581 research outputs found

    Study of the piezoresistivity of doped nanocrystalline silicon thin films

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    The piezoresistive response of n- and p-type hydrogenated nanocrystalline silicon thin films, deposited by hot-wire (HW) and plasma-enhanced chemical vapor deposition (PECVD) on thermally oxidized silicon wafers, has been studied using four-point bending tests. The piezoresistive gauge factor (GF) was measured on patterned thin-film micro-resistors rotated by an angle θ with respect to the principal strain axis. Both longitudinal (GFL) and transverse (GFT) GFs, corresponding to θ = 0° and 90°, respectively, are negative for n-type and positive for p-type films. For other values of θ (30°, 45°, 120°, and 135°) GFs have the same signal as GFL and GFT and their value is proportional to the normal strain associated with planes rotated by θ relative to the principal strain axis. It is concluded that the films are isotropic in the growth plane since the GF values follow a Mohr’s circle with the principal axes coinciding with those of the strain tensor. The strongest p-type pirezoresistive response (GFL = 41.0, GFT = 2.84) was found in a film deposited by PECVD at a substrate temperature of 250 °C and working pressure of 0.250 Torr, with dark conductivity 1.6 Ω−1cm−1. The strongest n-type response (GFL =− 28.1, GFT =− 5.60) was found in a film deposited by PECVD at 150 °C and working pressure of 3 Torr, with dark conductivity 9.7 Ω−1cm−1. A model for the piezoresistivity of nc-Si is proposed, based on a mean-field approximation for the conductivity of an ensemble of randomly oriented crystallites and neglecting grain boundary effects. The model is able to reproduce the measured GFL values for both n- and p-type films. It fails, however, to explain the transversal GFT data. Both experimental and theoretical data show that nanocrystalline silicon can have an isotropic piezoresistive effect of the order of 40% of the maximum response of crystalline silicon.Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia (FCT) - PTDC/CTM/66558/2006, bolsa de investigação SFRH/BSAB/883/200

    PDA and the University Press

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    Patron-driven acquisitions (PDA), also referred to as demand-driven acquisitions (DDA), is a relatively recent development in the management of the book supply chain for academic libraries. In its simplest form, PDA is a just-in-time method, and an accompanying set of operational procedures, for acquiring library materials based on direct or indirect patron input. PDA has significant implications for the economics of publishers. This report surveys the marketplace for university press titles, identifies the share of books being sold to academic libraries, establishes a framework to analyze the impact PDA on university presses, and recommends strategies that scholarly publishers can adopt to address this transformation in one of the industry’s most significant markets.The Andrew W. Mellon Foundatio

    Burden of Friedreich’s Ataxia to the patients and healthcare systems in the United States and Canada

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    Objective: The study intended to substantiate healthcare resource utilization, costs, and funding patterns of US and Canadian Friedreich’s Ataxia (FRDA) populations, to assess compliance with treatment guidance and to identify areas where novel healthcare measures or improved access to existing care may improve patients’ functional and social capabilities and reduce the financial impact on the healthcare systems. Methods: Healthcare resource utilization and costs were collected in a cross-sectional study in the US (N = 197) and Canada (N = 43) and analyzed across severity of disease categories. Descriptive statistics, correlation analysis, and hypothesis testing were applied. Results: In the US, healthcare costs of FRDA patients were higher than those of “adults with two and more chronic conditions.” Significantly higher costs were incurred in advanced stages of the disease, with paid homecare being the main driver. This pattern was also observed in Canada. Compliance with the recommended annual neurological and cardiological follow-up was high, but was low for the recommended regular speech therapy. In the US public and private funding ratios were similar for the FRDA and the general populations. In Canada the private funding ratio for FRDA was higher than average. Conclusion: The variety of healthcare measures addressing the broad range of symptoms of FRDA, and the increasing use of paid home care as disease progresses made total US healthcare costs of FRDA exceed the costs of US adults with two and more chronic conditions. Therefore, measures delaying disease progression will allow patients to maintain their independence longer and may reduce costs to the healthcare system. Novel measures to address dysarthria and to ensure access to them should be further investigated. The higher than average private funding ratio in Canada was due to the relatively high cost of the pharmacological treatment of FRDA

    German translation, cultural adaptation and validation of the unidimensional self-efficacy scale for multiple sclerosis.

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    BackgroundSelf-efficacy concerns individuals' beliefs in their capability to exercise control in specific situations and complete tasks successfully. In people with multiple sclerosis (PwMS), self-efficacy has been associated with physical activity levels and quality of life. As a validated German language self-efficacy scale for PwMS is missing the aims of this study were to translate the Unidimensional Self-Efficacy Scale for Multiple Sclerosis (USE-MS) into German, establish face and content validity and cultural adaptation of the German version for PwMS in Austria. A further aim was to validate the German USE-MS (USE-MS-G) in PwMS.MethodsPermission to translate and validate the USE-MS was received from the scale developers. Following guidelines for translation and validation of questionnaires and applying Bandura's concept of self-efficacy, the USE-MS was forward-backward translated with content and face validity established. Cultural adaptation for Austria was performed using cognitive patient interviews. Reliability was assessed using Cronbach's alpha, Person separation index and Lin's concordance correlation coefficient. Rasch analysis was employed to assess construct validity. Comparison was made to scales for resilience, general self-efficacy, anxiety and depression, multiple sclerosis fatigue and health-related quality of life. Data were also pooled with an historic English dataset to compare the English and German language versions.ResultsThe translation and cultural adaptation were successfully performed in the adaptation process of the USE-MS-G. Pretesting was conducted in 30 PwMS, the validation of the final USE-MS-G involved 309 PwMS with minimal to severe disability. The USE-MS-G was found to be valid against the Rasch model when fitting scale data using a bifactor solution of two super-items. It was shown to be unidimensional, free from differential item functioning and well targeted to the study population. Excellent convergent and known-groups validity, internal consistency, person separation reliability and test-retest reliability were shown for the USE-MS-G. Pooling of the English and German datasets confirmed invariance of item difficulties between languages.ConclusionThe USE-MS-G is a robust, valid and reliable scale to assess self-efficacy in PwMS and can generate interval level data on an equivalent metric to the UK version.Trial registrationISRCTN Registry; ISRCTN14843579 ; prospectively registered on 02. 01. 2019

    Pyoderma gangrenosum after totally implanted central venous access device insertion

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Pyoderma gangrenosum is an aseptic skin disease. The ulcerative form of pyoderma gangrenosum is characterized by a rapidly progressing painful irregular and undermined bordered necrotic ulcer. The aetiology of pyoderma gangrenosum remains unclear. In about 70% of cases, it is associated with a systemic disorder, most often inflammatory bowel disease, haematological disease or arthritis. In 25–50% of cases, a triggering factor such as recent surgery or trauma is identified. Treatment consists of local and systemic approaches. Systemic steroids are generally used first. If the lesions are refractory, steroids are combined with other immunosuppressive therapy or to antimicrobial agents.</p> <p>Case presentation</p> <p>A 90 years old patient with myelodysplastic syndrome, seeking regular transfusions required totally implanted central venous access device (Port-a-Cath<sup>®</sup>) insertion. Fever and inflammatory skin reaction at the site of insertion developed on the seventh post-operative day, requiring the device's explanation. A rapid progression of the skin lesions evolved into a circular skin necrosis. Intravenous steroid treatment stopped the necrosis' progression.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>Early diagnosis remains the most important step to the successful treatment of pyoderma gangrenosum.</p

    Genotyping of Bacillus cereus Strains by Microarray-Based Resequencing

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    The ability to distinguish microbial pathogens from closely related but nonpathogenic strains is key to understanding the population biology of these organisms. In this regard, Bacillus anthracis, the bacterium that causes inhalational anthrax, is of interest because it is closely related and often difficult to distinguish from other members of the B. cereus group that can cause diverse diseases. We employed custom-designed resequencing arrays (RAs) based on the genome sequence of Bacillus anthracis to generate 422 kb of genomic sequence from a panel of 41 Bacillus cereus sensu lato strains. Here we show that RAs represent a “one reaction” genotyping technology with the ability to discriminate between highly similar B. anthracis isolates and more divergent strains of the B. cereus s.l. Clade 1. Our data show that RAs can be an efficient genotyping technology for pre-screening the genetic diversity of large strain collections to selected the best candidates for whole genome sequencing

    Real Wage Responsiveness to Unemployment in Spain: Asymmetries Along the Business Cycle

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    We estimate real wage cyclicality in the period compressed between 1987 and 2013 using a large administrative dataset of workers in Spain. Real wages are weakly procyclical in Spain and focusing on differences in different phases of the business cycle, we find that differences across expansions and recessions are significant, with an even lower real wage cyclicality in recessions. Furthermore, higher levels of unemployment do not translate into additional real wages adjustments when the economy is contracting, while lower levels of unemployment during expansions have incremental effects on wage elasticity. This general result holds after accounting for differences in tenure, type of contract and age categories. Nevertheless, wages of newly-hired workers are the most sensitive to the business cycle and exhibit the lowest asymmetric pattern between expansions and recessions. At the other end, wages of workers with more than six years of tenure can be characterized as the most protected against economic downturns. The same is true for fixed-term vs. permanent workers, as well as for young vs. older workers

    SuperCAT: a supertree database for combined and integrative multilocus sequence typing analysis of the Bacillus cereus group of bacteria (including B. cereus, B. anthracis and B. thuringiensis)

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    The Bacillus cereus group of bacteria is an important group including mammalian and insect pathogens, such as B. anthracis, the anthrax bacterium, B. thuringiensis, used as a biological pesticide and B. cereus, often involved in food poisoning incidents. To characterize the population structure and epidemiology of these bacteria, five separate multilocus sequence typing (MLST) schemes have been developed, which makes results difficult to compare. Therefore, we have developed a database that compiles and integrates MLST data from all five schemes for the B. cereus group, accessible at http://mlstoslo.uio.no/. Supertree techniques were used to combine the phylogenetic information from analysis of all schemes and datasets, in order to produce an integrated view of the B. cereus group population. The database currently contains strain information and sequence data for 1029 isolates and 26 housekeeping gene fragments, which can be searched by keywords, MLST scheme, or sequence similarity. Supertrees can be browsed according to various criteria such as species, isolate source, or genetic distance, and subtrees containing strains of interest can be extracted. Besides analysis of the available data, the user has the possibility to enter her/his own sequences and compare them to the database and/or include them into the supertree reconstructions

    Distinct Roles of ComK1 and ComK2 in Gene Regulation in Bacillus cereus

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    The B. subtilis transcriptional factor ComK regulates a set of genes coding for DNA uptake from the environment and for its integration into the genome. In previous work we showed that Bacillus cereus expressing the B. subtilis ComK protein is able to take up DNA and integrate it into its own genome. To extend our knowledge on the effect of B. subtilis ComK overexpression in B. cereus we first determined which genes are significantly altered. Transcriptome analysis showed that only part of the competence gene cluster is significantly upregulated. Two ComK homologues can be identified in B. cereus that differ in their respective homologies to other ComK proteins. ComK1 is most similar, while ComK2 lacks the C-terminal region previously shown to be important for transcription activation by B. subtilis ComK. comK1 and comK2 overexpression and deletion studies using transcriptomics techniques showed that ComK1 enhances and ComK2 decreases expression of the comG operon, when B. subtilis ComK was overexpressed simultaneously