332 research outputs found

    Markers characterizing corneal damage during aging of rat

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    Aging is a biological phenomenon that involves an increase of oxidative stress associated with gradual degradation of the structure and function of the cornea. Gender differences and subsequent deterioration of cornea is an interesting topic, especially yet few data are available concerning the impact of age, especially on the corneal. One hundred male and female Wistar albino rats ages 3, 6, 18, 24, and 30 months (n=10 equal for male and female) were used. At the time interval, cornea were investigated by light and transmission electron microscopy (TEM), immunohistochemistry of caspase 3 (casp3), glial fibrillar acidic protein(GFAP) and CD45 and  flow cytometry of DNA, bcl-2-like protein 4 (BAX), transforming growth factor beta (TGF-β) and Cd45 (lymphocyte common antigen). Light and TEM investigation  revealed apparent deterioration of atrophy of corneal epithelium with vesicular vacuolar degeneration, hyalinization of stromal collagen fibrils and swelling and degeneration of the endothelial lining the descemet's membrane. There was apparent loss of keratocytes within corneal stroma. Immunohistochemistry of casp 3 and CD45 were markedly increased manifesting cell damage. GFAP showed apparent reduction of innervation of corneal stroma and endothelium layer. Flow cytometry of DNA, Bax and TGF revealed increased apoptic cell death of cornea of 30M-old rats. We concluded that aging contributed to an apparent increase of cellular damage of different corneal region associated with alterations of cell markers

    Insertion of a foldable hydrophobic IOL through the trabeculectomy fistula in cases with Microincision cataract surgery combined with trabeculectomy

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    BACKGROUND: The use of conventional foldable hydrophobic intraocular lenses (IOLs) in microincision cataract surgery (MICS) currently requires wound enlargement. We describe a combined surgical technique of MICS and trabeculectomy with insertion of a foldable IOL through the trabeculectomy fistula. METHODS: After completion of MICS through two side port incisions, a 3.2 mm keratome is used to enter the anterior chamber under the previously outlined scleral flap. An Acrysof multi piece IOL (Alcon labs, Fort Worth, Tx) is inserted into the capsular bag through this incision. The scleral flap is then elevated and a 2 × 2 mm fistula made with a Kelly's punch. The scleral flap and conjunctival closure is performed as usual. RESULTS: Five patients with primary open angle glaucoma with a visually significant cataract underwent the above mentioned procedure. An IOL was implated in the capsular bag in all cases with no intraperative complications. After surgery, all patients obtained a best corrected visual acuity of 20/20, IOL was well centered at 4 weeks follow up. The mean IOP (without any antiglaucoma medication) was 13.2 + 2.4 mm Hg at 12 weeks with a well formed diffuse filtering bleb in all the cases. CONCLUSION: The technique of combining MICS with trabeculectomy and insertion of a foldable IOL through the trabeculectomy fistula is a feasible and valuable technique for cases which require combined cataract and glaucoma surgery

    Risk Factors for Tube Shunt Exposure: A Matched Case-Control Study

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    Purpose. To evaluate potential risk factors for developing tube shunt exposure in glaucoma patients. Patients and Methods. Forty-one cases from 41 patients that had tube shunt exposure from 1996 to 2005 were identified from the Robert Cizik Eye Clinic and Bascom Palmer Eye Institute. Each case was matched with 2 controls of the same gender and with tube shunts implanted within 6 months of the index case. Conditional logistic regression was used to determine risk factors. Results. The study cohort includes a total of 121 eyes from 121 patients. The mean age was 63.6 ± 19.7 years, ranging from 1 to 96 years. The average time to exposure was 19.29 ± 23.75 months (range 0.36–85.74 months). Risk factors associated with tube exposure were Hispanic ethnicity (; OR = 3.6; 95% CI, 1.3–9.7), neovascular glaucoma (; OR = 28.5; 95% CI, 2.6–316.9), previous trabeculectomy (; OR = 5.3; 95% CI, 1.6–17.7), and combined surgery (; OR = 3.7; 95% CI, 1.1–12.7). Conclusions. Hispanic ethnicity, neovascular glaucoma, previous trabeculectomy, and combined surgery were identified as potential risk factors for tube shunt exposure. These potential risk factors should be considered when determining the indication for performing tube shunt implantation and the frequency of long-term followup

    Improving the biopharmaceutical attributes of mangiferin using vitamin E-TPGS co-loaded self-assembled phosholipidic nano-mixed micellar systems

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    The current research work encompasses the development, characterization, and evaluation of self-assembled phospholipidic nano-mixed miceller system (SPNMS) of a poorly soluble BCS Class IV xanthone bioactive, mangiferin (Mgf) functionalized with co-delivery of vitamin E TPGS. Systematic optimization using I-optimal design yielded self-assembled phospholipidic nano-micelles with a particle size of  80% of drug release in 15 min. The cytotoxicity and cellular uptake studies performed using MCF-7 and MDA-MB-231 cell lines demonstrated greater kill and faster cellular uptake. The ex vivo intestinal permeability revealed higher lymphatic uptake, while in situ perfusion and in vivo pharmacokinetic studies indicated nearly 6.6- and 3.0-folds augmentation in permeability and bioavailability of Mgf. In a nutshell, vitamin E functionalized SPNMS of Mgf improved the biopharmaceutical performance of Mgf in rats for enhanced anticancer potency

    Antioxidant effect of Morus nigra on Chagas disease progression

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    ABSTRACT Considering the widespread popular use of Morus nigra and the amount of scientific information on its antioxidant and anti-inflammatory activity, the effectiveness of this phytotherapeutic compound in the parasitemia progression during the acute phase of Chagas disease and its role in the development of the inflammatory process as well as its effects on the oxidative damage in the chronic phase of infection were evaluated. Thus, 96 male Swiss mice were randomly divided into eight groups, four groups were uninfected controls, and four groups were intraperitoneally infected with 5.0 x 104 blood trypomastigotes forms of T. cruzi QM2 strain. Four batches composed of one uninfected and one infected group were respectively treated with 70% alcohol solution and 25 μL, 50 μL and 75 μL of the phytotherapeutic compound. Levels of antioxidant elements (TBARS, FRAP, GSH and Sulfhydryl groups) were measured in plasma samples. The phytotherapeutic compound’s antioxidant activity was measured by polyphenol and total flavonoid quantification, DPPH, NO, and FRAP method. Our results showed that the vehicle influenced some of the results that may have physiological relevance in Chagas disease. However, an important action of M. nigra tincture was observed in the progression of Chagas disease, since our results demonstrated a reduction in parasitemia of treated groups when compared to controls, especially in the group receiving 25 µL. However, in the chronic phase, the 50-µL dosage presented a better activity on some antioxidant defenses and minimized the tissue inflammatory process. Results indicated an important action of M. nigra tincture on the Chagas disease progression

    Abstracts from the 3rd International Genomic Medicine Conference (3rd IGMC 2015)

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    Adipogenic and Osteogenic Markers Characterization of Human Amniotic Fluid Stem Cells

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    Objective: Human amniotic fl uid stem cells (HAFSCs) derived from human amniotic fl uid during parturition are of good source in regenerative medicine for development to either adipocyte, chondrogenic or osteogenic cells.Methods and results: The HAFSCs were obtained from amniotic fl uid post-parturition. A written informed consent had been taken beforehand from mothers after parturition during admission in Mansoura&nbsp; University Hospital, Egypt. Cultured in adipogenic or osteogenic culture for 4,7,14 &amp; 21 days. Flow cytometry of HAFSCs for Oct-4, CD13,, CD29 , CD 90 , CD34 and CD 14. Gene expression for&nbsp; adipogenic (PCR of leptin, peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor-γ and lipoprotein lipase) and&nbsp; osteogenic (osteocalcin) cells were carried out. Biochemical assessments of adipogenic (lipoprotein lipase enzyme and glycerol-3-phosphate dehydrogenase) and osteogenic (alkaline phosphatase,&nbsp; B-galactosidase and calcium content) markers. HAFSCs were positive for Oct-4, CD13,, CD29 , CD 90 and negative CD34 and CD 14. Also, light and transmission electron microscopic investigation of adipocyte stem cell culture were investigated at 4,7,14 &amp; 21 days in both two models. Adipocyte derived from HASCs displayed fibroblastic morphology and confluence at 7 days and fl at-shape with positive oil red staining at 14 &amp;21 days. At ultrastructural level, the adipocyte derived from HASCs exhibited ideal structure. Also, it showed adipogenic gene expression and biochemical investigation. Similar was&nbsp; observed of its osteogenic affi nity of bone cells derived from HFASCs. Conclusion: The authors concluded that HAFSCs are capable of differentiating into adipocyte,&nbsp; osteoblast and chondroblast depending on the culture medium and are important in regenerating medicine.</p