32 research outputs found

    Erro de medida de testes funcionais em idosos

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    TCC (Graduação) - Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina. Centro de Desportos. Educação Física. Bacharelado.Os testes de Capacidade Funcional são utilizados para a avaliação e monitoramento de idosos em estudos científicos e na prática clínica. Com o objetivo de melhorar o controle de qualidade dessas medidas, aumentando a robustez metodológica, podem-se empregar cálculos que mensuram o erro de medida, como o Erro Técnico de Medida (ETM) e o coeficiente de credibilidade para avaliar a confiabilidade dos dados. O objetivo deste estudo foi avaliar a variabilidade inter-avaliadores e intra-avaliador em testes funcionais em idosos fisicamente ativos. Cinco avaliadores treinados avaliaram a capacidade funcional de 20 idosos por meio de seis testes funcionais: 1. Sentar e Levantar cinco vezes da cadeira; 2. Levanta, Vai e Volta; 3. Subir escadas; 4. Descer escadas; 5. Levantar e transportar; e 6. Velocidade de caminhada de 6 metros. O tempo de cada teste foi mensurado in situ, com o uso de cronômetros, além de ser registrado com câmera filmadora, de maneira simultânea. Um quinto avaliador mensurou o tempo do teste posteriormente por meio de software especializado, sendo que tais medidas foram consideradas como padrão ouro. Os principais resultados apontam que houve diferença significativa na maior parte dos resultados, apenas quatro médias, em três testes diferentes, não apresentaram diferença significativa em relação ao padrão ouro (p>0,05), foram estas no teste Levanta Vai e Volta do avaliador 2 (5,37±0,95s), Sentar e Levantar 5 vezes dos avaliadores 1 (10,12±1,57s) e 4 (10,12±1,5s) e Carregar e Transportar do avaliador 1 (8,07±1,18s); Observou-se ainda, que o erro ocorreu de maneira sistemática, ou seja, padrão e menor em relação as médias da câmera. Foram encontrados variados erros de medição inter e intra-avaliadores nos testes de capacidade funcional. Verificou-se que, quanto menor o tempo de realização do teste, maior é o valor do ETM encontrado, resultado confirmado no teste de correlação de Pearson que apontou correlação negativa entre a média de duração dos testes e a média do ETM inter (r=-0,868) e intra-avaliadores (r= -0,843) dos quatro avaliadores em cada teste realizado. Portanto, mostra-se necessário o uso da câmera como parte da avaliação, fornecendo resultados mais fidedignos. Nos casos de impossibilidade de uso, é importante realizar os cálculos de ETM inter e intra-avaliadores com o objetivo de garantir a confiabilidade dos dados.Functional Capacity tests are used for the evaluation and monitoring of the elderly in scientific studies and clinical practice. In order to improve the quality control of these measures, increasing the methodological robustness, we can use calculations that measure the measurement error, such as the Technical Error of Measure (ETM) and the coefficient of credibility to evaluate the reliability of the data. The objective of this study was to evaluate inter-rater and intra-rater variability in functional tests in physically active elderly. Five trained evaluators assessed the functional capacity of 20 elderly people through six functional tests: 1. Timed up and go (TUG), 2. Upstairs (US), 3. Downstairs (DS), 4. Sit 5 times (S5x), 5. Walking 8m (W8) and 6. Lift and carry (LC). The time of each test was measured in situ with stopwatches, besides being recorded with a camcorder, simultaneously. A fifth evaluator measured the test time later using specialized software, and these measurements were considered as gold standard. The main results indicate that there was a significant difference in most of the results, only four means, in three different tests, did not present significant difference in relation to the gold standard (p> 0.05). These were in the Time Up and Go test of the evaluator 2 (5.37 ± 0.95 s), Sit and Raise 5 times of the evaluators 1 (10.12 ± 1.57 s) and 4 (10.12 ± 1.5 s) and Load and Transport of evaluator 1 (8.07 ± 1.18 s). It was also observed that the error occurred in a systematic way, that is, smaller in relation to the camera means. Several inter- and intra-rater measurement errors were found in the functional capacity tests. It was found that the shorter the test time, the higher the ETM value was found, confirmed in the Pearson correlation test, which showed a negative correlation between the mean duration of the tests and the mean ETM inter (r = -0.868) and intra-rater (r = -0.843) of the four raters in each test performed. Therefore, it is necessary to use the camera as part of the evaluation, providing a more reliable result. In cases where it is impossible to use camera, it is important to perform inter-and intra-rater ETM calculations in order to guarantee the reliability of the data

    Constraining a possible time variation of the gravitational constant G with terrestrial nuclear laboratory data

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    Testing the constancy of the gravitational constant G has been a longstanding fundamental question in natural science. As first suggested by Jofr\'{e}, Reisenegger and Fern\'{a}ndez [1], Dirac's hypothesis of a decreasing gravitational constant GG with time due to the expansion of the Universe would induce changes in the composition of neutron stars, causing dissipation and internal heating. Eventually, neutron stars reach their quasi-stationary states where cooling due to neutrino and photon emissions balances the internal heating. The correlation of surface temperatures and radii of some old neutron stars may thus carry useful information about the changing rate of G. Using the density dependence of the nuclear symmetry energy constrained by recent terrestrial laboratory data on isospin diffusion in heavy-ion reactions at intermediate energies and the size of neutron skin in 208Pb^{208}Pb within the gravitochemical heating formalism, we obtain an upper limit of the relative changing rate of G˙/G4×1012yr1|\dot{G}/G|\le4\times 10^{-12}yr^{-1} consistent with the best available estimates in the literature.Comment: 27 pages, 11 figures, and 2 tables. Accepted version to appear in PRC (2007

    Constraining a possible time-variation of the gravitational constant through "gravitochemical heating" of neutron stars

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    A hypothetical time-variation of the gravitational constant GG would cause neutron star matter to depart from beta equilibrium, due to the changing hydrostatic equilibrium. This forces non-equilibrium beta processes to occur, which release energy that is invested partly in neutrino emission and partly in heating the stellar interior. Eventually, the star arrives at a stationary state in which the temperature remains nearly constant, as the forcing through the change of GG is balanced by the ongoing reactions. Comparing the surface temperature of the nearest millisecond pulsar, PSR J0437-4715, inferred from ultraviolet observations, with our predicted stationary temperature, we estimate two upper limits for this variation: (1) G˙/G<2×1010|\dot G/G| < 2 \times 10^{-10} yr1^{-1}, if we allow direct Urca reactions operating in the neutron star core, and (2) G˙/G<4×1012|\dot G/G| < 4 \times 10^{-12} yr1^{-1}, considering only modified Urca reactions. Both results are competitive with those obtained by other methods, with (2) being among the most restrictive.Comment: 4 pages, including 2 figures. Accepted for publication in Phys. Rev. Lett. Revised version includes minor changes in the wording, and more substantial changes in the last 2 paragraphs (Discussion and Conclusions). Equations, figures, and results are unchange

    Anisotropy in the Distribution of Galactic Radio Polarizations

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    Radiation traversing the observable universe provides powerful ways to probe anisotropy of electromagnetic propagation. A controversial recent study claimed a signal of dipole character. Here we test a new and independent data set of 361 points under the null proposal of {\it statistical independence} of linear polarization alignments relative to galaxy axes, versus angular positions. The null hypothesis is tested via maximum likelihood analysis of best fits among numerous independent types of factored distributions. We also examine single-number correlations which are parameter free, invariant under coordinate transformations, and distributed very robustly. The statistics are shown explicitly not to depend on the uneven distribution of sources on the sky. We find that the null proposal is not supported at the level of less than 5% to less than 0.1% by several independent statistics. The signal of correlation violates parity, that is, symmetry under spatial inversion, and requires a statistic which transforms properly. The data indicate an axis of correlation, on the basis of likelihood determined to be [R.A.=(0h,9m)±(1h,0m)[{\rm R.A.}=(0^{\rm h},9^{\rm m}) \pm (1^{\rm h},0^{\rm m}), Decl.=1o±15o]{\rm Decl.} = -1^o\pm 15^o].Comment: 10 pages, Late

    Gas Dynamics and Star Formation in the Galaxy Pair NGC1512/1510

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    (abridged) Here we present HI line and 20-cm radio continuum data of the nearby galaxy pair NGC1512/1510 as obtained with the Australia Telescope Compact Array. These are complemented by GALEX UV-, SINGG Halpha- and Spitzer mid-infrared images, allowing us to compare the distribution and kinematics of the neutral atomic gas with the locations and ages of the stellar clusters within the system. For the barred, double-ring galaxy NGC1512 we find a very large HI disk, about 4x its optical diameter, with two pronounced spiral/tidal arms. Both its gas distribution and the distribution of the star-forming regions are affected by gravitational interaction with the neighbouring blue compact dwarf galaxy NGC1510. The two most distant HI clumps, at radii of about 80 kpc, show signs of star formation and are likely tidal dwarf galaxies. Star formation in the outer disk of NGC1512 is revealed by deep optical- and two-color ultraviolet images. Using the latter we determine the properties of about 200 stellar clusters and explore their correlation with dense HI clumps in the even larger 2XHI disk. The multi-wavelength analysis of the NGC1512/1510 system, which is probably in the first stages of a minor merger having started about 400 Myr ago, links stellar and gaseous galaxy properties on scales from one to 100 kpc.Comment: accepted in MNRAS (please find the high-resolution pdf file and further information at http://www.atnf.csiro.au/people/bkoribal/ngc1512

    Internal heating and thermal emission from old neutron stars: Constraints on dense-matter and gravitational physics

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    The equilibrium composition of neutron star matter is achieved through weak interactions (direct and inverse beta decays), which proceed on relatively long time scales. If the density of a matter element is perturbed, it will relax to the new chemical equilibrium through non-equilibrium reactions, which produce entropy that is partly released through neutrino emission, while a similar fraction heats the matter and is eventually radiated as thermal photons. We examined two possible mechanisms causing such density perturbations: 1) the reduction in centrifugal force caused by spin-down (particularly in millisecond pulsars), leading to "rotochemical heating", and 2) a hypothetical time-variation of the gravitational constant, as predicted by some theories of gravity and current cosmological models, leading to "gravitochemical heating". If only slow weak interactions are allowed in the neutron star (modified Urca reactions, with or without Cooper pairing), rotochemical heating can account for the observed ultraviolet emission from the closest millisecond pulsar, PSR J0437-4715, which also provides a constraint on |dG/dt| of the same order as the best available in the literature.Comment: 6 pages, 7 figures. To appear in the proceedings of "Isolated Neutron Stars: from the Interior to the Surface", a conference held in London in April 2006 (special issue of Astrophysics and Space Science, edited by Dany Page, Roberto Turolla, & Silvia Zane

    Vision zero: from accident prevention to the promotion of health, safety and well-being at work

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    There is growing attention in industry for the Vision Zero strategy, which in terms of work-related health and safety is often labelled as Zero Accident Vision or Zero Harm. The consequences of a genuine commitment to Vision Zero for addressing health, safety and well-being and their synergies are discussed. The Vision Zero for work-related health, safety and well-being is based on the assumption that all accidents, harm and work-related diseases are preventable. Vision Zero for health, safety and well-being is then the ambition and commitment to create and ensure safe and healthy work and to prevent all accidents, harm and work-related diseases in order to achieve excellence in health, safety and well-being. Implementation of Vision Zero is a process – rather than a target, and healthy organizations make use of a wide range of options to facilitate this process. There is sufficient evidence that fatigue, stress and work organization factors are important determinants of safety behaviour and safety performance. Even with a focus on preventing accidents these additional factors should also be addressed. A relevant challenge is the integration of the Vision Zero into broader business policy and practice. There is a continued need more empirical research in this area

    An HST Survey of the mid-UV Morphology of Nearby Galaxies

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    (Abbreviated) We present an imaging survey of 37 nearby galaxies observed with HST/WFPC2 in the mid-UV F300W filter and in F814W. 11 galaxies were also imaged in F255W. These galaxies were selected to be detectable with WFPC2 in one orbit, and cover a wide range of Hubble types and inclinations. The mid-UV spans the gap between our groundbased optical/NIR images and far-UV images available from the Astro/UIT missions. Our first qualitative results are: (1) Early-type galaxies show a significant decrease in surface brightness going from the red to the mid-UV, and in some cases the presence of dust lanes. Some galaxies would be classified different when viewed in the mid-UV, some become dominated by a blue nuclear feature or point source. (2) Half of the mid-type spiral and star-forming galaxies appear as a later morphological type in the mid-UV, as Astro/UIT also found in the far-UV. Some- times these differences are dramatic. The mid-UV images show a considerable range in the scale and surface brightness of individual star-forming regions. Almost all mid-type spirals have their small bulges bi-sected by a dust-lane. (3) Most of the heterogeneous subset of late-type, irregular, peculiar, and merging galaxies display F300W morphologies that are similar to those seen in F814W, but with differences due to recognizable dust features absorbing the bluer light, and due to UV-bright hot stars, star-clusters, and star-forming ridges. In the rest-frame mid-UV, early- to mid-type galaxies are more likely to be misclassified as later types than vice versa. This morphological K-correction explains only part of the excess faint blue galaxies seen in deep HST fields.Comment: 30 pages, LateX (AASTeX5.0), 2 figures and 3 tables included, mid-UV atlas and pan-chromatic atlas provided as 63 JPG figures. Full resolution PS version (~100Mb) available upon request. Accepted for publication in ApJ

    Die flankenspielorientierte Justage der Zylinderschneckengetriebe

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    A calibration method for backlash compensation in cylinder worm gears is described which avoids the necessity of a direct insight into the gear box. The method is based on repeated measurements of the torsional backlash upon purposfully axial shifting of the gearshaft. It is demonstrated that any cylinder worm gear of ideal geometry can be calibrated using a backlash-maximum cirterium. From experimental investigations on gears of real geometry using a cone gear as well as a hypoid gear, a calibration algorithm has been derived. A robot-assisted tool for backlash-oriented calibration has been developed and integrated into an automated cylinder worm gear assembly unit. (WEN)SIGLEAvailable from TIB Hannover: RN 8590(363) / FIZ - Fachinformationszzentrum Karlsruhe / TIB - Technische InformationsbibliothekDEGerman

    Efeito agudo do treinamento de potência baseado na perda de velocidade em idosos

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    Dissertação (mestrado) - Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina, Centro de Desportos, Programa de Pós-Graduação em Educação Física, Florianópolis, 2020.Já é estabelecido que o treinamento de força (TF), em específico visando à melhora da potência muscular, é uma ótima estratégia no combate aos efeitos adversos do envelhecimento no sistema neuromuscular, sendo um método seguro e efetivo, que traz inúmeros benefícios e reduz as chances de quedas em pessoas idosas. O objetivo do presente estudo foi avaliar o efeito agudo de diferentes métodos de treinamento de potência baseados na redução da velocidade do movimento e no tempo de recuperação em idosos. Os sujeitos foram randomizados em três grupos, sendo dois grupos de treinamento com limiares de redução de velocidade diferentes no exercício agachamento guiado e um grupo controle: 11 idosos para o grupo G20, ou seja, com redução de 20% da velocidade de execução permitida e 10 para o grupo G40, com redução de 40% da velocidade de execução, controlados através da perda da velocidade, e 12 idosos no grupo controle. O desenho do estudo foi duplo cego randomizado, em que na primeira semana, foi realizada a sessão de familiarização, teste e reteste (Pré-sessão), teste de 1-RM estimado e a primeira sessão do treino de potência no agachamento guiado. Após um intervalo de 1 semana, foi realizada a segunda sessão de treinamento, seguida das avaliações: imediatamente após, 24h, 48h e 72 horas após a sessão. A sessão de treino foi composta por quatro séries do exercício de Agachamento na Barra Guiada, sendo monitorada a velocidade de repetição através do TForce (transdutor linear que monitora a velocidade em tempo real). Para avaliação do Desempenho Funcional, foram realizados os testes: 1. Sentar e Levantar (5 repetições); 2. Time Up and Go (TUG); 3. Subir escadas; e 4. Descer escadas. Para avaliação da Função Neuromuscular foram realizados os testes de contração voluntária isométrica máxima (CVMI) e de Contrações Explosivas no agachamento isométrico, em que foram coletadas o Pico de Força Máxima Isométrica e Explosiva. Também foram analisadas as imagens de ultrassom dos músculos Reto Femoral (RF), Vasto Medial (VM) e Vasto Lateral (VL) para avaliar a qualidade muscular (Intensidade do Eco); para o teste de potência de membros inferiores, foi utilizada a plataforma de salto Kistler, com o protocolo de salto Counter Moviment Jump (CMJ). O efeito agudo das duas sessões de treino não obteve diferença significativa entre os grupos e entre os momentos após a sessão para a maioria das variáveis, exceto para avaliação do Desempenho Funcional, com o teste de subir escadas, que teve um aumento no tempo para realização do teste no momento Imed. Após em comparação com o Pré-Sessão (p: 0,048). Os dados apresentaram boa reprodutibilidade, com valores de ICC, em sua maioria, moderado (0,70 a 0,80) a alto (>0,80). Em conclusão, o exercício progressivo de agachamento guiado, indicado por uma perda de velocidade de repetição, não resultou em grandes alterações no Desempenho Funcional dos idosos; mostrando que um menor volume de treino já pode ser estímulo suficiente para iniciar o treinamento, familiarizando com o exercício e obtendo ganho neural, e segurança em realizar a atividade.Abstract: It is already established that strength training (TF), specifically aimed at improving muscle power, is a great strategy to combat the adverse effects of aging on the neuromuscular system, being a safe and effective method, which brings numerous benefits and reduces chances of falls in elderly people. The aim of the present study was to evaluate the acute effect of different methods of power training based on the reduction of movement speed and recovery time in the elderly. The subjects were randomized into three groups, two training groups with different thresholds for reducing the speed of execution in the guided squat exercise and a control group: 11 elderly people for the G20 group, that is, with a 20% reduction in the allowed execution speed and 10 for the G40 group, with a 40% reduction in execution speed, controlled through loss of speed, and 12 elderly in the control group. The study design was double blind randomized, in which in the first week, the familiarization, test and retest session (Pre-session), estimated 1-RM test and the first session of power training in the guided squat were performed. After an interval of 1 week, the second training session was carried out, followed by the evaluations: immediately after, 24h, 48h and 72 hours after the session. The training session consisted of four sets of the Squat exercise on the Guided Bar, with the repetition speed being monitored through the T-Force (linear transducer that monitors the speed in real time). To assess Functional Performance, the following tests were performed: 1. Sit and stand (5 repetitions); 2. Get up, go and come back (TUG); 3. Climbing stairs; and 4. Down stairs. To assess Neuromuscular Function, the maximum isometric voluntary contraction (CVMI) and Explosive Contractions tests were performed in the isometric squat, in which the Peak Isometric and Explosive Strength were collected. Ultrasound images of the Rectus Femoris (RF), Vast Medial (VM) and Vast Lateral (VL) muscles were also analyzed to assess muscle quality (Echo Intensity); for the lower limb power test, the Kistler jumping platform was used, with the Counter Moviment Jump (CMJ) jumping protocol. The acute effect of the two training sessions did not show any significant difference between the groups and between the moments after the session for most of the variables, except for the assessment of Functional Performance, with the stair climbing test, which had an increase in time to perform of the test at the moment Imed. After compared to the Pre-Session (p: 0.048). The data showed good reproducibility, with ICC values, mostly moderate (0.70 to 0.80) to high (> 0.80). In conclusion, the progressive guided squat exercise, indicated by a loss of repetition speed, did not result in major changes in the Functional Performance of the elderly; showing that a lower volume of training can already be enough stimulus to start training, familiarizing with the exercise and obtaining neural gain, and safety in performing the activity