261 research outputs found

    Probabilistic frames: An overview

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    Finite frames can be viewed as mass points distributed in NN-dimensional Euclidean space. As such they form a subclass of a larger and rich class of probability measures that we call probabilistic frames. We derive the basic properties of probabilistic frames, and we characterize one of their subclasses in terms of minimizers of some appropriate potential function. In addition, we survey a range of areas where probabilistic frames, albeit, under different names, appear. These areas include directional statistics, the geometry of convex bodies, and the theory of t-designs

    seasonal abundance of the nearctic gall midge obolodiplosis robiniae in italy and the impact of its antagonist platygaster robiniae on pest populations

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    The Nearctic gall midge Obolodiplosis robiniae (Haldeman, 1847) (Diptera Cecidomyiidae) infesting black locusts, Robinia pseudoacacia L. (Fabaceae), was detected in Asia in 2002 and in Europe (first in Italy) in 2003. Its distribution in Europe has expanded dramatically, probably favored by extensive distribution of its host plant along the main routes. The results of a 3-yr study on the seasonal abundance of O. robiniae in northern Italy are reported here. O. robiniae can develop three to four generations per year by exploiting plants of different ages and vigor. Overwintering takes place as diapausing larvae and adults emerge in spring. Two generations are completed on mature plants where populations decline in summer. Two additional generations can develop on root suckers from midsummer onward. Pest population densities reach their highest levels in late spring. Gall midge larvae were attacked by various predators, but parasitism by the platygastrid Platygaster robiniae Buhl & Duso was particularly significant. The impact of parasitism by P. robiniae is indicated as a key factor in reducing O. robiniae population densities

    RedundancyMiner: De-replication of redundant GO categories in microarray and proteomics analysis

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>The Gene Ontology (GO) Consortium organizes genes into hierarchical categories based on biological process, molecular function and subcellular localization. Tools such as GoMiner can leverage GO to perform ontological analysis of microarray and proteomics studies, typically generating a list of significant functional categories. Two or more of the categories are often redundant, in the sense that identical or nearly-identical sets of genes map to the categories. The redundancy might typically inflate the report of significant categories by a factor of three-fold, create an illusion of an overly long list of significant categories, and obscure the relevant biological interpretation.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>We now introduce a new resource, RedundancyMiner, that de-replicates the redundant and nearly-redundant GO categories that had been determined by first running GoMiner. The main algorithm of RedundancyMiner, MultiClust, performs a novel form of cluster analysis in which a GO category might belong to several category clusters. Each category cluster follows a "complete linkage" paradigm. The metric is a similarity measure that captures the overlap in gene mapping between pairs of categories.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>RedundancyMiner effectively eliminated redundancies from a set of GO categories. For illustration, we have applied it to the clarification of the results arising from two current studies: (1) assessment of the gene expression profiles obtained by laser capture microdissection (LCM) of serial cryosections of the retina at the site of final optic fissure closure in the mouse embryos at specific embryonic stages, and (2) analysis of a conceptual data set obtained by examining a list of genes deemed to be "kinetochore" genes.</p

    Changes in the Circadian Rhythm in Patients with Primary Glaucoma

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    Purpose The current study was undertaken to investigate whether glaucoma affects the sleep quality and whether there is any difference between patients with primary glaucoma (primary open angle glaucoma, POAG and primary angle-closure glaucoma, PACG) and healthy subjects, using a validated self-rated questionnaire, the Pittsburgh Sleep Quality Index (PSQI). Methods The sleep quality of patients with POAG and PACG was tested against normal controls. Subjects were divided into three sub-groups according to age. Differences in the frequency of sleep disturbances (PSQI score >7) were assessed. The differences of sleep quality within the three groups and within the POAG group depending on the patients’ intraocular pressure (IOP) and impairment of visual field (VF) were also studied. Results 92 POAG patients, 48 PACG patients and 199 controls were included. Sleep quality declined with age in control and POAG group (tendency chi-square, P0.05). No significant differences were found in POAG group between patients with a highest IOP in daytime and at nighttime (χ2-test, P>0.05). Conclusions The prevalence of sleep disorders was higher in patients with POAG and PACG than in controls. PACG patients seemed to have a more serious problem of sleep disorders than POAG patients between 61 to 80 years old. No correlation was found between the prevalence of sleep disorders and impairment of VF or the time when POAG patients showed a highest IOP

    Charting the course for a Blue Economy in Peru: A Research Agenda

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    Ocean- and coastal-based economic activities are increasingly recognised as key drivers for supporting global economies. This move towards the “blue economy” is becoming globally widespread, with the recognition that if ocean-based activities are to be sustainable, they will need to move beyond solely extractive and exploitative endeavours, aligning more closely with marine conservation and effective marine spatial planning. In this paper we define the “blue economy” as a “platform for strategic, integrated and participatory coastal and ocean development and protection that incorporates a low carbon economy, the ecosystem approach and human well-being through advancing regional industries, services and activities”. In Peru, while the seas contribute greatly to the national economy, the full potential of the blue economy has yet to be realised. This paper presents the findings of an early career scientist workshop in Lima, Peru, in March 2016. The workshop “Advancing Green Growth in Peru” brought together researchers to identify challenges and opportunities for green growth across three Peruvian economic sectors—tourism, transport and the blue economy with this paper exploring in detail the priorities generated from the “blue economy” stream. These priorities include themes such as marine spatial planning, detailed evaluations of existing maritime industries (e.g. guano collection and fisheries), development of an effective MPA network, support for sustainable coastal tourism, and better inclusion of social science disciplines in understanding societal and political support for a Peruvian blue economy. In addition, the paper discusses the research requirements associated with these priorities. While not a comprehensive list, these priorities provide a starting point for future dialogue on a co-ordinated scientific platform supporting the blue growth agenda in Peru, and in other regions working towards a successful “blue economy”

    Reevaluation of the Value of Autoparasitoids in Biological Control

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    Autoparasitoids with the capacity of consuming primary parasitoids that share the same hosts to produce males are analogous to intraguild predators. The use of autoparasitoids in biological control programs is a controversial matter because there is little evidence to support the view that autoparasitoids do not disrupt and at times may promote suppression of insect pests in combination with primary parasitoids. We found that Encarsia sophia, a facultative autoparasitoid, preferred to use heterospecific hosts as secondary hosts for producing males. The autoparasitoids mated with males originated from heterospecifics may parasitize more hosts than those mated with males from conspecifics. Provided with an adequate number of males, the autoparasitoids killed more hosts than En. formosa, a commonly used parasitoid for biological control of whiteflies. This study supports the view that autoparasitoids in combination with primary parasitoids do not disrupt pest management and may enhance such programs. The demonstrated preference of an autoparasitoid for heterospecifics and improved performance of males from heterospecifics observed in this study suggests these criteria should be considered in strategies that endeavor to mass-produce and utilize autoparasitoids in the future

    MLP (muscle LIM protein) as a stress sensor in the heart

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    Muscle LIM protein (MLP, also known as cysteine rich protein 3 (CSRP3, CRP3)) is a muscle-specific-expressed LIM-only protein. It consists of 194 amino-acids and has been described initially as a factor involved in myogenesis (Arber et al. Cell 79:221–231, 1994). MLP soon became an important model for experimental cardiology when it was first demonstrated that MLP deficiency leads to myocardial hypertrophy followed by a dilated cardiomyopathy and heart failure phenotype (Arber et al. Cell 88:393–403, 1997). At this time, this was the first genetically altered animal model to develop this devastating disease. Interestingly, MLP was also found to be down-regulated in humans with heart failure (Zolk et al. Circulation 101:2674–2677, 2000) and MLP mutations are able to cause hypertrophic and dilated forms of cardiomyopathy in humans (Bos et al. Mol Genet Metab 88:78–85, 2006; Geier et al. Circulation 107:1390–1395, 2003; Hershberger et al. Clin Transl Sci 1:21–26, 2008; Knöll et al. Cell 111:943–955, 2002; Knöll et al. Circ Res 106:695–704, 2010; Mohapatra et al. Mol Genet Metab 80:207–215, 2003). Although considerable efforts have been undertaken to unravel the underlying molecular mechanisms—how MLP mutations, either in model organisms or in the human setting cause these diseases are still unclear. In contrast, only precise knowledge of the underlying molecular mechanisms will allow the development of novel and innovative therapeutic strategies to combat this otherwise lethal condition. The focus of this review will be on the function of MLP in cardiac mechanosensation and we shall point to possible future directions in MLP research

    Sarcomeric Pattern Formation by Actin Cluster Coalescence

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    Contractile function of striated muscle cells depends crucially on the almost crystalline order of actin and myosin filaments in myofibrils, but the physical mechanisms that lead to myofibril assembly remains ill-defined. Passive diffusive sorting of actin filaments into sarcomeric order is kinetically impossible, suggesting a pivotal role of active processes in sarcomeric pattern formation. Using a one-dimensional computational model of an initially unstriated actin bundle, we show that actin filament treadmilling in the presence of processive plus-end crosslinking provides a simple and robust mechanism for the polarity sorting of actin filaments as well as for the correct localization of myosin filaments. We propose that the coalescence of crosslinked actin clusters could be key for sarcomeric pattern formation. In our simulations, sarcomere spacing is set by filament length prompting tight length control already at early stages of pattern formation. The proposed mechanism could be generic and apply both to premyofibrils and nascent myofibrils in developing muscle cells as well as possibly to striated stress-fibers in non-muscle cells