179 research outputs found

    En undersĂžkelse av sammenhengen mellom en bedrifts interne idrettssatsing og utvikling av prestasjonskultur

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    Mitt hovedinntrykk er at det er vanskelig Ä finne direkte sammenheng mellom idrettssatsingen og prestasjonskulturen pÄ organisasjonsnivÄ. Det jeg derimot sÄ en klar tendens til, er at det pÄ individnivÄ skjer en utvikling. Denne utviklingen handler om Ä strekke seg litt ekstra for Ä sprenge personlige grenser, det handler om Ä komme i form og kjenne pÄ gleden av Ä trene. Jeg har ogsÄ empiri som sier at deltagerne har delt kunnskap om trening og kosthold med hverandre, de har skapt felles historier og blitt bedre kjent med hverandre. For Ä overfÞre erfaringer fra individnivÄ til organisasjonsnivÄ ligger mye av ansvaret pÄ ledelsen, og fokus bÞr settes pÄ kunnskapsoverfÞring. Et interessant funn i undersÞkelsen var at selv de som velger Ä ikke delta i tilrettelagte idrettsaktiviteter i sÊrlig grad, er stolt over Ä jobbe i en bedrift som tilbyr denne type aktivitet og i stor grad heier fram de som velger Ä delta. Ut fra det mener jeg Ä kunne anta at idrettssatsingen i Adecco ikke har fÞrt til en splittelse i organisasjonen

    Lokale lÞnnsforhandlinger for lÊrere i videregÄende skole - fra trynetillegg til jakten pÄ gode kriterier? Case Nordland fylkeskommune

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    Masteroppgave i personalledelse - Universitetet i Nordland, 201

    Clinically Relevant Biomarker Discovery in High-Risk Recurrent Neuroblastoma

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    Source at https://doi.org/10.1177/1176935119832910.Neuroblastoma is a pediatric cancer of the developing sympathetic nervous system. High-risk neuroblastoma patients typically undergo an initial remission in response to treatment, followed by recurrence of aggressive tumors that have become refractory to further treatment. The need for biomarkers that can select patients not responding well to therapy in an early phase is therefore needed. In this study, we used next generation sequencing technology to determine the expression profiles in high-risk neuroblastoma cell lines established before and after therapy. Using partial least squares-discriminant analysis (PLS-DA) with least absolute shrinkage and selection operator (LASSO) and leave-one-out cross-validation, we identified a panel of 55 messenger RNAs and 17 long non-coding RNAs (lncRNAs) which were significantly altered in the expression between cell lines isolated from primary and recurrent tumors. From a neuroblastoma patient cohort, we found 20 of the 55 protein-coding genes to be differentially expressed in patients with unfavorable compared with favorable outcome. We further found a twofold increase or decrease in hazard ratios in these genes when comparing patients with unfavorable and favorable outcome. Gene set enrichment analysis (GSEA) revealed that these genes were involved in proliferation, differentiation and regulated by Polycomb group (PcG) proteins. Of the 17 lncRNAs, 3 upregulated (NEAT1, SH3BP5-AS1, NORAD) and 3 downregulated lncRNAs (DUBR, MEG3, DHRS4-AS1) were also found to be differentially expressed in favorable compared with unfavorable outcome. Moreover, using expression profiles on both miRNAs and mRNAs in the same cohort of cell lines, we found 13 downregulated and 18 upregulated experimentally observed miRNA target genes targeted by miR-21, -424 and -30e, -29b, -138, -494, -181a, -34a, -29b, respectively. The advantage of analyzing biomarkers in a clinically relevant neuroblastoma model system enables further studies on the effect of individual genes upon gene perturbation. In summary, this study identified several genes, which may aid in the prediction of response to therapy and tumor recurrence

    "Karrierekompetanse, er det det vi har fÄtt nÄ?" Karriereveiledning i gruppe pÄ 10. trinn

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    Masteroppgaven handler om utvikling av karrierekompetanse gjennom veiledning i gruppe. Veiledningen har fokus pĂ„ Ă„ styrke elevene i prosessen fram mot sĂžknad til videregĂ„ende opplĂŠring. Empirien er fra en gruppe pĂ„ seks elever i samme klasse pĂ„ 10. trinn. Problemstillingen er: «Hvordan kan karriereveiledning i gruppe bidra til Ă„ utvikle karrierekompetanse hos elever pĂ„ 10. trinn?» Aksjonsforskning er brukt som metode for Ă„ finne svar pĂ„ problemstillingen, der SØT-modellen fungerer som en overordnet ramme for gjennomfĂžringen. Jeg hadde et Ăžnske om Ă„ utvikle egen praksis sammen med elevene, og det har vĂŠrt et praktisk fokus pĂ„ veiledningene. Det har vĂŠrt gjennomfĂžrt ulike karrierelĂŠringsaktiviteter som utgangspunkt for samtale og refleksjon. Prosjektet ble avsluttet med et fokusgruppe-intervju, for at elevenes stemme skulle komme godt fram. I lys av karrierelĂŠringsteori har jeg analysert og drĂžftet innsamlet materiale. Ut fra dette har jeg tre hovedfunn som bidrar til Ă„ belyse problemstillingen. Funnene viser at karriereveiledning i gruppe bidrar til kunnskap om muligheter i videregĂ„ende skole, bedre kjennskap til seg selv og sine medelever, samt at gruppa pĂ„virker elevenes valg. Videre har jeg to hovedfunn som viser at trygg atmosfĂŠre og tydelig ledelse er forutsetninger for at veiledning i gruppe skal fungere.My master thesis is about the development of career management skills through guidance in groups. The guidance has focused on empowering the pupils in the process of applying for upper secondary education and training. My empiric data is from a group of six pupils in the same class in the last year of lower secondary school. My problem statement is: “How can career guidance in groups contribute to developing career management skills for pupils in the last year of lower secondary school?” Action research is used as a method to answer the problem statement, and the Norwegian SØT-model has been used as a frame for the process. I wanted to develop my own practice together with the students, and I have kept a practical perspective during our guidance sessions. I have carried out various career learning activities, followed by discussion and reflection in the group. At the end of the project, I conducted a focus group interview, to make sure the pupils’ voices came through. I have used career learning theory to analyze and discuss the collected data. My project has led to three main findings that relates to the problem statement. The findings are that career guidance in groups increases the pupils’ knowledge about the possibilities in upper secondary school. Furthermore, they get more knowledge about themselves and their fellow pupils. The last main finding is that the group itself affects the pupils’ decisions. In addition, I have two findings that show that it is necessary to establish a safe environment and have a clear management of the group for group guidance to be successful

    Short-term sequence evolution and vertical inheritance of the Naegleria twin-ribozyme group I intron

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    Ribosomal DNA of several species of the free-living Naegleria amoeba harbors an optional group I intron within the nuclear small subunit ribosomal RNA gene. The intron (Nae.S516) has a complex organization of two ribozyme domains (NaGIR1 and NaGIR2) and a homing endonuclease gene (NaHEG). NaGIR2 is responsible for intron excision, exon ligation, and full-length intron RNA circularization, reactions typical for nuclear group I intron ribozymes. NaGIR1, however, is essential for NaHEG expression by generating the 5' end of the homing endonuclease messenger RNA. Interestingly, this unusual class of ribozyme adds a lariat-cap at the mRNA

    Ressursutnyttelse i bygg. En case for bĂŠrekraftig utvikling

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    Bakgrunn: AktÞrer som forvalter bygninger mÄ forholde seg til en rekke utfordringer knyttet til markedsdynamikker og endring av brukerbehov. Blant annet har kostnadene knyttet til strÞm Þkt betydelig og brukeradferden har endret seg, sÊrlig post Covid-19. Av denne grunn er det nyttig Ä se hvordan innovasjonsmetoder kan bidra til bedre ressursutnyttelse hos eiendomsforvaltere. Hensikt: Hensikten er Ä benytte prinsipper fra designtenkning og systemtenkning. Vi skal undersÞke hvorvidt disse innovasjonsmetodene kan bidra til bedre ressursutnyttelse, som en forlÞper til bÊrekraftig utvikling. Vi tar utgangspunkt i casebedriften NMBU. For Ä besvare dette har vi utviklet fÞlgende problemstilling: Hvordan kan designtenkning og systemtenkning bidra til bedre ressursutnyttelse i bygg? Metode: For Ä svare pÄ problemstillingen har vi benyttet oss av aksjonsforskning. Gjennom totalt fire faser har vi benyttet oss av prinsipper og verktÞy fra designtenkning og systemtenkning. VÄrt forskningsdesign har bestÄtt av kvalitative metoder for datainnsamling, herunder dybdeintervjuer, observasjoner og gruppesamtaler. Interessentene i studien representerer et bredt spekter, hovedsakelig i bedriften NMBU. Personer med tilknytning til eiendomsbransjen i Norge er ogsÄ representert. Funn og implikasjoner: Studien er gjennomfÞrt i totalt fire faser, inspirert av designtenkning. Videre er det benyttet prinsipper og verktÞy fra systemtenkning. Kombinasjonen av disse bidro med analyse av nÄ-situasjonen av bedriften og generering av lÞsningsforslag. Prosessen ga en implikasjon pÄ at metoden kan benyttes for Ä utvikle prosjekter knyttet til bÊrekraftig utvikling, ved at bedriften tar utgangspunkt i eksisterende ressurser. Implementeringen av en slik prosess vil kreve tid, kostnader og dedikert personell. Vi hÄper at studien kan bidra til en metodisk tilnÊrming for bedrifter som ser et potensiale i en slik prosess og sÄledes kan fungere som en veileder for hvordan de skal gÄ frem

    Short-term sequence evolution and vertical inheritance of the Naegleria twin-ribozyme group I intron

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    Background Ribosomal DNA of several species of the free-living Naegleria amoeba harbors an optional group I intron within the nuclear small subunit ribosomal RNA gene. The intron (Nae.S516) has a complex organization of two ribozyme domains (NaGIR1 and NaGIR2) and a homing endonuclease gene (NaHEG). NaGIR2 is responsible for intron excision, exon ligation, and full-length intron RNA circularization, reactions typical for nuclear group I intron ribozymes. NaGIR1, however, is essential for NaHEG expression by generating the 5' end of the homing endonuclease messenger RNA. Interestingly, this unusual class of ribozyme adds a lariat-cap at the mRNA. Results To elucidate the evolutionary history of the Nae.S516 twin-ribozyme introns we have analyzed 13 natural variants present in distinct Naegleria isolates. Structural variabilities were noted within both the ribozyme domains and provide strong comparative support to the intron secondary structure. One of the introns, present in N. martinezi NG872, contains hallmarks of a degenerated NaHEG. Phylogenetic analyses performed on separate data sets representing NaGIR1, NaGIR2, NaHEG, and ITS1-5.8S-ITS2 ribosomal DNA are consistent with an overall vertical inheritance pattern of the intron within the Naegleria genus. Conclusion The Nae.S516 twin-ribozyme intron was gained early in the Naegleria evolution with subsequent vertical inheritance. The intron was lost in the majority of isolates (70%), leaving a widespread but scattered distribution pattern. Why the apparent asexual Naegleria amoebae harbors active intron homing endonucleases, dependent on sexual reproduction for its function, remains a puzzle

    Tumour-suppressor microRNAs let-7 and mir-101 target the proto-oncogene MYCN and inhibit cell proliferation in MYCN-amplified neuroblastoma

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    BACKGROUND: MicroRNAs (miRNAs) regulate expression of many cancer-related genes through posttranscriptional repression of their mRNAs. In this study we investigate the proto-oncogene MYCN as a target for miRNA regulation. METHODS: A luciferase reporter assay was used to investigate software-predicted miRNA target sites in the 30 -untranslated region (30 UTR) of MYCN. The miRNAs were overexpressed in cell lines by transfection of miRNA mimics or miRNA-expressing plasmids. Mutation of the target sites was used to validate MYCN 30 UTR as a direct target of several miRNAs. To measure miRNA-mediated suppression of endogenous N-myc protein, inhibition of proliferation and inhibition of clonogenic growth, miRNAs were overexpressed in a MYCN-amplified neuroblastoma cell line. RESULTS: The results from this study show that MYCN is targeted by several miRNAs. In addition to the previously shown mir-34a/c, we experimentally validate mir-449, mir-19a/b, mir-29a/b/c, mir-101 and let-7e/mir-202 as direct MYCN-targeting miRNAs. These miRNAs were able to suppress endogenous N-myc protein in a MYCN-amplified neuroblastoma cell line. The let-7e and mir-202 were strong negative regulators of MYCN expression. The mir-101 and the let-7 family miRNAs let-7e and mir-202 inhibited proliferation and clonogenic growth when overexpressed in Kelly cells. CONCLUSION: The tumour-suppressor miRNAs let-7 and mir-101 target MYCN and inhibit proliferation and clonogenic growth of MYCN-amplified neuroblastoma cells

    Conditional expression of retrovirally delivered anti-MYCN shRNA as an in vitro model system to study neuronal differentiation in MYCN-amplified neuroblastoma

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    Background: Neuroblastoma is a childhood cancer derived from immature cells of the sympathetic nervous system. The disease is clinically heterogeneous, ranging from neuronal differentiated benign ganglioneuromas to aggressive metastatic tumours with poor prognosis. Amplification of the MYCN oncogene is a well established poor prognostic factor found in up to 40% of high risk neuroblastomas. Using neuroblastoma cell lines to study neuronal differentiation in vitro is now well established. Several protocols, including exposure to various agents and growth factors, will differentiate neuroblastoma cell lines into neuron-like cells. These cells are characterized by a neuronal morphology with long extensively branched neurites and expression of several neurospecific markers. Results: In this study we use retrovirally delivered inducible short-hairpin RNA (shRNA) modules to knock down MYCN expression in MYCN-amplified (MNA) neuroblastoma cell lines. By addition of the inducer doxycycline, we show that the Kelly and SK-N-BE(2) neuroblastoma cell lines efficiently differentiate into neuron-like cells with an extensive network of neurites. These cells are further characterized by increased expression of the neuronal differentiation markers NFL and GAP43. In addition, we show that induced expression of retrovirally delivered anti- MYCN shRNA inhibits cell proliferation by increasing the fraction of MNA neuroblastoma cells in the G1 phase of the cell cycle and that the clonogenic growth potential of these cells was also dramatically reduced. Conclusion: We have developed an efficient MYCN-knockdown in vitro model system to study neuronal differentiation in MNA neuroblastomas
