49 research outputs found

    Regulatory considerations for the clinical and research use of transcranial Direct Current Stimulation (tDCS): Review and recommendations from an expert panel

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    The field of transcranial electrical stimulation (tES) has experienced significant growth in the past 15 years. One of the tES techniques leading this increased interest is transcranial direct current stimulation (tDCS). Significant research efforts have been devoted to determining the clinical potential of tDCS in humans. Despite the promising results obtained with tDCS in basic and clinical neuroscience, further progress has been impeded by a lack of clarity on international regulatory pathways. Therefore, a group of research and clinician experts on tDCS were convened to review the research and clinical use of tDCS. This report reviews the regulatory status of tDCS and summarizes the results according to research, off-label, and compassionate use of tDCS in the following countries: Australia, Brazil, France, Germany, India, Iran, Italy, Portugal, South Korea, Taiwan, and the US. Research use, off label treatment, and compassionate use of tDCS are employed in most of the countries reviewed in this study. It is critical that a global or local effort is organized to pursue definite evidence to either approve and regulate or restrict the use of tDCS in clinical practice on the basis of adequate randomized controlled treatment trials.F.F. is supported by a grant from National Institutes of Health (NIH) (Grant number 1R44NS08063201). A.R.B. is supported by the following grants: 2013 NARSAD Young Investigator from the Brain & Behavior Research Foundation (Grant Number 20493), 2013 FAPESP Young Researcher from the São Paulo State Foundation (Grant Number 20911-5) and National Council for Scientific and Technological Development (CNPq, Grant Number 470904). J.B. is supported by the 2013 NARSAD Young Investigator from the Brain & Behavior Research Foundation (Grant Number 20988). H.E. is supported by grants from Tehran University of Medical Sciences. J.L. (SFRH/BPD/86027/2012) and S.C. (SFRH/BPD/86041/2012) are supported by grants from the Portuguese Foundation for Science and Technology (FCT). C.H.J. is supported by MOST (101-2811-H-008-014). G.V. is supported by as the Department of Science and Technology (Government of India) Research Grant (SR/CSI/158/2012) as well as Wellcome Trust / DBT India Alliance Senior Fellowship Research Award (500236/Z/11/Z). N.B. is supported by a F.A.R. grant from the University of Milano-Bicocca. M.B. is supported by NIH (NINDS, NIMH, NCI), Wallace H Coulter Foundation, Grove Foundation, DoD. W.C. is supported by National Council for Scientific and Technological Development-CNPq WC-301256/2013-6. The group is also grateful to the support from the Conselho Brasileiro de Neuromodulacao Clinica – Instituto Scala

    Digitalized transcranial electrical stimulation: A consensus statement

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    Objective: Although relatively costly and non-scalable, non-invasive neuromodulation interventions are treatment alternatives for neuropsychiatric disorders. The recent developments of highly-deployable transcranial electric stimulation (tES) systems, combined with mobile-Health technologies, could be incorporated in digital trials to overcome methodological barriers and increase equity of access. The study aims are to discuss the implementation of tES digital trials by performing a systematic scoping review and strategic process mapping, evaluate methodological aspects of tES digital trial designs, and provide Delphi-based recommendations for implementing digital trials using tES. Methods: We convened 61 highly-productive specialists and contacted 8 tES companies to assess 71 issues related to tES digitalization readiness, and processes, barriers, advantages, and opportunities for implementing tES digital trials. Delphi-based recommendations (>60% agreement) were provided. Results: The main strengths/opportunities of tES were: (i) non-pharmacological nature (92% of agreement), safety of these techniques (80%), affordability (88%), and potential scalability (78%). As for weaknesses/threats, we listed insufficient supervision (76%) and unclear regulatory status (69%). Many issues related to methodological biases did not reach consensus. Device appraisal showed moderate digitalization readiness, with high safety and potential for trial implementation, but low connectivity. Conclusions: Panelists recognized the potential of tES for scalability, generalizability, and leverage of digital trials processes; with no consensus about aspects regarding methodological biases. Significance: We further propose and discuss a conceptual framework for exploiting shared aspects between mobile-Health tES technologies with digital trials methodology to drive future efforts for digitizing tES trials

    Transcranial electrical and magnetic stimulation (tES and TMS) for addiction medicine: A consensus paper on the present state of the science and the road ahead

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    There is growing interest in non-invasive brain stimulation (NIBS) as a novel treatment option for substance-use disorders (SUDs). Recent momentum stems from a foundation of preclinical neuroscience demonstrating links between neural circuits and drug consuming behavior, as well as recent FDA-approval of NIBS treatments for mental health disorders that share overlapping pathology with SUDs. As with any emerging field, enthusiasm must be tempered by reason; lessons learned from the past should be prudently applied to future therapies. Here, an international ensemble of experts provides an overview of the state of transcranial-electrical (tES) and transcranial-magnetic (TMS) stimulation applied in SUDs. This consensus paper provides a systematic literature review on published data – emphasizing the heterogeneity of methods and outcome measures while suggesting strategies to help bridge knowledge gaps. The goal of this effort is to provide the community with guidelines for best practices in tES/TMS SUD research. We hope this will accelerate the speed at which the community translates basic neuroscience into advanced neuromodulation tools for clinical practice in addiction medicine

    A checklist for assessing the methodological quality of concurrent tES-fMRI studies (ContES checklist): a consensus study and statement

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    Background: Low intensity transcranial electrical stimulation (tES), including alternating or direct current stimulation (tACS or tDCS), applies weak electrical stimulation to modulate the activity of brain circuits. Integration of tES with concurrent functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) allows for the mapping of neural activity during neuromodulation, supporting causal studies of both brain function and tES effects. Methodological aspects of tES-fMRI studies underpin the results, and reporting them in appropriate detail is required for reproducibility and interpretability. Despite the growing number of published reports, there are no consensus-based checklists for disclosing methodological details of concurrent tES-fMRI studies. Objective: To develop a consensus-based checklist of reporting standards for concurrent tES-fMRI studies to support methodological rigor, transparency, and reproducibility (ContES Checklist). Methods: A two-phase Delphi consensus process was conducted by a steering committee (SC) of 13 members and 49 expert panelists (EP) through the International Network of the tES-fMRI (INTF) Consortium. The process began with a circulation of a preliminary checklist of essential items and additional recommendations, developed by the SC based on a systematic review of 57 concurrent tES-fMRI studies. Contributors were then invited to suggest revisions or additions to the initial checklist. After the revision phase, contributors rated the importance of the 17 essential items and 42 additional recommendations in the final checklist. The state of methodological transparency within the 57 reviewed concurrent tES-fMRI studies was then assessed using the checklist. Results: Experts refined the checklist through the revision and rating phases, leading to a checklist with three categories of essential items and additional recommendations: (1) technological factors, (2) safety and noise tests, and (3) methodological factors. The level of reporting of checklist items varied among the 57 concurrent tES-fMRI papers, ranging from 24% to 76%. On average, 53% of checklist items were reported in a given article. Conclusions: Use of the ContES checklist is expected to enhance the methodological reporting quality of future concurrent tES-fMRI studies, and increase methodological transparency and reproducibility

    The evolution of addiction treatment and harm reduction programs in Iran: a chaotic response or a synergistic diversity?

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    Backgrounds and aims: Iran has 2.1 and 1.8 of its 15�64-year-old population living with illicit substance and opioid use disorders, respectively. To address these problems, Iran has been developing a large and multi-modality addiction treatment system, spanning the time before and after the Islamic Revolution. Methods: Iran's current drug treatment scene is a combination of services, ranging from medical/harm reduction services to punitive/criminal justice programs. Included in this array of services are drop-in centers providing low-threshold harm reduction services, such as distribution of sterile needles and syringes; opioid maintenance treatment clinics providing methadone, buprenorphine and opium tincture; and abstinence-based residential centers. We will review the evolution of this system in four phases. Results: In 1980, Iran's revolutionary government shut down all voluntary treatment programs and replaced them with residential correctional programs. The first shift in the addiction treatment policies came 15 years later after facing the negative consequences. Addiction is viewed as a disease, and new voluntary treatment centers offering non-agonist medications and psychosocial services were established. With an increased number of people who inject drugs and HIV/AIDS epidemics, in the second shift an extensive move towards harm reduction strategies and opioid-maintenance programs has been implemented to reduce HIV-related high-risk behavior. The emergence of a methamphetamine use crisis creating an increased number of socially marginalized addicted people resulted in public and political demands for stricter policies and ended in the third shift starting in 2010, with extended compulsory court-based residential programs. Currently, there is a new shift towards reducing the severity of criminal penalties for drug use/sales and promoting proposals for opium legalization. Conclusion: Iran's evolutionary experience in developing a large addiction treatment program in a complex combination of medical/harm reduction and punitive/criminal justice addiction treatment can be examined in its political, clinical and pragmatic context. © 2019 Society for the Study of Addictio

    Incidence of fall-related injuries in Iran: A population-based nationwide study

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    Background Fall-related injuries are considered to be a leading cause of morbidity and disability worldwide. The aim of this study was to investigate the incidence of fall-related injuries and its determinants in Iran. Methods A cross-sectional household survey of a representative sample of 15-64 years old Iranians was carried out in 2011. A three-stage cluster sampling design was used. Total of 1525 clusters were randomly selected. Six households in each cluster were randomly selected, and one member of each household was interviewed. Data on the demographics and history of fall-related injury were obtained using the previously validated and reliability tested Short Form Injury Questionnaire 7 (SFIQ7). In all, 7886 subjects responded to the survey. Results The incidence rate of all fall-related injuries was 59 (95CI: 45-72) per 1000 person-year. The incidence rate of First Aid Fall-Related Injuries (FAFRIs) and Medical Attended Fall-Related Injuries (MAFRIs) were 30 ± 5 and 28 ± 12, respectively. Homes were the most common place of falls (52.5). For all and MAFRIs, the most common activity leading to fall injury was walking (37.8 and 47.6, respectively) whereas for FAFRIs was playing (31.9). For all and FAFRIs, the most common description was as follows: upper limb as the injured organ (52.0 and 61.2, respectively) and superficial wound as the most prevalent type of injury (39.0 and 61.8, respectively). However, for MAFRIs, lower limb injuries (52.9) and fracture (43.6) were more pronounced. Risk factors for MAFRI were as follows: paid work activity (OR: 3.11; 95CI: 2.07-4.67), playing (OR: 14.64; 95CI: 6.34-33.80), walking (OR: 57.09; 95CI: 28.95-112.59), driving (OR: 2.86; 95CI: 1.23-6.63), and recreation activities (OR: 44.11; 95CI: 14.04-138.54). Higher age and education were the other risk factors for MAFRI, as well as residing in rural areas. Conclusion This study revealed considerable incidence of fall injuries in Iranian population especially in rural regions who need access to protective equipment. People need to be warned about the constant risk of fall even during non-avoidable activities such as walking, playing, driving and paid/unpaid working especially in older ages. Implementation of fall prevention measures, home and behavioural modifications are recommended. © 2016 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved

    Closing the loop between brain and electrical stimulation: towards precision neuromodulation treatments

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    Abstract One of the most critical challenges in using noninvasive brain stimulation (NIBS) techniques for the treatment of psychiatric and neurologic disorders is inter- and intra-individual variability in response to NIBS. Response variations in previous findings suggest that the one-size-fits-all approach does not seem the most appropriate option for enhancing stimulation outcomes. While there is a growing body of evidence for the feasibility and effectiveness of individualized NIBS approaches, the optimal way to achieve this is yet to be determined. Transcranial electrical stimulation (tES) is one of the NIBS techniques showing promising results in modulating treatment outcomes in several psychiatric and neurologic disorders, but it faces the same challenge for individual optimization. With new computational and methodological advances, tES can be integrated with real-time functional magnetic resonance imaging (rtfMRI) to establish closed-loop tES-fMRI for individually optimized neuromodulation. Closed-loop tES-fMRI systems aim to optimize stimulation parameters based on minimizing differences between the model of the current brain state and the desired value to maximize the expected clinical outcome. The methodological space to optimize closed-loop tES fMRI for clinical applications includes (1) stimulation vs. data acquisition timing, (2) fMRI context (task-based or resting-state), (3) inherent brain oscillations, (4) dose-response function, (5) brain target trait and state and (6) optimization algorithm. Closed-loop tES-fMRI technology has several advantages over non-individualized or open-loop systems to reshape the future of neuromodulation with objective optimization in a clinically relevant context such as drug cue reactivity for substance use disorder considering both inter and intra-individual variations. Using multi-level brain and behavior measures as input and desired outcomes to individualize stimulation parameters provides a framework for designing personalized tES protocols in precision psychiatry

    Parameter space and potential for biomarker development in 25 years of fMRI drug cue reactivity a systematic review:a systematic review

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    Importance In the last 25 years, functional magnetic resonance imaging drug cue reactivity (FDCR) studies have characterized some core aspects in the neurobiology of drug addiction. However, no FDCR-derived biomarkers have been approved for treatment development or clinical adoption. Traversing this translational gap requires a systematic assessment of the FDCR literature evidence, its heterogeneity, and an evaluation of possible clinical uses of FDCR-derived biomarkers.Objective To summarize the state of the field of FDCR, assess their potential for biomarker development, and outline a clear process for biomarker qualification to guide future research and validation efforts.Evidence Review The PubMed and Medline databases were searched for every original FDCR investigation published from database inception until December 2022. Collected data covered study design, participant characteristics, FDCR task design, and whether each study provided evidence that might potentially help develop susceptibility, diagnostic, response, prognostic, predictive, or severity biomarkers for 1 or more addictive disorders.Findings There were 415 FDCR studies published between 1998 and 2022. Most focused on nicotine (122 [29.6%]), alcohol (120 [29.2%]), or cocaine (46 [11.1%]), and most used visual cues (354 [85.3%]). Together, these studies recruited 19 311 participants, including 13 812 individuals with past or current substance use disorders. Most studies could potentially support biomarker development, including diagnostic (143 [32.7%]), treatment response (141 [32.3%]), severity (84 [19.2%]), prognostic (30 [6.9%]), predictive (25 [5.7%]), monitoring (12 [2.7%]), and susceptibility (2 [0.5%]) biomarkers. A total of 155 interventional studies used FDCR, mostly to investigate pharmacological (67 [43.2%]) or cognitive/behavioral (51 [32.9%]) interventions; 141 studies used FDCR as a response measure, of which 125 (88.7%) reported significant interventional FDCR alterations; and 25 studies used FDCR as an intervention outcome predictor, with 24 (96%) finding significant associations between FDCR markers and treatment outcomes.Conclusions and Relevance Based on this systematic review and the proposed biomarker development framework, there is a pathway for the development and regulatory qualification of FDCR-based biomarkers of addiction and recovery. Further validation could support the use of FDCR-derived measures, potentially accelerating treatment development and improving diagnostic, prognostic, and predictive clinical judgments