1,728 research outputs found

    Komunikasi Propaganda Islam Politik Di Indonesia

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    Latar belakang penulis mengangkat judul ini dikarenakan ilmu komunikasi khususnya tentang propaganda disalahgunakan untuk mencapai keinginan suatu kelompok atau perorangan terutama propaganda Islam politik. Permasalahan yang akan dibahas di dalam Jurnal ini yaitu bagaimana propaganda menjadi senjata untuk mencapai tujuan suatu kelompok atau perorangan. Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif dengan metode studi literatur dan dokumentasi. Menurut hasil penelitian penulis menunjukkan bahwa propaganda yang dilakukan sebagian kelompok di Indonesia telah menjadikan kelompok islam menjadi terpojok terkhusus permasalahan politik di Indonesia. Keadaan ini memaksa kondisi politik Indonesia menjadi tidak sehat dan tidak stabil sebab ada kecenderungan menekan kelompok islam politik yang ada di Indonesia.

    Komunikasi Profetik Strategi Membangun Karakter Manusia Perspektif Al Quran

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    Pemberdayaan manusia merupakan suatu titik penting dalam kemajuan suatu bangsa, strategi dan berbagai cara dilakukan agar tercapai keinginan luhur pendiri Indonesia ini. Komunikasi profetik menjadi salah satu strategi pembangunan karakter manausia, sebab kemajuan bangsa dimulai dari kemajuan karakter manusianya. Komunikasi ini dikenal dengan komunikasi kenabian, dimana setiap pengambilan keputusan, sikap dan perilaku mengikut kepada nabi Muhammad. Maka dari itu komunikasi ini disebut Profetik. Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah deskriptif explanatif dengan melihat fenomena sosial dilapangan lalu mengaitkan dengan literatur yang ada


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    Fungi generally grow on carbon-rich organic substrates; a few others including Aspergillus niger are moreubiquitous, as they are often found in usual environments such as damp walls. The present study assessed theperformances of Aspergillus niger isolates obtained from two different environments, namely a dry mushroomconk (A. niger MC) and maize grains (A. niger MG), on the efficacy of biodegradation of maize crop residues.Treatments consist of the inoculation of 10g each of maize stover, maize husk or maize cob in a replicatedrandomized complete block design with suspensions of both isolates in a solid state fermentation study. Theproximate composition, acid detergent fiber (ADF) and digestible dry matter (DDM) were investigated. Maizestover had the best proximate composition with 3.7% protein, 4.3 % ash and 92.9 % dry matter while cobs hadthe poorest with 1.9 %, 1.3 % and 87.2% respectively. There were significant different (p<0.05) levels of feedimprovement following fermentation with both isolates. A. niger MC fermentation of stover gave the highestreduction in ADF from 52.2 % to 30.7%, while the least was observed with husk from 40.7% to 36.0 %. Thehighest increase in DDM was observed in stover which increased from 48.3% to 52.3% and 64.8 % followingA. niger MG and A. niger MC fermentations respectively. Results show that A. niger mediated fermentationimproved the digestibility parameters of the maize crop residues and Aspergillus niger isolated from drymushroom was more effective compared to maize isolate

    Implementation of Livestock Slaughter Standard in Malang Slaughtering House

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    The purpose of this study is to determine suitability of livestock slaughter standard implementation in accordance to regulation number 18/2009 on Animal Husbandry and Animal’s Health in Local Company of Slaughtering House in Malang, East Java. The implementation standard refers to the Safe, Healthy, Intact, and Kosher characteristics that involve operational procedure, product safety, health, and treatment. The result showed inappropriate policies in the slaughtering house implementation of livestock treatment before and after the process of slaughtering. The obstructing factor of implementing the livestock slaughtering standard was the lack of top-down control and monitoring. The process of livestock slaughtering is still using traditional way due to the limited available facilities, infrastructure and human resources. The problems can be solved by controlling the supervising and discipline. In the middle of August 2013, Malang slaughtering house began to introduce stunning technique to increase the operational work and minimize violence toward the livestock. Activity of slaughtering house was assisted by Department of Animal Husbandry and Department of Health. Both department help in solving health problems, product safety and its waste, to provide standardized livestock slaughtering based on the regulation number 18/2009. Keywords: Slaughtering house, livestock slaughtering standard, Indonesian Law number 18-200

    Acanthamoeba keratitis in Sudan: outcome of ketoconazole treatment in six patients

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    In an exploration of the acanthamoebic aetiology of chronic keratitis cases (not responding to antibiotics, antiviral or antifungal therapy), 138 Sudanese patients were seen over a 2-year period at two teaching eye hospitals in Khartoum State. Six (4.3%) of these patients were found to be suffering from Acanthamoeba keratitis. The present study focuses on the good outcome of oral ketoconazole in four patients at 18 months follow up period. The drug oral route, convenient frequency of doses, minimal side effects and availability at reasonable price favour ketoconazole therapy. Sudan Journal of Medical Sciences Vol. 1(1) 2006: 34-3

    Utopia Islam Disfungsi Subliminal Message dalam Media Sosial

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    This study aims to see how subliminal dysfunction occurs in social media in an Islamic context. The research technique used is literature study, looking at various sources regarding subliminals and relating them to conditions in social media. This type of research is descriptive qualitative research, which is a research process to understand human or social problems by creating a comprehensive and complex picture presented in words, reporting detailed views obtained from information sources, and carried out in a different setting natural. While the approach used is phenomenology, which is to describe the reality that is happening without explaining the relationship between variables. The research results obtained are that Islam teaches its people to have ethics in carrying out all activities, including communication on social media. In the concept of Subliminal Message from hidden messages invites the public to never trust the information received from social media, before finding out the truth and accuracy of the message, from sources that can be trusted, supported, and related to the message. The conclusion in this research is that the Subliminal Message concept invites the public to never believe the information received from social media, before finding out the truth and accuracy of the message, from sources that can be trusted, supported, and related to the message

    Comparison of Open Wedge High Tibial Osteotomy versus Unicondylar Knee Replacement for Medial Knee Osteoarthritis

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    Introduction: Medial knee osteoarthritis is a source of debilitating pain. Varus malalignment is associated with a 4-fold increase in unicompartmental osteoarthritis. Current non-surgical treatments include patient education, weight loss, analgesics. Two contemporary surgical treatment options for medial knee osteoarthritis are available and each procedure has its merits. These are based on different principles: high tibial osteotomy (OW- HTO) where correction of knee angular deformity with slight valgus overcorrection is the goal and unicondylar knee replacement (UKA) surgery’s aim in replacing damaged articular surface. Aim: To review clinical outcomes of two matched populations between open wedge high tibial osteotomy (OW-HTO) and unicondylar knee (UKA). Material and Methods: This was a prospective study of two matched populations at two different centres, employing different techniques for managing medial knee compartment osteoarthritis. The OW-HTO centre had recruited 19 patients over February 2012 to December 2013. The TomoFix® knee osteotomy. The unicondylar knee replacement (UKA) centre had 22 patients over June 2012 to August 2013 and used the Oxford™ partial knee system in these operations. Conclusion: In conclusion, this study shows that open wedge high tibial osteotomy and unicondylar knee replacements have no significant differences in oxford scores at 6 weeks and 6 months

    Synthesis, Biological activity and Mass Spectral Fragmentation Patterns of some New Fused Phthalazine-1,4-dione Derivatives

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    1,2,4-Triazino[1,2-b]phthalazine-6,11-dione (3) and 1,2,4-triazino[1,2-b]phthalazine-5,10-dione (4) were prepared via the reaction of 2-aminothiocarbonylphthalazine-1,4-dione with ethyl chloropropionate and ethyl chloroacetate.Acetylation of 4 with Ac2O gave the corresponding monoacetylderivative (5), while the acetylation of 4 with Ac2O in the presence of AcONa gave the corresponding diacetyl derivative (6). Treatment of 4 with bromine in AcOH and aromatic aldehydes afforded the corresponding 3-substituted-1,2,4-triazino[1,2-b]phthalazine-5,10-diones (7 and 8). The electron impact mass spectra of both of the above series of compounds have also been recorded and theirfragmentation pattern is discussed

    Gaya Komunikasi Pemerintah Kabupaten Labuhanbatu Dalam Pembinaan Akhlakul Karimah Dikalangan Remaja Muslim.

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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui gaya komunikasi pemerintah Kabupaten Labuhanbatu dalam pembinaan akhlakul karimah dikalangan remaja muslim, efektifitas gaya komunikasi di pemerintahan Kabupaten Labuhanbatu dalam pembinaan akhlakul karimah dikalangan remaja dan tantangan yang dihadapi pemerintah kabupaten Labuhanbatu dalam penerapan gaya komunikasi dilingkungan pemerintahan kabupaten Labuhanbatu. Peneliti menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif dengan tujuan deskriptif. Teknik pengumpulan data yang digunakan adalah wawancara mendalam dan dokumentasi. Hasil penelitian menunjukan bahwa Pemerintah Kabupaten Labuhanbatu menggunakan berbagai macam gaya komunikasi dalam pembinaan akhlakul karimah dikalangan remaja muslim, terdapat 5 program pembinaan akhlakul karimah remaja dimiliki pemerintah kabupaten Labuhanbatu dan semuanya memiliki gaya komunikasi yang berbeda-beda yakni Dinamic Style, Structuring style, withrawel style, aqualitarium style, Controling style. Dengan gaya komunikasi ini remaja muslim menjadi terbina akhlaknya. Dapat disimpulkan bahwa program-program pemerintah Kabupaten Labuhanbatu berhasil karena flexibel menggunakan gaya komunikasi tergantung dari program dan situasinya

    Study analisa terhadap kandungan surat Yasin

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    Sehubungan dengan tidak adanya nash atau aturan yang menentukan dari manakah seseorang harus memulai untuk memahami al-Qur’an, maka dalam skripsi ini penulis memilih satu surat tertentu yaitu surat Yasin. Peneliti memilih surat ini adalah adanya suatu riwayat Al Bazzar, At Turmudi dan Ahmad bin Hanbal bahwa setiap segala sesuatu itu mempunyai qolb, Qolbnya al-Qur’an adalah surat Yasin. Rumusan maslaha dalam penelitian ini adalah; 1. Pada dasarnya maslah apa sajakah yang terkandung dalam surat Yasin tersebut. 2. Berkenaan dengan al-Qur’an, maka kandungan surat Yasin tersebut mencakup semua masalah ataukah hanya memuat sebagian saja. Jenis penelitian ini adalah riset perpustakaan/ riset literer. Untuk penganalisaan data menggunakan metode komparasi, metode deduksi, metode induksi dan metode deskripsi. Dari penelitian ini dapat disimpulkan bahwa; 1. Surat Yasin mengandung masalah pengukuhan kerasulan Nabi Muhammad SAW, penegasan kewahyuan al-Qur’an, berita tentang diabadikannya seluruh rekaman dan bekas (atsar) perbuatan manusia, berita balasan baik dan buruk di akherat kelak, pengungkapan tanda kekuatan Allah SWT terhadap pengingkar kenikmatannya, ketetapan Allah tentang adanya ba’ats dan pengkudusan dzat Allah dari segala sifat lemah. 2. Dalam kaitannya dengan teori klasifikasi kandungan al-Qur’an, surat Yasin penyampaian maksudnya menggunakan kisah, matsal dan secara langsung, kalimatnya terdapat yang muhkam dan mutasyabih, mengandung pembebanan dalam bidang keimanan dan akhlaq, hokum yang terkandung di dalamnya adlah peprintah dan larangan dan juga disebutkan masalah al Wa’id (janji kesengsaraan)
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