68 research outputs found

    2. Wochenbericht FS Meteor-Fahrt M129

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    30.07. – 25.08.2016 von Ponta Delgada nach Mindelo - BASS; GEOMAR, IFAN, IMROP, IRD, TI, UHB, UHH, USBG, ZM

    3. Wochenbericht FS Meteor-Fahrt M129

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    30.07. – 25.08.2016 von Ponta Delgada nach Mindelo - BASS; GEOMAR, IFAN, IMROP, IRD, TI, UHB, UHH, USBG, ZM

    1. Wochenbericht FS Meteor-Fahrt M129

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    30.07. – 25.08.2016 von Ponta Delgada nach Mindelo - BASS; GEOMAR, IFAN, IMROP, IRD, TI, UHB, UHH, USBG, ZM

    2. Wochenbericht FS Meteor-Fahrt M129

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    30.07. – 25.08.2016 von Ponta Delgada nach Mindelo - BASS; GEOMAR, IFAN, IMROP, IRD, TI, UHB, UHH, USBG, ZM

    Enhanced Productivity and Fish Abundance at a Submarine Spring in a Coastal Lagoon on Tahiti, French Polynesia

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    Submarine groundwater discharge (SGD), the direct discharge of groundwater into the sea, is abundant around the globe. Fresh SGD can occur as focused flow in submarine springs. However, little is known on the impact of submarine springs on marine organisms. For a better understanding of the interaction between SGD and its surrounding organisms, the impact of SGD on the abundance of fish was investigated in a coastal lagoon of Tahiti, French Polynesia. The study is based on the assumption of an enhanced biological production due to increased amounts of nutrient input caused by terrestrial groundwater supply into the sea. Biofouling processes and zooplankton samples were used as indicators for elevated nutrient input due to submarine springs. The main objective was to investigate the effect on the abundance of fish assuming a higher fish abundance possibly caused by a bottom-up control. Presented data show a significantly higher abundance around a submarine spring as well as significantly larger growth of algal turfs exposed to groundwater discharge. Zooplankton evaluations suggest slightly higher abundances around the submarine spring. The results suggest elevated nutrient concentrations transmitted by submarine springs may cause a bottom-up control resulting in a higher abundance of fish around the investigated submarine spring

    Productivity and life cycles of plankton and nekton in the coastal upwelling area of the Benguela shelf : trophic and physical-chemical control mechanisms ; cruise No. MSM07, 11.02.2008 – 15.04.2008

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    Fahrtabschnitt MSM 07/1 Transit Rostock - Las Palmas. Fahrtabschnitt MSM 07/2a Auf der Transitreise zwischen Las Palmas de Canaria und Walfischbai wird die Wirkung unterschiedlicher biogeochemischer Grundbedingungen auf Produktions/ Abbau-Gleichgewichte in den primären Ebenen des pelagischen Ökosystems untersucht. Auf einem Schnitt über den Äquator stehen die physikalischdynamischen Prozesse im äquatorialen Stromsystem im Vordergrund. Vor dem Kunene-Fluß sollen die benthischen Besiedlungsmuster mit funktionellen Mustern der Austauschdynamik zwischen Sediment und Wasser in Beziehung gesetzt werden. Fahrtabschnitt MSM 07/2b Die deutsche IMBER-Initiative (GIMBER) untersucht die Wechselwirkungen zwischen biologischen Ökosystemkomponenten, biogeochemischen und physikalischen Prozessen und menschlichen Einflüssen auf marine Ökosysteme. Im Benguela- Auftrieb wird untersucht, wie Effekte struktureller Unterschiede der primärproduzierenden Gemeinschaft (Flagellaten-/Diatomeen-plankton) weiter in das Nahrungsnetz propagieren und die trophischen Beziehungen in höheren Ebenen beeinflussen. Für wichtige pelagische Gruppen wie Copepoden, Euphausiaceen, gelatinöses Zooplankton, Fischlarven und mesopelagisches Nekton werden mit modernsten Methoden Daten zu Abundanz, Vertikalverteilung, Nahrungsspektren, Trophodynamik und physiologischen Raten erhoben. Sie bilden die Grundlage für trophische und biogeochemische Modelle im Rahmen des geplanten GIMBERProgramms und sollen Aufschluss über zu erwartende Folgen eines Regimewechsels in heimischen Gewässern geben. Synopsis Fahrtabschnitt MSM 07/3 Der dritte Fahrtabschnitt ist besonders auf die Durchführung von physiologischen Experimenten an Bord des Schiffes zugeschnitten. Aufbauend auf die großflächigere hydrographische und planktologische Aufnahme im Untersuchungsgebiet während des vorangegangenen Fahrtabschnittes sowie aktuellen Satellitenbildern zur Temperatur- und Chlorophyll-a Verteilung werden Organismen für die Experimente gefangen. Dabei werden in aussichtsreichen Gebieten kurze, küstennormale Schnitte bearbeitet, auf denen verschiedene Netze mit unterschiedlichsten Maschenweiten zum Einsatz kommen. Verschiedene Gruppen von Plankton werden untersucht: Copepoden, Euphausiaceen und Fischlarven stehen im Mittelpunkt. Über die in-situ Verteilung der Organismen werden Untersuchungen mit einem undulierenden Videoplanktonrekorder (OKI) Auskunft geben. Zum Abschluss der Stationsarbeiten wird ein Süd-Nord-Schnitt auf 11°30´O, der sich von 19 bis 14° S erstrecken soll. Die lange Überfahrt aus dem Untersuchungsgebiet nach Mindelo, Kapverden, wird für intensive physiologische Untersuchungen an Bord genutzt werden.Leg MSM 07/1 Transit Rostock - Las Palmas. Leg MSM 07/2a On transit between Las Palmas de Canaria and Walvis Bay the effect of different biogeochecmical base settings on the production/decomposition-equilibria on the primary levels of the ecosystem will be studied. On a transect across the equator the physical-dynamic processes in the equatorial current system are on the focus. Off the Kunene river mouth benthic colonization patterns are compared with the distribution of functional properties , in this case the exchange dynamics between sediment and water. Leg MSM 07/2b The German IMBER-initiative (GIMBER) concentrates on the study of interactions between biological system components, biogeochemical and physical processes and human impacts on marine ecosystems. In the region of the Benguela upwelling it will be studied how effects of structural differences in the communities of primary producers (flagellates vs. diatoms) will further progagate through the foodweb and regulate throphic interactions on higher levels. Data of abundance, vertical distribution, food spectra, trophodynamics and physiological rates will be recorded for important pelagic target groups like copepods, euphhausids, gelatinous zooplankton, fish larvae and mesopelagic nekton employing state of the art methodology. These data serve as a base for trophic and biogeochemical modelling in the frame of the planned GIMBERprogramme and are supposed to provide information on the expected results of a regime shift in domestic waters. Leg MSM 07/3 The third cruise leg is dedicated especially to the implementation of physiological experiments on board of the ship. Based on the more large scale hydrographical and planktological station work of the cruise legs 2a and 2b as well as on realtime satellite images of sea surface temperature and chlorophyll- a distribution, live organisms in good condition will be caught for the experiments on board. In selected areas, short transects perpendicular to the coast will be performed, and a number of different nets with different mesh sizes will be used. Different taxonomical groups of plankton will be investigated: copepods, euphausiids, and fish larvae are in the focus of these works. An undulating video plankton recorder (OKI) will be used to investigate the in-situ small-scale distribution of planktonic organisms. In continuation of the hydrographical and planktological work done in the area since many years, a South-North transect at 11°3E is planned at the end of the station work, reaching from 19 to 14°S. The passage from the investigation area to Mindelo, Cape Verde, will be used to continue the physiological experiments as long as possible

    Fluxes of zooplankton biomass between a tidal estuary and the sea in Northeastern Brazil

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    The objective of this study was to quantify the zooplankton biomass transport between the Santa Cruz Channel (SCC) at Catuama north inlet and the adjacent shelf located in Itamaracá estuarine ecosystem, Pernambuco State, Northeastern Brazil. Sampling was carried out in August 2001 at spring and neap tides at three stations every 3-hour interval. Collections were made in three depths with a plankton pump coupled to a 300 µm mesh size net. Current data were obtained with an ADCP (Acoustic Doppler Current Profiler). In laboratory, samples were filtered for wet weigh determination. High biomass variation was recorded, with highest values at nocturnal flood and ebb during spring tide. The average instantaneous biomass transport was 139.48 ± 72.58 mg.m-2s-1, during spring tide and 36.63 ± 27.66 mg.m-2s-1, during neap tide. No significant difference was registered between importation and exportation flows (p >; 0.05), showing that the estuary both exports and imports high biomass during the rainy season. It can be concluded that the outwelling at SCC is high, however, differently from other places, importation is also high, probably due to the presence of reefs and patches of seagrass (Halodule wrightii) toward the shelf that create a distinct productive environment.Este trabalho objetivou quantificar o transporte da biomassa zooplanctônica entre o Canal de Santa Cruz (CSC), na Barra de Catuama, e a plataforma adjacente no sistema estuarino de Itamaracá, Nordeste do Brasil. As coletas foram realizadas em agosto/2001 durante as marés de sizígia e quadratura em três estações a cada 3 horas. As coletas foram em três profundidades com auxílio de bomba acoplada à rede de plâncton com 300 µm de abertura de malha. Dados de corrente foram obtidos com perfilador acústico de corrente (ADCP). Em laboratório, as amostras foram pesadas para obter o peso úmido. Foram registradas grandes variações na biomassa com valores mais altos nas marés enchente e vazante noturna durante maré de sizígia. O transporte instantâneo médio da biomassa foi de 139,48 ± 72,58 mg.m-2.s-1, durante a sizígia, e de 36,63 ± 27,66 mg.m-2.s-1, durante a quadratura. Os fluxos de importação e exportação não apresentaram diferenças significativas (p >; 0,05), evidenciando exportação e importação de grande quantidade de biomassa no período chuvoso. Conclui-se que a exportação do CSC é alta, porém diferentemente de outros locais, a importação também é alta, possivelmente pela presença de recifes e prados de fanerógamas (Halodule wrightii) em direção à plataforma, criando um ambiente produtivo distinto

    Variability of prey preferences and uptake of anthropogenic particles by juvenile white seabream in a coastal lagoon nursery ground

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    Marine plastic litter, originating from land-based sources, enters the marine environment by passing through coastal ecosystems such as lagoons and estuaries. As early life history stages (ELHS) of many commercially important fish species rely on these transitional areas as nursery grounds, we hypothesized that they encounter a spatial gradient of habitat quality and pollution from inner to outer parts of their vital environment. With sizes < 5 mm, anthropogenic particles (AP), among them microplastic (MP) fibers and fragments, entail a high bioavailability for ELHS of fish, potentially facilitating AP uptake at early developmental stages which may have implications for their survival and growth. This study provides a contextualization baseline between feeding preferences and uptake of AP by the white seabream Diplodus sargus (Linnaeus, 1758) in an estuarine nursery ground on the southern coast of Portugal. Juvenile fish showed a generalized, omnivorous feeding mode with differences in trophic resource utilization between individuals collected at distinct seagrass meadows in the lagoon. A total of 23.13% of the fish (n = 147) were detected with AP in the gastrointestinal tract, and the mean number of AP per AP-feeding individual was 1.64 +/- 1.04, with anthropogenic fibers (n = 47) occurring more frequently than fragments (n = 9). Knowledge of the underlying factors for MP ingestion will be greatly enhanced by considering environmental conditions along with species-stage and life-stage specific feeding modes and prey preferences which shape the uptake probability of anthropogenic fibers and fragments.LA/P/0101/2020info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    World Ocean Review 2015 : living with the oceans 5. Coasts - a vital habitat under pressure

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    The fifth World Ocean Review (WOR) explores the coastal habitat and the diverse expectations upon this habitat. It provides a glimpse into millions of years of history, elucidates the theory of continental drift and discusses the many ways in which coasts have changed. It also illustrates how the diverse ecosystem services rendered by the coasts are being subjected to increasing pressure, and profiles measures that will be necessary in the future to respond effectively to the threats from both climate change and natural disasters

    World ocean review: Mit den Meeren leben 5. Die Küsten - ein wertvoller Lebensraum unter Druck

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    Die fünfte Ausgabe des „World Ocean Review“ (WOR) beschäftigt sich mit dem Lebensraum Küste und den vielfältigen Erwartungen, die an diesen Lebensraum gestellt werden. Der WOR 5 gibt einen Einblik in die über Jahrmillionen zurückreichende Geschichte, erläutert die Theorie der Kontinentalveschiebung und erörtert wie sich das Gesicht der Küsten verändert hat. Er zeigt auf, wie die vielfältigen Ökosystemleistungen der Küsten immer mehr unter Druck geraten und stellt Maßnahmen vor, die in Zukunft notwendig sein werden, um den Bedrohungen durch Klimawandel und Naturkatastrophen Herr zu werden