1,807 research outputs found

    Assessing Social Costs of Inefficient Procurement Design

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    This paper considers the social costs implied by inefficient allocation of contracts in a first price, sealed bid procurement auction with asymmetric bidders. We adopt a constrained (piecewise linear) strategy equilibrium concept and estimate the structural parameters of the bidders’ distribution of costs. We estimate social costs defined as the predicted cost difference between the winning firm and the most efficient bidding firm. We also compare the expected procurement costs under two different auction formats. The data is collected from procurement auctions of road painting in Sweden during 1993-99. The results indicate that the social costs of inefficient contract allocation is about 1.7 per cent of total potential social cost and that an efficient second price auction would lower the expected procurement cost by 2.8 per cent.Procurement auctions; inefficiency; constrained strategy equilibrium; simulation

    The Hausman-MaCurdy Controversy - Why do results differ between studies?

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    The two perhaps most influential empirical labor supply studies carried out in the U.S. in recent years, Hausman (1981) and MaCurdy, Green & Paarsch (1990), report sharply contradicting labor supply estimates. In this paper we seek to uncover the driving forces behind the seemingly irreconcilable results. Our findings suggest that differences with respect to the estimated income and wage effects can be attributed to the use of differing nonlabor income and wage measures, respectively, in the two studies. Monte Carlo experiments suggest that the wage measure adopted by MaCurdy et al might cause a severely downward biased wage effect such that data falsely refute the basic notion of utility maximization.Labor supply; Slutsky condition; maximum likelihood estimation

    Private Alternatives and Early Retirement Programs

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    This paper describes early retirement option programs in collective agreements in Sweden during the 1990s. We highlight the differences between actual pension benefits and those stipulated in the standard agreements. We find that the individuals frequently face far better options than those given by standard agreements. The mix and the timing of pensions is usually done in a non-trivial way. Thus, if we just relied on the standard agreement text, one important implication of these findings is that the effects of economic incentives on retirement very well might be over-estimated.Retirement; early retirement programs; occupational pension

    Tax Reform Evaluation Using Nonparametric Methods: Sweden 1980 - 1991

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    This paper evaluates the tax reforms carried out in Sweden between 1980 and 1991. We use a recently developed nonparametric labor supply function to account for the behavorial responses of the taxed individuals. We decompose the tax reform to study how the separate components influence hours of work, tax revenues and income distribution. The results indicate that the reform was underfinanced and that the increased indirect taxation and redesigned transfer system almost eliminated the positive effects on hours of work due to the decreased marginal taxes on labor income. Further, we compare the results to the predictions of a parametric estimated labor supply model. The responses of the parametric model is almost twice the size of the nonparametric.Nonparametric estimation; labor supply; tax revenues; income distribution

    Effects of stump harvesting and site preparation on mercury mobilization and methylation

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    Mercury (Hg) is an element of major concern in boreal freshwater ecosystems, due to high concentrations of Hg in fish. Forestry operations have been reported to increase the concentrations and loads of Hg to surface waters. In this thesis a series of catchment-scale experiments were used to determine forestry effects on total mercury (THg) and methyl mercury (MeHg) runoff concentrations caused by stump harvest, site preparation and antecedent logging. The stump harvest did not increase Hg concentrations in runoff relative to traditional site preparation in either of the stump harvest studies. The lack of treatment effects caused by stump harvest and site preparation in one of the stump harvest studies focused attention on the antecedent logging. The question of whether the logging was of major importance when compared with the subsequent soil disturbance caused by site preparation was further investigated in the Balsjö catchment study. Contrary to the stump harvest study, the concentrations of THg and MeHg increased after both logging and site preparation by around 30-40 %, but no significant effect was detected after logging only. The more pronounced effect of site preparation in the Balsjö study might be due to more soil disturbance caused by site preparation that was carried out in early summer compared with the logging that was carried out in winter when snow protected the ground. The season and weather conditions present during forestry operations might therefore be of importance when considering possible treatment effects on Hg. The variation in forestry effects on Hg between catchments in this thesis, as well as in earlier studies, indicates that the catchment sensitivity to forestry operations varies. This variation could be due to differences in the biogeochemical status of soils and waters. It is thus vital to determine what factors influence THg and MeHg concentrations in different catchments. The importance of total organic carbon (TOC) was highlighted by a strong correlation between THg and TOC both within and between the study catchments in this thesis. The discharge was also found to have a positive influence on the THg and TOC concentrations, while temperature had a positive influence on the MeHg concentrations. This thesis suggests that when and how forestry operations are implemented might be more important than the treatment type in some catchments. This thesis also identifies a variation in catchment sensitivity to forestry operations that requires further investigation

    Somali asylum seekers and refugees in Finnish health care – focus on privacy and the use of interpreters

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    Privacy is one of the key principals in nursing ethics. It is culturally dependent, and everyone defines it based on their own culture. Respect for privacy is considered to be important in health care, which requires health care professionals’ understanding of privacy in different cultures. The aim of this study was to describe the content, importance and realisation of privacy for Somali asylum seekers and refugees, and the factors related to the use of interpreters in Finnish health care, and to identify the factors related to the use of interpreters in health research. The study was conducted in four sub-studies. The data were collected by 1. focus group interviews from Somali asylum seekers (n=18), 2. by a questionnaire from Somali refugees (n=29), 3, by interviewing nurses (n=8). In the fourth sub-study a literature review was conducted. Data were analysed by content analysis. According to the results, the content of privacy can be divided into visual, physical and informational privacy. The importance of privacy is related to respect of religion, culture and community, feeling of freedom. It is a way for individuals to have the respect of their family and community. The loss of privacy is related to feelings of shame, which is also targeted at the family and community. The realisation of privacy is related to the patient, health care professional and interpreters. Privacy is realised when the patient can make his/her own decisions, is able to act according to Somali culture, gets the appointment with health care quickly and understands his/her treatment. Personal and professional factors of the healthcare professional, such as kindness, ability to focus on health and knowledge about Somali culture, were related to the realisation of privacy. The presence of interpreter weakened the realisation of privacy; however, the personal and professional characteristics of the interpreter improved the realisation. The factors related to the use of interpreters in health care were related to the patient, health care and interpreter. The factors related to the patient included patients’ perceptions and desires concerning the interpreter. Factors related to health care included planning and realisation of the appointment. The factors related to the interpreter included the knowledge, role and personal characteristics of the interpreter. Factors related to the use of interpreters in health research were related into planning and conducting research. As a conclusion, in Somali culture, privacy is strongly connected with religion and the community and it is a collective phenomenon. The realisation of privacy in health care requires a common understanding of the Somali culture and the treatment. The use of interpreter in health care requires careful planning and realisation.Somalialaiset turvapaikanhakijat ja pakolaiset suomalaisessa terveydenhuollossa – ymmärrys yksityisyydestä ja tulkin käytöstä Yksityisyys on yksi hoitotyön eettisistä periaatteista. Se on kulttuurisidonnainen käsite, joka määritellään oman kulttuurin kautta. Yksityisyyden kunnioitus edellyttää terveydenhuollon ammattilaisilta ymmärrystä yksityisyydestä eri kulttuureissa. Tämän tutkimuksen tarkoituksena oli kuvata somalialaisten turvapaikanhakijoiden ja pakolaisten yksityisyyden sisältö, tärkeys ja toteutuminen suomalaisessa terveydenhuollossa sekä tulkin käyttöön liittyviä tekijöitä terveydenhuollossa ja terveyteen liittyvässä tutkimuksessa. Tutkimus toteutettiin neljässä osatutkimuksessa. Aineistot kerättiin 1. somalialaisilta turvapaikanhakijoilta (n=18) focus group –haastatteluilla, 2. somalialaisilta pakolaisilta (n=29) laadullisella kyselylomakkeella ja 3. haastattelemalla terveydenhoitajia (n=8). Neljäs osatutkimus toteutettiin kirjallisuuskatsauksena. Aineistot analysoitiin sisällön analyysillä. Tulosten perusteella yksityisyys somalikulttuurissa on sisällöllisesti visuaalista, fyysistä ja tiedollista. Yksityisyyden tärkeys on uskonnon, kulttuurin sekä perheen ja yhteisön molemminpuolista kunnioitusta, vapauden tunnetta sekä mahdollista häpeää yksityisyyden menettämisestä perheessä ja yhteisössä. Yksityisyyden toteutumiseen liittyvät potilas, terveydenhuoltohenkilöstö ja tulkki. Yksityisyyden koettiin toteutuvan, kun potilas sai itse päättää asioistaan, pystyi toimimaan oman kulttuurinsa mukaisesti, sai ajan vastaanotolle nopeasti ja ymmärsi hoitoonsa liittyvät asiat. Terveydenhuoltohenkilöstön persoonalliset ja ammatilliset tekijät, kyky keskittyä terveysasioihin ja somalikulttuurin tuntemus lisäsivät yksityisyyden toteutumista. Tulkin läsnäolon koettiin heikentävän yksityisyyttä, mutta tulkin henkilökohtaiset tekijät sekä ammatillinen osaaminen liitettiin yksityisyyden hyvään toteutumiseen. Tulkin käyttöön liittyvät tekijät terveydenhuollossa liittyvät potilaaseen, terveydenhuollon henkilöstöön ja tulkkiin. Potilaaseen liittyvät tekijät sisälsivät potilaiden toiveet ja näkemykset tulkkiin liittyen. Hoitohenkilökuntaan liittyvät tekijät sisälsivät potilaan vastaanoton suunnitteluun ja toteutukseen liittyviä tekijöitä. Tulkkiin liittyvät tekijät sisälsivät tulkin tiedot, roolin ja henkilökohtaiset tekijät. Tulkin käyttöön liittyvät tekijät terveyteen liittyvässä tutkimuksessa jakautuivat tutkimuksen suunnitteluun ja tutkimuksen toteutukseen. Johtopäätöksenä voidaan todeta, että somalikulttuurissa yksityisyys on vahvasti uskontoon ja yhteisöön sidoksissa oleva kollektiivinen ilmiö. Yksityisyyden toteutuminen terveydenhuollossa edellyttää hoitohenkilökunnan ja potilaan yhteistä ymmärrystä somalikulttuurista ja hoidosta. Tulkin käyttö terveydenhuollossa ja tutkimuksessa edellyttää hyvää suunnittelua ja toteutusta

    Effects of age and stimulation strategies on cochlear implantation and a clinically feasible method for sound localization latency

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    Treating prelingual deafness with cochlear implants paves the way for spoken language development. Previous studies have shown that providing the intervention at six to 11 months is better than at 12-17 months. However, interventions at even earlier ages have not been researched to the same extent, for example by comparing five to eight months with nine to 11 months. That is why we retrospectively assessed the surgical risks, and analyzed the longitudinal spoken language tests, of 103 children who received their first cochlear implant between five and 30 months of age. This research particularly focused on surgery before 12 months of age (Paper I). Apart from language development, we expected that early implants would provide access to the interaural time differences that are crucial for localizing low frequency sounds. We were interested to examine this in combination with novel sound processing strategies with stimulation patterns that convey the fine structure of sounds. Therefore, in addition to the retrospective analysis, we studied the relationships between stimulation strategies, lateralization of interaural time differences and horizontal sound localization in 30 children (Paper II). Then we decided to develop a method to objectively assess sound localization latency to complement localization accuracy. A method that assesses latency needed to be validated in adults with normal hearing, and in hampered conditions, so that the relationship between accuracy and latency could be clarified. In our study, the gaze patterns from the localization recordings were modelled by optimizing a sigmoid function (Paper III). Furthermore, we addressed the lack of studies on the normal development of sound localization latency of gaze responses in infancy and early childhood (Paper IV). Our study of spoken language development showed the benefit of cochlear implantation before nine months of age, compared to nine to 11 months of age, without increased surgical risks. This finding was strongest when it came to the age at which the child’s language could be understood (Paper I). When our group of 30 subjects underwent tests for interaural time differences, 10 were able to discriminate within the range of naturally occurring differences. Interestingly, the choice of stimulation strategy was a prerequisite for lateralizing natural interaural time differences. However, no relationships between this ability to lateralize and the ability to localize low frequency sounds were found (Paper II). The localization setup meant that detailed investigations of gaze behavior could be carried out. Eight normal hearing adults demonstrated a mean sound localization latency of 280 ± 40 milliseconds (ms), with distinct prolongation with unilateral earplugging. It is interesting to observe the similarity in latency, dynamic behavior, and overlap of anatomical structures between the acoustic middle ear reflex and sound localization latency (Paper III). In addition, normal hearing infants showed diminished sound localization latency, from 1000 ms at six months of age down to 500 ms at three years of age (Paper IV). Latency in children with early cochlear implants still needs to be studied. The findings in this thesis have important clinical implications for counseling parents and they provide valuable data to guide clinical choices about the age when cochlear implants are provided and processor programming takes place. The fast, objective and non-invasive method of sound localization latency assessment may further enhance the clinical processes of diagnosing and monitoring interventions in children with hearing impairment

    Pirates of Empire

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    The suppression of piracy and maritime raiding was a keystone in the colonisation of Southeast Asia. This comparative study in colonial history explores how piracy was defined, contested and used to resist or justify colonial expansion, particularly from c.1850 to c.1920. This title is also available as Open Access on Cambridge Core

    Determination of the flow field downstream of an annular gap steam injector

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    Background Tetra Pak manufactures and distributes so called VTIS facilities for sterilization and pasteurization of for example milk and ice-cream. These VTIS facilities uses a common sterilization process called ultra high temperature (UHT) treatment. UHT treatment involves heating the product to 130-150ºC for one to six seconds depending on type of product. In the VTIS facility the temperature raise in the UHT treatment is obtained with an annular gap steam injector. The annular gap steam injector injects high pressure steam directly in to the product which is going to be sterilized, this raises the temperature of the product almost instantaneously. When quickly raising the temperature of a product the product can burn to the walls of the facility and cause so called fouling (product burn-on due to high temperatures). The fouling has been thoroughly investigated but it is still not totally eliminated. The fouling changes character depending on flow, pressure and the settings of the annular gap steam injector in the VTIS facility. On account of this it is interesting to investigate if the flow field after the annular gap steam injector changes when the flow, pressure and the settings of the annular gap steam injector changes and if this can be connected to the fouling that occurs. Methods The flow field investigations has been made with the optical flow velocity measuring technique Particle Image Velocimetry (PIV) which takes pictures of the flow field using a camera, a high powered laser and particles in the flow. The PIV measurements took place in a pilot plant build to mimic the annular gap injector part of the VTIS facility. Measurements were done after the annular gap steam injector in a part of the VTIS facility called the holding cell, 750 mm of approximately 4 000 mm of the holding cell, at three different heights of the holding cell, was investigated. The pilot plant was run under the same conditions as the VTIS facility in order to mimic the flow field in the VTIS facility. Results When injecting high pressure steam in to the product a jet emerges from the annular gap steam injector. Close to the annular gap steam injector the jet consists of steam but short after the steam has condensed and the jet only consists of liquid. The diameter of the jet is narrow close to the annular gap steam injector and then grows until it covers the whole diameter of the holding cell. Before the jet has reached its full diameter a back flow is present close to the walls of the holding cell. When the jet has reached its full diameter and covers the whole diameter of the holding cell no more back flow can be detecte