78 research outputs found


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    Pendidikan karakter merupakan usaha-usaha yang dirancang dan dilaksanakan secara sistematis agar peserta didik memiliki nilai-nilai perilaku dalam hidup dan bekerja sama baik terhadap lingkungan keluarga, masyarakat, bangsa dan negara yang terwujud lewat pikiran, sikap, perasaan, perkataan, dan perbuatan yang didasarkan norma-norma agama, hukum, tata krama, budaya, dan adat istiadat. Sekolah merupakan salah satu jalur pendidikan yang dipandang efektif menanamkan karakter bagi peserta didiknya melalui proses pembelajaran. Guru merupakan bagian yang penting dari sekolah yang ikut bertanggung jawab dalam penanaman karakter peserta didik. Penanaman karakter pada peserta didik bukanlah menjadi tanggung jawab guru untuk mata pelajaran tertentu, tetapi merupakan tanggung jawab semua guru, yang salah satunya adalah guru matematika. Penanaman karakter harus dilaksanakan secara kontinu. Dalam penanaman karakter, guru bertindak sebagai model bagi peserta didik, setidaknya dalam setiap pembelajaran yang dilaksanakan. Kepedulian guru dalam menanamkan karakter peserta didik dapat dilihat dari inovasi guru dalam merancang dan melaksanakan pembelajaran. Dengan memilih suatu strategi, metode atau model yang tepat dalam pembelajaran maka karakter peserta didik terbentuk. Kata kunci: Kepedulian Guru, Pendidikan Karakter, Pembelajaran Matematika

    Sentiment Classification untuk Opini Berita SepakBola

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    Pada penelitian ini akan dibahas mengenai sebuah aplikasi yang dibuat secara khusus untuk mengkategorikan opini masyarakat terhadap sebuah berita Sepak Bola. Opini yang diolah diperoleh dari dua sumber, yaitu melalui hasil crawl situs berita olah raga dan opini yang ditambahkan oleh user sendiri pada aplikasi ini. Opini yang ada nantinya akan disajikan secara terpisah menurut kelompoknya; sentiment positive, negative, maupun netral. Proses klasifikasinya sendiri terdiri dari dua tahap. Tahap pertama adalah proses preprocessing yang terdiri atas proses tokenisasi, normalisasi, case folding, stop word removing, common word removing, stemming. Tahap kedua adalah mengklasifikasikan opini-opini tersebut dengan algoritma Baseline, dan Naive Bayes. Opini yang digunakan untuk proses klasifikasi yaitu opini yang menggunakan bahasa Inggris dari situs fifa.com dan goal.com. Dari perhitungan macroaveraged untuk setiap kelas, didapatkan akurasi 93,06%, presisi 81,90%, dan recall 92,67% untuk kelas sentiment positive. Dari perhitungan kelas sentiment negative didapatkan akurasi 87,73%, presisi 96,29%, dan recall 83,63%. Dari perhitungan kelas sentiment netral didapatkan akurasi 92,26%, presisi 64,44%, dan recall 90,37%. Kesimpulan yang diperoleh saat penelitian ini dari awal hingga akhir adalah, proses crawling yang digunakan untuk mendapatkan berita dan komentar berita sangat membantu dalam penambahan konten website, tetapi banyak sekali komentar berita yang diperoleh kurang cocok untuk proses klasifikasi

    Sentiment Classification untuk Opini Berita SepakBola

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    Pada penelitian ini akan dibahas mengenai sebuah aplikasi yang dibuat secara khusus untuk mengkategorikan opini masyarakat terhadap sebuah berita Sepak Bola. Opini yang diolah diperoleh dari dua sumber, yaitu melalui hasil crawl situs berita olah raga dan opini yang ditambahkan oleh user sendiri pada aplikasi ini. Opini yang ada nantinya akan disajikan secara terpisah menurut kelompoknya; sentiment positive, negative, maupun netral. Proses klasifikasinya sendiri terdiri dari dua tahap. Tahap pertama adalah proses preprocessing yang terdiri atas proses tokenisasi, normalisasi, case folding, stop word removing, common word removing, stemming. Tahap kedua adalah mengklasifikasikan opini-opini tersebut dengan algoritma Baseline, dan Naive Bayes. Opini yang digunakan untuk proses klasifikasi yaitu opini yang menggunakan bahasa Inggris dari situs fifa.com dan goal.com. Dari perhitungan macroaveraged untuk setiap kelas, didapatkan akurasi 93,06%, presisi 81,90%, dan recall 92,67% untuk kelas sentiment positive. Dari perhitungan kelas sentiment negative didapatkan akurasi 87,73%, presisi 96,29%, dan recall 83,63%. Dari perhitungan kelas sentiment netral didapatkan akurasi 92,26%, presisi 64,44%, dan recall 90,37%. Kesimpulan yang diperoleh saat penelitian ini dari awal hingga akhir adalah, proses crawling yang digunakan untuk mendapatkan berita dan komentar berita sangat membantu dalam penambahan konten website, tetapi banyak sekali komentar berita yang diperoleh kurang cocok untuk proses klasifikasi


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    The purpose of this research is to find: 1). Student's achievement in mathematics representation ability who followed the learning process using Think, Talk, Write strategy; 2).  Student's achievement in self-efficacy who followed the learning process using Think, Talk, Write strategy; 3). Whether a student's achievement in mathematics representation ability who followed the learning process using Think, Talk, Write strategy is better than a student who followed a direct learning process; 4). Whether a student self-efficacy who followed the learning process using Think, Talk, Write strategy is better than a student who followed a direct learning process.The population of this research is a whole of the 8thgrade students from Junior High Schools from Purbalingga. The sampling process is determined by a cluster random sampling technique so that the research can obtain the experiment class in which learning proses are using the TTW strategy with 71,81 rate, meanwhile, students who are following direct learning are around 62,94. Based on the student self-efficacy questionnaire who followed learning process with the TTW strategy are 74,37 rate, meanwhile students who are following direct learning are around 66,37. The data analysis using independent sample T-Test to test one right side. The result of the research shows that student's achievement in mathematics representation ability who followed the learning process using the TTW strategy is better than a student who followed a direct learning process. Student self-efficacy who followed the learning process using the TTW strategy is better than a student who followed a direct learning process


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    Abstrak Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menggambarkan bagaimana kemampuan motorik kasar anak melalui permainan lompat tali. Penelitian ini menggunakan penelitian kualitatif. Tehnik pengumpulan data menggunakan observasi, wawancara, dokumentasi dengan subyek penelitian anak kelompok B di TK Hang Tuah 3 Surabaya yang berjumlah 20 orang. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian dan analisis data selama penelitian terlihat bahwa permainan lompat tali dapat meningkatkan motorik kasar anak kelompok B di TK Hang Tuah 3 Surabaya. Sepuluh orang anak (memperoleh 50%) nilai 4 (sangat baik) dan sisanya memperoleh nilai 3 dalam hal melompat dengan satu kaki. Padahal, melompat dengan dua kaki sejumlah 12 anak (memperoleh 60%) memperoleh nilai 4 (sangat baik) dan sisanya cukup baik. Hal ini menunjukkan bahwa kemampuan melompat anak di Hang Tuah 3 Surabaya terstimulasi dengan baik melalui kegiatan lompat tali. Kata Kunci : Permainan Lompat Tali, Motorik Kasar Anak   Abstract  This study aims to describe how the gross motor skills of children through play jump rope. This study uses qualitative research. The technique of collecting data through observation, interviews, documentation with research subjects in kindergarten children in group B 3 Hang Tuah Surabaya of 20 people. Based on the research and analysis of data during the research shows that the jump rope game can improve gross motor skills in kindergarten children in group B 3 Hang Tuah Surabaya. Ten children (50% gain) value of 4 (very good) and the rest scored 3 in the case of hopping on one foot. Whereas jump with two feet of a total of 12 children (60% gain) obtained a value of 4 (very good) and the rest is pretty good. This suggests that the ability of a child jumping in Hang Tuah 3 Surabaya stimulated with either through jumping rope. Keywords: Games Jump Rope, Rough Motoric Childre

    Self-Regulated Learning of Mathematics for Teacher Prospectives in the Development of Student E-Worksheets

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    This research is motivated by demands for mastery of 21st-century skills as a form of educational reform in the 4.0 era. This study aims to explore the understanding and skills of the prospective mathematic teacher in the development of the student e-worksheet as a form of teacher skills in the 21st-century. A total of 27 math teacher candidates in Banyumas Regency, Central Java, Indonesia, who took part in training teaching material development, was formed into 9 Groups (G) and was given the task to develop student e- worksheet of mathematics of junior high school. Data were collected through observation, interviews, self-reflection, open questionnaires, and portfolios and analyzed using content analysis procedures by reading carefully to understand relevant themes. The coding and labeling are then carried out to find the meanings associated with the research objectives and theoretical framework. This study's results indicate that self-regulated learning of prospective mathematics education teachers in the development of student e-worksheet can encourage motivation to learn, self-confidence, experience, and determination to become professional teachers in the 21st century. From this study, an understanding and skill of the century 21can be explored from self-regulated learning during the development of student e- worksheet, namely collaboration and communication skills, problem-solving, creativity and imagination, innovation, and novelty, literacy, and leadership


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    The purpose of this research is to find: 1). Student's achievement in mathematics communication ability who followed the learning process using Probing Prompting strategy; 2).  Student's achievement in self-regulation who followed the learning process using Probing Prompting strategy; 3). Whether a student's achievement in mathematics communication ability who followed the learning process using Probing Prompting strategy is better than a student who followed a direct learning process; 4). Whether a student self-regulation who followed the learning process using Probing Prompting strategy is better than a student who followed a direct learning process.The population of this research is a whole of the 8thgrade students from one of the Junior High School in Purwokerto. The data-gathering process is determined by post-test and questionnaire. The result that can be inferred from the post-test are the class average which using Probing Prompting strategy for their learning process are 72,29 and the class average which using direct learning process are 65,62 and the result that can be inferred from the questionnaire are the class average which using Probing Prompting strategy for their learning process are 76,62 and the class average which using direct learning process are 67,85. The result of this research shows that that student's achievement in mathematics communication ability who followed the learning process using the Probing Prompting strategy is better than a student who followed a direct learning process. Student self-regulation who followed the learning process using the Probing Prompting strategy is better than a student who followed a direct learning process

    A learnability study on Wordwall.net: Online educational tool for mathematics learning

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    Background: Schools were compelled to switch to distance learning due to community quarantine measures and lockdowns imposed during the global health crisis. In this context, Wordwall.net emerged as a valuable platform, enabling users to independently create interactive games, thereby supporting the remote learning process.Aim: The purpose of this study is to demonstrate how online teaching tools such as Wordwall.net can help teachers enable interactive learning when used correctly.Method: This study employs a cross-sectional analysis to evaluate the effectiveness, efficiency, and user satisfaction of utilizing Wordwall.net as a learning medium for Basic Integration material. This approach encompasses both classroom and online learning, with a particular focus on trigonometry as the final topic mandated by the curriculum. A total of 268 randomly selected volunteer students participated in this research.Result: Using Wordwall.net as a teaching resource for fundamental integration meets the needs of all students, regardless of their background. Furthermore, the findings provide insight into the instructional material's usability in terms of efficiency, efficacy, and satisfaction.Conclusion: Wordwall.net was effective in teaching the essential integration lesson. Therefore Wordwall.net allows teachers to create interactive games and printed classroom resources

    Deskripsi Kemampuan Penalaran Adaftif Siswa di SMP Negeri 5 Purwokerto Ditinjau dari Keaktifan Belajar Siswa

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    This study aims to describe the adaptive reasoning skills of students in SMP Negeri 5 Purwokerto in terms of student learning activeness in the subject system of two-variable linear equations. This study uses qualitative research methods and uses the Miles and Huberman model, which includes data reduction, data presentation (display data) and conclusions (verification/conclusion drawing). Sources of data in this study were students of class VIII H. The research subjects were obtained using purposive sampling techniques, and students were categorized into three categories, namely students with high, medium and low learning activeness categories. Each group was selected by three students for research purposes. Data collection methods in this study used questionnaires, tests, interviews and documentation. Based on the results of the study it can be said that students who have high learning activeness are able and meet three of the five indicators of adaptive reasoning skills appropriately, students who have active learning are not yet adequately fulfilling indicators of adaptive reasoning skills appropriately, and students who have low learning activeness have not been able to and mastering precisely the indicators of adaptive reasoning abilities
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