2,636 research outputs found

    Limiting opportunities for cheating stabilizes virulence in insect parasitic nematodes

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    Cooperative secretion of virulence factors by pathogens can lead to social conflict when cheating mutants exploit collective secretion, but do not contribute to it. If cheats outcompete cooperators within hosts, this can cause loss of virulence. Insect parasitic nematodes are important biocontrol tools that secrete a range of significant virulence factors. Critically, effective nematodes are hard to maintain without live passage, which can lead to virulence attenuation. Using experimental evolution, we tested whether social cheating might explain unstable virulence in the nematode Heterorhabditis floridensis by manipulating relatedness via multiplicity of infection (MOI), and the scale of competition. Passage at high MOI, which should reduce relatedness, led to loss of fitness: virulence and reproductive rate declined together and all eight independent lines suffered premature extinction. As theory predicts, relatedness treatments had more impact under stronger global competition. In contrast, low MOI passage led to more stable virulence and increased reproduction. Moreover, low MOI lineages showed a trade-off between virulence and reproduction, particularly for lines under stronger between-host competition. Overall, this study indicates that evolution of virulence theory is valuable for the culture of biocontrol agents: effective nematodes can be improved and maintained if passage methods mitigate possible social conflicts

    Dynamics of spatially homogeneous solutions of the Einstein-Vlasov equations which are locally rotationally symmetric

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    The dynamics of a class of cosmological models with collisionless matter and four Killing vectors is studied in detail and compared with that of corresponding perfect fluid models. In many cases it is possible to identify asymptotic states of the spacetimes near the singularity or in a phase of unlimited expansion. Bianchi type II models show oscillatory behaviour near the initial singularity which is, however, simpler than that of the mixmaster model.Comment: 27 pages, 3 figures, LaTe

    Shedding the load of hypertension: The proteolytic processing of angiotensin-converting enzyme

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    A number of membrane proteins are enzymatically cleaved or ‘shed’ from the cell surface, resulting in the modulation of biological events and opening novel pharmaceutical approaches to diverse diseases by targeting shedding. Our focus has been on understanding the shedding of angiotensin-converting enzyme (ACE), an enzyme that plays a pivotal role in blood pressure regulation. The identification of novel hereditary ACE mutations that result in increased ACE shedding has advanced our understanding of the role of ACE shedding in health and disease. Extensive biochemical and molecular analysis has helped to elucidate the mechanism of ACE shedding. These findings point to the potential therapeutic role of targeting shedding in regulating tissue ACE levels in cardiovascular disease

    Plane torsion waves in quadratic gravitational theories

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    The definition of the Riemann-Cartan space of the plane wave type is given. The condition under which the torsion plane waves exist is found. It is expressed in the form of the restriction imposed on the coupling constants of the 10-parametric quadratic gravitational Lagrangian. In the mathematical appendix the formula for commutator of the variation operator and Hodge operator is proved. This formula is applied for the variational procedure when the gravitational field equations are obtained in terms of the exterior differential forms.Comment: 3 May 1998. - 11

    The covariant perturbative approach to cosmic microwave background anisotropies

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    The Ehlers-Ellis 1+3 formulation of covariant hydrodynamics, when supplemented with covariant radiative transport theory, gives an exact, physically transparent description of the physics of the cosmic microwave background radiation (CMB). Linearisation around a Friedmann-Robertson-Walker (FRW) universe provides a very direct and seamless route through to the linear, gauge-invariant perturbation equations for scalar, vector and tensor modes in an almost-FRW model. In this contribution we review covariant radiative transport theory and its application to the perturbative method for calculating and understanding the anisotropy of the CMB. Particular emphasis is placed on the inclusion of polarization in a fully covariant manner. With this inclusion, the covariant perturbative approach offers a complete description of linearised CMB physics in an almost-FRW universe.Comment: To appear in proceedings of SARS99 meeting in honour of G.F.R.Elli

    Nonlinear Effects in the Cosmic Microwave Background

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    Major advances in the observation and theory of cosmic microwave background anisotropies have opened up a new era in cosmology. This has encouraged the hope that the fundamental parameters of cosmology will be determined to high accuracy in the near future. However, this optimism should not obscure the ongoing need for theoretical developments that go beyond the highly successful but simplified standard model. Such developments include improvements in observational modelling (e.g. foregrounds, non-Gaussian features), extensions and alternatives to the simplest inflationary paradigm (e.g. non-adiabatic effects, defects), and investigation of nonlinear effects. In addition to well known nonlinear effects such as the Rees-Sciama and Ostriker-Vishniac effects, further nonlinear effects have recently been identified. These include a Rees-Sciama-type tensor effect, time-delay effects of scalar and tensor lensing, nonlinear Thomson scattering effects and a nonlinear shear effect. Some of the nonlinear effects and their potential implications are discussed.Comment: Invited contribution to Relativistic Cosmology Symposium (celebrating the 60th year of GFR Ellis); to appear Gen. Rel. Gra

    Handbook of successful open teaching practices

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    The document presents 24 open teaching practices, with the aim to inspire teachers to adopt open approaches, as well as an original competences framework for Open Education.Erasmus +info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Energy and directional signatures for plane quantized gravity waves

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    Solutions are constructed to the quantum constraints for planar gravity (fields dependent on z and t only) in the Ashtekar complex connection formalism. A number of operators are constructed and applied to the solutions. These include the familiar ADM energy and area operators, as well as new operators sensitive to directionality (z+ct vs. z-ct dependence). The directionality operators are quantum analogs of the classical constraints proposed for unidirectional plane waves by Bondi, Pirani, and Robinson (BPR). It is argued that the quantum BPR constraints will predict unidirectionality reliably only for solutions which are semiclassical in a certain sense. The ADM energy and area operators are likely to have imaginary eigenvalues, unless one either shifts to a real connection, or allows the connection to occur other than in a holonomy. In classical theory, the area can evolve to zero. A quantum mechanical mechanism is proposed which would prevent this collapse.Comment: 54 pages; LaTe

    Instant-Grid – A Toolkit for Demonstration, Test and Development of Grid-Infrastructure

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    Instant-Grid provides an environment for demonstration, test and development of grid applications. Using a Live-CD approach, cluster configuration and deployment of D-Grid compatible middleware is fully automated. The default installation of Instant-Grid results in a set of ready-to-use grid functionalities, which can be accessed in a beginner-friendly way via a web portal. It also includes a number of preconfigured applications, which demonstrate the uses and benefits of the grid

    Can the Acceleration of Our Universe Be Explained by the Effects of Inhomogeneities?

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    No. It is simply not plausible that cosmic acceleration could arise within the context of general relativity from a back-reaction effect of inhomogeneities in our universe, without the presence of a cosmological constant or ``dark energy.'' We point out that our universe appears to be described very accurately on all scales by a Newtonianly perturbed FLRW metric. (This assertion is entirely consistent with the fact that we commonly encounter Ύρ/ρ>1030\delta \rho/\rho > 10^{30}.) If the universe is accurately described by a Newtonianly perturbed FLRW metric, then the back-reaction of inhomogeneities on the dynamics of the universe is negligible. If not, then it is the burden of an alternative model to account for the observed properties of our universe. We emphasize with concrete examples that it is {\it not} adequate to attempt to justify a model by merely showing that some spatially averaged quantities behave the same way as in FLRW models with acceleration. A quantity representing the ``scale factor'' may ``accelerate'' without there being any physically observable consequences of this acceleration. It also is {\it not} adequate to calculate the second-order stress energy tensor and show that it has a form similar to that of a cosmological constant of the appropriate magnitude. The second-order stress energy tensor is gauge dependent, and if it were large, contributions of higher perturbative order could not be neglected. We attempt to clear up the apparent confusion between the second-order stress energy tensor arising in perturbation theory and the ``effective stress energy tensor'' arising in the ``shortwave approximation.''Comment: 20 pages, 1 figure, several footnotes and references added, version accepted for publication in CQG;some clarifying comments adde
