60 research outputs found


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    RESUMEN El presente artículo analiza, mediante la utilización de una metodología mixta, los consumos especializados que se derivan de la condición biológica del individuo. Para ello se desarrollan diferentes tipos de estudios: teórico-conceptual, analítico descriptivo, teórico-descriptivo y conclusivo y, sustenta la parte cuantitativa en una muestra de 450 personas encuestadas. Los resultados permiten trazar un panorama de los principales tipos de consumo biológicos por edades, la preocupación en interés por los mismos, el tiempo y el gasto que se dedican a los mismos.   PALABRAS CLAVE: Consumo, comunicación, discurso publicitario, creatividad.     ABSTRACT This article analyzes, through the use of a mixed methodology, the specialized consumptions derived from the biological condition of the individual. For this purpose, different types of studies are developed: theoretical-conceptual, descriptive analytical, theoretical-descriptive and conclusive, and the quantitative part is based on a sample of 450 people surveyed. The results provide an overview of the main types of biological consumption by age, the concern for them, the time and expenditure devoted to them.   KEYWORDS: Consumption, communication, advertising discourse, creativity     RESUMO O presente artigo analisa, através do uso de uma metodologia mista, os consumos especializados que derivam da condição biológica do indivíduo. Para tanto, diferentes tipos de estudos são desenvolvidos: teórico-conceitual, descritivo analítico, teórico-descritivo e conclusivo, e suportam a parte quantitativa em uma amostra de 450 pessoas pesquisadas. Os resultados nos permitem traçar uma visão geral dos principais tipos de consumo biológico por idade, a preocupação em interesse por eles, o tempo e os gastos que são dedicados a eles.   PALAVRAS-CHAVE: Consumo, comunicação, discurso publicitário, criatividade.This article analyzes, through the use of a mixed methodology, the specialized consumptions derived from the biological condition of the individual. For this purpose, different types of studies are developed: theoretical-conceptual, descriptive analytical, theoretical-descriptive and conclusive, and the quantitative part is based on a sample of 450 people surveyed. The results provide an overview of the main types of biological consumption by age, the concern for them, the time and expenditure devoted to themRESUMEN El presente artículo analiza, mediante la utilización de una metodología mixta, los consumos especializados que se derivan de la condición biológica del individuo. Para ello se desarrollan diferentes tipos de estudios: teórico-conceptual, analítico descriptivo, teórico-descriptivo y conclusivo y, sustenta la parte cuantitativa en una muestra de 450 personas encuestadas. Los resultados permiten trazar un panorama de los principales tipos de consumo biológicos por edades, la preocupación en interés por los mismos, el tiempo y el gasto que se dedican a los mismos.   PALABRAS CLAVE: Consumo, comunicación, discurso publicitario, creatividad.     ABSTRACT This article analyzes, through the use of a mixed methodology, the specialized consumptions derived from the biological condition of the individual. For this purpose, different types of studies are developed: theoretical-conceptual, descriptive analytical, theoretical-descriptive and conclusive, and the quantitative part is based on a sample of 450 people surveyed. The results provide an overview of the main types of biological consumption by age, the concern for them, the time and expenditure devoted to them.   KEYWORDS: Consumption, communication, advertising discourse, creativity     RESUMO O presente artigo analisa, através do uso de uma metodologia mista, os consumos especializados que derivam da condição biológica do indivíduo. Para tanto, diferentes tipos de estudos são desenvolvidos: teórico-conceitual, descritivo analítico, teórico-descritivo e conclusivo, e suportam a parte quantitativa em uma amostra de 450 pessoas pesquisadas. Os resultados nos permitem traçar uma visão geral dos principais tipos de consumo biológico por idade, a preocupação em interesse por eles, o tempo e os gastos que são dedicados a eles.   PALAVRAS-CHAVE: Consumo, comunicação, discurso publicitário, criatividade

    Gestión de la calidad en los programas universitarios de personas mayores. Implicaciones para el alumnado

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    En la presente comunicación mostramos la importancia de los alumnos mayores, como agentes y actores protagonistas de la acción educativa, en la implantación de sistemas de garantía de calidad a través de la utilización del método de análisis estratégico DAFO y la técnica de grupos de consenso. La tesis de centralidad de los actores permite determinar las acciones de mejora que fortalezcan la formación universitaria de personas mayores que se desarrolla en la Universidad de Burgos, en concreto en el Programa Interuniversitario de la Experiencia.In this paper we show the relevance of elder students, both as agents and main characters of the educational action, in the implementation of quality assurance systems by using the SWOT strategic analysis method and the consensus group technique. Our thesis on the centrality of actors allows us to determine improvement actions to strengthen the university education of older people that takes place at the University of Burgos in the “Programa Interuniversitario de la Experiencia”.peerReviewe

    Gestión de la calidad en los programas universitarios de personas mayores. Implicaciones para el alumnado

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    En la presente comunicación mostramos la importancia de los alumnos mayores, como agentes y actores protagonistas de la acción educativa, en la implantación de sistemas de garantía de calidad a través de la utilización del método de análisis estratégico DAFO y la técnica de grupos de consenso. La tesis de centralidad de los actores permite determinar las acciones de mejora que fortalezcan la formación universitaria de personas mayores que se desarrolla en la Universidad de Burgos, en concreto en el Programa Interuniversitario de la Experiencia.In this paper we show the relevance of elder students, both as agents and main characters of the educational action, in the implementation of quality assurance systems by using the SWOT strategic analysis method and the consensus group technique. Our thesis on the centrality of actors allows us to determine improvement actions to strengthen the university education of older people that takes place at the University of Burgos in the “Programa Interuniversitario de la Experiencia”.peerReviewe

    Terapias corporales: estudio de caso en el programa interuniversitario de la experiencia de la Universidad de Burgos

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    Las sociedades del siglo XXI evolucionan a un ritmo vertiginoso y una de sus características que no posee precedente es contar con una altísima esperanza de vida. La incorporación de los mayores a la universidad es una realidad desde hace varios años en multitud de países, pues como centros de promoción del saber han cumplido con su responsabilidad de integrar a los mayores en el acceso a los bienes culturales, a la formación y a capacitar a las personas mayores para ejercer una ciudadanía activa. La presente comunicación se enmarca en el Programa Interuniversitario de la Experiencia de la Universidad de Burgos, concretamente en la sede de Burgos. Nuestra tesis central es determinar cómo las distintas técnicas psicoterapéuticas podemos utilizarlas como una estrategia holística que produce beneficios emocionales, somáticos y mentales en las personas mayores por lo que mostramos como las Terapias Corporales influyen favorablemente en el bienestar psicológico del alumnado.XXI century society evolves at a vertiginous pace, and one of its features, previously unseen, is the high life expectancy. The integration of older people to University is a well-established reality for many years in several countries in which, taking a knowledge promotion center responsibility, access to cultural goods, training and the possibility of exercising an active citizen life is being offered to this segment of population. This paper is framed within the Life-long Education University Program (Programa Interuniversitario de la Experiencia) at the University of Burgos. Our central thesis focuses on how to determine the different uses of several psycho-therapeutic techniques as a holistic strategy in order to obtain emotional, somatic and mental benefits for older people. Thus, we show how Body Therapies have a key positive impact on the psychological welfare of students.peerReviewe

    Las nuevas tecnologías entre nuestros mayores. el caso de la Universidad de Burgos

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    Nos encontramos en la actualidad ante nuevos campos de estudio que las Nuevas Tecnologías nos abren a todos. Uno de esos campos es el colectivo de las Personas Mayores que se encuentran ante un nuevo reto que les acecha y al que deben acostumbrarse lo antes posible si no quieren ser un nuevo modelo de analfabetos, los digitales, por lo que para saber esa relación necesitamos saber con diferentes técnicas ese grado y poder diseñar programas especiales que repercutan de manera positiva en la mejora entre la relación NNTT-Personas Mayores. Con el presente trabajo de investigación pretendemos dar a conocer en que grado las personas mayores asistentes al Programa Interuniversitario de la Experiencia y de la Universidad Abierta hacen uso de las Nuevas Tecnologías y qué opinan sobre las mismas. Además se comparará con los datos que otras instituciones tienen con respecto a este colectivo y las NNTT.We are now facing with new fields of study that New Technologies are opening to us and everybody. One of those fields is the group of the elderly people who are facing new challenges that threatens them and to be used as soon as possible if you do not want to be a new model of illiterate, digital in that case, so we need to know the relationship and the degree with different techniques to design special programs that impact positively on the improvement between the ICT-related Seniors

    Diseño y evaluación de multimedia innovadora para la reducción de prejuicios y estereotipia en personas mayores

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    Las personas mayores han demostrado mayores problemas para inhibir estereotipos y prejuicios y es por ello que existe una necesidad creciente de desarrollar programas que reduzcan el sesgo intergrupal en las etapas avanzadas de la vida. En este trabajo se profundiza en la toma de perspectiva, una de las estrategias cognitivas que han mostrado una capacidad de reducción de sesgos. El objetivo es diseñar y evaluar una aplicación multimedia, atractiva y fácil de utilizar, para mejorar la autorregulación de la conducta en personas mayores, y evaluar el comportamiento de las variables potencialmente moduladoras entre la intervención y sus efectos sobre el prejuicio. La intervención tiene como objetivo reducir el prejuicio implícito y el estereotipo, así como el prejuicio explícito. Los resultados de la aplicación multimedia a un grupo experimental de 39 personas mayores, con una edad media de 63,2 años, muestran la efectividad de los valores como variable moduladora en la reducción de los niveles automáticos de prejuicio.Elderly people have shown greater problems to inhibit stereotypes and prejudices and that is why there is a growing need to develop programs that reduce the intergroup bias in the advanced stages of life. In this work is deepened in the perspective taking, one of the cognitive strategies that have shown a capacity of reduction of bias. The objective is to design and evaluate a multimedia application, attractive and easy, to improve the self-regulation conduct in older people, and to evaluate the behavior of the variables and its effects on the prejudice. The intervention aims to reduce the implicit prejudice and stereotyping, as well as the explicit prejudice. The results of the media application to an experimental group of 39 elderly people with an average age of 63.2 years, shows the effectiveness of the values as modulator variable in the reduction of the auto Levels of prejudice.peerReviewe

    Ergonomía y actividad física en mayores

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    La mayor parte de las lesiones que se producen por la realización de una actividad física reglada se deben a una falta de asesoramiento tanto en la ejecución de la actividad como en el uso de los aparatos necesarios para cada actividad. Mientras que el asesoramiento de la ejecución es responsabilidad de los profesionales a cargo en los centros de actividad física, el uso del aparato se puede ver dificultado por una falta de ergonomía en el diseño de éste. Cada vez con mayor frecuencia, las marcas de material deportivo procuran incluir partes móviles y ajustables en sus máquinas para facilitar su adecuación a las características del mayor número de usuarios posibles. Sin embargo, estos reglajes suelen resultar inválidos para las características de las personas mayores, impidiendo la práctica a un colectivo cada vez más demandante de este tipo de actividades. La presente investigación busca conocer las variables moduladoras en la percepción de las personas mayores sobre la ergonomía en su ejercicio físico, a la vez que establecer un patrón de investigación sobre el caso. Considerando los aspectos estructurales y funcionales de los gimnasios y de las personas mayores, tomamos una muestra de sujetos mayores de 55 años a los que se les administra un cuestionario ad hoc para conocer si las percepciones difieren en función de la edad del participantes, la frecuencia de la realización de la actividad o de la calidad ergonómica de los recursos e instalaciones donde se realiza la actividad física. El presente artículo muestra el proceso de validación de un test para ser utilizado en investigaciones posteriores por medio de un estudio piloto.Most injuries that occur by performing a formal physical activity are due to a lack of guidance in the implementation of both the activity and the use of the necessary equipment for each activity. While the advice of the implementation is the responsibility of the professionals in charge, the use of the tools can be seen hampered by the ergonomics. Increasingly often, sporting goods manufacturers seek to include mobile and adjustable parts on their machines to facilitate their adaptation to the characteristics of the larger number of potential users. However, these tend to be invalid settings for the characteristics of the elderly, preventing the practice of the elderly people. This research aims to determine the modulating variables in the perception on ergonomics by the elderly concerning the own physical activity. Considering the structural and functional aspects of the gyms and the elderly, take a sample of subject older than 55 years who received a questionnaire ad hoc in order to know if self-perception differs depending on the age of the participants, the physical activity frequency and the ergonomic quality of resources and facilities. This paper presents the validation of a test to be used in future research through a pilot study.peerReviewe

    Entrepreneurial Interest and Entrepreneurial Competence Among Spanish Youth: An Analysis with Artificial Neural Networks

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    Studies of the socio-economic function of entrepreneurship have emphasized the critical role that entrepreneurial competence and its implementation play at different stages of the education system. In this paper, as a research objective, we seek to determine the entrepreneurial interest of Spanish youth aged between 15 and 18 years of age enrolled in formal secondary education programs, an initial stage in the development of entrepreneurship. A previously validated ad hoc questionnaire is applied through simple random sampling to 1764 students at secondary school in Spain. A descriptive cross-sectional study is carried out. The analysis is done with Artificial Neural Networks (ANNs), a technique that reduces the high dimensionality of data through Cooperative Maximum Likelihood Hebbian Learning (CMLHL), applying neurocomputational methods to the educational sciences. We find as key results that Spanish youth express a medium level of interest in entrepreneurship. Analysis with ANNs shows that education in entrepreneurial competence is an influential aspect of interest in entrepreneurship. As a conclusion, our results suggest that educational and curricular reforms must be undertaken to promote the development of entrepreneurial competence at various stages of education in order to increase interest in entrepreneurship.This research was funded by MINISTRY OF ECONOMY AND COMPETITIVENESS. GOVERNMENT OF SPAIN, grant number EDU 2012-39080-C07-00 a 07

    The Socio-educational, Psychological and Family-Related Antecedents of Entrepreneurial Intentions among Spanish Youth

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    Despite the abundant scientific literature on entrepreneurship, there is still only limited information on young students’ entrepreneurial intentions. The reasons for this, may be generally found in the different conceptual approaches to entrepreneurial intention, and particularly in the variables that regulate and act as antecedents to such intentions. This bias has generated different lines of investigation into the factors relating to entrepreneurial intention among students. One line of investigation is centered on the variables that influence entrepreneurial intention, in particular, relational, educational, and psychological variables, and another is centered on the antecedents of entrepreneurial intention, amongst which is entrepreneurial interest. In this paper, we seek to analyze the relationship between the entrepreneurial interest of Spanish youth and a set of socio-educational, psychological, and health-related variables using principal component analysis. A previously validated ad hoc questionnaire was administered to 1764 students (15–18 years old). Notably, few Spanish youth expressed significantly high entrepreneurial interest; those who did were mostly men with a family tradition of entrepreneurial parents, who held high perceptions of their health and quality of life, and considered it important in business to detect opportunities beforehand and to create employment. Their principal motives were to improve their professional development, to put their ideas into practice, and to achieve economic independence. This paper proposes the early detection of entrepreneurial interests in young people in order to reinforce these interests as potential long-term initiatives.This research was funded by MINISTRY OF ECONOMY AND COMPETITIVENESS. GOVERNMENT OF SPAIN, grant number EDU 2012-39080-C07-00 a 07

    The Association of Parental Interest in Entrepreneurship with the Entrepreneurial Interest of Spanish Youth

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    As entrepreneurial interest is believed to represent a causal factor increasing entrepreneurship, research has begun to explore how family systems affect youth entrepreneurial interests. In the present study, we attempt to identify different types of family influence on the entrepreneurial interests of young people. A questionnaire was used to obtain data from 1633 Spanish adolescents (15 to 18 years old) and another questionnaire was used to obtain data from 839 parents. Principal component analysis identified unique family types and revealed that they have differential associations to entrepreneurial interest among youth. These findings reaffirm the influence of family on the entrepreneurial ecosystem and the promotion of an entrepreneurial family culture. This study further suggests that early attention should focus on the detection of entrepreneurial interest among youth so that actions can be implemented in the families to incentivize an entrepreneurial family culture.This research was funded by the Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness. Government of Spain. Grant Number: EDU 2012-39080-C07-00 a 07