výsledky vstupních testů. Zlepšení byla zaznamenána především u těch pacientů, kteří cvičili pravidelně. Co se týká statistické významnosti rozdHů vstupních a výstupních testů, bylo toto hodnocení ovlivněno malým počtem pacientů v souboru. Nebylo zjištěno, že by rozdfiy mezi výsledky většiny testů před a po pohybové intervenci byly statisticky významné. Pouze u jediného testu byl rozdfi natolik velký, že ho i v malém počtu respondentů zaznamenal Wilcoxonův znaménkový test. Jednalo se o Step test 2 min. a to u žen, kde bylo zaznamenáno statisticky...Univerzita Karlova, Fakulta tělesné výchovy a sportuFakulta tělesné výchovy a sportuFaculty of Physical Education and Spor

    Impact of Cytotoxin-Associated Gene Product-A Positive Helicobacter Pylori Strains on Micro-albuminuria in Type 2 Diabetes

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    Introduction: Available data on the possible association between Helicobacter Pylori (H. pylori) infection and diabetes mellitus (DM) are contradictory. The prevalence of cytotoxin associated gene product A (cagA) positive H. pylori is high in Egypt. This study aims to examine its association with type 2 DM, and its effect on glycemic control and the occurrence of microalbuminuria. Methods: The study involved 98 dyspeptic type 2 diabetic patients and 102 dyspeptic non-diabetic subjects who underwent upper gastrointestinal tract endoscopy in Zagazig university hospital. H. pylori infection was diagnosed by histopathology and/or culture. The presence of cagA positive strains was confirmed by polymerase chain reaction (PCR) and gel electrophoresis. Fasting blood sugar (FBS), glycosylated hemoglobin (HbA1c) and urinary albumin excretion ratio (UAER) were compared between infected and non-infected diabetic patients. Results: Diabetic patients had similar age and gender distribution but significantly higher body mass index (BMI) compared to controls. The prevalence of H. pylori infection (54.1% versus 56.9%, P = 0.3) and the prevalence of cagA positive H. pylori strains (40.8% versus 36.3%, P =0.1) were not significantly different between the two groups. Diabetic patients infected with cagA positive H. pylori strains had higher mean FBS (199±22 versus 163±20, P=0.00), higher mean HbA1c (8.6±0.8 versus 6.3±0.8, P=0.00) and higher rate of microalbuminuria (67.5% versus 10.3%, P=0.00) than non infected diabetic patients. Conclusion: H. pylori infection with cagA positive strains was similarly common in dyspeptic diabetic patients and controls. It was associated with poorer glycemic control and higher rates of microalbuminuria in diabetic subjects. Key words: cagA positive strains; Diabetes mellitus; Helicobatcer pylori; Microalbuminuri

    The Effect of Different Moringa Oleifera (Moringaceae) Leaves on Diabetic Rats

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    Background: Diabetes is a serious, long-term condition with a major impact on the lives. Type 2 diabetes is closely associated with insulin resistance and obesity and is characterized by impairments in physiological body processes and hyperglycemia and dyslipidemia. Moringa oleifera (MO) is a traditional herbal plant that has been used for a long time as a food ingredient or in traditional folk medicine. Aim and objectives: This study was conducted to investigate the effect of different Moringa oleifera leaves on diabetic rats.  Subjects and methods: This study was carried out at the Postgraduate Lab of Home Economic Faculty, Helwan University. Thirty-five adult female Sprague-Dawley rats were fed on standard diet for one week for adaptation. Rats then was randomly divided into two main groups. Result: The results indicated that, STZ treated rats showed significant reduction (P<0.05) in serum insulin concentration and, increased glucose levels compared to normal rats. Supplementation with Moringa oleifera leaves in the diet caused significant (P<0.05) increase in the concentration of insulin while glucose level was significantly (P<0.05) decreased compared to the positive control one. It was also observed that, liver and kidney functions and lipid profile of the treated rats was improved compared to the positive control group. Conclusion: Administration of Moringa oleiferia to diabetic rats ameliorated all the adverse effects of diabetes via modulation of insulin, glucose, liver and kidney function, and lipid profile, therefore Moringa oleiferia leaves extract and dried could be used as a suitable supplementation therapy for diabetic patients.&nbsp

    Therapeutic effects of Laser and L-carnitine against amiodarone-induced pulmonary toxicity in adult male rats

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    Purpose: To compare the effects of laser and/or L-carnitine (LC) on amiodarone (AM)-induced lung toxicity in adult male rats.Methods: Lung toxicity was induced in 50 healthy male albino rats (150-180 g) by AM for 8 weeks. The rats were divided into 4 groups (7 per group): AM recovery, LC, laser, and laser + LC. After a 4-week exposure to laser and/or LC, key antioxidant enzymes, nitric oxide (NO), angiotensin II, cyclooxygenase-II (COX-II) and lipoxygenase (LOX) as well as oxidative stress and inflammation parameters were determined.Results: Administration of LC and/or laser exposure led to significant increases in reduced glutathione (GSH), superoxide dismutase (SOD), catalase (CAT) and angiotensin II; and significant decreases in nitric oxide (NO) level and glutathione-S-transferase (GST) activity in the AM-treated rats when compared with the AM recovery group (p ˂ 0.05). The LC and/or laser exposure also significantly inhibited COX II and LOX activities in the lungs, and brought about significant reduction in levels of TNF-α and lipid peroxidation (LPO), and significant increases in cytochrome levels (p ˂ 0.05).Conclusion: These results indicate that AM induced pulmonary fibrosis in rats. However, AM withdrawal and treatment by LC and/or exposure to laser exerted mitigating effects against the AMinduced fibrosis.Keywords: Amiodarone, Lung toxicity, Laser; L-carnitin