385 research outputs found


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    MENINGKATKAN BERPIKIR KRITIS PESERTA DIDIK PADA PEMBELAJARAN IPS MELALUI MODEL PROBLEM BASED INSTRUCTION (Penelitian Tindakan Kelas di kelas VII-A MTs Ar-Rohmah Bandung) ABSTRAK Penelitian ini di latar belakangi dari permasalahan yang ditemukan oleh peneliti saat melakukan observasi awal di kelas VII-A MTs Ar-Rohmah Bandung, diantaranya peserta didik kurang tertarik dengan pembelajaran IPS sehingga berdampak pada tingkat pengetahuan yang tidak berkembang dan cara berpikir mereka hanya pada tingkat pemahaman saja. Dilihat dari permasalahan tersebut, peneliti memutuskan memberikan solusi untuk memperbaiki kualitas pembelajaran yaitu dengan menerapkan model pembelajaran problem based instruction sebagai upaya meningkatkan kemampuan berpikir kritis peserta didik pada pembelajaran IPS. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui peningkatan kemampuan berpikir kritis peserta didik melalui model problem based instruction. Dikatakan model pembelajaran problem based instruction ini merupakan model pembelajaran yang menggunakan masalah dunia nyata atau yang terjadi di lingkungan peserta didik. Metode penelitian ini adalah Penelitian Tindakan Kelas dengan menggunakan desain Kemmis dan Taggart dengan melakukan 3 siklus. Berdasarkan hasil pada siklus pertama menunjukan angka 59,33% dan masuk ke dalam kategori cukup, pada siklus kedua 79,33% masuk ke dalam kategori baik, pada siklus ketiga 93,33% masuk ke dalam kategori baik. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian ini, peningkatan kemampuan berpikir kritis peserta didik melalui model problem based instruction dapat dikatakan meningkat dan berhasil walaupun ada beberapa kendala seperti masih terasa kaku pada peserta didik karena peserta didik belum terbiasa. Kata kunci: Berpikir Kritis. Problem Based Instruction.   IMPROVE CRITICAL THINKING OF STUDENTS IN IPS LEARNING THROUGH PROBLEM-BASED INSTRUCTION MODEL (Classroom Action Research in Class VII-A MTs Ar-Rohmah Bandung) ABSTRACT This research is based on the problems found by researchers when conducting initial observations in class VII-A MTs Ar-Rohmah Bandung, including students less interested in social studies learning so that it affects the level of knowledge that is not developed and their way of thinking is only at the level of understanding only. Judging from these problems, researchers decided to provide solutions to improve the quality of learning by applying the problem-based instruction learning model to improve students' critical thinking skills in social studies learning. This study aims to determine the increase in students' critical thinking skills through a model of problem-based instruction. It is said that the problem-based instruction learning model is a learning model that uses real-world problems or that occurs in the environment of students. The method of this research is Classroom Action Research using Kemmis and Taggart designs by doing 3 cycles. Based on the results of the first cycle showed 59.33% and entered into the sufficient category, in the second cycle 79.33% included in the good category, in the third cycle 93.33% entered into the good category. Based on the results of this study, an increase in students' critical thinking skills through a problem-based instruction model can be said to be increased and successful even though there are some constraints such as it still feels stiff in students because students are not used to it. Keywords: Critical Thinking. Problem Based Instruction Model

    आखिर हिंदी ज़रूरी क्यों है?

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    आखिर हिंदी ज़रूरी क्यों है

    Synthesis and characterization of organometallic Schiff base compounds

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    Ferrocenyl monochalcone was prepared by reacting monoacetyl ferrocene with benzaldehyde and characterized by FTIR and NMR spectroscopy. Ferrocenyl monochalcone was reacted with hydrazine hydrate to form three products. The major orange product has been spectroscopically characterized as ferrocenyl pyrazoline derivative. Cyclopentadienyl manganese tricarbonyl compound was acetylated and reacted with salicylal hydrazide to obtain schiff base compound of acetylcymantrene. The compound was characterized by FTIR,1NMR and CHN analysis


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    Sugar industry is an important industry in India and one of the most important substrates of human nutrition. Sugar plays an important role in our daily life. Sugar Industry Various chemicals are used in the production of sugar. In addition to chemicals, water also plays an important role in the sugar manufacturing process of the sugar industry. In the sugar industry, two types of water are used in the production of sugar. First internal water (cold water) and second internal water. External water such as cooling water is used to condense and cool power plant turbines, mill turbines, mill bearings, crystallized sulfur burners, air compressors, vacuum pumps, hot liquid pumps, etc. The agricultural sector and industry are major sectors with water consumption rates of freshwater supplies indicated by the ubiquitous nature of sugar production and require large amounts of freshwater. Freshwater is used in various units of the sugar manufacturing process in sugar mills, producing wastewater that varies greatly in both quantity and quality. Wastewater from these sugar industries is treated by biological processes, and wastewater is also treated by physicochemical processes. At present, the sugar factory properly treats and reuses the wastewater

    Simulation Of Vehicular Movement in VANET

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    In the recent years research in the field of vehicular ad-hoc network(VANET) is done extensively. VANET consist of large number of dynamically nodes which are vehicles over a area. Different types of technology and applications are being developed for the VANET . So this VANET technology and applications should be thoroughly checked before deployment in the real world environment. But to test technologies and applications in real world environment is not feasible it involves lot of danger and safety issues, different reports of the testing can’t also be generated so to overcome these limitation we need to carry out simulation of VANET in the computer environment i.e. we should do a computer simulation. Computer simulation is risk and danger free, we can generate different scenario (rural, urban, collision of vehicles) of the VANET using this. So computer simulation is very important in VANET research. Simulation of VANET is divided into two part a. Traffic simulation: Generation of traffic movement, Defining the mobility model for vehicle and creating traffic movement. b. Network simulation: Generating Inter communicating vehicle , Defining communication protocols. And both the simulation are connected in bi-directional coupling

    Recognition of handwritten digits using proximal support vector machine

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    Handwritten Digit Recognition System involves reception and interpretation of handwritten digits by a machine. Due to variation in shape and orientation of handwritten digits, it is difficult for a machine to interpret handwritten digits. Handwritten digit Recognition has a wide area of research due to its vast applications like automatic bank cheques processing, billing and automatic postal service. In this thesis, an Offline Handwritten Digit Recognition System is presented. The recognition system is broadly divided into 2 parts, first part is feature extraction from handwritten images and the second one is classification of feature vector into digits. We propose descriptors for handwritten digit recognition based on Histogram of Oriented Gradient (HOG) feature .It is one of the widely used feature vector for object detection in computer vision. For classification of features, linear Proximal Support Vector Machine (PSVM) Classifier is proposed. This is a binary class classifier which is further converted to a 10 class classifier by means of One against all algorithm. Due to small training time, PSVM classifier is preferable over standard Support Vector Machine (SVM) Classifier. The handwritten images both for training and testing are taken from MNIST database. The performance of the system is measured in terms of Sensitivity, Accuracy, Positive Predictivity and Specificity. The performance of PSVM classifier is better compared to Artificial Neural Network(ANN)

    Kontribusi Kemampuan Kerja Dan Motivasi Berprestasi Terhadap Kinerja Kepala Tata USAha SMP Negeri Di Kota Bandung

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    Efektivitas sekolah dipengaruhi oleh banyak faktor, salah satunya adalah kualitas Kepala Tata Usaha Sekolah dalam memberikan layanan administrasi pendidikan. Dengan layanan administrasi yang baik, kegiatan belajar mengajar akan berjalan secara kondusif. Karena itu, penelitian ini akan mengkaji tentang bagaimana kontribusi kemampuan kerja dan motivasi berprestasi terhadap kinerja Kepala Tata Usaha SMP Negeri di Kota Bandung. Metode penelitian menggunakan metode kuantitatif. Data diperoleh dari 30 orang Kepala Sekolah sebagai data Primer dan 30 orang Kepala Tata Usaha sebagai data sekunder. Berdasarkan hasil analisis data dengan bantuan statistik diperoleh hasil penelitian sebagai berikut: (1) Kemampuan kerja Kepala Tata Usaha SMP Negeri di Kota Bandung berada pada kategori tinggi; (2) Motivasi berprestasi Kepala SMP Negeri di Kota Bandung berada pada kategori tinggi; (3) Kinerja Kepala Tata Usaha SMP Negeri di Kota Bandung berada pada kategori tinggi (4) Terdapat kontribusi positif dan signifikan antara kemampuan kerja terhadap kinerja Kepala Tata Usaha SMP Negeri di Kota Bandung dengan kategori kuat (5) Terdapat kontribusi yang positif dan signifikan antara motivasi berprestasi terhadap kinerja Kepala Tata Usaha SMP Negeri di Kota Bandung dengan kategori kuat; dan (6) Terdapat kontribusi positif dan signifikan antara kemampuan kerja dan motivasi berprestasi terhadap kinerja Kepala Tata Usaha SMP Negeri di Kota Bandung dengan kategori kuat

    Stratigraphy and Paleoenvironments of the Soeginina Beds (Paadla Formation, Lower Ludlow, Upper Silurian) on Saaremaa Island, Estonia

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    The Soeginina Beds in the Paadla Formation on the island of Saaremaa, western Estonia, are a lower Ludlow (Upper Silurian) sequence of dolostones, marls, and stromatolites. They represent rocks just above the Wenlock/Ludlow boundary, which is distinguished by a major disconformity that can be correlated to a regional regression on the paleocontinent of Baltica. The depositional environments of the Soeginina Beds include a shelfal environment, restricted shallow marine setting, intertidal mudflat and finally a hypersaline supratidal setting. The evidence includes halite crystal molds, oscillation ripples, eurypterid fragments, stromatolites, ostracods, gastropods, Chondrites trace fossils, intraclasts and oncoids. Nautiloid conchs are common, probably because storm currents washed them in. I measured two sections of the Soeginina Beds at Kübassaare, eastern Saaremaa in western Estonia. The beds in one section are virtually horizontal; in the second they are steeply dipping, probably because of Pleistocene glacial ice overpressure. The beds begin with fine-grained dolostone and end with large, well-preserved domical stromatolites. The equivalent section at Soeginina Cliff in western Saaremaa (about 86 kilometers away) has larger oncoids, branching coral fragments, and bigger stromatolites. It is also more heavily dolomitized. These differences indicate that the western Soeginina Cliff was deposited in slightly deeper, less saline waters than those in the east at Kübassaare


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    This paper examines the existance of earnings management of the IPO companies. Earnings management is affected when a company would conduct its first stock sale. Earnings management is a manager act who the form of intervene in the preparation offinancial statements with improving corporate profits. Goal of earnings management is toincrease the company's capital, to attract the attention ofinvestors.Companies that want to get more funding, the company can sell its shares to the public through the stock market. A manager in earnings management would prefer to use accrual transactions because this policy is more difficult to detect than the method of accounting. Accruall transaction is a transaction that does not affect the cash-out and cash in. The use of discretionary accrual sproven to be the managers for manipulating earnings because it is more difficult to detect by the investor. Keywords: Earnings Management, Initial Public Offering, Discretionary accruals


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    Penelitian ini bertujuan mendeskripsikan dan menganalisis pengelolaan guru berorientasi pada peningkatan kualitas kinerja serta mengembangkan model hipotetik agar penerapan pengelolaan guru menjadi lebih efektif. Metode yang digunakan adalah kualitatif. Data diperoleh melalui pedoman kaji dokumen, pedoman wawancara, pedoman observasi dan self assessment. Pengolahan dan analisis data dilakukan melalui langkah-langkah: kategorisasi, verifikasi, validasi data, member check, deskripsi hasil penelitian, serta analisis induktif dan pembahasan. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa Labschool berstatus unsur penunjang akademik UPI yang memiliki fungsi sebgai tempat dalam mengembangkan inovasi pendidikan, praktek pengelolaan pendidikan, dan model pembelajaran, serta melaksankan pengabdian pada masyarakat, Labschool berada pada pengelolaan sekolah satu atap (one roof school management system) dan system pembagian kewenangan dan tanggung jawab antara UPI dengan Dinas Pendidikan (share authority and responsibility) ; status guru Labschool terdiri atas guru PNS Dpk dan Guru Tetap BPS ; Analisis kebutuhan guru didasarkan pada kompetensi, beban mengajar, jumlah existing, program lembaga, ; rekrutmen dan distribusi guru dilakukan setiap saat berdasarkan kebutuhan sesuai dengan pedoman BPS, ; guru menunjukkan kinerja yang baik mulai dari persiapan, pelaksanaan dan evaluasi pembelajaran tetapi belum ditemukan data hasil inovasi dan uji coba serta pengembangan model dan metode pembelajaran ; Pembinaan dan pengembangan dilakukan oleh UPI, BPS, dan sekolah ; Pengembangan karir guru PNS DPK mengikuti peraturan pemerintah, sedangkan guru GT BPS pengembangan jenjang karir belum efektif; pembayaran gaji guru didasarkan pada jumlah beban mengajar, kualifikasi pendidikan, dan masa kerja, ; bagi guru GT BPS program perlindungan dan program pensiun guru GT BPS belum efektif dilaksanakan