338 research outputs found

    Sorption Removal of Fluorine Ions, Incoming with the Recycling Zinc-Bearing Materials

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    The possibility of using inorganic sorbent, iron oxyhydrate (IOH) to remove F- ions from technological solutions of zinc production is considered in this article. The principal possibility of the use of ion-exchange resins as carriers modified by IOH is considered. The formation of the active substance on cation-exchange resins was studied. It was shown that the most durable composite sorbents were obtained using strong-acid cation-exchange resins with SO3-- groups. A method for introducing IOH into the structure of carrier materials and obtaining composite sorbents is described. The strong acid cation exchanger KU-2×8 is recommended as the basis of the composite.  Keywords: iron oxyhydrate, ion exchanger, sorption, fluoride ion, purificatio

    Electromagnetic Neutrino Properties and Neutrino Oscillations in Electromagnetic Fields

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    The presence of medium and external magnetic field change electromagnetic properties of neutrino. In this article the behavior of neutrino magnetic moment in electromagnetic field is considered. On the basis the Bargmann-Michel-Telegdi equation for the case of models with CP invariance and P nonconservation the new type of neutrino resonances νLνR\nu_L \leftrightarrow \nu_R in the electromagnetic field is predicted.Comment: 6 page

    Neutrino spin evolution in presence of general external fields

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    The derivation of the quasiclassical Lorentz invariant neutrino spin evolution equation taking into account general types of neutrino non-derivative interactions with external fields is presented. We discuss the constraints on the characteristics of matter and neutrino under which this quasiclassical approach is valid. The application of the obtained equation for the case of the Standard Model neutrino interactions with moving and polarized background matter is considered.Comment: The form of the article has been sufficiently improve

    Development of linear proton accelerators with the high average beam power

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    Review of the current situation in the development of powerful linear proton accelerators carried out in many countries is given. The purpose of their creation is solving problems of safe and efficient nuclear energetics on a basis of the accelerator-reactor complex. In this case a proton beam with the energy up to 1 GeV, the average current of 30 mA is required. At the same time there is a needed in more powerful beams, for example, for production of tritium and transmutation of nuclear waste products. The creation of accelerators of such a power will be followed by the construction of linear accelerators of 1 GeV but with a more moderate beam current. They are intended for investigation of many aspects of neutron physics and neutron engineering. Problems in the creation of efficient constructions for the basic and auxiliary equipment, the reliability of the systems, and minimization of the beam losses in the process of acceleration will be solved

    Beam technologies for incineration and transmutation of the nuclear waste

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    The problem of nuclear wastes is accounted from the viewpoint of 3 aspects: ecological expediency, influence on the environment, and safety with respect to explosion. The most efficient method is burning of the wastes in the Energy Amplifier, which is based on the complex of the reactor-accelerator. The goal of this paper is to scope the development of complex techniques of the transuranic elements (TRU) incineration, and transmutation most hazardous long-lived radionuclides, fragments of nuclear fission, eliminated with the heat removal through the natural convection of air. The main part of the work is associated with setting up the problem for Ukrainian nuclear energetics: the nuclear waste incineration as an alternative to the geological disposal

    Solitary precursor of large amplitude

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    In this paper the results of investigations of properties of solitary perturbation of large amplitude, propagating with light velocity at small angle to strong magnetic field in plate plasma-filled waveguide, are presented. This solitary perturbation is the hollow of electric potential. The hump of electric potential can be excited as a wake-field by electron bunch, but the hollow of electric potential, considered in this paper, is excited as a precursor of electron bunch. Because this hollow forms the positive spike of electron density, it can be excited as a precursor of laser pulse

    Simulation of the thermal mechanism in semiconductors under action of pulsed electromagnetic field

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    The paper presents a model taking into account the time character of heat localization and distribution in semiconductor devices unlike the classical Wunsch-Bell linear model describing the thermal mechanism of EM-radiation action on REA. The classification of action levels is given. The nonlinear model permitting to determine the time boundary of heat propagation in the semiconductor device is presented. In the time range t>tcr a uniform volumetric heating of the object takes place, and for t<tcr there is a heat localization in the range of energy release due to the lag of the heat dissipation process behind the energy input process. Taking this into account one determines the energy leading to irreversible results of action. The model allows one to determine the feeblest aspects of REA.В роботі, на відміну від класичної лінійної моделі Вунча-Белла, яка описує тепловий механізм впливу ЕМ-випромінювання на РЕА, пропонується модель, що враховує часовий характер локалізації та розповсюдження тепла в напівпровідникових пристроях. Дається класифікація рівнів впливу. Приводиться нелінійна модель, яка дозволяє враховувати часову межу розподілення тепла в напівпровідникових пристроях. В масштабі часу t>tкр має місце однорідний об’ємний розігрів об’єкту, а при t<tкр має місце локалізація тепла внаслідок запізнення процесу тепловідводу від процесу енерговводу в області енерговиділення. Виходячи з цього визначається енергія, що приводить до незворотних наслідків дії. Модель дозволяє визначити найбільш слабкі місця РЕА і дозволяє спростити експериментальні випробування елементної бази РЕА в цілому.В работе, в отличие от классической линейной модели Вунча-Белла, описывающей тепловой механизм влияния ЭМ-излучения на РЭА, предлагается модель, учитывающая временной характер локализации и распространения тепла в полупроводниковых приборах. Дается классификация уровней воздействия. Приводится нелинейная модель, которая позволяет определить временную границу распространения тепла в полупроводниковом приборе. В диапазоне времен t>tкр имеет место однородный объемный разогрев объекта, а при t<tкр происходит локализация тепла в области энерговыделения вследствие запаздывания процесса теплоотвода от процесса энерговвода. Исходя из этого, определяется энергия, приводящая к необратимым результатам воздействия. Модель позволяет определить наиболее слабые места РЭА и позволяет упростить экспериментальные испытания элементной базы и РЭА в целом

    REB reflection from the boundary plasma-vacuum

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    The necessary conditions of the experimentally observed reflection of "tail" of the dense relativistic electron beam from the plasma-vacuum boundary at once after full its injection into the plasma under condition of nb.>>n0, are considered in this paper.У статті розглядаються необхідні умови відбиття, що експериментально спостерігається, «хвоста» інжектованого щільного nb.>>n0 релятивістського електронного згустку від границі плазма-вакуум після повного його проникнення в плазму.В статье рассматриваются необходимые условия экспериментально наблюдаемого отражения «хвоста» инжектируемого плотного nb.>>n0 релятивистского электронного сгустка от границы плазма-вакуум после полного его проникновения в плазму

    Требования к профессиональной подготовке врачей для лицензирования медицинской деятельности

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    Requirement for licensing of medical activity and level of professional knowledge are discussed in the article.В статье освещен вопрос лицензирования медицинской деятельности и требования к образовательному уровню специалистов, претендующих на самостоятельную медицинскую деятельность