5 research outputs found

    Outsourcing och insourcing i fastighetsföretag : jÀmförelse av ett privat fastighetsföretag och ett kommunalt fastighetsföretag

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      Titel: Outsourcing och insourcing i fastighetsföretag – jĂ€mförelse av ett privat fastighetsföretag och ett kommunalt fastighetsföretag   Författare: Karolina Eklöw & Sofia Löfström Handledare: Bengt Larsson   Termin: VT 2010   Ett fastighetsföretag kan sköta sin skötsel och verksamhet via outsourcing och insourcing, det gĂ„r bĂ„de att kombinera dessa tvĂ„ eller att vĂ€lja en av dem. Outsourcing innebĂ€r att ett företag lĂ€gger ut uppgifter pĂ„ entreprenad och dĂ€rmed lĂ„ter andra sköta dem medan insourcing Ă€r nĂ€r ett företag har haft outsourcade aktiviteter och sedan tar tillbaka dessa för att sköta i egen regi.  Det finns bĂ„de fördelar och nackdelar med dessa alternativ, fördelar med outsourcing kan vara kostnadsbesparing och att företaget kan fokusera pĂ„ det som Ă€r vĂ€sentligt. Nackdelar Ă€r att kontroll över de outsourcade aktiviteterna förloras och att information kan lĂ€cka ut. Med insourcing Ă€r bl.a. fördelarna att beroendet av entreprenörer minskar och att företaget sjĂ€lv behĂ„ller sin kunskap medan nackdelar kan vara att företaget gĂ„r miste om stordriftsfördelar och att företaget har ytterligare en aktivitet att utföra sjĂ€lv. I och med att ett företag outsourcar skapas kontrakt och dessa kostar att bĂ„de upprĂ€tta och se över och detta Ă€r en del av de transaktionskostnader som ett företag kan ha.   Vi har valt att undersöka det privata fastighetsföretaget Apartment Bostad och det kommunal fastighetsföretaget HFAB. Syftet med uppsatsen Ă€r att se nĂ€rmre pĂ„ hur ett kommunalt och ett privat fastighetsföretag agerar jĂ€mfört med varandra i frĂ„gan om outsourcing och insourcing och Ă€ven vilka kostnadsmĂ€ssiga aspekter som kommer av besluten. Vi ville vidare ta reda pĂ„ varför HFAB nu sedan en kortare tid tillbaka valt att insourca delar av sin verksamhet som tidigare varit outsourcat. AvgrĂ€nsningen vi gjort Ă€r ett privat och ett kommunalt fastighetsföretag som dessutom finns i Halmstad för att underlĂ€tta jĂ€mförelsen. För vĂ„r uppsats har vi valt en kvalitativ metod eftersom denna Ă€r bĂ€st lĂ€mpad dĂ„ vi ville undersöka HFAB och Apartment Bostad mer ingĂ„ende.   Slutligen har vi kommit fram till att vad gĂ€ller fördelar och nackdelar med outsourcing och insourcing sĂ„ Ă€r HFAB och Apartment Bostad överens om dessa. Valet mellan outsourcing och insourcing beror mycket pĂ„ hur företaget prioriterar och hur de verkar pĂ„ hyresrĂ€ttsmarknaden. En likhet som har kommit fram mellan HFAB och Apartment Bostad Ă€r att de inte gör nĂ„gra större berĂ€kningar inför beslut om insourcing eller outsourcing. Det som Ă€r mest vĂ€sentligt Ă€r vad HFAB och Apartment Bostad fĂ„r för pengarna. Ett exempel Ă€r HFAB som prioriterar kvalitet och kundbemötande och dĂ€rför nyligen insourcat, detta kommer i slutĂ€ndan att leda till ekonomiska fördelar Ă€ven fast HFAB inte redan innan insourcingen satt siffror pĂ„ detta.             

    Climate-related security risks and peacebuilding in Somalia

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    Climate-related security risks are transforming the security landscape in which multilateral peacebuilding efforts take place. This policy paper offers a glimpse into the future of peacebuilding in the time of climate change by providing an in-depth assessment of the United Nations Assistance Mission in Somalia (UNSOM). Climate-related change in Somalia has reduced livelihood options and caused migration. It has also left significant parts of the population in a vulnerable condition. These climate-related security risks contribute to grievances and increase inequality and fragility, which in turn pose challenges to the implementation of UNSOM’s mandate.  The impacts of climate change have hindered UNSOM in its work to provide peace and security in Somalia and in its efforts to establish functioning governance and judicial systems. UNSOM has responded to the growing impact of climate-related change. It has learned lessons from previous failed responses—notably the 2011 drought—and has created innovative initiatives that have been effective. While there is still room for improvement, UNSOM’s new initiatives may help to deliver a set of responses that meet the short-term need for a rapid humanitarian response and the long-term objective of achieving a sustainable and resilient society. The challenges faced by UNSOM and its responses to them have wider implications. They suggest that there is a need for synergetic policy responses that can turn the responses to climate-related security risks into opportunities for UN efforts to sustain peace

    Climate-related security risks and peacebuilding in Somalia

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    Climate-related security risks are transforming the security landscape in which multilateral peacebuilding efforts take place. This policy paper offers a glimpse into the future of peacebuilding in the time of climate change by providing an in-depth assessment of the United Nations Assistance Mission in Somalia (UNSOM). Climate-related change in Somalia has reduced livelihood options and caused migration. It has also left significant parts of the population in a vulnerable condition. These climate-related security risks contribute to grievances and increase inequality and fragility, which in turn pose challenges to the implementation of UNSOM’s mandate.  The impacts of climate change have hindered UNSOM in its work to provide peace and security in Somalia and in its efforts to establish functioning governance and judicial systems. UNSOM has responded to the growing impact of climate-related change. It has learned lessons from previous failed responses—notably the 2011 drought—and has created innovative initiatives that have been effective. While there is still room for improvement, UNSOM’s new initiatives may help to deliver a set of responses that meet the short-term need for a rapid humanitarian response and the long-term objective of achieving a sustainable and resilient society. The challenges faced by UNSOM and its responses to them have wider implications. They suggest that there is a need for synergetic policy responses that can turn the responses to climate-related security risks into opportunities for UN efforts to sustain peace

    Security Risks of Environmental Crises: Environment of Peace (Part 2)

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    SIPRI’s Environment of Peace initiative focuses on managing the risks that are created by two interwoven crises: the darkening security horizon and the immense pressures being placed on the natural world and the systems that support life on earth. The Environment of Peace research report is an in-depth look at the evidence base and analysis of the policy report Environment of Peace: Security in a New Era of Risk, including many real-world case studies. The report is the result of two years’ work by more than 30 researchers, led and guided by some of the leading voices in the fields of environment and security. Accessibly designed, the new research report is available to download in four parts: Elements of a Planetary Emergency (part 1); Security Risks of Environmental Crises (part 2); Navigating a Just and Peaceful Transition (part 3); and Enabling an Environment of Peace (part 4). This part—Security Risks of Environmental Crises (part 2)—shows how combinations of environmental and security phenomena are generating complex risks. Through a theoretical framework informed by the literature, Cedric de Coning, Research Professor at the Norwegian Institute of International Affairs (NUPI), and his team explore different pathways from environmental stress to conflict and how the darkening security horizon and environmental crises are interacting to generate different types of risk: compound, cascading, emergent, systemic and existential. The analysis is supported by numerous case studies, spanning a variety of social-ecological systems and different types of risks. Part 2 also discusses options for responding to these complex risks