944 research outputs found

    The sedimentary legacy of a palaeo-ice stream on the shelf of the southern Bellingshausen Sea: Clues to West Antarctic glacial history during the Late Quaternary

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    A major trough ("Belgica Trough") eroded by a palaeo-ice stream crosses the continental shelf of the southern Bellingshausen Sea (West Antarctica) and is associated with a trough mouth fan ("Belgica TMF") on the adjacent continental slope. Previous marine geophysical and geological studies investigated the bathymetry and geomorphology of Belgica Trough and Belgica TMF, erosional and depositional processes associated with bedform formation, and the temporal and spatial changes in clay mineral provenance of subglacial and glaciomarine sediments. Here, we present multi-proxy data from sediment cores recovered from the shelf and uppermost slope in the southern Bellingshausen Sea and reconstruct the ice-sheet history since the last glacial maximum (LGM) in this poorly studied area of West Antarctica. We combined new data (physical properties, sedimentary structures, geochemical and grain-size data) with published data (shear strength, clay mineral assemblages) to refine a previous facies classification for the sediments. The multi-proxy approach allowed us to distinguish four main facies types and to assign them to the following depositional settings: 1) subglacial, 2) proximal grounding-line, 3) distal sub-ice shelf/sub-sea ice, and 4) seasonal open-marine. In the seasonal open-marine fades we found evidence for episodic current-induced winnowing of near-seabed sediments on the middle to outer shelf and at the uppermost slope during the late Holocene. In addition, we obtained data on excess Pb-210 activity at three core sites and 44 AMS C-14 dates from the acid-insoluble fraction of organic matter (AIO) and calcareous (micro-) fossils, respectively, at 12 sites. These chronological data enabled us to reconstruct, for the first time, the timing of the last advance and retreat of the West Antarctic Ice Sheet (WAIS) and the Antarctic Peninsula Ice Sheet (APIS) in the southern Bellingshausen Sea. We used the down-core variability in sediment provenance inferred from clay mineral changes to identify the most reliable AIO C-14 ages for ice-sheet retreat. The palaeo-ice stream advanced through Belgica Trough after similar to 36.0 corrected C-14 ka before present (B.P.). It retreated from the outer shelf at similar to 25.5 ka B.P, the middle shelf at similar to 19.8 ka B.P., the inner shelf in Eltanin Bay at similar to 12.3 ka B.P., and the inner shelf in Ronne Entrance at similar to 6.3 ka B.P. The retreat of the WAIS and APIS occurred slowly and stepwise, and may still be in progress. This dynamical ice-sheet behaviour has to be taken into account for the interpretation of recent and the prediction of future mass-balance changes in the study area. The glacial history of the southern Bellingshausen Sea is unique when compared to other regions in West Antarctica, but some open questions regarding its chronology need to be addressed by future work. (C) 2010 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved

    Magnetic field experiment Pioneers 6, 7 and 8

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    Magnetometer systems on Pioneers 6, 7, and 8 to study interplanetary magnetic field

    Modular detergents tailor the purification and structural analysis of membrane proteins including G-protein coupled receptors

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    Detergents enable the purification of membrane proteins and are indispensable reagents instructural biology. Even though a large variety of detergents have been developed in the lastcentury, the challenge remains to identify guidelines that allowfine-tuning of detergents forindividual applications in membrane protein research. Addressing this challenge, here weintroduce the family of oligoglycerol detergents (OGDs). Native mass spectrometry (MS)reveals that the modular OGD architecture offers the ability to control protein purificationand to preserve interactions with native membrane lipids during purification. In addition to abroad range of bacterial membrane proteins, OGDs also enable the purification and analysisof a functional G-protein coupled receptor (GPCR). Moreover, given the modular design ofthese detergents, we anticipatefine-tuning of their properties for specific applications instructural biology. Seen from a broader perspective, this represents a significant advance forthe investigation of membrane proteins and their interactions with lipids

    SAS-B digitized spark chamber gamma ray telescope

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    Systems description of SAS-B gamma ray telescope with multilayer digitized spark chamber for gamma rays with energy exceeding 20 Me

    High energy gamma ray balloon instrument

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    The High Energy Gamma Ray Balloon Instrument was built in part to verify certain subsystems' performance for the Energetic Gamma Ray Experiment Telescope (EGRET) instrument, the high energy telescope to be carried on the Gamma Ray Observatory. This paper describes the instrument, the performance of some subsystems, and some relevant results

    Modular detergents tailor the purification and structural analysis of membrane proteins including G-protein coupled receptors

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    Detergents enable the purification of membrane proteins and are indispensable reagents in structural biology. Even though a large variety of detergents have been developed in the last century, the challenge remains to identify guidelines that allow fine-tuning of detergents for individual applications in membrane protein research. Addressing this challenge, here we introduce the family of oligoglycerol detergents (OGDs). Native mass spectrometry (MS) reveals that the modular OGD architecture offers the ability to control protein purification and to preserve interactions with native membrane lipids during purification. In addition to a broad range of bacterial membrane proteins, OGDs also enable the purification and analysis of a functional G-protein coupled receptor (GPCR). Moreover, given the modular design of these detergents, we anticipate fine-tuning of their properties for specific applications in structural biology. Seen from a broader perspective, this represents a significant advance for the investigation of membrane proteins and their interactions with lipids

    A prospective clinical trial on the influence of a triamcinolone/demeclocycline and a calcium hydroxide based temporary cement on pain perception

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Introduction</p> <p>The aim of this clinical trial was to compare the degree of short term post-operative irritation after application of a triamcinolone/demeclocycyline based or a calcium hydroxide based provisional cement.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>A total of 109 patients (55 female and 54 male; mean age: 51 ± 14 years) with primary or secondary dentinal caries were randomly assigned to the two treatment groups of this biomedical clinical trial (phase III). Selection criteria were good systemic health and treated teeth, which were vital and showed no symptoms of pulpitis. Up to three teeth were prepared for indirect metallic restorations, and the provisional restorations were cemented with a triamcinolone/demeclocycyline (Ledermix) or a calcium hydroxide (Provicol) based material. The intensity of post-operative pain experienced was documented according to the VAS (4, 12, 20, 24, and 82 h) and compared to VAS baseline.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>A total of 159 teeth were treated (Ledermix: 83 teeth, Provicol: 76 teeth). The minor irritation of the teeth, experienced prior to treatment, was similar in both groups; however, 4 h after treatment this value was significantly higher in the Provicol group than in the Ledermix group (p < 0.005, t-test). After 12 h, the difference was no longer significant. The number of patients taking analgesics for post-treatment pain was higher in the Provicol group (n = 11/53) than in the Ledermix group (n = 3/56).</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>The patients had no long term post-operative pain experience in both groups. However, within the first hours after cementation the sensation of pain was considerably higher in the Provicol group than in the Ledermix group.</p

    Identificación y análisis de los recursos económicos asignados a la segunda locomotora. Evolución, aciertos y desaciertos

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    Con la elaboración del presente documento, se pretende identificar y analizar los recursos económicos asignados a una de las locomotoras del gobierno del presidente Juan Manuel Santos en el marco de su plan de desarrollo Prosperidad para todos y el impacto social de esta asignación de recursos en el agro Colombiano, Así mismo evaluar el cumplimiento de dicha política publica y la generación de bienestar social en la población."With the production of the present document, one tries to identify and to analyze the economic resources assigned to one of the locomotives of the government of the president Juan Manuel Santos in the frame of his plan of development "" Prosperity for all "" and the social impact of this assignment of resources in the Colombian agro, Likewise to evaluate the fulfillment of the above mentioned politics publishes and the generation of social well-being in the population.

    Firms' investment under financial constraints: a Euro area investigation

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    In this paper we describe a model of optimal investment of various types of financially constrained firms. We show that the resulting relationship between internal funds and investment is non-monotonic. In particular, the magnitude of the cash flow sensitivity of the investment is lower for firms with credit rationing compared to firms that are able to obtained short-term external financing. The inverse relationship is driven by the leverage multiplier effect. A positive cash flow shock increases the short-term borrowing capacity of the firm, which in turn has a positive effect on investment and firm's growth. Moreover, the leverage multiplier effect is the highest for firms relying on short-term credits and it is lower for firms that are able to obtain long-term financing. Analysing a large euro area data set we find strong empirical support for our theoretical predictions. The results also help to explain some contrasting findings in the financial constraints literature

    Holocene history of the 79° N ice shelf reconstructed from epishelf lake and uplifted glaciomarine sediments

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    Acknowledgements This work was funded by a NERC standard grant (grant no. NE/N011228/1), and some radiocarbon analysis was funded by NEIF (grant NE/S011587/1; allocation number 2169.1118). We thank the Alfred Wegener Institute, particularly Angelika Humbert and Hicham Rafiq, for significant logistic support through the iGRIFF project. Additional support was provided by Station Nord (Jorgen Skafte), Nordlandair, Air Greenland, and the Joint Arctic Command. Naalakkersuisut (government of Greenland) provided scientific survey (VU-00121) and export (046/2017) licences for this work. Finally, we would like to thank our (Nanu Travel) field ranger Isak (and dog Ooni) for keeping us safe in the field and taking great pleasure in beating James A. Smith at cards. Financial support This research has been supported by the Natural Environment Research Council (grant no. NE/N011228/1).Peer reviewedPublisher PD