707 research outputs found

    Evaluating the Effectiveness of Participatory Groundwater Management

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    An inquiry into the size of health charities: The case of Norwegian patient organisations

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    This paper analyses the extents to which variations in revenues and memberships of health charities – or patient organisations – might be explained by characteristics of the diseases that the organisations represent. After a theoretical discussion it inquires into 45 Norwegian patient organisations. The findings suggest that prevalence, followed by death risk are the most important characteristics of the disease for explaining charity size. There were indications that the status of the disease influenced memberships. Still, the most significant variables to explain revenues are the organisation’s age and its memberships. Cross-sectional comparisons gave no indications that public revenues ‘crowd out’ private donations.Health charities; disease characteristics

    America Must Learn What to Eat

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    Leaving your dining table each morning, noon and evening with your hunger satisfied is no sure sign that you are well fed. Not even three bountiful meals a day, wellstocked pantries, and liberal grocery bills indicate that you and your family are eating enough of the right foods necessary for good health


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    A system and method are disclosed for enabling digital assistant devices to distinguish human inputs from non-human voice inputs using subaudible cue tones. The system includes a home assistant device with cue tone recognition that receives cue tones from non-human assistant devices. The cue tones are used to differentiate live, in-person audio input from remote or non-human audio. For example, a television commercial may initiate a tone that communicates with the nearby device to remain non-interactive with the following audio. When devices communicate with one another, a cue tone from each device may also relay inaudibly that certain behaviors associated with a human person will not be triggered in these interactions

    Structural and functional studies of Ectoine Synthase from Chromohalobacter salexigens DSM 3043 and Marinobacter sp. CK1

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    Ectoine is a compatible solute found in many microorganisms adapted to survive in saline and other extreme environments. Here, it aids microorganisms to counter osmotic stress and protect their enzymes. Ectoine exhibit many interesting properties that is potentially commercially exploitable, and it is currently produced and found in several products on the market. While ectoine is produced by whole cell synthesis, the EctABC enzymes in the biosynthesis pathway of ectoine was currently not well described structurally or functionally. Here, we present structural and biochemical characterizations of ectoine synthase from two organisms, Chromohalobacter salexigens DSM3043 and Marinobacter sp. CK1. We cloned, expressed and expression optimized both candidates, and purified them by immobilized metal affinity chromatography and gel filtration. C. salexigens EctC (CSEctC) yielded 14-18 mg/L cell culture while Marinobacter sp. CK1 (MarEctC) yielded 0.75-1.5 mg/L culture. We then produced diffracting crystals of CSEctC and obtained a data set from which the structure of CSEctC was determined. We further obtained preliminary biochemical data relating to thermostability and activity from both candidates. The crystal structure from CSEctC shows that it is adapts a typical ÎČ-sandwich fold, consistent with earlier structural investigations of other EctC type proteins. This study provides a solid foundation for further research on EctC from our model organisms, and protocols and techniques developed herein can be further optimized to obtain more biochemical data about this interesting enzyme

    Preventing reverse engineering of black-box classifiers

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    Machine learning (ML) models trained for various purposes are generally kept confidential, e.g., due to their commercial value, proprietary nature of training data, etc. Therefore, commercial cloud-based machine-learning service providers protect their ML models even as they provide one or more services to customers that employ ML models. For example, a service enables a customer to upload an observation, e.g., an image, and receive a label for the observation, generated by a ML model that’s trained to determine labels for images. Recent research has shown that given a sufficient number of observations and returned labels, it is possible to reverse engineer the ML model that generated the labels. This disclosure presents techniques that thwart reverse-engineering efforts, e.g., by adversarial actors, by returning, for a small fraction of input queries, not a true but a near-true class label

    " Perfeksjonisme, opplevd ferdighet og potensielt frafallfra organisert idrett"

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    Masteroppgave i idrettsvitenskap- Universitetet i Agder 2009Med utgangspunkt i teoretisk rammeverk av Flett & Hewitt (2002), ble reliabilitet og validitet i en oversatt versjon av perfeksjonismemÄlingen Hewitt & Flett MPS (1991) testet pÄ et norsk utvalg. Det ble ogsÄ uforsket hvilke sammenhenger opplevd ferdighet i idrett og potensielt frafall har til en antatt positiv (eller adaptiv), og en antatt negativ (eller maladaptiv) dimensjon i denne skalaen. Utvalget, (N 175), var ungdom pÄ idrettslinje ved Gimle videregÄende skole mellom 16 og 19 Är som oppgav en hovedidrett, og at de var medlem av et idrettslag eller annen fast organisert aktivitet. Analyser av Hewitt & Flett MPS (1991) tydet pÄ den hadde mÄlt de to dimensjonene den var ment til Ä mÄle i denne undersÞkelsen. Det ble funnet (α) .85 i selvorientert perfeksjonisme, og (α) .86. i sosialt orientert perfeksjonisme, noe som antydet at mÄlingen var presis. Skalaen viste tilfredsstillende faktorladning nÄr den ble redusert fra 30 til 24 item gjennom faktoranalyse. Resultatene antyder at de som scorer hÞyest pÄ selvorientert perfeksjonisme ogsÄ opplever gode ferdigheter og har lav frekvens av tanker om Ä slutte med hovedidrett, samt at de skiller seg signifikant fra andre grupper i denne undersÞkelsen. Den gjennomsnittlige scoren pÄ selvorientert perfeksjonisme er hÞyere enn scoren pÄ sosialt orienterte perfeksjonisme, som er den antatt maladaptive perfeksjonismedimensjon. Det er derfor tendenser til at utvalget fÞrst og fremst er adaptivt perfeksjonistiske, og at selvorientert perfeksjonisme er adaptivt i dette utvalget. UndersÞkelsen har derfor delvis gitt svar som kunne forventes ut fra det teoretiske bakgrunnsmaterialet. NÄr det gjelder sosialt orientert perfeksjonisme er resultatene til dels usignifikante og uklare. Det kan ha sammenheng med den lave scoren pÄ sosialt orientert perfeksjonisme, og at det er stor variasjon i antall i hver gruppe. NÞkkelord: Perfeksjonisme, adaptiv, maladaptiv, opplevd ferdighet, frafall, organisert idret

    Matsikkerhet og internasjonale markeder

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    Hvordan oppleves kompetanse og kompetanseheving hos sykepleiere pÄ Universitetssykehuset Nord-Norge?

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    Denne undersĂžkelsen belyser hvordan sykepleiere opplever kompetanse- og kompetanseheving i sin arbeidshverdag ved Universitetssykehuset Nord-Norge HF. Metodisk er det brukt en kvalitativ tilnĂŠrming, der sju sykepleiere fra ulike avdelinger i organisasjonen har blitt intervjuet. For Ă„ best mulig fĂ„ svar pĂ„ forskningsspĂžrsmĂ„lene ble det benyttet individuelle semistrukturerte intervju, der deres opplevelser av fenomenet kompetanse stĂ„r i fokus. Sykepleiere er en stor andel av ansatte i organisasjonen, og er de ansatte som tilbringer mest tid i direkte kontakt med pasientene. Nasjonal helse- og sykehusplan 2020-2023 pĂ„peker at det skal legges til rette for livslang lĂŠring for Ă„ sikre tilstrekkelig kompetanse i helseforetakene – og at sykepleiere skal prioriteres i disse planene. Gjennom intervjuspĂžrsmĂ„lene, transkribering og analysering av data krystalliserte det seg ut fire ulike hovedfunn. Disse omhandler hvordan kompetanse viser seg, hvordan kompetanseheving fungerer i praksis, dokumentasjon av kompetanse, hvordan ledelse- og tilrettelegging foregĂ„r, samt hvilke strategiske fĂžringer og rammebetingelser for kompetanseutvikling som eksisterer og hvordan disse fungerer. Kategoriene oppstod delvis pĂ„ bakgrunn av teori, og delvis i bearbeiding av materialet. Funnene viser at det er relativ lik oppfatning hos sykepleierne innenfor disse hovedfunnene – og at det er store forskjeller pĂ„ hvordan det praktiseres innad i organisasjonen. Det viser seg at mange potensielle arenaer for uformell kompetanseheving i hverdagen ikke er godt nok utnyttet, og heller ikke anerkjennes som kompetanseheving. BĂ„de kultur pĂ„ de ulike avdelingene, og variasjoner i fokus hos nĂŠrmeste leder er med pĂ„ Ă„ avgjĂžre hvorvidt kompetanse generelt og kompetanseheving ses pĂ„ som en viktig faktor i arbeidshverdagen. Det vil sannsynligvis vĂŠre stor gevinst i Ă„ oppdatere strategier for kompetanse i organisasjonen og sikre at den er forankret i hele linja. Ikke minst mĂ„ det blir satt av tid til Ă„ fokusere pĂ„ systematisk arbeid omkring uformelle arenaer for kompetanseheving, for Ă„ anerkjenne og ta i bruk all kompetansen som ligger uutnyttet i en stor organisasjon med varierte, komplekse arbeidsoppgaver.This study sheds light on how nurses experience competence and competence development in their everyday work at the University Hospital of Northern Norway. Methodologically, a qualitative approach has been used. Seven nurses from different departments in the organization have been interviewed. In order to get the best possible answers to the research questions, individual semi-structured interviews were used, and where the nurses’ experiences of the phenomenon competence are in focus. Nurses are a large proportion of employees in the organization, and also the employees who spend the most time in direct contact with patients. The National Health and Hospital Plan 2020-2023 points out that lifelong learning must be facilitated to ensure sufficient competence in the health trusts – and that nurses must be given priority in these plans. Through the intervue questions, transcriptions and analysis of data four different main findings crystallized. These are competence, how competence development works in practice, documentation of competence, management and facilitation, as well as strategic guidelines and framework conditions for competence development. The categories arose partly on the basic of theory, and partly in processing of the material. The findings show that there is a relatively similar perception among nurses within many of the topics – while there are large differences in how this is practiced within the organization. It turns out that many potential arenas for informal competence development in everyday life are not well enough utilized, nor are they recognized as competence development. Both culture in the various departments, and variation in the focus of the management helps to determine whether competence in general and competence development are seen as an important factor in everyday work. There will probably be great gains in updating strategies for competence in the organization, ensuring that these are anchored in the entire line – and not least that time is set aside to focus and work systematically with informal arenas for competence development in a large organization with varied and complex work tasks.Masteroppgave i pedagogikk IKTPED396MAPS-PEDI
