1,478 research outputs found

    The evolution of radiation towards thermal equilibrium: A soluble model which illustrates the foundations of Statistical Mechanics

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    In 1916 Einstein introduced the first rules for a quantum theory of electromagnetic radiation, and he applied them to a model of matter in thermal equilibrium with radiation to derive Planck's black-body formula. Einstein's treatment is extended here to time-dependent stochastic variables, which leads to a master equation for the probability distribution that describes the irreversible approach of Einstein's model towards thermal equilibrium, and elucidates aspects of the foundation of statistical mechanics. An analytic solution of this equation is obtained in the Fokker-Planck approximation which is in excellent agreement with numerical results. At equilibrium, it is shown that the probability distribution is proportional to the total number of microstates for a given configuration, in accordance with Boltzmann's fundamental postulate of equal a priori probabilities for these states. While the counting of these configurations depends on particle statistics- Boltzmann, Bose-Einstein, or Fermi-Dirac - the corresponding probability is determined here by the dynamics which are embodied in the form of Einstein's quantum transition probabilities for the emission and absorption of radiation. In a special limit, it is shown that the photons in Einstein's model can act as a thermal bath for the evolution of the atoms towards the canonical equilibrium distribution of Gibbs. In this limit, the present model is mathematically equivalent to an extended version of the Ehrenfests' ``dog-flea'' model, which has been discussed recently by Ambegaokar and Clerk

    Entropy and Time

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    The emergence of a direction of time in statistical mechanics from an underlying time-reversal-invariant dynamics is explained by examining a simple model. The manner in which time-reversal symmetry is preserved and the role of initial conditions are emphasized. An extension of the model to finite temperatures is also discussed.Comment: 9 pages, 8eps figures. To appear in the theme issue of the American Journal of Physics on Statistical Physic

    Thermodynamics and time-average

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    For a dynamical system far from equilibrium, one has to deal with empirical probabilities defined through time-averages, and the main problem is then how to formulate an appropriate statistical thermodynamics. The common answer is that the standard functional expression of Boltzmann-Gibbs for the entropy should be used, the empirical probabilities being substituted for the Gibbs measure. Other functional expressions have been suggested, but apparently with no clear mechanical foundation. Here it is shown how a natural extension of the original procedure employed by Gibbs and Khinchin in defining entropy, with the only proviso of using the empirical probabilities, leads for the entropy to a functional expression which is in general different from that of Boltzmann--Gibbs. In particular, the Gibbs entropy is recovered for empirical probabilities of Poisson type, while the Tsallis entropies are recovered for a deformation of the Poisson distribution.Comment: 8 pages, LaTex source. Corrected some misprint

    The Ehrenfest urn revisited: Playing the game on a realistic fluid model

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    The Ehrenfest urn process, also known as the dogs and fleas model, is realistically simulated by molecular dynamics of the Lennard-Jones fluid. The key variable is Delta z, i.e. the absolute value of the difference between the number of particles in one half of the simulation box and in the other half. This is a pure-jump stochastic process induced, under coarse graining, by the deterministic time evolution of the atomic coordinates. We discuss the Markov hypothesis by analyzing the statistical properties of the jumps and of the waiting times between jumps. In the limit of a vanishing integration time-step, the distribution of waiting times becomes closer to an exponential and, therefore, the continuous-time jump stochastic process is Markovian. The random variable Delta z behaves as a Markov chain and, in the gas phase, the observed transition probabilities follow the predictions of the Ehrenfest theory.Comment: Accepted by Physical Review E on 4 May 200

    Stabilisation of the lattice-Boltzmann method using the Ehrenfests' coarse-graining

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    The lattice-Boltzmann method (LBM) and its variants have emerged as promising, computationally efficient and increasingly popular numerical methods for modelling complex fluid flow. However, it is acknowledged that the method can demonstrate numerical instabilities, e.g., in the vicinity of shocks. We propose a simple and novel technique to stabilise the lattice-Boltzmann method by monitoring the difference between microscopic and macroscopic entropy. Populations are returned to their equilibrium states if a threshold value is exceeded. We coin the name Ehrenfests' steps for this procedure in homage to the vehicle that we use to introduce the procedure, namely, the Ehrenfests' idea of coarse-graining. The one-dimensional shock tube for a compressible isothermal fluid is a standard benchmark test for hydrodynamic codes. We observe that, of all the LBMs considered in the numerical experiment with the one-dimensional shock tube, only the method which includes Ehrenfests' steps is capable of suppressing spurious post-shock oscillations.Comment: 4 pages, 9 figure

    Coherent states and the classical-quantum limit considered from the point of view of entanglement

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    Three paradigms commonly used in classical, pre-quantum physics to describe particles (that is: the material point, the test-particle and the diluted particle (droplet model)) can be identified as limit-cases of a quantum regime in which pairs of particles interact without getting entangled with each other. This entanglement-free regime also provides a simplified model of what is called in the decoherence approach "islands of classicality", that is, preferred bases that would be selected through evolution by a Darwinist mechanism that aims at optimising information. We show how, under very general conditions, coherent states are natural candidates for classical pointer states. This occurs essentially because, when a (supposedly bosonic) system coherently exchanges only one quantum at a time with the (supposedly bosonic) environment, coherent states of the system do not get entangled with the environment, due to the bosonic symmetry.Comment: This is the definitive version of a paper entitled The classical-quantum limit considered from the point of view of entanglement: a survey (author T. Durt). The older version has been replaced by the definitive on

    Weak quantization

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    Quantization is called weak when a motion apparently allowed by the equation ∫pdq=nh, has less than the normal a-priori weight. It is believed that the deficiency in a-priori weight is taken over, either by neighboring classically allowed motions, or by neighboring strongly quantized motions when such are present in the region of the phase-space considered. Weak quantization is to be expected when uncertainties arise as to the period that should be used in determining the limits of the phase integral ∫pdq. Several cases are considered; (a) when the period is so long that there is considerable chance of interruption by a quantum transition; (b) when a system has two apparent periods, a long true period T and a short quasi-period θ; (c) when the periodicity is disturbed frequently in a fortuitous manner as by molecular collisions. In case (b), the tendency towards quantization with respect to T may be gradually replaced by quantization with respect to θ as T is lengthened, and then the probability of quantum transitions which correspond to quantization with respect to T is weakened while that of transitions related to θ is strengthened. This suggests the possibility that the strengthening of the probability of transitions related to a period θ may be accompanied by a strengthening of quantization with respect to that period

    Drifting diffusion on a circle as continuous limit of a multiurn Ehrenfest model

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    We study the continuous limit of a multibox Erhenfest urn model proposed before by the authors. The evolution of the resulting continuous system is governed by a differential equation, which describes a diffusion process on a circle with a nonzero drifting velocity. The short time behavior of this diffusion process is obtained directly by solving the equation, while the long time behavior is derived using the Poisson summation formula. They reproduce the previous results in the large MM (number of boxes) limit. We also discuss the connection between this diffusion equation and the Schro¨\ddot{\rm o}dinger equation of some quantum mechanical problems.Comment: 4 pages prevtex4 file, 1 eps figur

    Temperature equilibrium in a static gravitational field

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    In the case of a gravitating mass of perfect fluid which has come to thermodynamic equilibrium, it has previously been shown that the proper temperature T0 as measured by a local observer would depend in a definite manner on the gravitational potential at the point where the measurement is made. In the present article the conditions of thermal equilibrium are investigated in the case of a general static gravitational field which could correspond to a system containing solid as well as fluid parts. Writing the line element for the general static field in the form ds2=gijdxidxj+g44dt2 i,j=1,2,3, where the gij and g44 are independent of the time t it is shown that the dependence of proper temperature on position at thermal equilibrium is such as to make the quantity T0sqrt[g44] a constant throughout the system

    The Beginning of the End of the Anthropic Principle

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    We argue that if string theory as an approach to the fundamental laws of physics is correct, then there is almost no room for anthropic arguments in cosmology. The quark and lepton masses and interaction strengths are determined.Comment: 12 page