2,845 research outputs found

    Le Néolithique du Maroc: État de la question

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    Devant les similitudes des premières productions céramiques du littoral méditerranéen les chercheurs ont proposé de relier génétiquement les céramiques marocaines à celles de l’Espagne, et ont proposé ainsi les fondements du modèle diffusionniste de la Néolithisation au Maroc. Néanmoins, les fouilles archéologiques menées lors de ces dernières décennies ont permis l’enrichissement du corpus céramique par l’incorporation d’un matériel inédit et ont abouti au renouvellement de notre compréhension de la Néolithisation du Maroc. En ce qui concerne le Nord du Maroc, les travaux de sériation typochronologique du corpus céramique, nous ont permis d’établir un phasage du Néolithique ancien de la péninsule Tingitane réparti en quatre phases évolutives assises sur les datations numériques croisées: Phase A (phase initiale); Phase B: (KTG, LY n : 7288 ; 6520±80 BP, 5565-5287 av. J.-C.); Phase C: entre 5000 et 4500 av. J.-C.; Phase D qui correspond à l’évolution ultime du Cardial. Le Sahara Atlantique a pour sa part révélé l’importance de l’emprise du Néolithique moyen- récent durant le Vème millénaire avant J-C, même si les données archéologiques restent rares. On distingue deux zones principales dans cette zone: le secteur septentrional et le secteur méridional. Les gisements néolithiques du littoral saharien couvrent une période comprise entre 6500 et 3500 BP. Pour les plus anciens d’entre eux, les industries lithiques présentent des récurrences épipaléolithiques. L’étude du Néolithique Moyen et récent Atlantique Septentrional s’intéresse principalement à l’étude stylistique et morphologique des trouvailles céramiques de la région de Skhirat et de la nécropole d’El Kiffen

    Le transfert de connaissance dans le cadre d’une fusion-acquisition : Bilan de recherches

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    Face à un environnement économique incertain et évolutif, et afin de maintenir sa compétitivité, l’entreprise se trouve dans l’obligation de mobiliser son intelligence collective et gérer sa connaissance. Parmi les outils de développement de nouvelles connaissances et technologies, employés par les entreprises, c’est les fusions et d'acquisitions. Ainsi, un des facteurs clefs de succès des fusions-acquisitions, c’est un transfert de connaissances efficace et efficient. Toutefois, ce type de transfert est plus compliqué qu'il n'y paraît, les entreprises aujourd’hui font face à plusieurs défis, à savoir: Comment distinguer parmi les connaissances celle les plus pertinentes ? Comment les transférer ? et Comment les intégrer dans la nouvelle entité fusionnée ? Cet article étudie la dynamique du transfert de connaissance dans le cadre des F&A, il propose une synthèse des recherches consacrées à l’étude des déterminants d’un transfert de connaissance post-F&A réussi, et tente ainsi d’apporter un éclairage complémentaire sur les facteurs clés de réussite du transfert comme étant un processus d’intégration post-fusion

    When Magnets Inspire Art: From Psychedelic Artwork to Floating Objects

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    The role of human capital in improving organizational resilience of service establishments: A case study of hotel businesses in Marrakech

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    The luxury hotel sector in Marrakech is an important industry that plays a significant role in the local economy. The success of these hotels depends on various factors, including the quality of their services, the satisfaction of their customers, and the efficiency of their operations. One factor that has not been extensively studied in the context of the Moroccan hotel industry is the role of human capital in organizational resilience. This research aims to fill this gap by examining the influence of human capital on organizational resilience in the luxury hotel sector in Marrakech. To do this, the author has conducted a literature review and formulated hypotheses about the relationship between human capital and organizational resilience. In addition, the author has developed a semi-structured interview guide to be used in a qualitative study of this issue. The aim of this research is to determine to what extent human capital can enhance organizational resilience in the Moroccan hotel industry. It is important to conduct this research because it will contribute to our understanding of how human capital can impact organizational resilience in the hotel industry. Human capital is often underestimated in the hotel business, and employees are not always recognized for their true value. However, human capital plays a central role in creating a quality experience for customers, and customer satisfaction is a determining factor in the success of a hotel business. By studying the relationship between human capital and organizational resilience, this research will provide valuable insights into the importance of considering human capital in order to optimize organizational resilience. There are a few limitations to this study. One limitation is related to the literature review, which is limited due to the novelty of the subject. Another limitation is that the qualitative study of this issue may be challenging. However, despite these limitations, this research has the potential to provide valuable insights into the role of human capital in organizational resilience in the Moroccan hotel industry.   Keywords: Human capital, organizational resilience, Hospitality JEL Classification: M54 Paper type: Empirical researchThe luxury hotel sector in Marrakech is an important industry that plays a significant role in the local economy. The success of these hotels depends on various factors, including the quality of their services, the satisfaction of their customers, and the efficiency of their operations. One factor that has not been extensively studied in the context of the Moroccan hotel industry is the role of human capital in organizational resilience. This research aims to fill this gap by examining the influence of human capital on organizational resilience in the luxury hotel sector in Marrakech. To do this, the author has conducted a literature review and formulated hypotheses about the relationship between human capital and organizational resilience. In addition, the author has developed a semi-structured interview guide to be used in a qualitative study of this issue. The aim of this research is to determine to what extent human capital can enhance organizational resilience in the Moroccan hotel industry. It is important to conduct this research because it will contribute to our understanding of how human capital can impact organizational resilience in the hotel industry. Human capital is often underestimated in the hotel business, and employees are not always recognized for their true value. However, human capital plays a central role in creating a quality experience for customers, and customer satisfaction is a determining factor in the success of a hotel business. By studying the relationship between human capital and organizational resilience, this research will provide valuable insights into the importance of considering human capital in order to optimize organizational resilience. There are a few limitations to this study. One limitation is related to the literature review, which is limited due to the novelty of the subject. Another limitation is that the qualitative study of this issue may be challenging. However, despite these limitations, this research has the potential to provide valuable insights into the role of human capital in organizational resilience in the Moroccan hotel industry.   Keywords: Human capital, organizational resilience, Hospitality JEL Classification: M54 Paper type: Empirical researc
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