1,366 research outputs found
Yasadipura II (YS II) is one of Surakarta’s poets who became a servant to five
kings, namely Paku Buwana (PB) III, IV, V, VI, and VII. During his life of becoming the
palace’s poet, YS II had produced literary works that became an integral part of the
Renaissance period of Javanese literature. In addition to the works of adaptation and
translation, YS II also wrote some original works completed alone or together with his
father. YS II was known as a vocal and critical poet in addressing the running of the
crippled government. In addition, YS II also wrote extensively about the moral crisis
occurred in Surakarta during his lifetime. Although his works are monumental, yet the
biography of YS II is not widely known. This is caused by the lack of obtainable data to
construct his complete biography. Various reasons are given related to the lack of data
about the life and works of YS II. Therefore, this paper tries to reveal in more depth about
the figure of YS II, his biography, education, career, and works
Students’ learning outcome in a statistical methods course essentially reflects their learning effort. Indeed it is inseparable from the factors that influence it. This research was conducted to show and analyze the factors that influence students’ learning outcomes. The research subjects were 57 students of Mathematics Education Department who took the statistical methods course in 2018/2019 Academic Year. The data was collected through a questionnaire. The analytic tool used in the research is factor analysis. It is acknowledged that there are16 variables that allegedly influence students’ learning outcomes, namely: 1) mood; 2) ability to manage time; 3) relationship with family; 4) relationship with friends; 5) lecturer’s explanation; 6) residential atmosphere; 7) activities outside the course; 8) IQ; 9) financial conditions; 10) campus learning atmosphere; 11) learning style/ability to understand any teaching materials; 12) level of difficulty of the teaching materials; 13) teaching and learning facilities; 14) interest and motivation; 15) physical and health conditions; and, 16) course references. In this study, however, it was found that the learning outcomes of the students of Mathematics Education Department, Faculty of Teachers Training and Education, Nusa Cendana University, joining the statistical methods course were influenced by four main factors, that is, self-management, physical conditions, inner conditions, and learning styles
The Effect of Organizational Support and Competency on Employee Performance in PT. Andalan Mandiri Busana Boyolali
This study aimed to determine the effect of organizational support and competence on employee performance. The population used is all employees who work at PT. Andalan Mandiri Busana Boyolali with a total of 1018 people, while the number of samples used was 287 respondents, with the sampling technique using simple random sampling. The data source used is primary data, with the data collection method using a questionnaire. The data analysis technique used is multiple linear regression analysis. The results of hypothesis testing show that organizational support has a positive and significant effect on employee performance, and competence has a positive and significant effect on employee performance. The coefficient of determination is 0.511, meaning that organizational support and competence can explain variations in employee performance variables by 51.1 percent, so it still needs to be followed up with further research, especially related to employee performance
Yasadipura II (YS II) is one of Surakarta’s poets who became a servant to five kings, namely Paku Buwana (PB) III, IV, V, VI, and VII. During his life of becoming the palace’s poet, YS II had produced literary works that became an integral part of the Renaissance period of Javanese literature. In addition to the works of adaptation and translation, YS II also wrote some original works completed alone or together with his father. YS II was known as a vocal and critical poet in addressing the running of the crippled government. In addition, YS II also wrote extensively about the moral crisis occurred in Surakarta during his lifetime. Although his works are monumental, yet the biography of YS II is not widely known. This is caused by the lack of obtainable data to construct his complete biography. Various reasons are given related to the lack of data about the life and works of YS II. Therefore, this paper tries to reveal in more depth about the figure of YS II, his biography, education, career, and works
The TGMD-2 test is one of the motion development tests developed by Ulirch in 1985. Ulrich D. A. from the School of kinesiology at the University of Michigan, has compiled a test to evaluate 250 basic motor skills (Test Of Gross Motor Development). TGMD-2 tests 12 basic movement skills which are divided into two subtests, namely locomotor and object control. This test is designed to assess the level of basic motor skills in children aged 3-10 years. This test is suitable for elementary school age students 7-10 years. In community service this time using the training method in the form of demonstrations related to the rules, movements and procedures for carrying out the TGMD-2 Test. The main target for this program is sports teachers who work at the Jayalaksana Village Elementary School, Kec. CabangBungin, Bekasi Regency.The purpose of implementing this program is to improve motor understanding of sports teachers through training in methods of identifying motor skills of elementary school students through the TGMD-2 test. The results obtained showed that the teacher representatives from each elementary school in Jayalaksana Village were able to provide good understanding and direction of the TGMD-2 test movements to 6 (six) students who were appointed as demonstrators in the demonstration of the TGMD-2 test movement. So it can be concluded that this Community service activity has an impact, namely being able to increase knowledge and information related to the material and implementation of the TGMD-2 Test for teachers who teach sports, as well as provide knowledge about the importance of motor development for elementary school students in Jayalaksana Village because they have It is the duty and responsibility of a teacher to know the progress of his students.
Keyword:Motor Skills, TGMD-2 Test, Sports Teacher
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mendeskripsikan tata cara dan upacara daur hidup dalam
salah satu teks Jawa klasik yang berjudul Serat Tatacara. Serat Tatacara yang menjadi subjek
dalam kajian ini ditulis oleh Ki Padmasusastra dan Nyai Padmasusastra pada tahun 1863-1904 M.
Serat Tatacara telah diterbitkan oleh Kangjeng Gupremen di Batawi pada tahun 1907. Teks
digubah dalam bentuk prosa sebanyak dua jilid. Jilid pertama terdiri dari 22 bab, 80 halaman. Jilid
kedua terdiri dari 18 bab, 105 halaman. Penyajian teks dalam bentuk dialog atau tanya jawab
antaranggota keluarga.
Pengumpulan data penelitian meliputi pembacaan secara cermat dan langsung terhadap
subjek penelitian. Pengumpulan data menggunakan instrumen penelitian yang berupa lembar data.
Data kemudian dianalisis menggunakan teknik analisis deskriptif kualitatif yang berlaku dalam
penelitian kepustakaan.
Hasil penelitian berupa deskripsi tata cara dan upacara seputar daur hidup yang ditemukan
dalam ST. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian, upacara daur hidup dalam ST terbagi dalam tiga fase,
yaitu: (1) Prenatal yang berisi uraian mengenai tata cara mengenali tanda-tanda, larangan, dan
anjuran selama masa kehamilan, wilujengan pada usia kehamilan satu sampai sembilan bulan, dan
tata cara selama proses kelahiran; (2) Pascanatal yang berisi uraian cara memotong dan merawat
tali pusar, cara merawat ibu dan bayi sesudah proses kelahiran, serta upacara-upacara seputar
pascanatal dari brokohan sampai dengan slametan nyapih; (3) Masa anak-anak dan remaja yang
berisi uraian tentang Upacara Tetesan, Pasah, Sukeran, Sunatan, Tingalan, dan tata cara orang
tua untuk mencarikan jodoh anaknya.
Kata kunci: tata cara dan upacara, daur hidu
Media Video Perawatan Tali Pusat Pada Bayi Baru Lahir Terhadap Peningkatan Pengetahuan Ibu Primipara
Latar Belakang: Salah satu penyebab kematian neonatal yaitu Tetanus Neonatorum yang disebabkan oleh infeksi tali pusar. Oleh karena itu untuk mencegah infeksi tali pusar diperlukan media yang tepat untuk menjelaskan secara lengkap perawatan tali pusar dalam kondisi steril, bersih, kering dan terbuka. Tujuan: mengetahui pengaruh pemberian media video terhadap peningkatan pengetahuan ibu primipara mengenai perawatan tali pusar. Metode: menggunakan desain quasi eksperimen dengan pendekatan one group pretest-posttest. Populasi seluruh ibu yang melahirkan di Klinik Anny Rahardjo. Sampel penelitian ini adalah seluruh ibu primipara yang memiliki bayi usia 0-6 bulan yang berjumlah 40 responden. Hasil: penelitian ini melibatkan responden dengan kriteria; ibu primipara dengan rentang usia 20-35 tahun, mayoritas pendidikan tinggi, sebagian besar bekerja. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan terdapat perbedaan rata-rata sebelum dan sesudah interevensi dengan video perawatan tali pusar yaitu rata-rata sebelum intervensi sebesar 57,38 dengan SD 13,866, rata-rata setelah treatment yaitu 73,50 dengan SD 10,389. Hasil uji statistik diperoleh p value 0,000 (p<α) dengan selisih nilai rata-rata sebesar 16,12. Kesimpulan adanya pengaruh video perawatan tali pusat terhadap peningkatan pengetahuan ibu primipara dalam perawatan bayi, sehingga bayi sehat terhindar dari infeksi.Kata Kunci: Video Perawatan Tali Pusar, Primipara, Pengetahuan Background: One of the causes of neonatal deaths is Tetanus Neonatorum, which is caused by umbilical cord infection. Therefore, to prevent umbilical cord infection, appropriate media are needed to comprehensively explain umbilical cord care in sterile, clean, dry, and open conditions. Objective: To determine the effect of providing video media on increasing the knowledge of umbilical cord care among primiparous mothers. Method: Using a quasi-experimental design with a one-group pretest-posttest approach. The population consists of all mothers who gave birth at the Anny Rahardjo Clinic. The sample for this study includes all primiparous mothers with babies aged 0-6 months, totaling 40 respondents. Results: This study involved respondents who met the following criteria: primiparous mothers aged 20-35 years, the majority of whom had higher education, and most of them were employed. The results indicated a difference in the mean scores before and after the intervention with umbilical cord care videos. The average score before the intervention was 57.38 with a standard deviation of 13.866, while the average score after the intervention was 73.50 with a standard deviation of 10.389. The statistical test results yielded a p-value of 0.000 (p<α) with an average difference of 16.12. Conclusion: The use of umbilical cord care videos effectively increased the knowledge of primiparous mothers in baby care, helping to prevent infections and promote the health of newborns.Keywords: Umbilical Cord Care Videos, Primipara, Knowledge.
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis secara empiris penggunaan rasio
profitabilitas ditinjau dari Net Profit Margin (NPM), Return On Investment (ROI),
Operating Profit Margin (OPM), dan Return On Equity (ROE) untuk memprediksi laba
masa depan pada perusahaan manufaktur yang terdaftar di BEI pada periode tahun
2003‐2008. Populasi dalam penelitian ini adalah semua perusahaan go public yang
terdaftar di BEI pada tahun 2003‐2008 berjumlah 397 perusahaan go public. Sampel
dalam penelitian ini berjumlah 31 perusahaan manufaktur yang sudah terdaftar di Bursa
Efek Indonesia sebelum 31 Desember 2003, pengambilan sampel dengan metode
purposive sampling. Metode analisis data yang digunakan adalah regresi linier berganda.
Berdasarkan hasil penelitian, pada taraf signifikansi 5% diketahui bahwa, (1) rasio
profitabilitas Net Profit Margin (NPM) dengan thitung = 4,487, Return On Investment (ROI)
dengan thitung = ‐3,285, Operating Profit Margin (OPM) dengan thitung = 3,588, dan Return
On Equity (ROE) dengan thitung = 4,487, mampu memprediksikan laba masa depan
periode tahun 2003‐ 2008, (2) semua rasio profitabilitas ditinjau dari NPM, ROI, OPM,
dan ROE secara simultan mampu memprediksi laba masa depan perusahaan manufaktur
periode tahun 2003‐2008. Uji model (goodnes of fit) yang telah dilakukan diperoleh nilai
Fhitung = 63,889 dengan p‐value 0,000, maka dapat disimpulkan bahwa model yang
dirumuskan sudah fit. Besarnya pengaruh variabel independen dapat menjelaskan
variabel dependen periode tahun 2003‐2008 sebesar 62%.
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