74 research outputs found

    DNA Fingerprinting, Chemical Composition and Antimicrobial Activity of the Essential Oil isolated from the Fruits of Serenoa repens W. Bartram

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    The chemical composition of the essential oil obtained from the fruits of Serenoa repens W. Bartram by hydrodistillation has been studied by GC/MS analysis. The analysis of the essential oil revealed the presence of 60 identified compounds (monoterpene and sesquiterpene) oxygenated and non-oxygenated compounds in the oil sample including about 53 compounds which were not reported in GC/MS analysis of the essential oil before. GC/MS analysis revealed 4-(1-methylethyl)-Benzaldehyde to be the major constituent of the essential oil of the fruits 58.56% followed by 2-Caren-10-al and 3-Caren-10-al (11.83% and 2.87%, respectively). So far nothing could be traced concerning the oil biological activity. The antimicrobial sensitivity as well as the MIC against different fungal, gram positive and gram negative strains was carried out. The antimicrobial snsitivity was higher as antifungal followed by the Gram-positive strains, and Gram-negative bacteria strains compared to the positive controls. The essential oil showed high selective antimicrobial potential (MIC 1.95–62.5 μg/mL for bacteria; and MIC 3.9–31.25 μg/mL for fungi). DNA fingerprinting of the cultivated leaves were carried out for authentication of the plant. Keywords: Serenoa repens, essential oil, 4-(1-methylethyl)-Benzaldehyde, Antimicrobial, GC/MS, DNA

    Cytotoxic Activity and Metabolic Profiling of Fifteen Euphorbia Species

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    Euphorbia is a large genus of flowering plants with a great diversity in metabolic pattern. Testing the cytotoxic potential of fifteen Euphorbia species revealed highest activity of E. officinarum L. against CACO2 cell line (IC50 7.2 µM) and of E. lactea Haw. against HepG2 and MCF-7 cell lines (IC50 5.2 and 5.1 µM, respectively). Additionally, metabolic profiling of the fifteen tested species, using LC-HRMS, for dereplication purposes, led to the annotation of 44 natural compounds. Among the annotated compounds, diterpenoids represent the major class. Dereplication approach and multivariate data analysis are adopted in order to annotate the compounds responsible for the detected cytotoxic activity. Results of PCA come in a great accordance with results of biological testing, which emphasized the cytotoxic properties of E. lactea Haw. A similarity correlation network showed that the two compounds with the molecular formula C16H18O8 and C20H30O10, are responsible for cytotoxic activity against MCF-7 and HepG2 cell lines. Similarly, the compound with molecular formula C18H35NO correlates with cytotoxic activity against CACO2

    Variation in Seed Dormancy Quantitative Trait Loci in Arabidopsis thaliana Originating from One Site

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    A Quantitative Trait Locus (QTL) analysis was performed using two novel Recombinant Inbred Line (RIL) populations, derived from the progeny between two Arabidopsis thaliana genotypes collected at the same site in Kyoto (Japan) crossed with the reference laboratory strain Landsberg erecta (Ler). We used these two RIL populations to determine the genetic basis of seed dormancy and flowering time, which are assumed to be the main traits controlling life history variation in Arabidopsis. The analysis revealed quantitative variation for seed dormancy that is associated with allelic variation at the seed dormancy QTL DOG1 (for Delay Of Germination 1) in one population and at DOG6 in both. These DOG QTL have been previously identified using mapping populations derived from accessions collected at different sites around the world. Genetic variation within a population may enhance its ability to respond accurately to variation within and between seasons. In contrast, variation for flowering time, which also segregated within each mapping population, is mainly governed by the same QTL

    Cerebralna listerioza u deve na području Qassim u Središnjoj Saudijskoj Arabiji - prikaz slučajaDeva

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    A she-camel of about 6 years of age with neurological signs was admitted to the University Veterinary Teaching Hospital at Qassim, central Saudi Arabia, for diagnosis and treatment. Clinical examination showed lack of coordination of movements, Parkinson’s-like tremors of the head and lower lip paralysis. No parasite was detected in the stained blood smear, and except for leukocytosis and monocytosis, the result of the complete blood count (CBC) was normal. The results of the liver and kidney function tests were normal. The animal was infused with 4 units of 5% dextrose saline and injected with vitamin B1 and selenium preparations for the nervous manifestations. However, its health deteriorated rapidly and it was on lateral recumbency by the second day of admission. It died after one more day and was necropsied to investigate the cause of death. Postmortem examination showed slight congestion of the liver and the kidneys. The heart, meninges and the brain were congested and haemorrhagic. Histopathological examination showed acute lymphocytic meningeoencephalomyelitis in the medulla oblongata and spinal cord. Micro-abscesses containing neutrophils were seen in the medulla oblongata. Colonies of Listeria monocytogenes were obtained when the brain tissue was cultured in a cold environment. Smears made from the colonies showed Gram positive cocco-bacilli. Listeria monocytogenes was confirmed by PCR on DNA extracted from brain tissue.Deva u dobi od šest godina s neurološkim znakovima bila je radi dijagnoze i liječenja primljena na kliniku Veterinarskog Sveučilišta u Qassimu, Središnja Saudijska Arabija. Kliničkom pretragom ustanovljena je nekoordiniranost pokreta, tremor glave i paraliza donje usne slično kao kod Parkinsonove bolesti. U obojenim razmascima krvi nisu bili ustanovljeni paraziti, a hematološki nalaz bio je normalan osim što je ustanovljena leukocitoza i monocitoza. Nalazi funkcije jetara i bubrega bili su u fi ziološkim granicama. Životinja je dobila infuziju 4 jedinice 5% fiziološke otopine dekstroze s vitaminom B1 i preparatima selena zbog živčanih znakova. Ipak se njezino zdravstveno stanje naglo pogoršavalo te je drugoga dana bespomoćno ležala na boku. Uginula je trećega dana od primitka na kliniku te je razuđena da bi se otkrio uzrok uginuća. Postmortem pretraga pokazala je blagu kongestiju jetara i bubrega. Ustanovljeni su kongestija i krvarenja u srcu, moždanim ovojnicama i mozgu. Patohistološka pretraga pokazala je akutni limfocitni meningoencefalomijelitis u produženoj i kralježničnoj moždini. U produženoj moždini nalazili su se mikroapscesi koji su sadržavali neutrofile. Listeria monocytogenes bila je izdvojena iz moždanoga tkiva uzgojem u hladnim uvjetima. U razmascima kolonija dokazani su grampozitivni kokobacili. Nalaz bakterije Listeria monocytogenes bio je povrđen lančanom reakcijom polimerazom u DNA ekstrahiranoj iz moždanoga tkiva

    Major-Effect Alleles at Relatively Few Loci Underlie Distinct Vernalization and Flowering Variation in Arabidopsis Accessions

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    We have explored the genetic basis of variation in vernalization requirement and response in Arabidopsis accessions, selected on the basis of their phenotypic distinctiveness. Phenotyping of F2 populations in different environments, plus fine mapping, indicated possible causative genes. Our data support the identification of FRI and FLC as candidates for the major-effect QTL underlying variation in vernalization response, and identify a weak FLC allele, caused by a Mutator-like transposon, contributing to flowering time variation in two N. American accessions. They also reveal a number of additional QTL that contribute to flowering time variation after saturating vernalization. One of these was the result of expression variation at the FT locus. Overall, our data suggest that distinct phenotypic variation in the vernalization and flowering response of Arabidopsis accessions is accounted for by variation that has arisen independently at relatively few major-effect loci

    A Multiparent Advanced Generation Inter-Cross to Fine-Map Quantitative Traits in Arabidopsis thaliana

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    Identifying natural allelic variation that underlies quantitative trait variation remains a fundamental problem in genetics. Most studies have employed either simple synthetic populations with restricted allelic variation or performed association mapping on a sample of naturally occurring haplotypes. Both of these approaches have some limitations, therefore alternative resources for the genetic dissection of complex traits continue to be sought. Here we describe one such alternative, the Multiparent Advanced Generation Inter-Cross (MAGIC). This approach is expected to improve the precision with which QTL can be mapped, improving the outlook for QTL cloning. Here, we present the first panel of MAGIC lines developed: a set of 527 recombinant inbred lines (RILs) descended from a heterogeneous stock of 19 intermated accessions of the plant Arabidopsis thaliana. These lines and the 19 founders were genotyped with 1,260 single nucleotide polymorphisms and phenotyped for development-related traits. Analytical methods were developed to fine-map quantitative trait loci (QTL) in the MAGIC lines by reconstructing the genome of each line as a mosaic of the founders. We show by simulation that QTL explaining 10% of the phenotypic variance will be detected in most situations with an average mapping error of about 300 kb, and that if the number of lines were doubled the mapping error would be under 200 kb. We also show how the power to detect a QTL and the mapping accuracy vary, depending on QTL location. We demonstrate the utility of this new mapping population by mapping several known QTL with high precision and by finding novel QTL for germination data and bolting time. Our results provide strong support for similar ongoing efforts to produce MAGIC lines in other organisms

    Temporal analysis of natural variation for the rate of leaf production and its relationship with flowering initiation in Arabidopsis thaliana

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    Vegetative growth and flowering initiation are two crucial developmental processes in the life cycle of annual plants that are closely associated. The timing of both processes affects several presumed adaptive traits, such as flowering time (FT), total leaf number (TLN), or the rate of leaf production (RLP). However, the interactions among these complex processes and traits, and their mechanistic bases, remain largely unknown. To determine the genetic relationships between them, the natural genetic variation between A. thaliana accessions Fei-0 and Ler has been studied using a new population of 222 Ler×Fei-0 recombinant inbred lines. Temporal analysis of the parental development under a short day photoperiod distinguishes two vegetative phases differing in their RLP. QTL mapping of RLP in consecutive time intervals of vegetative development indicates that Ler/Fei-0 variation is caused by 10 loci whose small to moderate effects mainly display two different temporal patterns. Further comparative QTL analyses show that most of the genomic regions affecting FT or TLN also alter RLP. In addition, the partially independent genetic bases observed for FT and TLN appear determined by several genomic regions with two different patterns of phenotypic effects: regions with a larger effect on FT than TLN, and vice versa. The distinct temporal and pleiotropic patterns of QTL effects suggest that natural variation for flowering time is caused by different genetic mechanisms involved in vegetative and/or reproductive phase changes, most of them interacting with the control of leaf production rate. Thus, natural selection might contribute to maintain this genetic variation due to its phenotypic effects not only on the timing of flowering initiation but also on the rate of vegetative growth