6 research outputs found
CartografĂa botánico-ecolĂłgica de detalle en la alpujarra : vertiente sur del parque natural de Sierra Nevada
Memoria de licenciatura, Univ. Granada, Departamento de Botánica. LeĂda en 200
Los mercados de Marruecos en el contexto de la globalizaciĂłn
Estudio comparado de los mercados de doce localidades de Marruecos, seleccionadas en razĂłn de su diversidad Ă©tnica, territorial, medioambiental, productiva, distribuidora y urbanĂstica. La observaciĂłn y las entrevistas se llevaron a cabo en siete tipos de establecimientos y/o sistemas de venta, y con veintitrĂ©s tipos de informantes privilegiados vinculados a la producciĂłn, almacenamiento, distribuciĂłn, venta y preparaciĂłn de alimentos.Marokoko hamabi lekuetako merkatuen azterlan konparatua. Leku horiek aukeratzerakoan hainbat faktoreren aniztasuna hartu ziren kontuan: etnia, lurraldea, ingurumena, produkzioa, banaketa eta hirigintza. Behaketa eta elkarrizketak zazpi denda edota salmenta sistematan gauzatu ziren, janarien produkzio, biltegiratze, banaketa, salmenta eta prestatze lanekin zerikusia zuten hogeita hiru berriemailerekin.Étude comparĂ©e des marchĂ©s de douze localitĂ©s du Maroc, choisies en raison de leur diversitĂ© Ă©thnique, territoriale, environnementale, productive, distributrice et urbaine. L'observation et les interviews son menĂ©es dans sept types d'Ă©tablissements et/ou systèmes de vente, et avec vingttrois types d'informateurs privilĂ©giĂ©s liĂ©s Ă la production, stockage, distribution, vente et prĂ©paration d'aliments.Compared study of the markets of twelve localities of Morocco, selected in regard to it s ethnic, territorial, environmental, productive, distributing and cityplanning diversity. The observation and the interviews were carried out in seven types of establishments and/or systems of sale, and with twenty-three types of tie privileged informants to the production, storage, distribution, sale and preparation of foods
Disseny d'una llanta d'automòbil
El present projecte consisteix en l’estudi d’un disseny d’una llanta d’automòbil comercial de la marca O.Z Racing. L’estudi present en aquest projecte, es basa en l’anà lisi d’elements finits (FEM) tan de la geometria en conjunt (llanta, pneumà tic i carretera) com de la llanta sola.
L’anà lisi ve establert per unes condicions de contorn i les cà rregues especifiques per tal d’entendre el comportament de la llanta sota aquestes. Amés, es realitza una comparació dels resultats obtinguts per els dos casos d’anà lisi (geometria en conjunt i llanta sola).
L’estudi de la llanta ha set realitzat amb els programes d’anĂ lisi d’elements finits (FEM) ANSYS Workbench 2021 R2 i Abaqus/CAE 2021. Aquest estudi, tambĂ© compren un anĂ lisi de fatiga. Aquests cĂ lculs poden ser corroborats al llarg d’aquesta memòria.El presente proyecto consiste en el estudio de un diseño de llanta de automĂłvil comercial de la marca O.Z Racing. El estudio presente de este proyecto, se basa en el análisis de elementos finitos (FEM) tanto de la geometrĂa en conjunto (llanta, neumático y carretera) como de la llanta sola.
El análisis viene establecido por unas condiciones de contorno y unas cargas especificas por tal de entender el comportamiento de la llanta bajos estas. Además, se realiza una comparaciĂłn de los resultados obtenidos por los dos casos de análisis (geometrĂa en conjunto y llanta sola).
El estudio de la llanta ha sido realizado con los programas de análisis de elementos finitos (FEM) ANSYS Workbench 2021 R2 y Abaqus/CAE 2021. Este estudio, también comprende un análisis de fatiga. Estos cálculos pueden ser corroborados a lo largo de esta memoria.This project consists of the study of a design for a commercial automobile rim of the O.Z Racing brand. The present study of this project is based on the finite element analysis (FEM) both of the geometry as a whole (rim, tire and road) and of the rim alone.
The analysis is established by certain boundary conditions and specific loads in order to understand the behaviour of the tire under these. In addition, a comparison is made of the results obtained by the two analysis cases (geometry as a whole and rim alone).
The study of the tire has been carried out with the finite element analysis (FEM) programs ANSYS Workbench 2021 R2 and Abaqus / CAE 2021. This study also includes a fatigue analysis. These calculations can be corroborated throughout this report
Latest Holocene paleoenvironmental and paleoclimate reconstruction from an alpine bog in the Western Mediterranean region: The Borreguil de los Lavaderos de la Reina record (Sierra Nevada)
This study was supported by the projects CGL2013-47038-R and CGL2017-85415-R funded by Ministerio de Economia y Competitividad of Spain and Fondo Europeo de Desarrollo Regional FEDER; Seneca Project 20788/PI/18; Junta de Andalucia FEDER Project B-RNM-144-UGR18, Proyectos I + D + i del Programa Operativo FEDER 2018 and the research group RNM-190 (Junta de Andalucia). Alejandro Lopez Aviles acknowledges the PhD funding, BES-2018-084293, provide by Ministerio de Economia y Competitividad of the Spanish Government. Antonio Garcia-Alix acknowledges the Ramon y Cajal fellowship, RYC-2015-18966, provided by the Ministerio de Economia y Competitividad of the Spanish Government. R. Scott Anderson acknowledges travel support from Northern Arizona University.Several organic and inorganic geochemical analyses have been carried out in the sedimentary record of the Borreguil de los Lavaderos de la Reina (BdlR-03), an alpine peat bog located on the north face of the Sierra Nevada (southern Iberian Peninsula). This study permitted a high-resolution reconstruction of paleoenvironmental evolution for the last similar to 2700 cal yr BP in the highest mountain range of southern Iberian Peninsula. An overall trend towards a climatic aridification and a reduction of aquatic environments is observed in this record. Insolation and long-term positive North Atlantic Oscillation trends were the most important factors controlling this aridification, forcing regional and local environmental changes. Four phases are differentiated within the paleoenvironmental evolution of BdlR-03: (1) a pre-bog environment from 2700 to 2600 cal yr BP with important siliciclastic sedimentation and low organic content; (2) a bog environment with important presence of terrestrial vascular plant, water availability and maximum humid conditions between similar to 2600 and similar to 1870 cal yr BP, coinciding with the Iberian-Roman Humid Period; (3) a subsequent drier bog environment, between similar to 1870 and similar to 300 cal yr BP during the Dark Ages, the Medieval Climate Anomaly and the first stages of the Little Ice Age, characterized by lower productivity that affected the development of terrestrial vascular plants and aquatic environments; and (4) a wetland environment with an increase of aquatic algae, development of ephemeral pools and unstable climate conditions between similar to 300 cal yr BP and the present, coinciding with the final stages of the Little Ice Age and the Modern Global Warming. This recent environmental pattern, which is opposite to the general aridification trend in the western Mediterranean, is likely explained by the gradual melting of the perennial ice and/or snow packs at higher elevations in the last centuries. Aeolian inputs would have continuously contributed nutrients to these nutrient-impoverished alpine environments. High dust inputs are especially noticed during the last similar to 200 years, which can be explained by human-induced enhanced aridification and the development of the commercial agriculture in some North African regions. In addition, the environmental signal in the last century seems to be significantly affected by human activities.Ministerio de Economia y Competitividad of Spain
CGL2017-85415-REuropean CommissionJunta de Andalucia FEDER Project
B-RNM-144-UGR18Ministerio de Economia y Competitividad of the Spanish Government
BES-2018-084293Ramon y Cajal fellowship by the Ministerio de Economia y Competitividad of the Spanish Government
RYC-2015-18966Fundacion Seneca
20788/PI/18Junta de AndaluciaProyectos I + D + i del Programa Operativo FEDER 201