188 research outputs found

    Formal Specification and Automatic Verification of Conditional Commitments

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    Developing and implementing a model checker dedicated to conditional logic with the user interface are urgent requirements for determining whether agents comply with their commitment protocols

    Deep Sequential Models for Task Satisfaction Prediction

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    Detecting and understanding implicit signals of user satisfaction are essential for experimentation aimed at predicting searcher satisfaction. As retrieval systems have advanced, search tasks have steadily emerged as accurate units not only to capture searcher's goals but also in understanding how well a system is able to help the user achieve that goal. However, a major portion of existing work on modeling searcher satisfaction has focused on query level satisfaction. The few existing approaches for task satisfaction prediction have narrowly focused on simple tasks aimed at solving atomic information needs. In this work we go beyond such atomic tasks and consider the problem of predicting user's satisfaction when engaged in complex search tasks composed of many different queries and subtasks. We begin by considering holistic view of user interactions with the search engine result page (SERP) and extract detailed interaction sequences of their activity. We then look at query level abstraction and propose a novel deep sequential architecture which leverages the extracted interaction sequences to predict query level satisfaction. Further, we enrich this model with auxiliary features which have been traditionally used for satisfaction prediction and propose a unified multi-view model which combines the benefit of user interaction sequences with auxiliary features. Finally, we go beyond query level abstraction and consider query sequences issued by the user in order to complete a complex task, to make task level satisfaction predictions. We propose a number of functional composition techniques which take into account query level satisfaction estimates along with the query sequence to predict task level satisfaction. Through rigorous experiments, we demonstrate that the proposed deep sequential models significantly outperform established baselines at both query and task satisfaction prediction. Our findings have implications on metric development for gauging user satisfaction and on designing systems which help users accomplish complex search tasks

    Latitudinal clines of the human vitamin D receptor and skin color genes

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    The well-documented latitudinal clines of genes affecting human skin color presumably arise from the need for protection from intense ultraviolet radiation (UVR) vs. the need to use UVR for vitamin D synthesis. Sampling 751 subjects from a broad range of latitudes and skin colors, we investigated possible multilocus correlated adaptation of skin color genes with the vitamin D receptor gene (VDR), using a vector correlation metric and network method called BlocBuster. We discovered two multilocus networks involving VDR promoter and skin color genes that display strong latitudinal clines as multilocus networks, even though many of their single gene components do not. Considered one by one, the VDR components of these networks show diverse patterns: no cline, a weak declining latitudinal cline outside of Africa, and a strong in- vs. out-of-Africa frequency pattern. We confirmed these results with independent data from HapMap. Standard linkage disequilibrium analyses did not detect these networks. We applied BlocBuster across the entire genome, showing that our networks are significant outliers for interchromosomal disequilibrium that overlap with environmental variation relevant to the genes\u27 functions. These results suggest that these multilocus correlations most likely arose from a combination of parallel selective responses to a common environmental variable and coadaptation, given the known Mendelian epistasis among VDR and the skin color genes


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    Background: Liver diseases are a common cause of mortality and morbidity over the world. It is caused mainly by toxic chemicals and chemotherapeutic agents. Costus speciosus (Koen ex. Retz.) (Zingiberaceae) is widely employed in various traditional medicines for the prevention and treatment of different aliments. The purpose of this study is to assess the protective effect of C. speciosus rhizomes MeOH extract against the injury of the liver induced by paracetamol (PA) in mice. Material and Methods: The mice were pretreated for seven days with distilled H2O, silymarin 12 mg/kg or 100 and 200 mg/kg MeOH extract. Then, PA (750 mg/kg) was also intra-peritoneal administrated once a day. Animals were euthanatized 24 h after the damage inducement. The levels of the serum enzymes aspartate aminotransferase (AST), alkaline phosphatase (ALP), alanine aminotransferase (ALT), and aspartate aminotransferase, in addition to the tumor necrosis factor-alpha (TNF-α), were determined. Moreover, the histopathological examination was carried out. Results: Administration of the MeOH extract (200 mg/kg) showed improvement in the toxic effects of PA through significant fall on the serum markers enzymes of liver damage: AST, ALT, and ALP, as well as TNF-α, compared to silymarin. In parallel, the histopathological profile in the mice` liver also proved that extract markedly minimized the PA toxicity and maintained the liver tissues` histoarchitecture to near the normal ones more than that achieved by silymarin. Conclusion: The findings suggested that C. speciosus extract acts as a potential hepatoprotective agent against PA-induced liver toxicity. This hepato-protection effect may be due to the existence of steroids, saponins, different glycosides, and phenolic compounds in C. speciosus

    Allelic Discrimination of Vitamin D Receptor Polymorphisms and Risk of Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus: A Case-Controlled Study

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    (1) Background: Type 2 diabetes mellitus (T2DM) is one of the rapidly growing healthcare problems, and several vitamin D receptor (VDR) polymorphisms seem to modulate the risk of T2DM. Our research was designed to investigate the allelic discrimination of VDR polymorphisms and T2DM occurrence risk. (2) Methods: This case-control research included 156 patients with T2DM and 145 healthy control subjects. Most of the study population were males 56.6% vs. 62.8% in the case and control groups, respectively. Genotyping for VDR single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs), rs228570 (Fok1), rs7975232 (Apa1), and rs1544410 (Bsm1) was compared between both groups. (3) Results: There was a negative link between vitamin D levels and insulin sensitivity. A significant difference was noted in the allelic discrimination of VDR polymorphism rs228570 and rs1544410 between the study groups (p \u3c 0.001). No difference was observed in the allelic discrimination of VDR polymorphism rs7975232 between the groups (p = 0.063). Moreover, T2DM patients had significantly higher levels of fasting blood sugar (FBS), glycated hemoglobin HbA1c, 2-h post-prandial blood sugar (PP), serum glutamic oxaloacetic transaminase (SGOT), serum glutamic-pyruvic transaminase (SGPT), total cholesterol, and triglycerides (p \u3c 0.001), while High-Density Lipoprotein (HDL) Cholesterol (HDL-C) was significantly decreased (p = 0.006). (4) Conclusions: VDR polymorphisms had a positive association with T2DM risk among the Egyptian population. Further large-scale research using deep sequencing of samples is strongly urged to investigate different vitamin D gene variants and interactions, as well as the influence of vitamin D on T2DM

    In ovo protective effects of chicoric and rosmarinic acids against Thiacloprid-induced cytotoxicity, oxidative stress, and growth retardation on newly hatched chicks

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    Thiacloprid (TH) is a neonicotinoid insecticide employed in agriculture to protect fruits and vegetables against different insects. It showed different deleterious effects on the general health of non-target organisms including birds and animals, however, its developmental toxicity has yet to be fully elucidated. Chicoric (CA) and rosmarinic (RA) acids are polyphenolic compounds with a wide range of beneficial biological activities. In this study, the possible protective effects of CA and RA were investigated in chick embryos exposed in ovo to TH (1mg/egg) with or without CA (100 mg/egg) or RA (100 mg/egg) co-exposure. TH reduced the hatchling body weight, body weight/egg weight, and relative weight of bursa of Fabricius in the one-day-old hatchlings. Examination of the 7-day-old chicks revealed a decline in feed intake, daily weight gain, feed conversion ratio (FCR), and plasma levels of T3, T4, and growth hormone. Serum ALT, AST activities, and total cholesterol levels showed significant elevations. Hepatic MDA was increased with a reduction in SOD activity and GSH level and downregulation of the liver SOD and GST gene expression pattern. Serum IgG and IgM levels were reduced, and various histopathological alterations were noticed in the liver. Co-administration of CA or RA with TH mitigated the toxic effects on hatchlings. When both CA and RA are combined, they present a synergistic protective effect. CA and RA can be used as protective agents against TH toxicity as they improve growth performance and have hepatoprotective and immunostimulant effects in newly hatched chicks

    Dual targeting of CD19 and CD22 against B-ALL using a novel high-sensitivity aCD22 CAR

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    CAR T cells recognizing CD19 effectively treat relapsed and refractory B-ALL and DLBCL. However, CD19 loss is a frequent cause of relapse. Simultaneously targeting a second antigen, CD22, may decrease antigen escape, but is challenging: its density is approximately 10-fold less than CD19, and its large structure may hamper immune synapse formation. The characteristics of the optimal CD22 CAR are underexplored. We generated 12 distinct CD22 antibodies and tested CARs derived from them to identify a CAR based on the novel 9A8 antibody, which was sensitive to low CD22 density and lacked tonic signaling. We found no correlation between affinity or membrane proximity of recognition epitope within Ig domains 3–6 of CD22 with CART function. The optimal strategy for CD19/CD22 CART co-targeting is undetermined. Co-administration of CD19 and CD22 CARs is costly; single CARs targeting CD19 and CD22 are challenging to construct. The co-expression of two CARs has previously been achieved using bicistronic vectors. Here, we generated a dual CART product by co-transduction with 9A8-41BBζ and CAT-41BBζ (obe-cel), the previously described CD19 CAR. CAT/9A8 CART eliminated single- and double-positive target cells in vitro and eliminated CD19- tumors in vivo. CAT/9A8 CART is being tested in a phase I clinical study (NCT02443831)

    Immunohistochemical detection of laminin-1 and Ki-67 in radicular cysts and keratocystic odontogenic tumors

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Odontogenic cysts are those which arise from the epithelium associated with the development of teeth. Some odontogenic cysts were found to have special biological features that make them distinct from other lesions. This study was conducted to detect the immunoepxression of laminin-1 and Ki-67 in both radicular cysts (RCs) and keratocystic odontogenic tumors (KCOTs) and to examine the possible predictive value of these markers.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>Thirteen cases of RCs and twelve cases of KCOTs were included in this study. Antibodies against laminin-1 and Ki-67 were used as primary antibodies.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>ten cases out of thirteen cases of RCs were immunopositive to laminin-1. The immunonegative cases of RCs showed high degree of inflammation inside the connective tissue wall. One case out of twelve cases of KCOTs was immunopositive to laminin-1 and the rest were immunonegative. Seven cases out of thirteen cases of RCs showed immunopositivity for Ki-67 with increased numbers of immunopositive cells when the inflammation was severe in the connective tissue wall. All KCOTS were immunopositive to Ki-67.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>The benign nature of radicular cysts and the aggressive behavior of keratocystic odontogenic tumors could be explained by the expression of laminin and Ki-67. Laminin-1 and Ki-67 could be valuable markers for the prediction of the biologic behavior of cystic lesions.</p
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