36 research outputs found


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    Mediatek Android ROM Builder atau yang disingkat MARB, merupakan proyek untuk membantu pengguna atau developer ROM android yang devicenya memiliki chipset Mediatek dalam hal mengedit dan porting custom ROM android yang memiliki seri dan chipset sesama Mediatek. Selama ini porting ROM android masih dilakukan dengan cara manual, maka dari itu perlu di bangun sebuah aplikasi agar memudahkan pengguna dalam memporting atau mengedit rom android. Tahap pembangunan aplikasi ini meliputi analisis, perancangan sistem, implementasi dan pengujian. Rancangan tersebut telah diimplementasikan dengan menggunakan bahasa pemograman bash shell berbasis linux. Bash shell merupakan bahasa perintah yang jika di tulis oleh pengguna menyebabkan aksi. Bash shell juga dapat membaca perintah dari file, yang disebut script. Penulis membuat aplikasi MARB dari script berbasis bash shell ini.kemudian aplikasi yang telah dibuat dilakukan pengujian. Penelitian menghasilkan aplikasi MARB sebagai sarana untuk membantu pengguna untuk memporting dan mengedit rom yang memiliki chipset mediatek. Aplikasi berjalan pada Linux terminal dan Cygwin pada Microsoft Windows sebagai emulator terminal pada Windows


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    Since being introduced by the Minister of Education and Culture, the Kurikululm Merdeka dan Merdeka Belajar program has become a trend at the higher education level in Indonesia. On the other hand, the trend of the industrial world today is starting to touch the virtual world with several systems. The purpose of this study is to describe the implementation steps of Ciject-Bale as a creativity-based English learning method, the advantages of the Ciject-Bale method, and the effectiveness of this method in learning English. This research used descriptive qualitative and quantitative research methods with experimental research design. The results were the Ciject-Bale can be implemented through determining the theme and location, making the draft, doing a lot of practices, doing a live report, editing and uploading. Ciject-Bale has many advantages as an integrated English learning method and ICT. Through t-test analysis which showed that sig. (2-tailed) of all = 0.000 and the probability less than 0.05, Ciject-Bale was an effective method to be used in English learning. The conclusion was the learners will become young content creators in English by implementing this method and it needs more focus and high creativity.


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    Since being introduced by the Minister of Education and Culture, the Kurikululm Merdeka dan Merdeka Belajar program has become a trend at the higher education level in Indonesia. On the other hand, the trend of the industrial world today is starting to touch the virtual world with several systems. The purpose of this study is to describe the implementation steps of Ciject-Bale as a creativity-based English learning method, the advantages of the Ciject-Bale method, and the effectiveness of this method in learning English. This research used descriptive qualitative and quantitative research methods with experimental research design. The results were the Ciject-Bale can be implemented through determining the theme and location, making the draft, doing a lot of practices, doing a live report, editing and uploading. Ciject-Bale has many advantages as an integrated English learning method and ICT. Through t-test analysis which showed that sig. (2-tailed) of all = 0.000 and the probability less than 0.05, Ciject-Bale was an effective method to be used in English learning. The conclusion was the learners will become young content creators in English by implementing this method and it needs more focus and high creativity.Ă‚

    Pembelajaran Bahasa Inggris Berbasis Wirausaha (Miss Maya) dalam Membangun Entrepreneurial Leadership

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    Revolusi industri merupakan penggabungan teknologi otomatisasi dengan siber. Tren dunia industri saat ini mulai menyentuh dunia virtual dengan beberapa sistem seperti sistem fisik siber, internet of things (IoT), komputasi awan, dan komputasi kognitif. Revolusi 4.0 menanamkan teknologi cerdas yang dapat terhubung dengan berbagai lini kehidupan termasuk mahasiswa. Mereka harus aktif untuk membentuk intuisi entrepreneurial leadership-nya guna menghadapi tantangan tersebut. Tentunya ini harus ditopang dengan adanya dorongan, kolaborasi dan integrasi pembelajaran di bidang kewirausahaan. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah mendeskripsikan langkah-langkah penerapan metode pembelajaran Miss Maya, menemukan dan mendeskripsikan keunggulan Miss Maya dalam membangun jiwa entrepreneurial leadership, dan menentukan efektivitas Miss Maya dalam pembelajaran bahasa Inggris. Metode yang digunakan adalah mix-method; metode kuantitatif dan kualitatif berdasarkan kajian kepustakaan. Data primer meliputi hasil uji t-test dan referensi/ literatur/ jurnal /buku yang berkaitan pembahasan. Data sekunder meliputi data lapangan yang diambil melalui observasi dan interview. Hasil penelitian ini adalah Miss Maya dapat dilakukan melalui tahap persiapan (diskusi kelompok membuat Sinessa), pelaksanaan (presentasi persuasif disertai prototipe produk), dan penilaian. Miss Maya merupakan metode pembelajaran bahasa Inggris integratif bersifat imajinatif futuristik dengan enam unsur utama berbisnis yang diharapkan mampu menumbuhkan intuisi jiwa kewirausaan mahasiswa guna menghadapi revolusi industri 4.0. Hasil uji t-test menunjukkan sig. (2-tailed) of all = 0.000 dan tingkat probabilitinya kurang dari 0.05 yang berarti bahwa Miss Maya adalah strategi yang efektif dalam pembelajaran Bahasa Inggris


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    Eko Heriyanto, 2011, Prarancangan Pabrik Formaldehid dari Metanol dan Udara Proses Metal oxide kapasitas 15.000 ton/tahun, Jurusan Teknik Kimia, Fakultas Teknik, Universitas Sebelas Maret, Surakarta Prarancangan pabrik formaldehid direncanakan memiliki kapasitas 15.000 ton/tahun dengan kemurnian 37% berat menggunakan proses Metal Oxide dan katalis yang digunakan adalah iron molybdenum oxide pada suhu 300-400 0C dan tekanan 1,3 atm yang berlokasi di Bontang-Kalimantan Timur. Bahan baku metanol diambil dari PT. Kaltim Metanol Industri dan oksigen diambil dari udara dilingkungan sekitar, keduanya direaksikan dalam reaktor fixed bed multitube dengan menggunakan Dow Therm A sebagai pendingin. Gas hasil reaksi dilewatkan absorber yang berfungsi untuk melarutkan formaldehid dengan menggunakan air sebagai pelarutnya, proses pembuatannya memerlukan bahan baku metanol sebanyak 759,996 kg/jam dan udara sebanyak 2595,123 kg/jam. Unit utilitas sebagai pendukung proses menyediakan listrik, bahan bakar, pengolahan air, dan pengolahan limbah untuk kelancaran proses produksi. Air diambil dari laut dan air tanah, listrik disediakan oleh PLN dan generator. Terdapat tiga laboratorium, yaitu laboratorium analisis produk dan bahan baku, laboratorium penguji kualitas air, dan laboratorium penelitian dan pengembangan. Bentuk perusahaan adalah Perseroan Terbatas dengan sistem organisasi garis dan staf. Sistem kerja karyawan berdasarkan pada pembagian menurut jam kerja yang terdiri dari karyawan shift dan non shift. Pabrik ini beroperasi selama 330 hari dalam satu tahunnya. Hasil analisa ekonomi terhadap prarancangan pabrik formaldehid membutuhkan modal Rp. 116.323.234.492,00 dengan Return of Investment (ROI) sebelum pajak 39,74 % dan sesudah pajak 31,79 %. Pay Out Time (POT) sebelum pajak 2,01 tahun dan sesudah pajak 2,39 tahun. Break Even Point (BEP) adalah 50,84 % dan Shut Down Point (SDP) adalah 34,75 %. Rate of Return (i) berdasarkan Discounted Cash Flow adalah 27,85 %. Ditinjau dari analisa ekonomi dapat disimpulkan bahwa pabrik formaldehid proses Metal Oxide katalis iron molybdenum oxide kapasitas 15.000 ton/tahun layak untuk didirikan

    Desmond Doss' Biblical Determination to Defend His Faith in The Hacksaw Ridge Movie

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    The film is one of the innovations of drama literary works. There are various types of films. One of them is an action movie that includes war and military action. This type of film is usually famous for bloodshed. Hacksaw Ridge Movie is just the opposite. The main character in this film is a medic soldier who is against killing or touching weapons. This character is the son of a former World War I corporal and a devout Adventist Christian. A devout Christian knows God's word and works on it. It is including the commandments that God said in the Torah. One of God's commands in the Torah in Exodus 20:13 (King James Version) is “Thou shalt not kill.” Bible says that a person who believes in God must be able to faithfully exercise his faith because God is faithful. The main character in this film has the determination to be faithful to his faith. The purpose of this study is to find evidence in the form of data relating to what makes the main character in this film decide not to kill, how he maintains his faith, and what effect he gets from his decision. In conducting this research, the writer uses descriptive methods with data collection are include literature study, observation, and note-taking. The collected data is then analyzed and presented qualitatively. The result showed that the writer found two data which became the strongest reason for the main character not to kill; nine pieces of data that prove how the main character fights for his faith; and eight data that prove the effects of the main character's determination. From this film, the writer can conclude that, if a person has true faith, he should work on that faith faithfully.


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    The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of the product on purchasing decisions for Honda motorbikes in Samarinda, The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of Price on purchasing decisions for Honda motorbikes in Samarinda, The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of place / location on the decision to purchase a Honda motorcycle in Samarinda, The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of promotion on the decision to purchase a Honda motorcycle in SamarindaBased on the results of research on the influence of products on the purchase decision of Honda motorcycles in Samarinda by 53.4%, based on the results of research the effect of prices on purchasing decisions of Honda motorcycles in Samarinda amounted to 24.1%, based on the results of the study of the influence of place / location on motorcycle purchasing decisions Honda in Samarinda was 5.6%, based on a study of the effect of promotion on the decision of purchasing Honda motorcycles in Samarinda by 16.63%. Of the total respondents 100 people

    Desmond Doss' Biblical Determination to Defend His Faith in The Hacksaw Ridge Movie

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    The film is one of the innovations of drama literary works. There are various types of films. One of them is an action movie that includes war and military action. This type of film is usually famous for bloodshed. Hacksaw Ridge Movie is just the opposite. The main character in this film is a medic soldier who is against killing or touching weapons. This character is the son of a former World War I corporal and a devout Adventist Christian. A devout Christian knows God's word and works on it. It is including the commandments that God said in the Torah. One of God's commands in the Torah in Exodus 20:13 (King James Version) is “Thou shalt not kill.†Bible says that a person who believes in God must be able to faithfully exercise his faith because God is faithful. The main character in this film has the determination to be faithful to his faith. The purpose of this study is to find evidence in the form of data relating to what makes the main character in this film decide not to kill, how he maintains his faith, and what effect he gets from his decision. In conducting this research, the writer uses descriptive methods with data collection are include literature study, observation, and note-taking. The collected data is then analyzed and presented qualitatively. The result showed that the writer found two data which became the strongest reason for the main character not to kill; nine pieces of data that prove how the main character fights for his faith; and eight data that prove the effects of the main character's determination. From this film, the writer can conclude that, if a person has true faith, he should work on that faith faithfully.Â

    DISTRIBUSI POLA AEROSOL DI WILAYAH INDUSTRI BALONGAN DAN SURALAYA (Aerosol Distribution in The Industry Areas of Balongan and Suralaya)

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    AbstrakKajian ini bertujuan untuk mengidentifikasi distribusi aerosol yang aktual dan dominan dari kegiatan yang melepaskan emisi polutan, khususnya di sekitar wilayah industri Pertamina-Balongan dan PLTU-Suralaya. Parameter distribusi aerosol, planetary boundary layer dan angin didapatkan dari alat Lidar. Pengukuran pada kedua lokasi menunjukkan tren kenaikan aktivitas polutan setelah pukul 08.00 WIB, distribusi aerosol pekat Pertamina-Balongan berada pada kisaran 800–1400 mdpl, sedangkan wilayah PLTU-Suralaya bervariasi pada kisaran 500-6500 mdpl. Sebaran partikel aerosol disimulasikan menggunakan model dispersi untuk mengetahui pola arah sebaran.AbstractThis study aims to identify distribution of the aerosol as the pollutants emissions affected by the selected industrial activity i.e. Pertamina-Balongan and PLTU-Suralaya. Distribution of aerosols parameter, planetary boundary layer, and wind were measured by Lidar. The measurement at both locations showed an increasing trend in pollutant emission at morning local times after 8 AM. The dispersion of aerosol in Pertamina-Balongan dominate at the altitudes of 800-1400 masl, while in PLTU-Suralaya area varies at the range 500-6500 masl. Dispersion of the aerosols was simulated using a dispersion model to determine the direction of the dispersion


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    AbstrakBelajar membaca Al-Qur’an menggunakan alat bantu aplikasi sangat diperlukan dalam mempermudah dan memahami bacaan Al-Qur’an. Pengecekan bacaan Al-Qur’an salah satu metode dengan MFCC untuk pengenalan suara cukup baik dalam speech recognition.Metode tersebut telah lama diperkenalkan oleh Davis dan Mermelstein sekitar tahun 1980. MFCC merupakan metode ekstraksi ciri untuk mendapatkan cepstral coefficient dan frame sehingga dapat digunakan untuk pemrosesan pengenalan suara agar lebih baik dalam ketepatan. Tahapan MFCC mulai dari pre-emphasis, frame blocking, windowing, Fast Fourier Transform (FFT), Mel Frequency Wrapping (MFW), Discrete Cosine Transoform (DCT) dan cepstral liftreing. Hasil pengecekan bacaan Al-Qur’an diujikan dalam sebelas surat mulai dari surat Al-Fatihah, Al-Baqarah, Al-Imran, Al-Hadid, Al-Ashr, Ar-rahman, Al-Alaq, Al-Kautsar, Al-Ikhlas, Al-Falaq dan An-Nas menghasilkan akurasi sebesar rata-rata 51,8%. Kata Kunci : Suara, Bacaan,  MFCC, Kesesuaian, Ekstraksi Ciri, Referensi, Bobot, Dominan