64 research outputs found

    Development of Applications for Simplification of Boolean Functions using Quine-McCluskey Method

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    Purpose: This research makes an application to simplify the Boolean function using Quine-McCluskey, because length of the Boolean function complicates the digital circuit, so that it can be simplified by finding other functions that are equivalent and more efficient, making digital circuits easier, and less cost.Design/methodology/approach: The canonical form is Sum-of-Product/Product-of-Sum and is in the form of a file, while the output is in the form of a raw and in the form of a file. Applications can receive the same minterm/maksterm input and do not have to be sequential. The method has been applied by Idempoten, Petrick, Selection Sort, and classification, so that simplification is maximized.Findings/result: As a result, the application can simplify more optimally than previous studies, can receive the same minterm/maksterm input, Product-of-Sum canonical form, and has been verified by simplifying and calculating manually.Originality/value/state of the art: Research that applies the petrick method to applications combined with being able to receive the same minterm/maksterm input has never been done before. The calculation is only up to the intermediate stage of the Quine-McCluskey method or has not been able to receive the same minterm/maksterm input

    Pengaruh jumlah nozzle terhadap kinerja turbin pelton sebagai pembangkit listrik di Desa Sumber Agung Kecamatan Suoh Kabupaten Lampung Barat

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    A micro hydro power plant, or commonly known as a turbine is a power plant that utilizes the potential energy of water to be converted into mechanical energy which is then converted into electrical energy using a generator. The Pelton turbine is an extension of the impulse turbine with a split some blades dividing the jet into two equal beaks which are reversed sideways at the turbine wheel. This study aims to determine the effect of the number of nozzles to output power, efficiency, and electric power produced. In this study, a Pelton type water turbine was applied to a water source flowing from the mountains with a head of 26 m and 0.003167 m3/s water discharge. This study used 3 variations of the number of nozzles (single, double, and triple nozzle) with 9 mm outer diameter of nozzle and 35 mm nozzle length. The results of the research conducted, the turbine power is 419.53 watts, the turbine efficiency is 52%, and the generator power is 360 Watts for triple nozzle variation. The turbine power obtained is 388.83 Watts, the turbine efficiency is 48%, and the generator power is 234 Watts for double nozzle variation. And the power obtained is 367.47 Watts, the turbine efficiency is 45%, and the generator power is 175 Watts for single nozzle variations


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    ABSTRAK Berdasarkan analisis situasi, teknologi proses yang digunakan oleh para pengrajin pandai besi di desa Banjarrejo Kecamatan Batanghari Kabupaten Lampung Timur selama ini masih konvensional secara turun temurun, sehinga kualitas produk yang dihasilkan tidak mampu bersaing terutama dengan produk sejenis yang dihasilkan oleh industri yang sudah menggunakan teknologi modern. Oleh karena itu, harus dilakukan upaya peningkatan kualitas produk tersebut dengan melakukan perbaikan proses produksi yaitu menggunakan air tawar sebagai media pendingin dan selanjutnya dengan oli yang terbukti dapat menurunkan laju korosi. Solusi untuk permasalahan di atas adalah dengan memberikan penyuluhan tentang proses pengerjaan logam, khususnya pengaruh perlakuan panas (heat threatment) dan pendinginan terhadap kekerasan dan laju korosi logam besi dan baja serta melakukan penggantian media pendingin pada proses pendinginan dengan media pendingin yang sesuai. Untuk memecahkan permasalahan yang dihadapi dalam kegiatan ini, maka dipilih beberapa metode pemecahan diantaranya adalah Metode Ceramah, Metode Demonstrasi, dan Aplikasi Hasil Uji Laboratorium. Hasil dari kegiatan pengabdian kepada masyarakat ini adalah para pengrajin pandai besi di desa Banjarrejo Kecamatan Batanghari Kabupaten Lampung Timur dapat mengerti dan memahami pentingnya peranan heat threatment dalam proses pengerasan logam. Setelah para pengrajin mengikuti dua tahapan diatas dan merasa yakin apa yang telah diperoleh, maka tahap selanjutnya adalah menerapkan hasil uji laboratorium dalam kegiatan produksi yang sebenarnya. Kata Kunci : Heat threatment, pandai besi, pengerasan logam, media pendingin, sosialisasi.  ABSTRACT Based on the situation analysis, the process technology used by the blacksmith artisans in the village of Banjarrejo, Batanghari district, East Lampung Regency has been conventional for generations, so the quality of the products produced cannot compete, especially with similar products produced. by industries that already use modern technology. Therefore, efforts must be made to improve the quality of these products by improving the production process, namely using fresh water as a cooling medium and then with oil that has been proven to reduce the corrosion rate. The solution to the above problems is to provide advice on the machining process, especially the effect of heat treatment and cooling on the hardness and corrosion rate of iron and steel, and to replace the cooling medium in the cooling process with an appropriate cooling medium. To solve the problems faced in this activity, several solutions were chosen including the Lecture Method, Demonstration Method and Application of Laboratory Test Results. The result of this community service activity is that the artisan blacksmiths of Banjarrejo Village, Batanghari District, East Lampung Regency can understand and understand the important role of the heat threat in the metal hardening process. Once the artisans have followed the above two steps and are sure what has been achieved, the next step is to apply the lab test results to the actual production activities. Keywords: Heat threatment, blacksmithing, metal hardening, means of cooling, socialization


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    Land subsidence is a global threat to coastal areas worldwide, including the North Java coastal area. Of many areas experiencing land subsidence in North Java, the rate of land subsidence in Pekalongan has matched the high subsidence rates usually found in big cities. The rate of land subsidence in Pekalongan far exceeds the sea-level rise, resulting in a looming threat of land loss. The devastating impacts of land subsidence are the manifestation of its subsurface movement. Therefore, it is essential to understand the subsurface to elucidate the mechanism of land subsidence. Previous studies on land subsidence in Pekalongan are mainly related to subsidence rate monitoring and have not elaborated on the subsurface condition. This paper reviews the Pekalongan subsurface geology based on available literature to provide insight into the land subsidence problem. The results revealed that the land subsidence occurs in the recent alluvial plain of Pekalongan, consisting of a 30-70 m thick compressible deposit. Possible mechanisms of land subsidence arise from natural compaction, over-exploitation of confined groundwater, and increased built areas. As the seismicity of the study area is low, tectonic influence on land subsidence is considered negligible. It is expected that the offshore, nearshore, and swamp deposits are still naturally compacting. As the surface water supply is minimal, over-exploitation of groundwater resources from the deltaic and Damar Formation aquifers occurs. In the end, future research direction is proposed to reduce the impacts of the subsidence hazard.Slijeganje površine tla prijetnja je svim obalnim područjima, pa tako i obali sjeverne Jave. Niz područja u tome prostoru podložno je takvu slijeganju. Iznos toga spuštanja posebno je izražen u velikim gradovima područja Pekalongan. Taj iznos daleko nadilazi porast morske razine rezultirajući gubitkom kopna. Vrlo velik učinak takvih površinskih spuštanja odražava se također i u dubini. Zato je nužno razumjeti ispodpovršinske pojave kako bi se objasnilo samo spuštanje površine. Prethodna istraživanja tih pojava u Pekalonganu uglavnom su bila usmjerena na praćenje iznosa spuštanja, bez uvida u dubinske odnose. Ovdje je prikazana dubinska geologija istraživanoga područja, pregledom dostupne literature. Rezultati su pokazali kako se spuštanje događa u recentnoj aluvijalnoj ravnici Pekalongana, koja obuhvaća tlo debljine 30 – 70 m. Jedan od mogućih uzroka spuštanja jest prirodno zbijanje, zatim pretjerana eksploatacija podzemnih voda te prevelika izgrađenost. Seizmičnost je prostora mala, stoga je i utjecaj tektonike na taj proces zanemariv. Nadalje, morski, priobalni i močvarni talozi podložni su recentnom, prirodnom zbijanju. Kako je pritok svježe, meteorske vode minimalan, dolazi do pretjerane eksploatacije vodonosnika formacije Damar u delti. Predložena su buduća tematska istraživanja kojima bi se smanjio utjecaj opasnosti proizišlih iz slijeganja


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    Penelitian Penyanyi mencoba untuk meninjau menganalisa Pertimbangan hukum Mahkamah Konstitusi hati Putusan Nomor 137 / PUU-XIII / 2015 Dan Putusan Nomor 56 / PUU-XIV / 2016 Yang memperbolehkan otoritas Pemerintah Pusat Berlangganan Mendukung Perda melalui MEKANISME mempertanyakan penasihat hukum yang tertuang di hati Artikel 251 UU No. 23 Tahun 2014 Tentang Pemerintahan Daerah. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian hukum normatif. Menggunakan metode persetujuan-undangan, membahas konseptual, dan mengakses kasus. Teknik pengambilan bahan dilakukan dengan cara melakukan riset perpustakaan.Berdasarkan hasil penelitian yang dapat didasarkan pada pertimbangan hukum dalam Putusan MK No. 137 / PUU-XIII / 2015 dan No. 56 / PUU-XIV / 2016 telah dilakukan Ulasan Eksekutif terhadap Perda yang dilakukan Eksekutif terhadap Perda dengan tinjauan Eksekutif terhadap Perkada

    Analisis Pengaruh Pemberian Ekstrak Etanol Buah Rambusa (Passiflora foetida L.) Terhadap Zona Hambat Pertumbuhan Bakteri Escherichia coli

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    Tumbuhan yang salah satunya berkhasiat di Indonesia adalah Rambusa (Passiflora foetida L.). Buah Rambusa terkandung beberapa zat kimia diantaranya flavonoid, alkaloid, triterpenoid dan steroid yang memberi efek sebagai antibakteri. Tanaman ini bagi masyarakat awam sebagai antibakteri jarang digunakan. Tujuan dari penelitian ini untuk mengetahui aktivitas dan konsentrasi antibakteri yang efektif dari ekstrak buah rambusa terhadap pertumbuhan bakteri Escherechia coli. Metode penelitian ini merupakan penelitian Eksperimental yang menggunakan metode Only Post Test Control Group Design. Uji antibakteri dilakukan dengan menggunakan disc diffusion dengan menggunakan Media Agar Mueller Hinton dengan besar sampel yang diambil adalah 24 sampel dengan masing-masing sampel terdapat 4 kali pengulangan yang terdiri 6 kelompok yaitu konsentrasi uji 20%, 40%, 80%, 100%, kontrol positif (Chloramphenicol) dan kontrol negatif (Aquabidest). Hasil penelitian ini yaitu konsentrasi hambat minimal terhadap pertumbuhan bakteri Escherichia coli di konsentrasi 20% dan 40% adalah 0 mm sedangkan di konsentrasi 80% rata-rata diameter zona hambat 11,75 mm dan juga di konsentrasi 100% rata-rata diameter zona hambat 11,65 mm. Bagian dari kontrol negatif dengan rata-rata diameter zona hambat 0 mm sedangkan kontrol positif dengan rata-rata diameter zona hambat 35,25 mm. Kata kunci: Passiflora foetida L, Escherichia coli, Antibakteri


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    C-Reactive Protein (CRP) is an acute phase protein that is present in normal serum in very small amounts. There are many factors that can affect CRP levels including age, gender, and smoking status. Increasing age allows the emergence of several groups of rheumatic diseases. One of the rheumatism groups that often accompanies the elderly is Rheumatoid Arthritis (RA). Elderly is an age that has a greater chance of experiencing autoimmunity. RA sufferers in the elderly around the world have reached 355 million people, meaning that 1 in 6 elderly people in the world suffer from rheumatism. The resulting human immune response depends on lymphocytes, where systemic inflammation significantly suppresses cellular immunity. Based on the Central Java Health Profile (2019) it shows that the number of elderly people in Cilacap Regency is 174,143 people. This study aims to analyze the number of lymphocytes as an indicator of the immune response in the elderly against levels of CRP, RF. The method used is descriptive qualitative method. From the results of a study of 30 samples in residents of RW 03, Donan Cilacap Village, the results of qualitative examination of CRP and RF levels showed normal results (100%), and the lymphocyte count results obtained for a number of 12 samples showed low results.C-Reactive Protein (CRP) merupakan protein fase akut yang terdapat dalam serum normal dalam jumlah yang sangat sedikit. Ada banyak faktor yang dapat mempengaruhi kadar CRP termasuk usia, jenis kelamin dan status merokok. Bertambahnya usia memungkinkan munculnya beberapa kelompok penyakit rematik. Salah satu golongan rematik yang sering menyertai lansia adalah Rheumatoid Arthritis (RA). Lansia adalah usia yang memiliki peluang lebih besar untuk mengalami autoimun. Penderita RA pada lansia di seluruh dunia telah mencapai 355 juta orang, artinya 1 dari 6 lansia di dunia menderita rematik. Respon imun manusia yang diakibatkan bergantung pada limfosit, dimana inflamasi yang sistemik secara signifikan menekan imunitas seluler. Berdasarkan Profil Kesehatan Jawa Tengah (2019) menunjukkan bahwa jumlah lansia di Kabupaten Cilacap 174.143 jiwa. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis jumlah limfosit sebagai indikator respon imunitas pada lansia terhadap kadar CRP, RF. Metode yang digunakan adalah metode deskriptif kualitatif. Dari hasil penelitian terhadap 30 sampel pada warga RW 03 Kelurahan Donan Cilacap diperoleh hasil pemeriksaan kadar CRP dan RF secara kualitatif menunjukan hasil normal (100%), dan hasil jumlah limfosit diperoleh sejumlah 12 sampel menunjukkan hasil rendah


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    Public awareness of a healthy lifestyle makes organic products in great demand, including organic rice. The willingness to pay consumers for a good or service is determined by the desire of each individual or household who tries to maximize is utility with certain income and will determine the amount of demand for goods or services to be consumed. Therefore, it is necessary to do research on the factors that affect the willingness to pay consumers for organic rice. The research was conducted at Iconmall Gresik Transmart. The sample of this research was 40 people with the criteria that they had bought at least once organic rice products and were at least 17 years old. The data used in this research include primary data and secondary data. Data analysis used is contingent valuation analysis. The results showed that organic rice consumers are willing to pay more for all types of organic rice brands sold on Iconmall Gresik Transmart, where the total average for the type of Hotel Beras Kepala Super brand is Rp 33.214,286, Pure Green Pandan Wangi is Rp 41.444,445, Hotel Beras Merah Premium is Rp 36.181,817, dan Tropicana Slim Panino is Rp 39.096,001. DOI : https://doi.org/10.33005/adv.v9i2.246