38 research outputs found

    GIS-3D Platform to Help Decision Making for Energy Rehabilitation in Urban Environments

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    One of the main current challenges of European cities is to become energy self-sufficient entities. One of the vectors for this challenge is to improve the energy efficiency of the buildings and to promote the generation of renewable energies in the urban environment. The article describes a tool based on GIS-3D technologies to support the identification of the energy rehabilitation potential of neighbourhoods based on the introduction of renewable energies. The platform is based on a urban 3D model that collects the geometry of buildings, together with relevant information for the identification of rehabilitation opportunities (e.g. surfaces, heights, orientations and slopes). The project includes the generation of a cloud-based repository, which incorporates active and passive innovative solutions with metrics that allow the comparison of the solutions and the applicability of them to the real environment. The identification of rehabilitation opportunities combines information resulting from the diagnosis of the current energy performance of the district's buildings with the potential for renewable generation in the area. A multicriteria analysis process facilitates the identification of the most appropriate rehabilitation solutions for the analysed environment based on different criteria as energy, cost or applicability. The result can be visualized through a web tool that combines 2D and 3D information, with comparative information in a quantitative and geo-referenced manner. The flexibility of the architecture allows the application of the same approach to different urban challenges as the application of energy conservation measures to protected historic urban areas.The work of this paper has been done as part of the projects RE3D “Energy Rehabilitation in 3D” and RE2H “Energy Retrofitting of Historic Districts”, both partially funded by Basque Government, with references ZL-2017/00998 and ZL-2017/00981 respectively

    Interconnection between Scales for Friendly and Affordable Sustainable Urban Districts Retrofitting

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    The EU FP7 project FASUDIR (Friendly and Affordable Sustainable Urban Districts Retrofitting) supports the mobilization of the building retrofitting market towards 2020-2050 EU-targets through an Integrated Decision Support Tool (IDST), a software based on a new methodology that will help decision makers identify the best energy retrofitting strategy to increase the sustainability of the whole district. Improving the sustainability of urban environments is a interscalar problem, addressed through a multiscalar and multidirectional approach. A comprehensive urban scale strategy considers the working scale, but the measures at building scale have to be coherent with the global objectives at district and city scale. The FASUDIR IDST and methodology interconnect and visualize information across scales, ensuring comprehensive diagnoses and proper implementation of strategies. Due to the complexity of urban sustainability, interscalarity and multiscalarity, first it has been necessary to identify the possible scales of analysis, to capture various themes and to highlight the horizontal and vertical interconnections between different components. Multiscalarity and Interscalarity affect the three phases of the sustainable retrofitting cycle: diagnosis, decision making and management. The identification of the impact of district solutions on buildings (and vice versa) and their compatibility across scales has been addressed through interconnected building and district Key Performance Iindicators (KPIs). The intervention phases at building level generate new information about specific buildings, enabling more accurate decision making at district level. The methodology articulates the structure of the new information and the feedback generated during the process. To allow information interconnection a strategic information management is key. A multiscale information model based on CityGML, a standard data model issued by the OGC (Open Geospatial Consortium), will be the baseline structure for all the district-scale information (geometric and semantic) that is necessary for decision making and management, organized into a single interoperable data model that will integrate information from different fields and at different levels of detail.European Commission's FP


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    European Historic Urban Districts are highly appreciated by their inhabitants and visitors and they can be considered as one of the most valuable collective achievements of the European culture. The preservation of our urban heritage requires the protection of the social context as well as the preservation of the authenticity and integrity of its physical materiality. That means to improve the quality of life of their inhabitants as well as the sustainability of the historic districts. This dissertation analysed the Historic Urban Districts as complex energy and informational systems in order to address the challenge to improve their sustainability and liveability while protecting their cultural values. First, a methodological framework for energy retrofitting in all its phases has been defined based on a strategic information management and from a multiscale perspective. Secondly, a decision making methodology that allows the modelling of the historic city and the selection of the best strategies has been developed. In order to support the whole system a multiscale data model has been designed. Finally, the historic city of Santiago de Compostela has been selected for the implementation.European Commission's FP

    Furina, PCSK4 eta PCSK6 proprotein konbertasen adierazpenaren analisia Gopc -/- saguen barrabiletan

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    [EUS] Munduko Osasun Erakundeak (MOE) ernalezintasuna osasun arazo globala kontsideratzen du, ez soilik mundu mailako jaiotza-tasa murrizten ari delako, baizik eta seme-alabak izateko arazoak dituzten pertsonen osasun mentalean daukan eraginagatik ere. 2015. urtean egindako ikerketa baten arabera, mundu mailan 30 milioi gizon ernalezin daude, eta nahiz eta zaila izan bikote bakoitzaren ernalezintasunaren faktore eragilea identifikatzea, mundu mailan gutxi gora behera kasu erdiak gizonak eragindakoak dira

    Propuesta metodológica para una aproximación energética-patrimonial a la ciudad histórica

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    El objetivo principal del presente trabajo es estudiar los aspectos específicos y diferenciales del acercamiento energético-patrimonial a la ciudad histórica y la propuesta de un esquema metodológico integral para la mejora y gestión de su eficiencia energética a escala urbana que establezca las bases para el estudio de su estructura energética, los criterios para la toma de decisiones y el diseño de las herramientas necesarias para la implantación y gestión

    ACC3DE 2.0: herramienta inteligente para el diagnóstico y el apoyo a la toma de decisiones para la accesibilidad en el patrimonio

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    Uno de los objetivos de la conservación del patrimonio cultural es el disfrute por parte de la comunidad de sus valores y una de las condiciones para conseguir esa conservación debe ser necesariamente la implicación de la población. Sin embargo, esto puede resultar difícil, si parte de esa población no tiene asegurado el acceso a entornos patrimoniales debido a su bajo nivel de accesibilidad. Dotar de una accesibilidad universal al patrimonio que permita su contemplación, disfrute y captación de forma no discriminatoria, no es una tarea fácil, ya que las mejoras de accesibilidad son especialmente difíciles de implantar en entornos que fueron construidos hace varios siglos con criterios muy diferentes a los actuales y con fuertes restricciones debido a su carácter histórico y/o protegido. Aunque la razón principal que impide avanzar en este objetivo a menudo es la actitud escéptica o de abierto rechazo que se apoya en criterios de conservación o en razones económicas. Son necesarias, por tanto, herramientas que posibiliten un diagnostico sistemático y preciso del nivel de accesibilidad en el patrimonio, y que aseguren que la elección de las intervenciones se guíe, además de por el criterio de mejora de la accesibilidad, por criterios como el de la conservación del edificio, el respeto a la normativa y el análisis de coste /beneficios. Dentro del proyecto Patrac se ha desarrollado un prototipo de una herramienta de cálculo y visualización de la accesibilidad de edificios patrimoniales. La herramienta, llamada ACC3DE, es una herramienta de cálculo y visualización de la accesibilidad de edificios patrimoniales que implementa una metodología de diagnóstico que se alimenta de datos extraídos de forma semiautomática por medio de escaneado láser, y presenta la información de accesibilidad a nivel de rutas y elementos de ruta utilizando gráficos en 3D y explicaciones textuales. Esta herramienta permite, además, mostrar el diagnóstico de accesibilidad para diferentes discapacidades. Una vez posibilitado el diagnostico, el siguiente paso es dotar a la herramienta de funcionalidades que permitan decidir, donde, cómo y cuándo hay que intervenir.Este es el objetivo de la evolución de esta herramienta, ACC3DE 2.0, asistir al agente responsable de la intervención a la hora de decidir el tipo de intervención que mejore el nivel de accesibilidad, tomando en consideración criterios normativos, económicos y sobre todo de conservación y respeto a los valores patrimoniales. Estos criterios, aunque pueden entrar en conflicto ó ser incompatibles entre sí, se resuelven en el marco de la Toma de Decisiones bajo Multicriterio (MCDM), y aunque el problema no tiene por qué tener una única solución, si habrá soluciones con un peso similar (Óptimos de Pareto), por lo que la herramienta proporcionará un marco para la identificación de las soluciones más apropiadas, garantizando la intervención mínima para conseguir la accesibilidad. La herramienta se completara con una toma de datos sistematizada que permite facilitar y hacer viable económicamente la recogida de todos los datos necesarios para la evaluación estricta de la accesibilidad, con el beneficio añadido de documentar las condiciones de accesibilidad originales y profundizar en el conocimiento del bien.Peer Reviewe

    Architectural heritage 3D and semantic information visualization based on open standards

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    [EN] Georeferenced 3D models represent an increasingly accepted solution for storing and displaying information at urban scale. CityGML, as standard data model for the representation, storage and exchange of 3D city models, represent a very attractive solution which combines 3D geometric and semantic information in a single data model. In this paper we present an approach to visualize semantic and 3D information of historical centers using open standards. Also, three client applications are presented targeting different agents with different needs with the characteristic that all the information is got from an unique extended CityGML data model.[ES] Un modelo 3D virtual georreferenciado representa una solución cada vez más aceptada para el almacenamiento y visualización de información a escala urbana. CityGML representa una solución muy atractiva que combina la información 3D y semántica en un único modelo de datos. En este artículo presentamos una aproximación para visualizar tanto información 3D como semántica de centros históricos utilizando estándares abiertos. Asimismo, se presentan tres aplicaciones cliente dirigidos a diferentes agentes con diferentes necesidades con la característica de que todas ellas obtienen la información de un único modelo de datos CityGML extendido.Este trabajo se enmarca dentro del proyecto “Análisis, digitalización e interoperabilidad entre sistemas para el patrimonio arquitectónico” (ADISPA) que es un Proyecto de Investigación Fundamental No Orientada en desarrollo, 2010-2012. Parcialmente financiado por el Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad.Prieto, I.; Izkara, JL.; Egusquiza, A. (2013). Architectural heritage 3D and semantic information visualization based on open standards. Virtual Archaeology Review. 4(9):70-75. https://doi.org/10.4995/var.2013.4250OJS707549DELGADO, F.J.; MARTINEZ, R.; PRIETO, I.; IZKARA, J.L.; EGUSQUIZA, A. y FINAT, J. (2012): "A common framework for multidisciplinary information management in historic urban districts", EuroGEOSS 2012 Conference (2012).KOLBE, T.H. (2007): "CityGML - 3D Geospatial and Semantic Modelling of Urban Structures", GITA/OGC Emerging Technology Summit 4. Washington D.C.MAO, B. (2011): "Visualization and Generalisation of 3D City Models", Doctoral Thesis, Royal Institute of Technology.OGC, (2008): "OpenGIS® City Geography Markup Language (CityGML) Encoding Standard", documento 08-007r1, versión 1.0.0, en http://www.opengeospatial.org/standards/citygmlPRIETO, I.; EGUSQUIZA, A.; DELGADO, F. J.; MARTÍNEZ, R. (2012): "CityGML como modelo de datos para la representación, intercambio y visualización de información sobre el patrimonio arquitectónico", en Virtual Archaeology Review, vol. 3, nº 5, pp. 48-52

    Multi-scale urban data models for early-stage suitability assessment of energy conservation measures in historic urban areas

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    The demand for improving the energy performance of buildings located in the historic districts of cities is as high as the current demand in other city districts. The need to reduce energy consumption and improve the comfort of inhabitants is compounded by the need to preserve an environment of heritage value. The selection of rehabilitation strategies at urban scale offers significant benefits, but makes the process long and costly. Therefore, methods or tools are necessary to establish a rapid assessment that facilitates strategic decision making and a deeper analysis of a reduced number of alternatives.This paper describes a method that supports decision making regarding the suitability of Energy Conservation Measures (ECMs) in historic districts at early stages. The method considers the improvement of the energy performance of buildings as a positive impact, balanced with the negative impacts that the implementation of ECMs could produce. A CityGML-based urban model allows the automation of a multi-scale assessment for different ECMs and provides possible global energy demand reductions. This method, combined with an economic evaluation, can be used by decision makers for large-scale energy retrofitting. The applicability of the method is demonstrated through implementation in the historic city of Santiago de Compostela.The authors gratefully acknowledge the European Commission for providing financial support during the research under the EFFESUS project (Grant Agreement Number 314678)

    Vulnerability assessment of cultural heritage sites towards flooding events

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    Historic sites are threatened by diverse weather patterns, mainly due to global climate change, such as sea-level rise and increasing frequency of storms and other extreme precipitation events. As climate change is becoming an increasing urban problem, heritage located in this context is considered as a sensitive and vulnerable element of the city. Adaptation should be oriented to a sustainable transformation of the historic city, leading to more resilient and safe environments. Risk-based approaches should incorporate an assessment of sensitiveness and capacity to adapt to these hazards. Vulnerability is often assessed on a large scale (e.g. regional, local) and buildings are not considered as part of the urban environment, while conservation is often developed on the operational scale of a monument or site. Management of cultural heritage requires therefore for an urban approach, which considers all the elements and buildings as part of the urban environment. Research presented in this paper describes a methodological approach (MIVES - Integrated Value Model for Sustainability Assessment) for vulnerability assessment of historic sites, supported by multilevel indicators (urban, building, element), in order to provide an informed decision-making. The solution proposed in based on an organised and structures decision tree, which provides a comparable and unique vulnerability index on the building level.Authors would like to acknowledge the funding provided by the Basque Government through the ADVICE project and the research group IT781-13 at the UPV/EHU