23 research outputs found

    Metabonomic Investigation of Single and Multiple Strain Trypanosoma brucei brucei Infections

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    Although co-infections are common and can have important epidemiologic and evolutionary consequences, studies exploring biochemical effects of multiple-strain infections remain scarce. We studied metabolic responses of NMRI mice to Trypanosoma brucei brucei single (STIB777AE-Green1 or STIB246BA-Red1) and co-infections using a 1H nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) spectroscopy-based metabolic profiling strategy. All T. b. brucei infections caused an alteration in urinary biochemical composition by day 4 postinfection, characterized by increased concentrations of 2-oxoisocaproate, D-3-hydroxybutyrate, lactate, 4-hydroxyphenylacetate, phenylpyruvate, and 4-hydroxyphenylpyruvate, and decreased levels of hippurate. Although there were no marked differences in metabolic signatures observed in the mouse infected with a single or dual strain of T. b. brucei, there was a slower metabolic response in mice infected with T. b. brucei green strain compared with mice infected with either the red strain or both strains concurrently. Pyruvate, phenylpyruvate, and hippurate were correlated with parasitemia, which might be useful in monitoring responses to therapeutic interventions

    Corporate social responsibility of hotels for enhancing performance of undergraduate hospitality students

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    Hospitality market stakeholders are in need of powerful strategies to be successful in bothcompetitive industry and surrounded society. So, Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) became one of thehighly preferred strategies for gaining a good reputation and a competitive advantage. Moreover, they mustbe linked with hospitality higher educational institutions for achieving their social responsibility plans andimproving undergraduates who are expected to be their future workforces. This research aims to highlightthe role of hotels social responsibility plans in improving hospitality undergraduates In Egypt. The researchwas conducted on a sample of 51 Egyptian five star hotel human resource managers. Survey method wasused to collect research data. Statistical package for social sciences "SPSS" program Volume 17 was used toanalyze the selected data. The research revealed a remarkable defect in communication between hotels andhospitality higher educational organizations managements'. So, the research recommends a framework forenhancing undergraduates from hospitality stakeholders' perspective

    Epidemiological Studies on listeriosis in Sheep

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    This study carried out at El-Dakahilia governorate on 2448 sheep located in six flocks, varied ages and with history of nervous manifestation. The Prevalence of nervous manifestations was 4.9% (105 /2448). The case fatality rate and mortality rate were 77.14 % and 3.3 % respectively. The percent of Listeria monocytogenes was 26.66% (8/30). Examinationof CSF of diseased and control healthy sheep revealed significance elevation of total cell count, total protein and Creatinine cytokinase of diseased than control sheep.Key words: Listeriosis clinical signs, Sheep, Listeria monocytogenes, CSF examinationCette étude a été réalisée dans le gouvernorat d’El-Dakahilia sur 2448 moutons appartenant à six troupeaux, d’âges variés et avec un historique de manifestation nerveuse. La prévalence des manifestations nerveuses a été de 4,9% (105/2448). Les taux de cas d’issue fatale et de mortalité ont été 77,14% et 3,3% respectivement. Le pourcentage de Listeria monocytogene était de 26,66% (30/08). L’examen du Liquide Cérébro-spinale (LCR) chez les malades et chez les moutons témoins sains a révélé une élévation importante du nombre total de cellules, des protéines totales et de la Créatinine cytokinase chez les malades par rapport aux moutons témoins.Mots clés: signes cliniques de la listériose, moutons, Listeria monocytogenes, Examen du LC

    Some Studies On Neonatal Calf Diarrhoea In Egypt PART 2: Control

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    Deux vaccins commerciaux disponibles ont été utilisés dans un essai pour le contrôle de la diarrhée du veau néonatal. Trente vaches gravides au dernier trimestre de gestation ont été réparties en trois groupes égaux. Dans le premier groupe, on a administré aux animaux le vaccin Entero-3 (5ml/animal, 2 doses, à deux semaines d’intervalle) ; dans ledeuxième groupe, le vaccin Scour guard 3 « K » (2ml/animal, 2 doses, à deux semaines d’intervalle) et dans le dernier groupe, les animaux n’étaient pas vaccinés (groupetémoin). Des prélèvements de sérums ont été recueillis des animaux vaccinés et des sujets témoins au jour 0, 7, 14, 21, 28, 35 après la vaccination et le 1er, 4è, 8è, 14è, 21è, 28èjour après la mise bas des veaux. La réponse immunitaire des animaux vaccinés a montré un accroissement linéaire des titres d’anticorps neutralisant dans le sérum après la deuxième dose d’injection avec leniveau maximum à la mise bas comparé aux animaux non-vaccinés du groupe-témoin. L’immunité passive chez les veaux après l’ingestion de colostrum a indiqué que le titre d’anticorps neutralisant dans le sérum a montré un titre maximum le premier jour, puis a baissé peu à peu et a atteint un niveau minimum de protection le 35è jour comparé auxveaux du groupe non-vacciné. On peut conclure qu’il faudrait faire le test de sensibilité pour choisir le meilleur antibiotique à utiliser le plus tôt possible avec d’autres produits thérapeutiques pour le traitement desanimaux. La vaccination des vaches gravides avec des vaccins commerciaux disponibles confère une bonne protection contre la diarrhée du veau néonatal.Two commercially available vaccines were used in a trial to control neonatal diarrhea. Thirty pregnant cows at the last trimester of gestation were allocated into three equal groups. In the first group, animals were administered Entero -3 vaccine (5ml/animal, 2 doses, at two weeks  interval); in the second, Scour guard 3 "K" vaccine ( 2 ml/animal,2 doses, 2 weeks interval) and the last group was the no-vaccinated control. Sera samples were collected from the vaccinated and control animals at day 0, 7, 14, 21, 28, 35 post vaccination and 1st, 4th, 8th , 14th , 21st , 28th day after birth for the calves. The immune response of animals vaccinated showed a linear increase in serum neutralizing antibody titers after 2nd dose of injection with the maximum level at time ofparturition compared with non vaccinated control animal. The passive immunity in calves after colostrum intakes revealed that serum neutralizing antibody titers showed maximum titer in first day, then decreased gradually and reached the minimum protective level at35 days compared to calves in non-vaccinated group. It can be concluded that the Sensitivity test should be done to determine the best betantibiotic to be used in treatment as early as possible with other therapeutics. Vaccination of pregnant dams with available commercial vaccines give good result for protection against neonatal calf diarrhoea

    Prevention And Control Of Highly Pathogenic Avian Influenza In Africa

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    Highly Pathogenic Avian Influenza (HPAI) is a zoonotic trans-boundary disease. Its occurrence in a country constitutes a major constraint to profitable livestock operations and poses a high public health risk at regional and global levels. Since February 2006, HPAI has infected eleven African countries (Nigeria, Egypt, Niger, Cameroon, Burkina Faso, Côte d\'Ivoire, Sudan, Djibouti, Ghana, Togo and Benin). The rest of Africa remains at high risk due to the persistence of the virus in Egypt and Nigeria. African Union/Interafrican Bureau for Animal Resources (AU/IBAR), which has the continental mandate for control of animal diseases, together with other international institutions, including the African Livestock (ALIVE) Platform partners, have coordinated and assisted the continent in managing the risks posed by HPAI, such as assessment of continental gaps and needs, preparation of national Emergency Plans (EP) and subsequent Action Plans. The EP & Action Plans have not been entirely successful in managing the disease and lessons learnt from the HPAI crisis should therefore shape the way forward both in terms of sustainable immediate and longer term needs.La Grippe aviaire hautement pathogène (GAHP) est une maladie oonotique transfrontalière. Son apparition dans un pays représente un obstacle majeur aux activités d\'élevage et constitue un grave danger pour la santé publique au niveau régional et mondial. Depuis février 2006, la GAHP a infecté onze pays africains (le Nigeria, l\'Egypte, le Niger, le Cameroun, le Burkina Faso, la Côte d\'Ivoire, le Soudan, Djibouti, le Ghana, le Togo et le Bénin). Le reste de l\'Afrique est menacé à cause de la persistance du virus en Egypte et au Nigeria. Le Bureau Interafricain des Ressources Animales de l\'Union Africaine (UA/BIRA) qui a pour mandat de lutter contre les maladies animales au niveau continental, en coopération avec d\'autres institutions internationales telles que les partenaires de la Plate-forme ALIVE, a coordonné et aidé le continent dans la gestion des risques de GAHP à travers: l\'évaluation des lacunes à combler et des besoins du continent ; et l\'élaboration de Plans d\'urgence nationaux (PUN) et de Plans d\'action. Les PUN et les Plans d\'action n\'ont, toutefois, pas complètement réussi à gérer la maladie et les leçons tirées de la crise de GAHP devraient donc tracer la voie pour ce qui est des besoins immédiats et à long terme.Bulletin of Animal Health and Production in Africa Vol. 56 (1) 2008: pp. 5-1

    Some Studies On Neonatal Calf Diarrhea In Egypt Part 1: Causative agents and some epidemiological aspects

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    L’examen clinique de 1200 veaux néonatals dans trois fermes situées dans différentes localités en Egypte a révélé que 200 veaux souffraient à des degrés divers de diarrhée et de déshydratation. Les veaux étaient classés en 4 groupes selon leur âge : 1er groupe (1 – 7 jours) ; 2ème groupe (8 – 14 jours) ; 3ème groupe (15 – 21 jours) et 4èmegroupe (22 – 30 jours). A partir de l’isolement et de l’identification du virus par le Test de neutralisation du sérum utilisant le sérum de référence connu, 53 échantillons fécaux sur 200 ont produit un effet cytopathique sur la culture de tissus. Des virus Rota étaient isolés de 38 échantillons,des virus Corona de 25 échantillons. L’infection mixte entre les virus Rota et Corona était observée dans 10 échantillons et l’infection mixte entre les virus Rota et le virus BVD dans 5 échantillons. Le taux le plus élevé d’isolement de virus s’est produit dans le 2ème groupe.E-coli spp était isolé de 45 échantillons et Salmonella spp de 10 échantillons ; un échantillon avait une infection mixte. Le taux le plus élevé d’isolement d’E-coli et de Salmonella s’est produit dans le 1er groupe (30%) et dans le 2ème groupe (8,6%) respectivement.Clostridium perferingens spp était isolé de 10,5% des échantillons et le taux le plus élevé s’est produit dans le 4ème groupe (13,3%).Soixante échantillons sur 200 étaient infectés par l’ovocyste  cryptosporidium parvum et l’on a constaté le taux d’infection le plus élevé dans le 2ème groupe (42,8%).The clinical examination on 1200 neonatal calves in three different farms in various localities in Egypt revealed that 200 calves suffered from variable degrees of diarrhea and dehydration. The calves were classified according to their ages into 4 groups: 1st group: 1-7 day; 2nd group: 8-14 day; 3rd group: 15-21 days and 4th group: 22-30 days. From the viral isolation and identification by Serum neutralization Test (SNT) usingknown reference serum, 53 out of 200 fecal samples gave Cytopathic Effect (CPE) on tissue culture: Rota viruses were isolated from 38 samples, Corona viruses from 25 samples, the mixed infection between Rota and  Corona viruses was observed in 10 samples and the mixed infection between Rota viruses and BVD virus in 5 samples. The highest rate of viral isolation occurred in 2nd group. E- coli spp was isolated from 45 samples and Salmonella spp. isolated from 10 samples and one sample had mixed infection. The highest isolation rate of E-coli and of Salmonellaoccurred in 1st age group of (30 %) and in 2nd age group (8.6 %).Clostridium Perferingens spp. were isolated from 10.5 % of the samples, the highest rate occurred in 4th age group (13.3%).Sixty out of 200 samples were infected with Cryptosporidium parvum oocyst. The highest infection rate was found in 2nd group of age (42.8 %).The study indicated the effects of age and location (management) on  neonatal diarrhoeic infection in cattle in three randomly selected farms in Egypt. The data confirms the principal causal agent in neonatal calf diarrhoea in Egypt as Escherichia coli, Rotavirus, Corona virus, Clostridium perfringens, Salmonella spp and Cryptosporidium spp as a single or mixed infection by the isolated agents. In addition, diet, management andsanitation are also significant contributory factors in the aetiology of neonatal calf diarrhoea in Egypt

    Epidemiological Studies on Bovine Babesiosis

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    This study carried out at Dakahilia and Daimetta provinces in Nile Delta, Northern Egypt, 650 cattle of different ages (all of them were over six months) were investigated. Of them 234 were considered as suspected cases from which the peripheral blood smears were examined microscopically. The prevalence of B.bigemina through Giemsa stained blood smears positivity was found to be 7.69 %. All stained blood smears were negative for B. bovis. Blood smears positivity cleared a seasonal pattern and an age profile with significant differences. In sporadic farmers and small holders sector at Dakahlia province; seroprevalence by IFAT for B. bigemina was 47% indicative of a situation of endemic instability with significant clinical disease risk. This is consistent with clinical cases of babesiosis that diagnosed through stained blood smears and the indiscriminate tick control practices in these two sectors. On the other hand, the tick control programmes were more aggressive and sustained with good results in intensive farms at Daimetta province leading to a minimal disease situation

    Field Evaluation Of The Polyvalent Inactivated Bvd, Ibr, Pi-3 And Brsv Vaccine Adjuvanted With Nigella Sativa Oil In Pregnant Dams And Their Calves

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    A polyvalent inactivated respiratory virus vaccine adjuvanted with Nigella sativa oil containing bovine viral diarrhea (BVD), Infectious Bovine Rhinotracheitis (IBR), Parainfluenza type 3 (PI-3) and bovine respiratory syncytial virus (BRSV) was evaluated in pregnant dams. Dams were at late stage of pregnancy (third trimester). The neutralizing antibody started to increase following vaccination at 3 weeks post vaccination above the protective level and increase to maximal level at parturition as follows for dams delivered after 2nd vaccination during 1-1.5 months were 1.70, 1.80, 1.90, and 1.65 for BVD, IBR, PI-3 and BRS viruses respectively. Dams delivered after 2nd vaccination during 2-3 months were 1.95, 2.00, 2.10, and 2.00 for BVD, IBR, PI-3 and BRS viruses respectively. The titers of the offspring born to vaccinated cows are as follows for calves delivered after 2nd vaccination during 1-1.5 months were 1.25, 0.80, 0.55, and 0.60 for BVD, IBR, PI-3 and BRS viruses respectively. Calves delivered after 2nd vaccination during 2-3 months were 1.68, 0.90, 0.43, and 0.74 for BVD, IBR, PI-3 and BRS viruses respectively. The Nigella Sativa oil adjuvanted vaccine can be used safely in immunization of pregnant dams to control the infection in newly borne calves.On a évalué chez des mères gravides un vaccin inactivé polyvalent avec un adjuvant d'huile de nigelle contre le virus de la diarrhée virale bovine (BVD), de la rhinotrachéite infectieuse bovine (IBR), le virus paragrippal type 3 (PI-3) et le virus respiratoire syncytial bovin (BRS). Les mères étaient au dernier stade de gravidité (troisième trimestre). Trois semaines après la vaccination, l'anticorps neutralisant a commencé à augmenter audessus du niveau de protection pour atteindre un niveau maximal au vêlage. Les niveaux de protection après la deuxième vaccination chez les mères 1-1½ mois après le vêlage étaient comme suit : 1,70 ; 1,80 ; 1,90 et 1,65 pour les virus de BVD, IBR, PI-3 et BRS respectivement. Les niveaux de protection après la deuxième vaccination chez les mères 2-3 mois après le vêlage étaient : 1,95 ; 2 ; 2,10 et 2 pour les virus de BVD, IBR, PI-3 et BRS respectivement. Après la deuxième vaccination des mères, les niveaux de protection des veaux issus de ces mères 1-1½ mois après le vêlage étaient comme suit : 1,25 ; 0,80 ; 0,55 et 0,60 pour les virus BVD, IBR, PI-3 et BRS respectivement. Après la deuxième vaccination des mères, les niveaux de protection des veaux issus de ces mères 2-3 mois après le vêlage étaient les suivants : 1,68 ; 0,90 ; 0,43 et 0,74 pour les virus BVD, IBR, PI-3 et BRS respectivement. Le vaccin avec l'adjuvant d'huile de nigelle peut être utilisé en toute sécurité pour l'immunisation des mères gravides pour le contrôle de l'infection des veaux nouvellement mis bas.Bulletin of Animal Health and Production in Africa Vol. 54 (4) 2006: pp. 5-1

    A seroprevalence study of ovine and caprine brucellosis in three main regions of Somaliland (Northern Somalia)

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    A random survey to study the seroprevalence of ovine and caprine brucellosis was carried out between July 2008 and January 2009 in three main districts of arid and semiarid rearing regions of Somaliland. A total of 1938 sheep, and 1344 goats’ blood sera were randomly collected from 42 herd/flock of accessible unvaccinated sheep andgoats to be analyzed. Rose Bengal Plate Test (RBPT) and indirect ELISA (I-ELISA) were used to screen all serum samples. At herd level, for sheep, a total 42 herd/flocks were examined, out of which, 2 (4.8%) were seronegative while 40 (95.2%) were seropositive by I-ELISA, 10 (23.8%) were seronegative and 32 (76.2%) seropositive by RBPT. Atherd level, for goats, a total 42 herd/flocks were examined, out of which, 6 (14.3%) were seronegative while 36 (85.7%) were seropositive by I-ELISA, 11 (26.2%) were seronegative and 32 (73.8%) seropositive by RBPT. A non significant seroprevalence differences were found at herd level between the three studied districts. There was no significant difference in the prevalence of brucellosis between the different studieddistricts. This study throws a strong light on that sheep and goats should be included in a national program for control and eradication of brucellosis in Somaliland. Further epidemiological studies and identification of the Brucella biotypes involved is recommended

    Seroprevalence of FMD in cattle, sheep and goats in Somaliland

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    This study was conducted in the period July 2011 to February 2012 in Berbera veterinary Quarantine in North West Somalia (Somaliland) to determine the seroprevalence of FMD in cattle, sheep and goats using PrioCHECK®-FMDV NS ELISA. A total of 1080, 840 and 2080 sera samples from cattle, sheep and goats, respectively, were examined by ELISA against 3ABC NSP of FMDV. The result revealed that, the seroprevalence of FMD in cattle was (200/1080) 18.52%. Higher (p< 0.05) prevalence (20%) was found in summer season. The seroprevalence was higher (p>0.05) in age group > 4 year (147/530) 27.74% as compared with age group 2- 4 year (51/300) 17% and the age group < 2 year ( 0. 8%). The overall seroprevalence of FMD in sheep and goat in the three regions in  Somaliland, Burao, Borma and Hargeisa was (366/2880)12.71%. Among the districts seroprevalence of FMD was higher (p>0.05) in Buroa district (160/900) 17.78% as compared with Borma (143/1080) 13.24% and Hargeisa 7%. Higher ((p<0.05) seroprevalence was found in sheep (143/840) 17.03% as compared with goats (223/2040) 12.71%. For sheep and goats higher ((p<0.05) seroprevalence was recorded in summer season 14.56% as compared with the winter 11.2%. Higher (p<0.05) seroprevalence (21.43%) was recorded in sheep >3 years as compared with goats (17%), while the seroprevalence recorded for age group 6month to 1year was 6% in sheep and 2.67% in goats. In conclusion the seroprevalence of FMD in cattle, sheep and goats was found to be high in the studied districts of Somaliland. A further study to determine the serotypes is recommended. Furthermore, given that the animals entering the market chain come from the neighboring countries there is a need to enhance the inspection and certification at the border points. The movement of animals in search of pasture or trade across the national borders in the region calls upon a regionally coordinated and harmonized FMD control strategy especially for trade with Middle East countries including Egypt