15 research outputs found

    Sample identification and pedigree reconstruction in Wolverine (Gulo gulo) using SNP genotyping of non-invasive samples

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    For conservation genetic studies using non-invasively collected samples, genome-wide data may be hard to acquire. Until now, such studies have instead mostly relied on analyses of traditional genetic markers such as microsatellites (SSRs). Recently, high throughput genotyping of single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) has become available, expanding the use of genomic methods to include non-model species of conservation concern. We have developed a 96-marker SNP array for use in applied conservation monitoring of the Scandinavian wolverine (Gulo gulo) population. By genotyping more than a thousand non-invasively collected samples, we were able to obtain precise estimates of different types of genotyping errors and sample dropout rates. The SNP panel significantly outperforms the SSR markers (and DBY intron markers for sexing) both in terms of precision in genotyping, sex assignment and individual identification, as well as in the proportion of samples successfully genotyped. Furthermore, SNP genotyping offers a simplified laboratory and analysis pipeline with fewer samples needed to be repeatedly genotyped in order to obtain reliable consensus data. In addition, we utilised a unique opportunity to successfully demonstrate the application of SNP genotype data for reconstructing pedigrees in wild populations, by validating the method with samples from wild individuals with known relatedness. By offering a simplified workflow with improved performance, we anticipate this methodology will facilitate the use of non-invasive samples to improve genetic management of many different types of populations that have previously been challenging to survey

    The Phenomenon of Separation and Its Consequences: The Experiences of Eight Adults

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    Att mĂ€nniskor som levt tillsammans vĂ€ljer att gĂ„ skilda vĂ€gar Ă€r i dagens samhĂ€lle ett vanligtförekommande fenomen. MĂ„nga berörs pĂ„ nĂ„got sĂ€tt och det finns skĂ€l att anta att detpĂ„verkar mĂ€nniskors beteenden och upplevelser av relationer. Syftet med föreliggande studievar att skapa en djupare förstĂ„else för hur mĂ€nniskor upplever sig ha pĂ„verkats av enseparation. För att kunna uppfylla syftet anvĂ€ndes en fenomenografisk ansats. Data samladesin genom semistrukturerade intervjuer med Ă„tta individer och analyserades med hjĂ€lp av entematisk innehĂ„llsanalys. Fyra av deltagarna hade förĂ€ldrar som separerat dĂ„ de var barnvarav en av de Ă€ven sjĂ€lv hade separerat, tvĂ„ individer vars förĂ€ldrar separerade i tonĂ„rensamt tvĂ„ individer som sjĂ€lva genomgĂ„tt en separation. Resultatet visade att tilliten irelationer till andra, frĂ€mst i kĂ€rleksrelationer pĂ„verkade individerna pĂ„ ett negativt sĂ€tt tillföljd av att de upplevt en separation. Resultatet visade ocksĂ„ att individerna har utvecklatstrategier för att hantera separationer och konsekvenser av en separation. De intervjuadebeskrev att anknytningen till förĂ€ldrarna pĂ„ ett eller annat sĂ€tt varit bristande. I vissa fallredan i tidig Ă„lder, till bĂ„da förĂ€ldrarna, men Ă€ven i de fall dĂ€r anknytningen varit god tillden ena förĂ€ldern verkar det inte vara tillrĂ€ckligt för att skydda individerna frĂ„n problem isina egna kĂ€rleksrelationer.In todayÂŽs society it is a common phenomenon for people who have lived together to goseparate ways. Several people are affected and there are reasons to believe that it affectspeople’s behaviors and experiences of relationships. The purpose of this study was to get adeeper understanding of how people experience that they have been affected by a separation.To fulfill the purpose a phenomenographic method was used. To collect data, eightparticipants were interviewed, and data was analyzed through a thematic content analysismethod. Four of the participants had parents who had separated when they were children andone of them had also separated from a partner. Two of them had parents who had separatedwhen they were teenagers, and two had separated from a partner. The results showed that thetrust to other people, mainly in romantic relationships, was negatively affected afterexperiencing a separation. The results also showed that these individuals had developeddifferent strategies to cope better with separations as well as consequences of a separation.The participants described that the attachment to their parents was lacking in some way oranother. Some of them experienced lacking attachment at an early age, some to both theirparents, but even when experiencing good attachment to one of their parents it was notenough to protect them from having problems in their own relationships

    Sociala mediestrategier : - En studie om svenska företags sociala mediastrategier

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    Syfte: Syftet med uppsatsen Àr att utifrÄn ett kommunikationsperspektiv redogöra för vilka strategier svenska företag anvÀnder sig av inom sociala medier. Problem: Den nya utvecklingen av tekniken har förÀndrat sÀttet hur mÀnniskor kommunicerar. Detta har i sin tur pÄverkat förutsÀttningar för företag och organisationer som vill nÄ ut till publiken. PÄ tre Är har sociala medier blivit denpopulÀraste aktiviteten pÄ Internet. DÀrför borde det vara naturligt för företag att anvÀnda sig av sociala medier som en del av deras kommunikationsstrategi. Metod: Studien grundas pÄ kvalitativa telefon- och e-postintervjuer med sex svenska företag. Vi utförde ljudupptagning pÄ de intervjuer dÀr det var möjligt, för att fÄ sÄ rikt material som möjligt till vÄr analys. Resultat: Resultatet visar att det verkar finnas okunskap pÄ företagen kring sociala mediestrategier och dÀrmed otydliga strategier. Det visade sig att företagen anvÀnder sig av alla de fyra strategier som presenteras i studien, mer eller mindre dÄ de gÄr hand i hand, dock verkar de inte vara medvetna om det

    Sample identification and pedigree reconstruction in Wolverine (Gulo gulo) using SNP genotyping of non-invasive samples

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    For conservation genetic studies using non-invasively collected samples, genome-wide data may be hard to acquire. Until now, such studies have instead mostly relied on analyses of traditional genetic markers such as microsatellites (SSRs). Recently, high throughput genotyping of single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) has become available, expanding the use of genomic methods to include non-model species of conservation concern. We have developed a 96-marker SNP array for use in applied conservation monitoring of the Scandinavian wolverine (Gulo gulo) population. By genotyping more than a thousand non-invasively collected samples, we were able to obtain precise estimates of different types of genotyping errors and sample dropout rates. The SNP panel significantly outperforms the SSR markers (and DBY intron markers for sexing) both in terms of precision in genotyping, sex assignment and individual identification, as well as in the proportion of samples successfully genotyped. Furthermore, SNP genotyping offers a simplified laboratory and analysis pipeline with fewer samples needed to be repeatedly genotyped in order to obtain reliable consensus data. In addition, we utilised a unique opportunity to successfully demonstrate the application of SNP genotype data for reconstructing pedigrees in wild populations, by validating the method with samples from wild individuals with known relatedness. By offering a simplified workflow with improved performance, we anticipate this methodology will facilitate the use of non-invasive samples to improve genetic management of many different types of populations that have previously been challenging to survey

    ABO blood groups, RhD factor and their association with subclinical atherosclerosis assessed by carotid ultrasonography

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    Background: The ABO blood group system has previously been associated with cardiovascular disease (CVD), where non-O blood group individuals have shown an increased risk. Studies assessing early atherosclerotic disease while also including RhD are few. We aimed to determine whether the ABO and RhD blood groups are associated with subclinical atherosclerosis in a healthy population. Methods: We included 3532 participants from the VIPVIZA trial with available carotid ultrasonography results to assess subclinical disease. Information about blood groups was obtained from the SCANDAT-3 database, where 85% of VIPVIZA participants were registered. Results: RhD− individuals aged 40 years showed increased carotid intima–media thickness (B 1.09 CI 95% 1.03; 1.14) compared to RhD+ individuals. For ABO, there were no differences in ultrasonography results when assessing the whole study population. However, 60-year-old individuals with heredity for CVD and a non-O blood group had decreased odds for carotid plaques (OR 0.54 CI 95% 0.33; 0.88). Conclusions: RhD blood group is associated with subclinical atherosclerosis in younger individuals, indicating a role as a mediator in the atherosclerotic process. In addition, a non-O blood group was associated with decreased subclinical atherosclerosis in individuals aged 60 and with heredity (corresponding to the group with the highest atherosclerotic burden)

    ABO Blood Groups, RhD Factor and Their Association with Subclinical Atherosclerosis Assessed by Carotid Ultrasonography

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    Background: The ABO blood group system has previously been associated with cardiovascular disease (CVD), where non-O blood group individuals have shown an increased risk. Studies assessing early atherosclerotic disease while also including RhD are few. We aimed to determine whether the ABO and RhD blood groups are associated with subclinical atherosclerosis in a healthy population. Methods: We included 3532 participants from the VIPVIZA trial with available carotid ultrasonography results to assess subclinical disease. Information about blood groups was obtained from the SCANDAT-3 database, where 85% of VIPVIZA participants were registered. Results: RhD− individuals aged 40 years showed increased carotid intima–media thickness (B 1.09 CI 95% 1.03; 1.14) compared to RhD+ individuals. For ABO, there were no differences in ultrasonography results when assessing the whole study population. However, 60-year-old individuals with heredity for CVD and a non-O blood group had decreased odds for carotid plaques (OR 0.54 CI 95% 0.33; 0.88). Conclusions: RhD blood group is associated with subclinical atherosclerosis in younger individuals, indicating a role as a mediator in the atherosclerotic process. In addition, a non-O blood group was associated with decreased subclinical atherosclerosis in individuals aged 60 and with heredity (corresponding to the group with the highest atherosclerotic burden)

    DNA-basert overvÄking av den skandinaviske jervebestanden 2020

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    Flagstad, Ø., Kleven, O., Brandsegg, H., Spets, M. H., Eriksen, L. B., Andersskog, I. P. Ø., Johansson, M., Ekblom, R., Ellegren, H. & BrÞseth, H. 2021. DNA-basert overvÄking av den skandinaviske jervebestanden 2020. NINA Rapport 1956. Norsk institutt for naturforskning. Genetiske analyser er implementert som et viktig verktÞy i rovviltovervÄkingen i Skandinavia. I sÊrlig grad har antallet DNA-analyser av ekskrementer Þkt betydelig. Siden tidlig pÄ 2000-tallet er det gjennomfÞrt rutinemessig innsamling og pÄfÞlgende DNA-analyser over store deler av jervens utbredelsesomrÄde i Norge og Sverige. Individbestemmelse fra DNA-profilene til de innsamlede prÞvene har gitt en bedre forstÄelse av bestandsstÞrrelse, populasjonsstruktur og ut-veksling mellom delbestander. I denne rapporten redegjÞr vi for antall individer identifisert fra DNA i Norge, Sverige og Finland vinteren 2020. Vi presenterer ogsÄ bestandsestimater for Norge og Sverige basert pÄ en nylig utviklet romlig fangst-gjenfangst modell. Fra totalt 2234 fungerende prÞver ble det pÄvist 707 individer i Norge, Sverige og Finland i 2020, Tilsvarende tall for forrige vinter var 744 pÄviste jerver fra 2440 prÞver. Totalt var det 339 jerver som var registrert med en eller flere prÞver i Norge i 2020, sammenlignet med 340 individer i 2019. Tilsvarende tall for Sverige var 381 individer i 2020 og 415 i 2019. PÄ skandinavisk nivÄ i 2020 var hver av de registrerte jervene i gjennomsnitt representert med 3,2 prÞver. Den geografiske representasjonen synes Ä vÊre god for de fleste regioner og lÀn med jerveforekomst i Skandinavia, med unntak av Norrbotten hvor innsamling av DNA-prÞver ikke har vÊrt like hÞyt prioritert i 2020 som i de tre foregÄende Är. Basert pÄ den romlige fangst-gjenfangst modellen ble bestanden av jerv i Norge og Sverige beregnet til 991 (95% CrI (kredibelt intervall): 941-1044) individer i 2020 sesongen, som fordeler seg med 613 (95% CrI: 572-657) individer i Sverige og 378 (95% CrI: 356-400) individer i Norge. Det er hÞy presisjon pÄ anslagene med relativt liten usikkerhet, som ogsÄ gjelder pÄ rovviltregionsnivÄ i Norge og lÀnsnivÄ i Sverige. Sammenligner man bestandsestimatene med anslagene fra ynglehitellingene er overensstemmelsen meget god. God overensstemmelse mellom de to metodiske tilnÊrmingene er betryggende, og tyder pÄ at vi har meget god oversikt over be-standsstÞrrelse og bestandsutvikling for jervbestanden i Skandinavia. Det er ikke bare bestandsdynamikk som kan analyseres med romlige fangst-gjenfangst modeller. OgsÄ overlevelse, rekruttering og tetthet, og eventuelle endringer i disse parameterne over tid, kan studeres nÊrmere. Sammen med hÞyere opplÞsning i de genetiske analysene, bl.a. i form av langt mer presise slektskapsanalyser, kan vi i enda stÞrre grad enn tidligere analysere og forstÄ detaljer i jervens bestandsdynamikk, reproduksjonsbiologi og vandringsadferd