102 research outputs found

    Beyond DNA: Epigenetics and Proteomics in Forensic Science

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    The use of genetic evidence in criminal cases is well established and has improved the public opinion and credibility of forensic science. However, several shortcomings associated with current genetic profiling techniques exist. Scientific research aimed at increasing the overall knowledge and understanding of biological factors will lead to the development of methods capable of improving the discriminating power of DNA evidence, overcoming limitations associated with DNA evidence, or complementing current methods of DNA profiling. Increased research in the fields of epigenetics and proteomics are particularly promising and relevant to forensic science. Research suggests that epigenetic biomarkers can be used to approximate the age of biological sample donors, differentiate between DNA of monozygotic twins, distinguish between natural and synthesized DNA, and identify body fluid sources from forensic material. Proteomic research studies indicate that mass spectrometry can be used to identify biological matrices and tissue sources from forensic biological samples without compromising DNA evidence. The demand for improved forensic techniques necessitates further research into these fields and, specifically, how the associated methods can be used in forensic science

    Recombinant Expression and Potential Autocatalysis of Aedes aegypti Trypsin-like Serine Proteases (AaSPII and AaSPIV)

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    Aedes aegypti mosquitoes can be found globally in tropical and subtropical urban areas and spread Zika, Dengue fever, yellow fever, and Chikungunya viruses. Current vector control methods are limited and nonspecific. The female Ae. aegypti mosquito uses blood meal proteins to obtain nutrients required for oogenesis; inhibition of the midgut trypsin-like serine proteases responsible for blood meal digestion may provide a novel method of vector control. Ae. aegypti blood meal digestion is complex and the role of uncharacterized serine proteases in blood digestion is unclear; specifically, a group of trypsin-like serine proteases (AaSPII–V) is expressed at constant levels before and following Ae. aegypti blood meal acquisition. This research focuses on the in vitro biochemical study of two specific Ae. aegypti trypsin-like serine proteases (AaSPII and AaSPIV) in order to gain further understanding of their role in blood meal digestion. The approach involved the successful cloning and bacterial expression of these soluble, recombinant proteases. Results from attempts to purify these proteases were unsuccessful but indicative of potential autocatalytic and autodigestive behavior. Future studies will focus on obtaining purified recombinant proteases for further study. The study of AaSPII and AaSPIV, as well as other midgut Ae. aegypti proteases, will aid in understanding the overall role proteases play in blood meal digestion and may eventually allow for the development of mosquito-specific enzyme inhibitors


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    Herbsttagung in Berlin, 27.-28.09.201

    Fuzzy Monitoring of Intravenous Propofol Infusion Anesthesia in Dogs

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    The images of Lakes Ontario and Superior evidence from the shipwreck experience.

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    Source: Masters Abstracts International, Volume: 40-07, page: . Thesis (M.A.)--University of Windsor (Canada), 1985

    Early Childhood Teachers’ Competence to Evaluate Children’s Mathematical Skills

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    This study examined German early childhood teachers’ absolute and relative judgment accuracy with respect to the mathematical skills of the children under their supervision. The two types of judgment accuracy are crucial prerequisites for pacing activities in early childhood education and offering differentiated activities adapted to children’s individual skill levels. Data from 39 early childhood teachers and 268 children were analyzed using multilevel modeling. Teachers rated children’s skills on a structured observation instrument (“Kinder Diagnose Tool”, KiDiT). Children were assessed on their mathematical skills with a standardized test (“Mathematische Basiskompetenzen im Kindesalter”, MBK-0). On average, 65% of the variation in teachers’ judgments on the KiDiT could be explained by children’s MBK-0 scores which suggests that teachers are – on average – well able to rank children within their groups. Teachers were also able to judge the mathematical level of children’s skills as assessed by the MBK-0. Neither teachers’ mathematical content knowledge (MCK), nor their mathematics pedagogical content knowledge (MPCK) or their general pedagogical knowledge (GPK) moderated the relationship between teachers’ judgments and children’s test scores or the relationship between the level of the judgments and the level of test scores. Conclusions for future research and practice are drawn

    Analysis of the Role of the Chief Academic Officer in Public Community/Junior Colleges in Kansas and Oklahoma

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    Higher Educatio

    Einsatz digitaler Medien im Mathematikunterricht der Grundschule - Das math.media.lab der Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin

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    Das math.media.lab setzt sich aktiv mit den Bedingungen und der Bedeutung der Digitalisierung für einen modernen Mathematikunterricht in der Primarstufe auseinander und untersucht in seinen Forschungsprojekten multiperspektivische Fragestellungen auf Ebene der Lernenden, der Lehrenden sowie der Unterrichtsmaterialien. Im Zentrum der Aktivitäten steht ein multimediales Lehr-Lern-Labor, über dessen Angebote eine breite Auswahl digitaler Medien in alle Phasen der Lehrkräftebildung integriert wird und welches als regionales Leuchtturmprojekt digitalen Lehrens und Lernens initiiert wurde. Es ist ein Ort des sich Ausprobierens, des gemeinschaftlichen Austauschs und der Zusammenarbeit mit diversen Kooperationspartnern. Im Beitrag wird aufgezeigt, nach welchen fachdidaktischen sowie pädagogischen Grundsätzen und Forschungsergebnissen die Angebote gestaltet werden, um die Kompetenzentwicklung (angehender) Lehrkräfte zu unterstützen und die Entwicklung einer Kultur digitalen Lehrens und Lernens zu begünstigen

    New Local, National and Regional Cereal Price Indices for Improved Identification of Food Insecurity

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    Large price increases over a short time period can be indicative of a deteriorating food security situation. Food price indices developed by the United Nations Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) are used to monitor food price trends at a global level, but largely reflect supply and demand conditions in export markets. However, reporting by the United States Agency for International Development (USAID)'s Famine Early Warning Systems Network (FEWS NET) indicates that staple cereal prices in many markets of the developing world, especially in surplus-producing areas, often have a delayed and variable response to international export market price trends. Here we present new price indices compiled for improved food security monitoring and assessment, and specifically for monitoring conditions of food access across diverse food insecure regions. We found that cereal price indices constructed using market prices within a food insecure region showed significant differences from the international cereals price, and had a variable price dispersion across markets within each marketshed. Using satellite-derived remote sensing information that estimates local production and the FAO Cereals Index as predictors, we were able to forecast movements of the local or national price indices in the remote, arid and semi-arid countries of the 38 countries examined. This work supports the need for improved decision-making about targeted aid and humanitarian relief, by providing earlier early warning of food security crises
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