1,382 research outputs found

    Compiling Prolog to Idiomatic Java

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    Today, Prolog is often used to solve well-defined, domain-specific problems that are part of larger applications. In such cases, a tight integration of the Prolog program and the rest of the application, which is commonly written in a different language, is necessary. One common approach is to compile the Prolog code to (native) code in the target language. In this case, the effort necessary to build, test and deploy the final application is reduced. However, most of the approaches that achieve reasonable performance compile Prolog to object-oriented code that relies on some kind of virtual machine (VM). These VMs are libraries implemented in the target language and implement Prolog\u27s execution semantics. This adds a significant layer to the object-oriented program and results in code that does not look and feel native to developers of object-oriented programs. Further, if Prolog\u27s execution semantics is implemented as a library the potential of modern runtime environments for object-oriented programs, such as the Java Virtual Machine, to effectively optimize the program is more limited. In this paper, we report on our approach to compile Prolog to high-level, idiomatic object-oriented Java code. The generated Java code closely resembles code written by Java developers and is effectively optimized by the Java Virtual Machine

    The physical culture academy: People’s education through sport in Denmark

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    The physical culture academy: People’s education through sport in Denmark[Kropshøjskolens vej: Folkelig oplysning gennem idræt i Danmark]Af Henning EichbergI undervisningssituationen, der karakteriserer formal undervisning, sporger læreren ned til eleven eller professoren ned til den studerende, og eleven eller den studerende retter ryg og svarer. Svaret tjener til at sortere eleverne efter deres præstation. Folkelig oplysning som en dialogisk og mimetisk praksis er et alternativ til denne autoritære vej.Den undgår eksamen, karakterer og andre former for objektivering oppefra og ned. Dette har speciel betydning for idrætten. Hvis menneskets kropslige bevægelse ikke er tingsliggjort for at placere personens præstation pa en rangskala, idrætten bliver noget andet -men hvad?Artiklen giver et historisk overblik over de danske folkehøjskolers pædagogik i relation til idræt og bevægelseskultur, fra Grundtvig’s pædagogiske ideer over højskolernes såvel som den folkelige gymnastiks rødder i 1800-tallets sociale bevægelser hen til 1900-tallets specialiseringsprocesser. Efter fritidssamfundets udbredelse, græsrodsbevægelsernes oprør og højskolens integration i velfærdssystemet fulgte højskolens aktuelle krise.Gennem kropskulturens integration i den folkelige oplysnings praksis blev gymnastik og idræt omformet fra autoritære disciplineringsformer til praktikker af personlig udvikling, socialt mode og eksistentielt indlæring. Denne transformation afslørede nye muligheder for kropskulturel udfoldelse bade i den non-formale undervisning og i det civile samfund. Demokrati fik en dybere mening som kropsligt demokrati, men det kan aldrig tages for givet og sikret.Kropsligt demokrati forbliver altid en åben proces - lige som højskolens placering mellem staten, markedet og det civile samfund

    The Human-Animal Boundary: Adding a New Perspective to the Pre-Modern History of the Nervous System

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    This thesis offers a fresh angle on the history of neuroscience by highlighting that the human-animal boundary has since Antiquity been a vital component of all philosophical, anatomical and experimental discourses on the nervous system and its associated properties. I argue that in this regard, the history of neuroscience is not as straightforward and progressive as traditional accounts convey; rather, the constant negotiation of what makes us differ from animals and the need to assert human bodily and mental superiority not only influenced philosophical debates, but at times even distorted the actual observation and description of corporeal structures. By focussing on key historical figures whose research helped shape our understanding of the nervous system, I want to show how crucial the model function of animals has been in establishing the importance of the brain and nerves as the executive members of the human mind and sensation. The aspect of the human-animal boundary is thereby the one thread that connects ancient philosophical and anatomical investigations with those of the early modern period. My overall aim is accordingly to assert that the negotiation of the difference vs. the similitude between humans and animals is a neglected but fundamental aspect that needs to be taken into account for a more comprehensive history of neuroscience

    The physical culture academy: People’s education through sport in Denmark

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    The physical culture academy: People’s education through sport in Denmark[Kropshøjskolens vej: Folkelig oplysning gennem idræt i Danmark]Af Henning EichbergI undervisningssituationen, der karakteriserer formal undervisning, sporger læreren ned til eleven eller professoren ned til den studerende, og eleven eller den studerende retter ryg og svarer. Svaret tjener til at sortere eleverne efter deres præstation. Folkelig oplysning som en dialogisk og mimetisk praksis er et alternativ til denne autoritære vej.Den undgår eksamen, karakterer og andre former for objektivering oppefra og ned. Dette har speciel betydning for idrætten. Hvis menneskets kropslige bevægelse ikke er tingsliggjort for at placere personens præstation pa en rangskala, idrætten bliver noget andet -men hvad?Artiklen giver et historisk overblik over de danske folkehøjskolers pædagogik i relation til idræt og bevægelseskultur, fra Grundtvig’s pædagogiske ideer over højskolernes såvel som den folkelige gymnastiks rødder i 1800-tallets sociale bevægelser hen til 1900-tallets specialiseringsprocesser. Efter fritidssamfundets udbredelse, græsrodsbevægelsernes oprør og højskolens integration i velfærdssystemet fulgte højskolens aktuelle krise.Gennem kropskulturens integration i den folkelige oplysnings praksis blev gymnastik og idræt omformet fra autoritære disciplineringsformer til praktikker af personlig udvikling, socialt mode og eksistentielt indlæring. Denne transformation afslørede nye muligheder for kropskulturel udfoldelse bade i den non-formale undervisning og i det civile samfund. Demokrati fik en dybere mening som kropsligt demokrati, men det kan aldrig tages for givet og sikret.Kropsligt demokrati forbliver altid en åben proces - lige som højskolens placering mellem staten, markedet og det civile samfund

    Moscoso. 2012. Pain: A Cultural History

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    The Role of the Civic University in Facilitating Inclusive and Transformative Pedagogical Approaches to the Sustainable Development Goals:A Systematic Literature Review

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    Facing rising financial pressure due to economic stagnation and lacklustre engagement from policy-makers, higher education institutions (HEIs) and local communities are placing increasing emphasis on cooperative efforts between universities and communities to co-create positive societal change in the face of the triple planetary crisis. Based on the PRISMA method, this systematic literature review seeks to contribute to the academic knowledge on Sustainable Development Goals (SDG) governance at the local level by unpacking the contribution of HEI-community cooperative approaches to transformative learning and action for sustainability. In order to successfully incorporate communities’ priorities in the local-level integration of the SDGs, it is crucial that these new collaborative initiatives foster transformative learning approaches to Education for Sustainable Development (ESD) in an equitable, intersubjective, and inductive manner. The findings present the various strategies used to build long-term, impactful, and resilient learning skills for sustainable development for all ESD stakeholders at the local level, including communities, HEIs, and city authorities. This review proposes these interventions as tools for better local governance towards the integration of the SDGs into HEIs and communities, specifically through SDG4 Quality Education

    Reify Your Collection Queries for Modularity and Speed!

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    Modularity and efficiency are often contradicting requirements, such that programers have to trade one for the other. We analyze this dilemma in the context of programs operating on collections. Performance-critical code using collections need often to be hand-optimized, leading to non-modular, brittle, and redundant code. In principle, this dilemma could be avoided by automatic collection-specific optimizations, such as fusion of collection traversals, usage of indexing, or reordering of filters. Unfortunately, it is not obvious how to encode such optimizations in terms of ordinary collection APIs, because the program operating on the collections is not reified and hence cannot be analyzed. We propose SQuOpt, the Scala Query Optimizer--a deep embedding of the Scala collections API that allows such analyses and optimizations to be defined and executed within Scala, without relying on external tools or compiler extensions. SQuOpt provides the same "look and feel" (syntax and static typing guarantees) as the standard collections API. We evaluate SQuOpt by re-implementing several code analyses of the Findbugs tool using SQuOpt, show average speedups of 12x with a maximum of 12800x and hence demonstrate that SQuOpt can reconcile modularity and efficiency in real-world applications.Comment: 20 page

    Relativistic corrections to the static potential from generalized Wilson loops at finite flow time

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    We present results from an ongoing project concerned with the computation of O(1/mQ)\mathcal{O}(1/m_Q) and O(1/mQ2)\mathcal{O}(1/m_Q^2) relativistic corrections to the static potential. These corrections are extracted from Wilson loops with two chromo-field insertions. We use gradient flow, which allows to renormalize the inserted fields and leads to a significantly improved signal-to-noise ratio, providing access to loops with large spatial and temporal extents.Comment: 7 pages, 4 figures; talk given at the 40th International Symposium on Lattice Field theory (LATTICE 2023) at Fermilab, Batavia, IL, USA; July 31 to August 4 202
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