47 research outputs found

    Entretien avec Mohammed El Amraoui

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    Lors d’un entretien du 9 novembre 2017, Mohammed El Amraoui Ă©voque son itinĂ©raire de poĂšte-traducteur en arabe et en français, au carrefour de plusieurs traditions poĂ©tiques – marocaine, française, mais aussi palestinienne, amĂ©ricaine ou grecque. RĂ©flĂ©chissant Ă  la spĂ©cificitĂ© de chaque langue et Ă  la complexitĂ© de leurs rapports, l’écrivain distingue l’acte traductif (qui opĂšre le passage d’une langue Ă  l’autre) de l’écriture bilingue (une pratique parallĂšle des deux langues). Le poĂšte confie affronter l’« intraduisible radical » : en Ă©crivant ses poĂšmes sans en anticiper la traduction, en s’immergeant dans les propriĂ©tĂ©s sĂ©mantiques, grammaticales et tout autant sonores, musicales d’une langue, pour ensuite tenter de s’autotraduire. Il revient Ă©galement sur son travail avec d’autres poĂštes (Anas Alaili qu’il traduit) et avec la traductrice Catherine Charruau, avec des musiciens et des plasticiens : autant de collaborations qui interrogent la langue que se forge le poĂšte, la singularitĂ© de sa forme et sa part de mystĂšre.During an interview on 9 November 2017, Mohammed El Amraoui evoked his journey as a poet-translator in Arabic and French, at the crossroads of several poetic traditions - Moroccan, French, but also Palestinian, American and Greek. Reflecting on the specificity of each language and the complexity of their relationships, the writer distinguishes between the act of translation (which involves the transition from one language to another) and bilingual writing (a parallel practice of the two languages). The poet confides in confronting the “untranslatable radical”: by writing his poems without anticipating their translation, by immersing himself in the semantic, grammatical and equally sonorous and musical properties of a language, and then trying to translate himself. He also reviews his work with other poets (Anas Alaili whom he translates) and with translator Catherine Charruau, with musicians and visual artists: all collaborations that question the poet's language, the singularity of his form and his element of mystery

    The length, number, and endodermis area of needles discriminate two genetically distinct populations of Cedrus atlantica Manetti in the Moroccan Middle Atlas

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    The variation in some adaptive characters of cedar needles was studied in two different regions of the Moroccan Middle Atlas that have different local environmental conditions and levels of genetic diversity. The two populations are localized in the Azrou and Ifrane regions. Tukey’s tests showed that the needle/brachyblast number (Nn/R), length (Nl), and needle width (Nw) showed the greatest variation. In addition, all anatomical characters studied showed a significant correlation with Nw, whereas only the area of the vascular bundles (AVb) was related to Nl. Discriminant analysis revealed that Nn/R, Nl, and the area of the central cylinder (ACc) are high-discriminating characters among populations of Azrou and Ifrane and confirms their isolation. These adaptations of the morphological and anatomical traits of the Atlas cedar needles of the Azrou and Ifrane regions are discussed in relation to the local environmental conditions and have been found to be in harmony with their genetic distinctiveness revealed previously

    Métastases cutanées révélant un adénocarcinome bronchique

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    Nous rapportons le cas d’un cancer bronchique rĂ©vĂ©lĂ© par des nodules cutanĂ©s mĂ©tastatiques du cuir chevelu. Ce mode de dĂ©couverte assez frĂ©quent est souvent associĂ© Ă  un mauvais pronostic. Cette observation souligne l’intĂ©rĂȘt de rechercher un cancer primitif pulmonaire en cas de localisation secondaire cutanĂ©e.English abstractWe report the case of bronchial carcinoma revealed by metastatic skin nodules on the scalp. This fairly common mode of discovery is often associated with poor prognosis. This study aims to underline the importance of directing the search for a primary lung cancer in cases of secondary skin involvement.Key words: Cutaneous metastases, bronchial adenocarcinoma, excisional biops

    Highly nonlinear chalcogenide microstructured optical fibers As2S3 based : towards new infrared supercontinuum sources

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    Mohammed El Amraoui : poĂšmes extraits du recueil Des moineaux dans la tĂȘte / ŰčŰ”Ű§ÙÙŠŰ± في Ű§Ù„Ű±ŰŁŰł, traduit par l’auteur et Catherine Charruau, Lyon, Jacques AndrĂ©, 2016

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    Le texte arabe est enregistrĂ© par l’auteur accompagnĂ© de la musique de Antoine Birot et Maurice Spitz, dans Tessons (Ă©d. LARIO, 2003, avec l’autorisation de l’éditeur). Je dis peut-ĂȘtre, je dis peut-ĂȘtre la pensĂ©e estcomme la blessure, je dis peut-ĂȘtre la pensĂ©eest comme la blessure que je vois sur le mur ;chaque matin, le volume de ses lĂšvres grossit,et quelques fois des mots, que mes yeux n’ontpas l’habitude de voir, s’écoulent entre sesdents jusqu’à mes pieds. Mes pieds dessinentdes traits..

    Parole de poÚte à La TurmeliÚre : deux langues pour un palais

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    L’entrelacs : ce qui fut, ce qui devient Cet instant oĂč l’écrit commence Ă  se pencher sur ma main, oĂč ma main se penche sur la feuille, cet instant-lĂ , me dis-je – alors que je suis en train de transmettre Ă  cette main quelque chose qui s’écrit sur mon Ă©cran intĂ©rieur et se roule sur ma voix – se penche Ă  la fois sur ce qui fut et sur ce qui se prĂ©pare. Ce que fut mon corps et le temps Ă  venir, sont ouverts, les deux, chacun d’un cĂŽtĂ©, avec reflets s’entrecroisant, sur les pas..

    Effect of Soil Properties on Growth of Quercus ilex L. in Humid and Cold Mountains of Morocco

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    The dependence of oak growth on environmental stressors is fairly well documented, but little is known about the impact of soil type on growth plasticity and as predisposing factors to root branching. Here, we aim to investigate how textural and physicochemical properties of soil affect the growth of Quercus Ilex L. We compare the above- and below-ground growth of saplings on three sandy soil(s) of the Middle Atlas. The textural and physicochemical characterization showed that the soils differed mainly in the gravel, average and fine sand, organic matter, and nitrogen proportions. All tested properties of the three sandy soils do not affect the above-ground growth. The statistical analysis showed that the growth synchronization between the main and lateral roots was affected by the soil type. The statistics showed that the microvariation of the soil texture (>5, 0.2–0.4, and 0.063–0.2 mm) and the level of nitrogen and not that of the limestone in the soil control the length and thickness of the main root and the production and distribution of biomass of lateral roots. They also showed that these soil properties affect the sink/source competitions between the roots and the leaves and the compensatory growth of roots

    Transmission enhancement in chalco-halide glasses for multiband applications

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    The potential of clear Ga2S3-GeS2-CsCl based sulfide glasses transparent up to 11.5 ÎŒm to be used as new optical material for multispectral applications has been investigated. The addition of large amount of chlorine ions – above 40 mol.% of CsCl – into the chalcogenide vitreous network in order to produce colorless glasses results in a drastic increase of their water contamination. We report for the first time, to the best of our knowledge, the purification of cesium chloride CsCl by dynamic distillations under vacuum in order to reduce water and hydroxyl group contamination before complete melting of the glass. Besides, sulfur purification by dynamic and static distillations was also performed in the implemented method. The obtained glasses were then characterized by UV-visible and infrared (FTIR) spectroscopies, by electron probe microanalysis (EPMA), thermal analysis (DSC), and their refractive indices in the visible and near infrared ranges were also measured. A large improvement of the glass transmission spectrum has been achieved with an estimated reduction of about 45 times of the OH and H2O content and 60 times of the SH content. The glass thermal molding ability and chemical durability with and without protective coating have been tested to probe their potential for fabrication of complex optics

    Bee venom: a case of effectiveness on skin varicosities veins with review of its dermatological benefits

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    Bee venom is a very rich and varied biochemical complex, which explains the multitude of its physiological effects as well as its medical indications. In dermatology, apart from psoriasis, few studies have been conducted concerning its interest and effectiveness; however the preliminary results remain so promising and encouraging. We present a clinical case illustrating the efficacy of bee venom in cutaneous varicosities, with a review of the literature of its main dermatological indications