78 research outputs found

    Whatever Happened To The Seveloff Fix?

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    This Article suggests that the Supreme Court has not deprived Alaska Native Villages of a valid basis for claiming the authority to create and enforce their own tribal alcohol regulations. Every federally recognized Alaskan Native Village is situated in an area over which Congress extended the federal Indian liquor laws in 1873, in an enactment Congress has never repealed; this should logically empower Alaska Native Villages to exercise the same federally-delegated authority within their federal Indian liquor law Indian country as lower-48 tribes have within their reservations or “dependent Indian communities.” Since this delegated authority is shared with the states, this postulate does not deprive the State of Alaska of any authority to enforce its own liquor laws; liquor transactions must conform to both state law and applicable tribal law

    Family-based behavioural intervention programme for obese children: a feasibility study

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    OBJECTIVES: To assess a 2-year family-based behavioural intervention programme against child obesity. DESIGN: Single-group pre- and post-intervention feasibility study. SETTING: Swedish paediatric outpatient care. PARTICIPANTS: 26 obese children aged 8.3-12.0 years and their parents who had consented to actively participate in a 2-year intervention. INTERVENTIONS: 25 paediatric outpatient group sessions over a 2-year period with parallel groups for children and parents. The basis for the programme was a manual containing instructions for tutor-supervised group sessions with obese children and their parents. PRIMARY AND SECONDARY OUTCOME MEASURES: The primary outcome measure was change in standardised body mass index between baseline and after 36 months. The secondary outcome measures were change in the waist:height ratio, metabolic parameters and programme adherence. The participants were examined at baseline and after 3, 12 and 24 months of therapy and at follow-up 12 months after completion of the programme. RESULTS: The primary outcome measure, standardised body mass index, declined from a mean of 3.3 (0.7 SD) at baseline to 2.9 (0.7 SD) (p<0.001) at follow-up 12 months after completion of the programme. There was no change in the waist:height ratio. Biomedical markers of blood glucose metabolism and lipid status remained in the normal range. 96% of the families completed the programme. CONCLUSIONS: This feasibility study of a 2-year family-based behavioural intervention programme in paediatric outpatient care showed promising results with regard to further weight gain and programme adherence. These findings must be confirmed in a randomised controlled trial with longer follow-up before the intervention programme can be implemented on a larger scale

    Organizational approaches to the forming of strategic partnership of enterprises of region

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    Систематизовано організаційні підходи до формування стратегічного партнерства підприємств, що існують у вітчизняній та зарубіжній науковій літературі. Виділено цільовий, або проблемно-орієнтовний, підхід, первинним етапом якого є встановлення стратегічних цілей; ресурсно-компетенційний підхід, який засновано на визначенні наявних ресурсів та компетенцій підприємств – потенційних партнерів, та проектний підхід, згідно з яким формування стратегічного партнерства підприємств пов’язано з реалізацією сукупності проектів. Обґрунтовано функціональний, або структурний, підхід, що передбачає включення у партнерство підприємств тих галузей, які є ключовими та які визначають спеціалізацію регіону. Використання запропонованого підходу забезпечить комплексний соціально-економічний розвиток господарства регіону.Organizational approaches to forming of strategic partnership of enterprises which exist in domestic and foreign scientific literature are systematized. Target, or problem-orientated, approach the primary stage of which is establishment of strategic aims; resource-competent approach which is based on determination of present resources and jurisdictions of enterprises – potential partners, and project approach, according to which the forming of strategic partnership of enterprises is related with the realization of complex of projects are selected. Functional, or structural, approach, which foresees plugging in partnership of enterprises of those industries which are key and which determine specialization of region is grounded. Offered approach has the followings stages: determination of regional type and basic industries of industrial production, successful development of which will become the key factor of regional economic development; formulation of strategic aims of enterprises of priority industries according to norms and normative correlations, set the most perfect technologies, by organization of production on the whole and separate subsystems of enterprises which are utilized in the proper industries in Ukraine and world; estimation by the enterprises of present and necessary resources and jurisdictions, determination of potential partners after the criterion of presence of necessary resources and jurisdictions and choice of enterprises – potential partners, clarification of strategic and operative aims of strategic partnership that formalize the relations of enterprises-partners. The use of this approach will provide complex socio-economic development of economy of region

    Web 2.0 systems supporting childhood chronic disease management: A pattern language representation of a general architecture

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Chronic disease management is a global health concern. By the time they reach adolescence, 10–15% of all children live with a chronic disease. The role of educational interventions in facilitating adaptation to chronic disease is receiving growing recognition, and current care policies advocate greater involvement of patients in self-care. Web 2.0 is an umbrella term for new collaborative Internet services characterized by user participation in developing and managing content. Key elements include Really Simple Syndication (RSS) to rapidly disseminate awareness of new information; weblogs (blogs) to describe new trends, wikis to share knowledge, and podcasts to make information available on personal media players. This study addresses the potential to develop Web 2.0 services for young persons with a chronic disease. It is acknowledged that the management of childhood chronic disease is based on interplay between initiatives and resources on the part of patients, relatives, and health care professionals, and where the balance shifts over time to the patients and their families.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>Participatory action research was used to stepwise define a design specification in the form of a pattern language. Support for children diagnosed with diabetes Type 1 was used as the example area. Each individual design pattern was determined graphically using card sorting methods, and textually in the form <it>Title, Context, Problem, Solution, Examples and References</it>. <it>Application references </it>were included at the lowest level in the graphical overview in the pattern language but not specified in detail in the textual descriptions.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>The design patterns are divided into functional and non-functional design elements, and formulated at the levels of organizational, system, and application design. The design elements specify access to materials for development of the competences needed for chronic disease management in specific community settings, endorsement of self-learning through online peer-to-peer communication, and systematic accreditation and evaluation of materials and processes.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>The use of design patterns allows representing the core design elements of a Web 2.0 system upon which an 'ecological' development of content respecting these constraints can be built. Future research should include evaluations of Web 2.0 systems implemented according to the architecture in practice settings.</p

    Cell phone-supported cognitive behavioural therapy for anxiety disorders: a protocol for effectiveness studies in frontline settings

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    The resulting protocol (NCT01205191 at clinicaltrials.gov) for use in frontline clinical practice in which effectiveness, adherence, and the role of the therapists are analyzed, provides evidence for what are truly valuable cell phone-supported CBT treatments and guidance for the broader introduction of CBT in health services.Original Publication:Joakim Ekberg, Toomas Timpka, Magnus Bång, Anders Fröberg, Karin Halje and Henrik Eriksson, Cell phone-supported cognitive behavioural therapy for anxiety disorders: a protocol for effectiveness studies in frontline settings., 2011, BMC medical research methodology, (11), 3.http://dx.doi.org/10.1186/1471-2288-11-3Copyright: BioMed Centralhttp://www.biomedcentral.com

    Värmland's Upper House Elections : Conflicts and the Public Sphere in the Plutocratic County Council 1866-1894

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    Idén med den svenska tvåkammarriksdagen var att Andra kammaren skulle vara den politiskt berättigade befolkningens direkta röst, medan den likaberättigade Första kammaren skulle frånhålla sig från kortsiktiga politiska schatteringar. Detta skulle genomföras genom de indirekta valen, genom nioåriga och successivt förnyade mandat, och genom ledamöternas ekonomiska oberoende, för vilket den främsta garanten var arvodeslösheten, som kvarstod fram till 1909. Medan Första kammaren studerats ur olika synvinklar har just omsättningen i praktiken av dessa valprinciper tilldragit sig relativt liten uppmärksamhet. Var valen präglade av konflikt eller konsensus? Interagerade valkorporationerna, landstingen, på något sätt med offentligheten och den allmänna opinionen? Här studeras dessa frågor när det gäller det värmländska landstinget under åren 1866–1894. Källmaterialet utgörs av protokoll, privat korrespondens och dagstidningsartiklar. Svaret på den första frågan är att valen successivt övergick från en konfliktsituation till en konsensussituation. De tidigaste konflikterna gällde personliga kvalifikationer eller lokalpolitiska hänsyn, till exempel i järnvägsfrågan. När partiväsendet började växa fram på 1870- och 1880-talen började vissa delar av landstinget, samt inte minst Karlstadstidningen, försöka skapa klassgemenskap bland landstingets bönder, som utgjorde nära hälften av ledamöterna. Detta misslyckades dock, delvis på grund av att majoriteten såg till att hålla samman mot denna nya situation. Tullfrågan ledde till ett stort utbyte av ledamöter, då många frihandlare tidigare suttit på Värmlandsbänken medan landstingets hade en mycket stark protektionistisk majoritet. Detta faktum, tillsammans med att det inte var frågan om någon proportionell representation och att man börjat se till att ena sig om kandidater redan vid gemensamma valmöten med provval, ledde till att valen under det tidiga 1890-talet saknade all spänning. Angående offentligheten var tidningarna under denna tid den viktigaste kommunikationskanalen. Dessa började först i samband med partiväsendets framväxt kommentera eller försöka påverka valens utgång. Detsamma gäller insändarna från enskilda landstingsmän, som dock aldrig blir särskilt vanligt förekommande. Både Nya Wermlandstidningen och Karlstadstidningen försökte framhålla sig själva som folkets representanter och motståndarsidan som intrigant och konspirativ. Inga försök, vare sig genom ledarartiklar eller insändare, att påverka valen tycks dock ha lyckats, och efter den inledande tullstriden insåg båda tidningarna att det nuvarande systemet inte gjorde den typen av externa påtryckningar möjliga. KT började då i stället kritisera själva systemet som "barockt" och "allt utom vist". Övergången från konflikt till konsensus tycks alltså ha genomförts helt utanför den borgerliga offentlighetens sfär.From 1867 until 1970, the Swedish people was represented by a bicameral parliament. The idea of this structure was to have the Lower House (Andra kammaren) as a direct voice of the population, or rather the part of it that possessed suffrage, while the equally powerful Upper House (Första kammaren) should ideally be a corporation void of short-term political partisanship. This was to be achieved by three measures: first, by indirect elections through the County Councils (Landsting); second, by nine-year, successively renewed mandates; and third, by the economical independence of the members, which was guaranteed by high financial demands for eligibility and by the lack of remuneration. This semi-democratic idea was mostly abandoned during the first few decades of the 20th century, but was highly active during the period studied here, 1866–1894. There have been few studies on the realization of these principles. Were the elections marked by conflicts or by consensus? Were the preparations carried out within the semi-private sphere of the County Council, or did they involve interaction with the public sphere and the public opinion? By studying the tradition of one specific county, Värmland in western Sweden, we are able to give these questions partial answers. The study includes, apart from the officially produced material, private cor-respondence and newspaper articles. The answer to the first question is, briefly summarized, that the elections started out marked by conflicts but gradually grew into consensus. The earliest conflicts were often local or personal in nature, and there seems to have been few successful efforts to remove these. When the emergence of a national party system during the 1870s and 1880s led to radical forces attempting to invoke class consciousness in certain groups of the Council, the majority reacted by keeping stronger together. In the largest political struggle of the late 19th century, the customs debate, the Council was more unified than ever in replacing old candidates with new ones, sharing the views of the majority. The minority interests were not allowed to gain representation due to the majority block vote system, and much weight was put in the Council's unity behind the nominees of the informal pre-election meetings. Regarding the public sphere, its most important instances were the local newspapers. Studies of the moderately liberal Nya Wermlandstidningen (NWT) and the more radical Karlstadstidningen (KT) have shown that the newspapers did not participate in, or at all comment on, the earliest conflicts. Only with the aforementioned changes in the 1870s did KT begin attempts to influence the Council, claiming, not entirely without cause, to represent the public opinion. NWT followed suit to counter the efforts. The same timeline is valid for letters to the editors, which were sometimes sent in from indi-vidual members of the Council, but seem to have had little effect on the elections. KT soon realized that the Council was uninclined to listen to external suggestions, and that the outcome of the elections could not realistically be altered without a radical change in the representation system. In other words, the metamorphosis from conflicts to consensus took place almost entirely outside the public sphere

    Synkronisering av domänobjekt mellan mobilaenheter

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    Detta examensarbete utfördes på uppdrag på Barefoot Hackers AB och syftade till att undersöka om det var möjligt att utveckla ett effektivt system för synkronisering av domänobjekt mellan mobila enheter. Domänobjekt är de informationsbärande objekt som modellerar domänen för den applikation som en utvecklare utvecklar. Som exempel tas en iPhone-applikation som hanterar att-göra-listor upp. En algoritm presenteras hur man i det generella fallet kan utbyta förändringar i objektgrafen istället för att skicka hela objektgrafen mellan enheter vid en förändring av ett objekt i objektgrafen. Genom samarbete med uppdragsgivaren togs en prototyp fram av systemet. Prototypen omfattade en klientdel samt en serverdel. Klienten implementerades som en applikation på iOS-plattformen. Servern i systemet implementerades som en webbapplikation i Ruby on Rails. Slutsatserna från arbetet är att det avsevärt går att reducera mängden data som skickas över mobilnätet genom att använda den presenterade algoritmen

    The connection between private law and tax law : Particulary on taxation of transfers of right to future dividends

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    I framställningen undersöks kopplingen mellan civilrätt och skatterätt i syfte att klargöra deinkomstskatterättsliga konsekvenserna vid överlåtelser av rätt till framtida utdelning. Fastän rättsområdet stegvis klarlagts i praxis och doktrin under de senaste tio åren kvarstår ett antal rättsfrågor som berör den ifrågavarande transaktionstypen, varför förhoppningen är att uppsatsen ska utgöra ett signifikant bidrag till den fortsatta forskningen. Rättsläget redogörs för både avseende gällande rätt och hur rättsområdet eventuellt kan komma att utvecklas framöver. Utgångspunkten har varit att faktorer som överlåtarens skattemässiga situation och valet av aktierättsligt system inte bör påverka vare sig möjligheterna till att genomföra transaktionen eller de inkomstskatterättsliga konsekvenserna för förvärvaren. För att illustrera denna utgångspunkt ges betydande utrymme åt kopplingen mellan civilrätten och skatterätten, i ljuset av en kvalitativ rättsfallsstudie av praxis från Högsta förvaltningsdomstolen. Av resultatet framgår att rätten till framtida utdelning på aktier i både kupong- och avstämningsbolag under vissa förutsättningar kan överlåtas genom såväl gåva som mot vederlag. Resultatet ger stöd för slutsatsen att frågan om vem som har rätt till utdelningen när den kan disponeras avgörs av civilrättsliga regler, likaså är det civilrätten som sätter en yttre gräns för under hur lång tid rätten till framtida utdelning kan avse. Hur den skattskyldige beskattas torde bero på dennes skattemässiga situation, fastän något sådan principiellt ställningstagande inte uttalats explicit i praxis. I ljuset av framställningens slutsatser, betonas behovet av principföljsam rejudikatbildning från rättstillämparen för att garantera förutsebarhet och rättssäkerhet för de skattskyldiga

    Risk Cognition : Methodologies for Development of Mental Models of Risk Communication during Pandemic Influenza Outbreak

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    The spread of influenza A subtype H5N1 has recently heightened pandemic concern and preparedness for a pandemic influenza virus has become a global priority. Research in risk communication emphasizes the importance of providing the recipients with information they need to make informed independent judgments. This entails understanding how these judgments are made, and what kind of information that serves this purpose. Decisions have been examined in a wide variety of scientific disciplines and produced several interesting methods and models to understand judgment and decisions. These methods and models were investigated and compared with regard to their fit to these conditions. The work in this thesis was oriented toward three main questions. The first question was how to find out how people would react during an emergency. The second question was what kind of research in decision theory could explain and be used to predict these results. The third question was whether a mental model of the threat of pandemic influenza can be described, and what is its implication on risk communication. A mental model approach to explore risk communications was used with qualitative interviews with health care workers in Östergötland, Sweden. The transcripts were analyzed according to methods drawn from mental models research and risk communication to extract influence diagrams. These influence diagrams serves as an abstract representation of the respondents’ mental model of the threat of pandemic influenza. This influence diagram was compared to a corresponding expert mental model developed from literature and interviews with influenza experts. The mental models approach has been shown to provide a description of comprehension with several benefits. One benefit is that the method is a relatively easy way to gather notions in the target population which can be used for drafting risk information. Another benefit is that the existing notions and sense of causal patterns can be described, instead of merely memorized facts. The comparison between the mental models of health care workers and influenza experts revealed both functional and destructive misconceptions. Unrelated information received by the respondents was also shown to be linked together in a way that is in conflict with expert knowledge. This tendency to create causal connections in order to organize knowledge may be important to consider in risk communication