74 research outputs found

    Indirect trophic interactions with an invasive species affect phenotypic divergence in a top consumer

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    While phenotypic responses to direct species interactions are well studied, we know little about the consequences of indirect interactions for phenotypic divergence. In this study we used lakes with and without the zebra mussel to investigate effects of indirect trophic interactions on phenotypic divergence between littoral and pelagic perch. We found a greater phenotypic divergence between littoral and pelagic individuals in lakes with zebra mussels and propose a mussel-mediated increase in pelagic and benthic resource availability as a major factor underlying this divergence. Lakes with zebra mussels contained higher densities of large plankton taxa and large invertebrates. We suggest that this augmented resource availability improved perch foraging opportunities in both the littoral and pelagic zones. Perch in both habitats could hence express a more specialized foraging morphology, leading to an increased divergence of perch forms in lakes with zebra mussels. As perch do not prey on mussels directly, we conclude that the increased divergence results from indirect interactions with the mussels. Our results hence suggest that species at lower food web levels can indirectly affect phenotypic divergence in species at the top of the food chai

    Challenging fear: Chemical alarm signals are not causing morphology changes in crucian carp (Carassius carassius)

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    Crucian carp develops a deep body in the presence of chemical cues from predators, which makes the fish less vulnerable to gape-limited predators. The active components originate in conspecifics eaten by predators, and are found in the filtrate of homogenised conspecific skin. Chemical alarm signals, causing fright reactions, have been the suspected inducers of such morphological changes. We improved the extraction procedure of alarm signals by collecting the supernatant after centrifugation of skin homogenates. This removes the minute particles that normally make a filtered sample get turbid. Supernatants were subsequently diluted and frozen into ice-cubes. Presence of alarm signals was confirmed by presenting thawed ice-cubes to crucian carp in behaviour tests at start of laboratory growth experiments. Frozen extracts were added further on three times a week. Altogether, we tested potential body-depth-promoting properties of alarm signals twice in the laboratory and once in the field. Each experiment lasted for a minimum of 50 days. Despite growth of crucian carp in all experiments, no morphology changes were obtained. Accordingly, we conclude that the classical alarm signals that are releasing instant fright reactions are not inducing morphological changes in this species. The chemical signals inducing a body-depth increase are suspected to be present in the particles removed during centrifugation (i.e., in the precipitate). Tissue particles may be metabolized by bacteria in the intestine of predators, resulting in water-soluble cues. Such latent chemical signals have been found in other aquatic organisms, but hitherto not reported in fishe

    Finding food and staying alive

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    Intraspecific competition drives increased resource use diversity within a natural population

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    Resource competition is thought to play a major role in driving evolutionary diversification. For instance, in ecological character displacement, coexisting species evolve to use different resources, reducing the effects of interspecific competition. It is thought that a similar diversifying effect might occur in response to competition among members of a single species. Individuals may mitigate the effects of intraspecific competition by switching to use alternative resources not used by conspecific competitors. This diversification is the driving force in some models of sympatric speciation, but has not been demonstrated in natural populations. Here, we present experimental evidence confirming that competition drives ecological diversification within natural populations. We manipulated population density of three-spine sticklebacks (Gasterosteus aculeatus) in enclosures in a natural lake. Increased population density led to reduced prey availability, causing individuals to add alternative prey types to their diet. Since phenotypically different individuals added different alternative prey, diet variation among individuals increased relative to low-density control enclosures. Competition also increased the diet–morphology correlations, so that the frequency-dependent interactions were stronger in high competition. These results not only confirm that resource competition promotes niche variation within populations, but also show that this increased diversity can arise via behavioural plasticity alone, without the evolutionary changes commonly assumed by theory

    Le risque de prédation et la complexité de l'habitat modifient les taux d'alimentation et l'efficacité énergétique des prédateurs intermédiaires dans un systÚme tri-trophique

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    International audienceTo understand the effects of environmental changes on ecosystems, it is important to determine the factors and mechanisms influencing the strength of species interactions in food webs. However, joint effects of predation risk and additional environmental factors on species interaction strengths in multitrophic systems remain largely unexplored, leaving a substantial gap in our understanding of the links between local environmental characteristics and food web properties. To fill this gap, we investigated the effects of habitat complexity and predation risk by top predatory dragonfly larvae (Aeshna cyanea) on feeding rates and energetic efficiency (i.e. the ratio of acquired and expended energy) of the larvae of three intermediate predatory odonate species (Libellula quadrimaculata, Sympetrum sanguineum, and Ischnura elegans) preying on cladocerans. We hypothesised that predation risk would decrease the feeding rate, especially in the structurally simple habitat, and increase the metabolic rate of all intermediate predators. We also expected higher feeding rates of intermediate predators using aquatic vegetation as a perching site (i.e. Sympetrum and Ischnura) in the structurally complex habitat. Finally, we expected to observe habitat- and predation risk-dependent energetic efficiencies of the intermediate predators driven by changes in feeding and metabolic rates. The effect of predation risk on feeding rates was species specific and differed between the structurally simple and complex habitat. Habitat complexity increased feeding rates but only in the absence of predation risk. Moreover, predation risk signalled by chemical cues significantly increased Sympetrum vulgatum feeding rates but did not influence the feeding rates of the two other intermediate predators. Metabolic rates varied among the three intermediate predators but were not affected by predation risk. Estimated energetic efficiency decreased with intermediate predator body mass and depended, to a lesser extent, on the interactive effect of habitat complexity and predation risk. Our results imply that the effects of habitat complexity and predation risk on trophic interactions are likely to be determined by traits related to foraging and defence of the intermediate predators and their habitat domains, and that energetic efficiency is mainly determined by predator mass. Given that habitat complexity and predation risk can vary substantially across habitats, we conclude that it is important to consider habitat complexity and predation risk to better understand and predict the effects of environmentally driven variations on trophic interaction strength and metabolic rates that underlie the energetic efficiency of individual consumers. This has important implications for population and community dynamics as well as ecosystem functioning
