54 research outputs found

    Housing and Health in Beijing: Implications of High-rise Housing on Children and the Aged

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    The authors are at present engaged in a Swedish-Chinese interdisciplinary and crossectional project on housing and health in Beijing. This article is concerned with a literature review on the topic and general observations during two recent visits to China. After some basic assumptions concerning high-rise dwellings, private space and life style, this paper contains explicit comparisons of the design, use and experience of traditional courtyard houses, flats in midrise and high-rise buildings as well as a comparisons of two vulnerable groups , i.e., children and elderly residents. The article ends with a discussion, and the authors conclude that city planning without involvement of specialists from the field of psychological factors and environmental health (i.e., a matter not only of quantity but also of quality) will provide an inadequate environment for the development of children and care of the elderl

    Housing and Health in Beijing: Implications of High-rise Housing on Children and the Aged

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    The authors are at present engaged in a Swedish-Chinese interdisciplinary and crossectional project on housing and health in Beijing. This article is concerned with a literature review on the topic and general observations during two recent visits to China. After some basic assumptions concerning high-rise dwellings, private space and life style, this paper contains explicit comparisons of the design, use and experience of traditional courtyard houses, flats in midrise and high-rise buildings as well as a comparisons of two vulnerable groups , i.e., children and elderly residents. The article ends with a discussion, and the authors conclude that city planning without involvement of specialists from the field of psychological factors and environmental health (i.e., a matter not only of quantity but also of quality) will provide an inadequate environment for the development of children and care of the elderl

    Inter-Professional and Inter-Cultural Competence Training as a Preventive Strategy to Promote Collaboration in Encountering New-Coming Refugees in the Reception Programme - A Case Study

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    Every encounter with a patient/client in the mental health and social services constitutes a challenge for the responsible staff or organisation. Meeting a patient/client from a culture other than the one to which the caretaker/case manager belongs accentuates this challenge. The challenge will be even greater in the future because the number of refugees at menta

    Protecting Family Interests: An Interview Study with Foreign-Born Parents Struggling On in Childhood Cancer Care

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    Sweden's population is gradually changing to become more multiethnic and diverse and that applies also for recipients of health care, including childhood cancer care. A holistic view on the sick child in the context of its family has always been a cornerstone in childhood cancer care in Sweden. The purpose of this study was to gain knowledge about the experiences and main concern of foreign-born parents in the context of paediatric cancer care. Interviews were performed with eleven foreign-born parents and data were analysed using a classic grounded theory approach. Foreign-born parents often feel in a position of powerless dependence, but family interests are protected in their approaches to interaction with healthcare staff, through cooperation, contesting, and reluctant resigning. Healthcare staff need to listen to foreign-born parents and deal with their concerns seriously to prevent powerless-dependence and work for trustful cooperation in the common fight against childhood cancer

    Psychological distress and associated factors among the attendees of traditional healing practices in Jinja and Iganga districts, Eastern Uganda: a cross-sectional study

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Mental health problems are a major public health concern worldwide. Evidence shows that African communities, including Uganda, use both modern and traditional healing systems. There is limited literature about the magnitude of psychological distress and associated factors among attendees of traditional healing practices. This study aimed to determine the prevalence and associated factors of psychological distress among attendees of traditional healing practices in two districts in Uganda.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>Face-to-face interviews with the Lusoga version of the Self Reporting Questionnaire (SRQ-20) were carried out with 400 patients over the age of 18 years attending traditional healing in Iganga and Jinja districts in Eastern Uganda. Patients were recruited consecutively in all the traditional healers' shrines that could be visited in the area. Persons with 6 or more positive responses to the SRQ were identified as having psychological distress. Prevalence was estimated and odds ratios of having psychological distress were obtained with multiple logistic regression analysis.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>387 questionnaire responses were analyzed. The prevalence of psychological distress in connection with attendance at the traditional healers' shrines was 65.1%. Having a co-wife and having more than four children were significantly associated with psyclogical distress. Among the socioeconomic indicators, lack of food and having debts were significantly associated with psychological distress. The distressed group was more likely to need explanations for ill health. Those who visited both the healer and a health unit were less likely to be distressed.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>This study provides evidence that a substantial proportion of attendees of traditional healing practices suffer from psychological distress. Associated factors include poverty, number of children, polygamy, reason for visiting the healer and use of both traditional healing and biomedical health units. These findings may be useful for policy makers and biomedical health workers for the engagement with traditional healers.</p

    Ansvariga i mottagandet av ensamkommande barn och unga behöver samarbeta mer med akademin

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    Temanumret har aktualiserats mot bakgrund av att Sverige för nÀrvarande Àr det EU-land som tar emot flest antal asylsökande barn och unga per capita. HÀr tas upp vad vi kan lÀra frÄn studier och översikter kring risk- och skyddande faktorer för utveckling och mÄende nÀr det gÀller ensamkommande barn och unga. De kan ha flytt frÄn krig och vÄld och/eller tidigare levt pÄ gatan. Det gemensamma Àr att de kommer utan vÄrdnadshavare men det Àr en heterogen grupp. En ekologisk modell ger en ram dÀr barnen utvecklas i en social miljö i vilken familjen, nÀrmiljön och samhÀllet bidrar till en hÀlsosam utveckling. DÀrför Àr familjeÄterförening, att ha tilltrÀde till skola och fritidsaktiviteter nycklar till barnens hÀlsa. Artikeln slutar med regeringens förslag pÄ förÀndring i asylpolitiken och vilka socialmedicinska effekter detta fÄr

    Upplevd ohÀlsa hos vuxna asylsökande

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    I föreliggande kapitel presenteras en avslutad intervjustudie pÄ 108 asylsökande. Under upplÀgget togs stor hÀnsyn till gruppens sÄrbarhet för upplevd ohÀlsa, stigma och tilltrÀde endast till akut vÄrd och vÄrd som inte kan anstÄ. De asylsökande visar jÀmförbara siffror med andra studier nÀr det gÀller erfarenhet av krig, men har högre siffror pÄ svÄra traumatiska upplevelser före ankomst sÄsom tortyr och sexuella övergrepp samt förlust av anhöriga. Att inte kÀnna sig isolerad och inte uppleva tidsspillan under vÀntan pÄ asyl halverade risken för suicidala tankar. Traumatiska pÄfrestningar före ankomst kom i bakgrunden för pÄfrestningarna under asylprocessen. Slutsatserna av studien Àr att hÀlsofrÀmjande strategier bör introduceras och utvecklas frÄn Dag 1 i asylmottagandet pÄ olika nivÄer: (1) att tiden för asylprocessen minimeras, (2) att den asylsökande Àr i ett sammanhang, (3) att mottagningspersonal erbjuds kontinuerlig handledning, (4) att asylsökande fÄr av sjukvÄrdspersonal hÀlso- och sjukvÄrdsinformation och kunskap om risk- och skyddsfaktorer för upplevd ohÀlsa, (5) att kontinuerligt kvalitetssÀkra att varje nyanlÀnd erbjuds en gratis hÀlsoundersökning och hÀlsosamtal, att tiden utökas för genomförandet och efter behov, samt följs upp i samband med permanent uppehÄllstillstÄnd som grund för mÄl med introduktion, SFI (svenska för invandrare) praktik och arbete, samt (6) att det finns tillgÄng för vÄrd efter behov och som Àr oberoende av juridisk status
