29 research outputs found

    Inner-shell 1s - 2p Soft X-ray Absorption Lines

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    The HULLAC atomic code is used to compute wavelengths and oscillator strengths for the 1s - np inner-shell absorption lines in Li-like to F-like ions of neon, magnesium, aluminum, silicon, sulfur, argon, calcium, and iron. Many of these lines are expected to be observed in Chandra and XMM-Newton high-resolution X-ray spectra of active galaxies. The new atomic data are incorporated in the ION code for spectral modeling of photoionized plasmas. The calculated spectra are subsequently compared with the spectrum of NGC 3783 and show very good agreement. The usefulness of these lines as diagnostics for the ionization state, column densities, and velocities in line-of-sight photoionized gas is called attention to.Comment: Scheduled for the v570 n1 ApJ May 1, 2002 issu

    Density Profiles in Seyfert Outflows

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    For the past decade, ionized outflows of a few 100 km/s from nearby Seyfert galaxies have been studied in great detail using high resolution X-ray absorption spectra. A recurring feature of these outflows is their broad ionization distribution including essentially ions (e.g., of Fe) from neutral to fully ionized. The absorption measure distribution (AMD) is defined as the distribution of column density with ionization parameter |d N_H/d (log xi)|. AMDs of Seyfert outflows can span up to five orders of magnitude in xi. We present the AMD of five outflows and show that they are all rather flat, perhaps slightly rising towards high ionization. More quantitatively, a power-law fit for log AMD ~ (log xi)^a yields slopes of 0 < a < 0.4. These slopes tightly constrain the density profiles of the wind, which until now could be addressed only by theory. If the wind is distributed on large scales, the measured slopes imply a generic density radial profile of n ~ r^{-alpha} with 1 < alpha < 1.3. This scaling rules out a mass conserving radial flow of n ~ r^{-2}, or a constant density absorber, but is consistent with a non-spherical MHD outflow model in which n ~ r^{-1} along any given line of sight. On the other hand, if ionization variations are a result of local (delta r) density gradients, e.g. as in the turbulent interstellar medium (ISM), the AMD slopes imply density scaling of n ~ delta r^{-alpha} with 0.7 < alpha < 1.0, which is quite different from the scaling of approximately n ~ delta r^{0.4} found in the Milky Way ISM and typical of incompressible turbulence.Comment: submitted to Ap

    Broad Band Photometric Reverberation Mapping of NGC 4395

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    We present results of broad band photometric reverberation mapping (RM) to measure the radius of the broad line region, and subsequently the black hole mass (MBH_{\rm BH}), in the nearby, low luminosity active galactic nuclei (AGN) NGC 4395. Using the Wise Observatory's 1m telescope equipped with the SDSS g', r' and i' broad band filters, we monitored NGC 4395 for 9 consecutive nights and obtained 3 light curves each with over 250 data points. The g' and r' bands include time variable contributions from Hβ\beta and Hα\alpha (respectively) plus continuum. The i' band is free of broad lines and covers exclusively continuum. We show that by looking for a peak in the difference between the cross-correlation and the auto-correlation functions for all combinations of filters, we can get a reliable estimate of the time lag necessary to compute MBH_{\rm BH}. We measure the time lag for Hα\alpha to be 3.6±0.83.6 \pm 0.8 hours, comparable to previous studies using the line resolved spectroscopic RM method. We argue that this lag implies a black hole mass of MBH=(4.9±2.6)×104_{\rm BH} = (4.9 \pm 2.6) \times 10^{4} \Msun

    Simultaneous Ultraviolet and X-ray Observations of the Seyfert Galaxy NGC 4151. I. Physical Conditions in the X-ray Absorbers

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    We present a detailed analysis of the intrinsic X-ray absorption in the Seyfert 1 galaxy NGC 4151 using Chandra/HETGS data obtained 2002 May, as part of a program which included simultaneous UV spectra using HST/STIS and FUSE. NGC 4151 was in a relatively low flux state during the observations reported here, although roughly 2.5 times as bright in the 2 --10 keV band as during a Chandra observation in 2000. The soft X-ray band was dominated by emission lines, which show no discernible variation in flux between the two observations. The 2002 data show the presence of a very highly ionized absorber, in the form of H-like and He-like Mg, Si, and S lines, as well as lower ionization gas via the presence of inner-shell absorption lines from lower-ionization species of these elements. The former is too highly ionized to be radiatively accelerated in a sub-Eddington source such as NGC 4151. We find that the lower ionization gas had a column density a factor of ~ 3 higher during the 2000 observation. If due to bulk motion, we estimate that this component must have a velocity of more than 1250 km/sec transverse to our line-of-sight. We suggest that these results are consistent with a magneto-hydrodynamic flow.Comment: 42 pages, 14 figures. Accepted for publication in The Astrophysical Journa

    X-Ray Absorption Analysis of MCG-6-30-15: Discerning Three Kinematic Systems

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    By analyzing the X-ray spectrum of MCG-6-30-15 obtained with the HETG spectrometer on board the Chandra Observatory, we identify three kinematically distinct absorption systems; two outflow components intrinsic to MCG-6-30-15, and one local at z = 0. The slow outflow at -100 +/- 50 km s^-1 has a large range of ionization manifested by absorption from 24 different charge states of Fe, which enables a detailed reconstruction of the absorption measure distribution (AMD). This AMD spans five orders of magnitude in ionization parameter: -1.5 < log xi < 3.5 (cgs units), with a total column density of N_H = (5.3 +/- 0.7) x 10^21 cm^-2. The fast outflow at -1900 +/- 150 km s^-1 has a well defined ionization parameter with log xi = 3.82 +/- 0.03 (cgs units) and column density N_H = 8.1 +/- 0.7 x 10^22 cm^-2. Assuming this component is a thin, uniform, spherical shell, it can be estimated to lie within 11 light days of the \agn center. The third component, most clearly detected in the lower oxygen charge states O^+1 - O^+6, has been confused in the past with the fast outflow, but is identified here with local gas z = 0 and a total column density N_H of a few 10^20 cm^-2. Finally, we exploit the excellent spectral resolution of the HETGS and use the present spectrum to determine the rest-frame wavelengths of oxygen inner-shell lines that were previously uncertain.Comment: 34 pages, 6 figures, submitted to Ap

    Supernova PTF12glz: a possible shock breakout driven through an aspherical wind

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    We present visible-light and ultraviolet (UV) observations of the supernova PTF12glz. The SN was discovered and monitored in near-UV and R bands as part of a joint GALEX and Palomar Transient Factory campaign. It is among the most energetic Type IIn supernovae observed to date (~10^51erg). If the radiated energy mainly came from the thermalization of the shock kinetic energy, we show that PTF12glz was surrounded by ~1 solar mass of circumstellar material (CSM) prior to its explosive death. PTF12glz shows a puzzling peculiarity: at early times, while the freely expanding ejecta are presumably masked by the optically thick CSM, the radius of the blackbody that best fits the observations grows at ~8000km/s. Such a velocity is characteristic of fast moving ejecta rather than optically thick CSM. This phase of radial expansion takes place before any spectroscopic signature of expanding ejecta appears in the spectrum and while both the spectroscopic data and the bolometric luminosity seem to indicate that the CSM is optically thick. We propose a geometrical solution to this puzzle, involving an aspherical structure of the CSM around PTF12glz. By modeling radiative diffusion through a slab of CSM, we show that an aspherical geometry of the CSM can result in a growing effective radius. This simple model also allows us to recover the decreasing blackbody temperature of PTF12glz. SLAB-Diffusion, the code we wrote to model the radiative diffusion of photons through a slab of CSM and evaluate the observed radius and temperature, is made available on-line.Comment: Sumbitted to ApJ. Comments are welcom

    X-Ray Absorption Analysis of NGC3516: Appearance of Fast Components with Increased Source Flux

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    By analyzing the X-ray spectra of NGC 3516 from 2001 and 2006 obtained with the HETGS spectrometer on board the Chandra observatory, we find that the kinematic structure of the outflow can be well represented by four outflow components intrinsic to NGC 3516. The outflow velocities of the different components are 350 +-100 km s-1, 1500 +-150 km s-1, 2600 +-200 km s-1 and 4000 +-400 km s-1 for components 1, 2, 3 and 4, respectively. A local component at z = 0 could be confused with intrinsic component 3. Components 1 and 2 have a broad range of ionization manifested by absorption from 23 different charge states of Fe. Component 3 and 4 are more highly ionized and show absorption from only 9 different charge states of Fe, however we were able to reconstruct the absorption measure distribution (AMD) for all four. The total column density of each component is NH = (1.8+- 0.5) X10^22 cm-2, NH = (2.5+- 0.3) X10^22 cm-2, NH = (6.9+- 4.3) X10^22 cm-2 and NH = (5.4+- 1.2) X10^22 cm-2, respectively. The fast components 3 and 4 appear only in the high state of 2006 and not in 2001, while the slower components persist during both epochs. On the other hand, there is no significant absorption variability within days during 2001 or during 2006. We find that covering factor plays a minor role for the line absorption.Comment: Submitted to publication. Comments are welcom

    The Ionized Gas and Nuclear Environment in NGC 3783. IV. Variability and Modeling of the 900 ks CHANDRA Spectrum

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    We present a detailed spectral analysis of the data obtained from NGC 3783 during the period 2000-2001 using Chandra. This analysis leads us to the following results. 1) NGC 3783 fluctuated in luminosity by a factor ~1.5 during individual observations (~170 ks duration). These fluctuations were not associated with significant spectral variations. 2) On a longer time scale (20-120 days), we found the source to exhibit two very different spectral shapes. The main difference between these can be well-described by the appearance and disappearance of a spectral component that dominates the underlying continuum at the longest wavelengths. The spectral variations are not related to the brightening or the fading of the continuum at short wavelengths in any simple way. 3) The appearance of the soft continuum component is consistent with being the only spectral variation, and there is no need to invoke changes in the opacity of the absorbers. 4) Photoionization modeling indicates that a combination of three ionized absorbers, each split into two kinematic components, can explain the strengths of almost all the absorption lines and bound-free edges. All three components are thermally stable and seem to have the same gas pressure. 5) The only real discrepancy between our model and the observations concerns the range of wavelengths absorbed by the iron M-shell UTA feature. This most likely arises as the result of our underestimation of the poorly-known dielectronic recombination rates appropriate for these ions. 6) The lower limit on the distance of the absorbing gas in NGC 3783 is between 0.2 and 3.2 pc. The assumption of pressure equilibrium imposes an upper limit of about 25 pc on the distance of the least-ionized component from the central source. (abridged)Comment: 16 pages, 12 figures (9 in color), emulateapj5, accepted for publication in The Astrophysical Journa

    Herodium - Herod the great's prestige building project

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    Herodium - Herod the great's prestige building project

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