371 research outputs found


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    Det hĂ€r examensarbetet Ă€r en marknadsundersökning som IT-tjĂ€nstföretaget CGI tagit initiativ till. CGI har uppmĂ€rksammat att det finns ett behov av ett handfast verktyg för att förenkla produktionsplaneringen, vilket Ă€r bakgrunden till det hĂ€r examensarbetet. Den strukturella omvandlingen inom sĂ„gverksindustrin har medfört ett behov av ett mer kundanpassat sortiment och utvecklingen har medfört ett ökat behov av automatiserade processtyrningar. För att kunna produktionsplanera effektivt, beskrivs det i studien att det finns behov av ett mer lĂ„ngsiktigt planeringsverktyg. Produktionsplanering utförs oftast i ett eller tvĂ„ separata planeringssteg som innebĂ€r ett för sĂ„gprocessen respektive ett för tork och justering. I dagslĂ€get finns det endast ett fĂ„tal planeringsverktyg som riktar sig till sĂ„gverksindustrin och merparten av de intervjuade företagen har valt att planera med hjĂ€lp av programvaran Microsoft Office Excel. Syftet med examensarbetet var att undersöka och beskriva sĂ„gverkens planeringsproblematik samt att finna likheter och skillnader i de olika processtegen, som har betydelse för planeringen. KartlĂ€ggningen har utförts genom att ett antal styrande drivkrafter har studerats, exempelvis ekonomi, volym/utbytet, tid, kommunikation, och rĂ„vara. Drivkrafternas inverkan pĂ„ företagens planeringsprocess utvĂ€rderades. Den hĂ€r studien inkluderade Ă„tta intervjuade sĂ„gverksföretag som finns i södra samt mellersta Sverige. De utvalda företagen representerade bĂ„de privatĂ€gda och koncernĂ€gda sĂ„gverk. Studien utfördes enligt metoden för kvalitativa intervjuer. De intervjuade personernas stadigvarande sysselsĂ€ttning inkluderade frĂ€mst arbetsuppgifter inom produktionsplanering. Vid samtliga intervjuer genomfördes ett platsbesök pĂ„ respektive sĂ„gverk. Samtliga företag benĂ€mndes med en versal frĂ„n A - H för att beakta de etiska aspekterna. FrĂ„gorna utformades med ledning av efter teorin i enlighet med den tematiska indelningen för att inte missa viktiga aspekter. Resultatet av studien visar att det finns likheter och skillnader mellan de koncernĂ€gda och de privatĂ€gda sĂ„gverksföretagens planeringssituation samt strategi. Studien pĂ„visade Ă€ven att det förekommer likheter och skillnader internt mellan sĂ„gverken i respektive indelning privatĂ€gda och koncernĂ€gda sĂ„gverk. Ett effektivt och anvĂ€ndarvĂ€nligt planeringsverktyg inom sĂ„gverksindustrin behöver i sin utformning vara flexibelt för att kunna anpassas till exempelvis sĂ„gverkets maskiner och utrustning, divergerande flöde, typ av rĂ„vara, kunder och tid. Den hĂ€r analysen lĂ„g till grund för de rekommendationer som utformats. Slutsatsen Ă€r att det finns ett behov av anvĂ€ndarvĂ€nligt planeringsverktyg och flexibla planeringsverktyg, som grafiskt visar en representativ vy över sĂ„gverksomrĂ„det som Ă€r pedagogiskt uppbyggd och med olika fĂ€rger som exempelvis visar volymer och produktionstider över produktionens samtliga steg. Samtliga produktionsplanerare i denna studie anvĂ€nder sig av mjukvaran Microsoft Excel som ett verktyg för att berĂ€kna och planera produktionen lĂ€ngs med sĂ„glinjen.This master thesis is a market analysis which the IT Company took the initiative. CGI has noticed a need for sturdy tool to simplify scheduling and planning, which is the motive to this master thesis. The structural transformation in the sawmill industries involve a need for a more customer oriented assortment and of an automatized system for process control. To make efficient plans for a sawmill production, a long term planning tool is necessary, which is described in this thesis. Production planning often is performed in one or two separate planning steeps, one for the sawing process and one for the drying and adjusting process. The current situation there is only a minority of scheduling and planning tools for the sawmill industries and the majority of the interviewed production planners choose to receive assistance from the software Microsoft Office Excel. The purpose with this master thesis is to make research into and describe the complexity of scheduling problems and to find similarities and differences in the separated process steps these to describe influence. The survey of some governing forces, like economy, volume/exchange, time, communication and raw material has been studied. The driving forces that have an effect on the planning process are evaluated. This study include eight interviewed sawmill companies which are placed in south and middle part of Sweden. The selected companies represent both private owned and comported group of companies. The study was carried out in accordance with the qualitative methodology. The interviewed people’s permanent occupation, include primarily assignment within scheduling and planning control. All interviews were accomplished when on a visit on each sawmill. All companies are a capital letter from A – H to considerate the ethical aspects. The questionnaire has been elaborated with the theoretical studies as a basis. The result of the study shows that there are some similarities and differences between private- owned and corporate group of companies scheduling and planning strategy. The study indicate similarities and differences internally between sawmills in respectively group (private own and combine own sawmill industries). An efficient and user-friendly scheduling and planning tool within the sawmill industry need to be flexible in the design to be able to adjust it as an example to sawmill machinery and equipment, divergent flow different logs, customers and time. This analysis forms the basis of some recommendations that has been worked out. My conclusion is that there is a need for a user-friendly and flexible planning tool, which graphically shows a representative view over the sawmill area which should be pedagogically built up with different colors that for example shows volumes and quality through all production steps. All production planners in this study use the software Microsoft Office Excel as a tool to calculate and plan production along with the saw line

    Företagsstrategier inom den gröna sektorn

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    SkÄne Plantor AB Àr ett garden center som har vuxit frÄn den lilla vÀxtleverantören till en storskalig vÀxtförsÀljning. De importerar vÀxter som sedan sÀljs direkt till slutkunden och deras nÀromrÄde inkluderar frÀmst Staffanstorp och Lund. Globaliseringen medför att fler internationella företag kan etablera sig pÄ flera platser i landet. Deras kontaktnÀt medverkar till att de nÄr ut till fler kunder, och ökar dÀrmed sin omsÀttning, vilket bidrar till större konkurrenskraft. Det Àr en stor utmaning för det hÀr familjeföretaget i Staffanstorp att bli lika konkurrenskraftigt. SkÄne Plantor AB har idag ett vÀl inarbetat varumÀrke, och det ger dem en konkurrensfördel. Marknaden Àr hÄrt pressad eftersom vÀxtföretagen behöver generera stora delar av sin vinst under den 8 mÄnader lÄnga vÀxtsÀsongen. Ledningen behöver arbeta med olika affÀrsstrategier för att möta mÀnniskors olika köpbehov. I mindre familjeföretag inrymmer ledningen inte sÄ mÄnga personer, och bland dessa Äterfinns oftast Àgaren sjÀlv samt olika personer med kopplingar till familjen. Det Àr inte alltid det bÀsta för företagets utveckling. En blandad styrelse kan vara mer objektiv inför vad som Àr bÀst för den fortsatta utvecklingen i framtiden. SkÄne Plantor AB har samma vd och Àgare vilket bidrar till ett aktivt Àgande och ett naturligt engagemang i företaget. Det hÀr arbetet bygger pÄ AffÀrsplattformen, Klofsten, Magnus, 1992, som behandlar hur ett företag Àr uppbyggt och Företagsstrategiska perspektiv, Bengtsson, Lars, SkÀrvad, Per-Hugo, 2001 strategiskt arbete och utveckling. Uppsatsen visar att utsatta tydliga mÄl Àr en förutsÀttning för ett företagsstrategiskt arbete. Dessa mÄlsÀttningar kan t.ex. vara att: Utveckla egna varumÀrken av högre kvalité. Utveckla samarbete eller partnerskap för att nÄ en bredare marknad. Utveckla tydliga och unika koncept som skiljer sig frÄn konkurrenterna

    Evaluation of environmental bonus integrated production in agriculture

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    The Dairy business is changing a lot because of some scandals in the agricultural area for example the BSE crises in Great Britain. Because of the scandals the food industry and the farm association have created a certifying system; IP-Sigill Swedish standard system. We contacted SkĂ„nemejerier as they have been successful in the certifying area. They asked us if we wanted to do a study in the certifying area of dairy farmers. At SkĂ„nemejerier they gave us most of the literature in the area about certifying. The result of the study, is that we have taken up the most common remark's. The most frequent remark is journal over routines in management of dairy cows on daily basis. Another remark of the study is that the frequency of the remarks decreases with greater production.Mjölkbranschen stĂ„r inför stora förĂ€ndringar och jobbar nu mera pĂ„ en vĂ€rldsmarknad. PĂ„ grund av ett par stora livsmedelsskandaler har man tvingats skapa certifieringssystem för att kunna förebygga detta. SkĂ„nemejerier Ă€r ett företag som beslutar att genomföra ett certifieringssystem bland sina leverantörer och detta har nu varit i drift sĂ„ pass lĂ€nge att det kan utvĂ€rderas lite. Syftet med detta arbete Ă€r att sammanstĂ€lla hur SkĂ„nemejeriers leverantörer klarat av de revisioner som certifieringen krĂ€ver. FrĂ„n SkĂ„nemejerier fick vi huvuddelen av vĂ„rt underlag till denna undersökning. Resultatet av studien Ă€r att vi har tagit fram vilka punkter som Ă€r de vanligaste anmĂ€rkningarna vid olika besĂ€ttningsstorlekar. De anmĂ€rkningar som har varit mest frekventa Ă€r ”Finns skriftliga skötselrutiner som innehĂ„ller en beskrivning av den dagliga tillsynen?” och ”StĂ„r cisternen sĂ€kert?” Ett annat resultat Ă€r att frekvensen anmĂ€rkningar minskar med stigande besĂ€ttningsstorlekar

    Pathomechanisms of ulnar ligament lesions of the wrist in a cadaveric distal radius fracture model

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    Background and purpose: Mechanisms of injury to ulnar sided ligaments, stabilizing the distal radioulnar joint and the ulna to the carpus, associated with dorsally displaced distal radius fractures are poorly described. We investigated the injury patterns in a human cadaver fracture model. Methods: Fresh frozen human cadaver arms were used. A dorsal open wedge osteotomy was made in the distal radius. In 8 specimens pressure was applied to the palm with the wrist in dorsiflexion and ulnar sided stabilizing structures subsequently severed. Dorsal angulation was measured on digitized radiographs. In 8 more specimens the triangular fibrocartilage complex was forced into rupture by axially loading the forearm with the wrist in dorsiflexion. The ulnar side was dissected and injuries were recorded. Results: Intact ulnar soft tissues limited the dorsal angulation of the distal radius fragment to a median of 32o (16-34o). A combination of bending and shearing of the distal radius fragment was needed to create TFCC injuries. Both palmar and dorsal injuries were observed simultaneously in 6/8 specimens. Interpretation: A TFCC injury can be expected when dorsal angulation of a distal radius fracture exceeds 32o. The extensor carpi ulnaris subsheath may be a functionally integral part of the TFCC. Both dorsal and palmar structures can tear simultaneously. These findings may have implications for reconstruction of ulnar sided soft tissue injuries

    Severe leukocytoclastic vasculitis secondary to the use of a naproxen and requiring amputation: a case report

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Introduction</p> <p>Leukocytoclastic vasculitis (also known as hypersensitivity vasculitis and cutaneous necrotizing vasculitis) can present with various manifestations, which often delays the diagnosis and treatment. In order to show the importance of the early recognition of leukocytoclastic vasculitis, we present a case which occurred secondary to the use of a common pharmaceutical, naproxen. We were unable to find a case of leukocytoclastic vasculitis secondary to naproxen in the literature.</p> <p>Case presentation</p> <p>We present the case of a 33-year-old African American woman with below the knee and bilateral digital gangrene from hypersensitivity vasculitis secondary to the non-steroidal anti-inflammatory medication naproxen.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>This is an original case report focusing on the rheumatologic management of leukocytoclastic vasculitis. However, other specialties, such as internal medicine, dermatology, infectious disease, general surgery and pathology, can gain valuable information by reviewing this case report. Reporting a case of leukocytoclastic vasculitis secondary to treatment with naproxen will advance our understanding of this disease etiology by adding yet another non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drug to the list of potential causes of leukocytoclastic vasculitis.</p

    Spontaneous bilateral distal ulna fracture: an unusual complication in a rheumatoid patient

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    Bilateral ulna stress fractures are extremely rare. Patients with rheumatoid arthritis have osteopenic bone secondary to a variety of causes. We report a case of bilateral stress fractures of the ulna in an elderly patient with rheumatoid arthritis, and literature on this condition is reviewed. Prompt recognition and activity modification are essential to treat this rare injury. Recovery can take up to 12 weeks

    MR imaging of overuse injuries in the skeletally immature gymnast: spectrum of soft-tissue and osseous lesions in the hand and wrist

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    In the pediatric gymnast, stress-related physeal injuries have been well described with characteristic imaging findings. However, a spectrum of overuse injuries, some rarely reported in the literature, can be encountered in the gymnast’s hand and wrist. To demonstrate the MR appearance of a spectrum of overuse injuries in the skeletally immature wrist and hand of pediatric gymnasts. A total of 125 MR exams of the hand and wrist in skeletally immature children were performed at our institution during a 2-year period. Clinical histories were reviewed for gymnastics participation. MR studies of that subpopulation were reviewed and abnormalities tabulated. Of the MR studies reviewed, ten gymnasts were identified, all girls age 12–16 years (mean age 14.2 years) who presented with wrist or hand pain. Three of these children had bilateral MR exams. Abnormalities included chronic physeal injuries in three children. Two girls exhibited focal lunate osteochondral defects. Triangular fibrocartilage tears were present in three girls, one of whom had a scapholunate ligament tear. Two girls manifested metacarpal head flattening and necrosis. A variety of soft-tissue and osseous lesions can be encountered in the skeletally immature gymnast. Familiarity with these stress-related injuries is important for accurate diagnosis

    Clinical and Non-Clinical Aspects of Distal Radioulnar Joint Instability

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    Untreated distal radioulnar joint (DRUJ) injuries can give rise to long lasting complaints. Although common, diagnosis and treatment of DRUJ injuries remains a challenge. The articulating anatomy of the distal radius and ulna, among others, enables an extensive range of forearm pronosupination movements. Stabilization of this joint is provided by both intrinsic and extrinsic stabilizers and the joint capsule. These structures transmit the load and prevent the DRUJ from luxation during movement. Several clinical tests have been suggested to determine static or dynamic DRUJ stability, but their predictive value is unclear. Radiologic evaluation of DRUJ instability begins with conventional radiographs in anterioposterior and true lateral view. If not conclusive, CT-scan seems to be the best additional modality to evaluate the osseous structures. MRI has proven to be more sensitive and specific for TFCC tears, potentially causing DRUJ instability. DRUJ instability may remain asymptomatic. Symptomatic DRUJ injuries treatment can be conservative or operative. Operative treatment should consist of restoration of osseous and ligamenteous anatomy. If not successful, salvage procedures can be performed to regain stability
