119 research outputs found

    The perception of Moroccan about a potential Zakat institution: An exploratory study

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    Zakat, as the third pillar of Islam, represents the major instrument of the Islamic economic system. Beyond its virtues of purification from the sins of greed and attachment to material goods, it affirms its position as a social and economic tool which contributes to the establishment of the social justice among the society and the achievement of the equitable redistribution of wealth. This charitable institution has been institutionalized among Muslim countries in various configurations, from voluntary to obligatory payment. Morocco, despite being a state in which Islam is the religion of the country (as stated in the third article of the Moroccan constitution), it still does not have a zakat fund. Therefore, this religious obligation remains an individual act of the pious Muslims anxious to fulfill their duties toward their creator. Thus, this study attempts to investigate the perception of potential zakat payers about the eventual implementation of such institution in Morocco and to explore the different ways of distributing the voluntary zakat by the payers. Data is collected using a survey questionnaire based on accidental sampling method. Taking into account that this study is exploratory, the main purpose is to determine the public opinion about the zakat institution that could be used as an input to conduct a comprehensive empirical study.  The findings indicate that 84.6% of the respondents agree to the assumption that zakat could be an effective tool to poverty eradication in Morocco and 73.6% agree to the implementation of such institution charged with the collection and distribution of zakat

    Les principaux fondements théoriques de la performance des organisations publiques: Retour sur l’approche multidimensionnelle pour le cas des collectivités territoriales

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    Fortement réputée au sein de la communauté des chercheurs en sciences de gestion par son caractère polysémique, la performance constitue sans aucun doute un sujet de débat et d’étude d’une importance capitale. Le nombre important des articles publiés à l’échelle nationale et à l’échelle internationale indique tout seul ce constat. Toutefois, les contributions scientifiques en relation avec les organisations publiques, entre autres, les collectivités territoriales, ne sont pas aussi nombreuses en comparaison avec les entreprises privées. Ainsi, l’objectif de ce travail de recherche consiste à jeter quelques éclairages sur les principaux fondements théoriques de la performance des organisations publiques, en particulier les collectivités territoriales. Il s’agit d’une occasion pour discuter dans un premier temps les spécificités de la notion de la performance. Dans un deuxième temps, l’attention sera focalisée sur l’évolution marquante vers la consécration des valeurs de la responsabilité sociétale et l’approche multidimensionnelle de la performance des collectivités territoriales. Le troisième et dernier point nous permettra de présenter l’un des outils les plus importants, sinon le plus important dans le pilotage de la performance fondé sur la complémentarité et l’équilibre entre les dimensions financières et celles non financières, à savoir ; le tableau de bord prospectif

    Tumeur glomique de l’index à propos d’un cas

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    Glomus tumor is a benign tumor that develops from the neuromyoarterial glomus of dermo-epidermal tissue. Its typical location is the distal phalanx of the fingers. We report a case of a glomic tumour in a 42 year old patient having pain at the level of the ulnar side of the distal phalanx of the right index finger since 7 months. Pain was triggered by applying pressure to the finger and by cold exposure. Clinical examination showed a painful point at the ulnar side of the right index finger by exquisite pressure and a positive Hildeth test. Standard finger radiograph objectified a small rounded subungual notch, completed by a MRI which showed a small 2 mm lesion of the nail matrix of the right index finger, evoking a glomus tumor (A). The patient underwent biopsy excision of the tumor (B, C, D, E, F); anatomopathological results revealed the presence of a glomus tumor. Clinical outcome was favorable with disappearance of pain.Pan African Medical Journal 2016; 2

    Automated Detection of Dental Caries from Oral Images using Deep Convolutional Neural Networks

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    The urgent demand for accurate and efficient diagnostic methods to combat oral diseases, particularly dental caries, has led to the exploration of advanced techniques. Dental caries, caused by bacterial activities that weaken tooth enamel, can result in severe cavities and infections if not promptly treated. Despite existing imaging techniques, consistent and early diagnoses remain challenging. Traditional approaches, such as visual and tactile examinations, are prone to variations in expertise, necessitating more objective diagnostic tools. This study leverages deep learning to propose an explainable methodology for automated dental caries detection in images. Utilizing pre-trained convolutional neural networks (CNNs) including VGG-16, VGG-19, DenseNet-121, and Inception V3, we investigate different models and preprocessing techniques, such as histogram equalization and Sobel edge detection, to enhance the detection process. Our comprehensive experiments on a dataset of 884 oral images demonstrate the efficacy of the proposed approach in achieving accurate caries detection. Notably, the VGG-16 model achieves the best accuracy of 98.3% using the stochastic gradient descent (SGD) optimizer with Nesterov’s momentum. This research contributes to the field by introducing an interpretable deep learning-based solution for automated dental caries detection, enhancing diagnostic accuracy, and offering potential insights for dental health assessment

    L’intelligence artificielle et le marché boursier : Une analyse théorique appliquée pour traiter le positionnement du Maroc

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    The use of artificial intelligence has become increasingly a necessity in all areas of life. The field of finance and the stock exchange was also affected by the major advantages presented by the latter, from the speed of execution to the simplification of processes and transactions. Consequently, in this article, we intend to infer the development of financial technologies, often mentioned in brief by finTech in the Moroccan financial sector, by adopting a theoretical analysis method, to examine the place of this new industry in our country. This method consists of detecting the challenges and opportunities of this new industry and studying the internal and external environment of artificial intelligence in Morocco. Based on a review of theoretical and empirical literature, this article reveals the use of artificial intelligence in the financial sector specifically in the stock market. Also relying on theories that put the relationship between artificial intelligence and the financial market. The central objective is to focus on the factors that influence, negatively and positively the rise of these technologies in the Moroccan stock market. Our study explores in another aspect the progress of artificial intelligence in the financial sector, its main stock market strategies and its revolution in the Moroccan stock market. The findings revealed the power of artificial intelligence as a tool for improving the productivity and efficiency of the financial market. As well as they revealed the steady steps of Morocco towards the transformation and technological development of the financial sector, which are explained by the intense efforts provided, and by the necessary measures taken to overcome all the obstacles.   Keywords: Artificial intelligence, financial sector, stock market, finTech, Morocco. JEL Classification: O10 Paper type: Theoretical Research De nos jours, l'usage de l'intelligence artificielle est devenu de plus en plus une nĂ©cessitĂ© dans tous les domaines de la vie. Le domaine de la finance et de la bourse a Ă©galement Ă©tĂ© touchĂ©s par les avantages majeurs prĂ©senter par cette dernière, dès la rapiditĂ© de l’exĂ©cution jusqu’à la simplification des processus et des transactions. En consĂ©quence, dans cet article, nous avons l’intention d’infĂ©rer le dĂ©veloppement des technologies financières, souvent mentionnĂ©e en bref par finTech dans le secteur financier Marocain, en adoptant une mĂ©thode d’analyse thĂ©orique, pour examiner la place de cette nouvelle industrie Ă  notre pays. Cette mĂ©thode consiste Ă  dĂ©tecter les challenges et les opportunitĂ©s de cette nouvelle industrie et d’étudier l’environnement interne et externe d’intelligence artificielle au Maroc. Cet article dĂ©voile en se basant sur une revue de littĂ©rature thĂ©orique et empirique, l’utilisation d’intelligence artificielle au secteur financier prĂ©cisĂ©ment en marchĂ© boursier. En s'appuyant aussi sur les thĂ©ories qui ont mis la relation entre l’intelligence artificielle et le marchĂ© financier. L’objectif central est de mettre le point sur les facteurs qui influent, nĂ©gativement et positivement l’essor de ces technologies dans le marchĂ© boursier marocain. Notre Ă©tude explore dans un autre volet le progrès de l’intelligence artificielle dans le secteur financier, ses principales stratĂ©gies boursières ainsi que sa rĂ©volution dans la bourse marocaine. Les conclusions ont rĂ©vĂ©lĂ©, la puissance d’intelligence artificielle comme un outil d’amĂ©lioration de la productivitĂ© et l’efficacitĂ© du marchĂ© financier. Ainsi qu’ils ont rĂ©vĂ©lĂ© les pas rĂ©guliers du Maroc envers la transformation et le dĂ©veloppement technologique du secteur financier, qui s’expliquent par les efforts intenses fournis, et par les mesures nĂ©cessaires prisent pour dĂ©passer tous les obstacles.   Mots clĂ© : Intelligence artificielle, secteur financier, marchĂ© boursier, finTech, Maroc. Classification JEL : O10 Type de l’article : Article thĂ©oriqu

    Les approches théoriques et leur portée explicative des pratiques de contrôle de gestion dans le secteur public

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    Management control is a set of systems put in place to provide executives and various managers with periodic information about the company's operations.  Their comparison with past or forecasted data can, if necessary, prompt management to take appropriate corrective action, both strategic and operational. The popularity of the New Public Management theme, which is becoming more and more frequent, is no coincidence. For more than 20 years, the public sector has been characterized by a major evolution aimed at modernizing its management. In line with recent developments in public management (in this case, New Public Management), the modernization of the public sector is of great importance. Moreover, the stakes in terms of a country's overall development depend in particular on its public sector, insofar as management control seeks, by definition, to reconcile strategic vision and operational actions. In this context, our paper is presented as a theoretical study that highlights the main theoretical frameworks that inspire research in management control. In order to have a better understanding of our study, this paper therefore focuses on the presentation and perspective of the main theoretical contributions, in particular the theoretical foundations of New Public Management and management control in the public sector, the specificities of this sector and the contributions of management control to the public sector.Le contrĂ´le de gestion est un ensemble de dispositifs mis en place pour fournir aux dirigeants et aux divers responsables une organisation des informations pĂ©riodiques caractĂ©risant la marche de l’entreprise.  Leur comparaison avec des donnĂ©es passĂ©es ou prĂ©vues peut, le cas Ă©chĂ©ant, inciter les dirigeants Ă  dĂ©clencher rapidement des actions correctives appropriĂ©es, tant stratĂ©giques qu’opĂ©rationnelles. L’engouement du thème du New Public Management, qui devient de plus en plus frĂ©quent, n’est pas un hasard. Le secteur public se caractĂ©rise depuis plus de 20 ans par une Ă©volution majeure qui vise la modernisation de sa gestion. En phase avec les Ă©volutions rĂ©centes du management public (en l’occurrence, le New Public Management), la modernisation du secteur public y revĂŞt d’ailleurs une grande importance. En outre, les enjeux en matière de dĂ©veloppement global d’un pays reposent notamment sur son secteur public, dans la mesure oĂą le contrĂ´le de gestion cherche, par dĂ©finition, Ă  concilier vision stratĂ©gique et actions opĂ©rationnelles. Dans ce contexte, notre article se prĂ©sente comme une Ă©tude thĂ©orique qui met en Ă©vidence les principaux cadres thĂ©oriques d’inspiration dans la recherche en contrĂ´le de gestion. Afin de mieux apprĂ©hender notre Ă©tude, cet article s’intĂ©resse alors Ă  la prĂ©sentation et Ă  la mise en perspective des principales contributions thĂ©oriques, notamment les fondements thĂ©oriques du New Public Management et du contrĂ´le de gestion dans le secteur public, des spĂ©cificitĂ©s de ce secteur ainsi que des apports du contrĂ´le de gestion au secteur public
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