189 research outputs found

    ‘With a Heavy Heart’: Ethics, Emotions and Rationality in Norwegian Immigration Administration

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    This article analyses decision-making processes concerning applications for family immigration to Norway by giving an account of the dilemmas and challenges faced by the employees of the Norwegian immigration administration. I argue that these civil servants negotiate two somewhat different ethical principles where the foundation for ethical conduct is either emotion or reason. The article investigates the ethical potential of bureaucracy and aims to contribute to sociological debates about ethics, emotion and rationality

    Accelerating the transition towards zero-emission long and heavy duty transport through identifying the highest potential locations for hydrogen filling stations

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    This thesis provides an overview over what traffic distances proved the largest potential for hydrogen filling station location. It also gives insights to the level of CO2 emissions the traffic volume at given points equate to, and the potential demand for hydrogen along these distances. The traffic distances that stands out as Norway’s most optimal locations based on heavy and long duty traffic data are the three main highways out of Oslo, followed by main highways from or past the three biggest cities outside of the capital, Trondheim, Bergen, Stavanger. Along with certain distances on the E-18 on the south-east of Norway, these equates to the ten most promising locations based on traffic volume. Locating hydrogen filling stations at traffic points or distances with higher traffic volume could have major impacts in the climate and economic benefits of decarbonizing long and heavy duty transport. The impact of decarbonizing higher traffic points are significant, as CO2 emissions for the higher volume traffic points are inherently are far greater, as are the different between high volume points and medium volume points. As the research has shown, traffic volume varies greatly, even among the highest volume distances along Norwegian highways. Securing that filling stations cover as high volumes of traffic as possible and are located as optimal as possible, could increase its decarbonizing effect and lower end cost to customers. As each station could serve higher volumes, and potentially sell more hydrogen, this makes for better business cases for private actors. For public actors and government an increase in the volume covered by each station, would provide an opportunity of being able to see greater climate emission mitigation for the money invested through policies, subsidies or incentive creation

    Offeromgrepet - til last eller gagn? : undersĂžking av offeromgrepet med utgangspunkt i institusjonell etnografi

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    Kva dilemma og problemstillingar rommar offeromgrepet ut frĂ„ eit feministisk perspektiv? I denne oppgĂ„va utforskar eg offeromgrepet og kartlegg offerdiskursen i eit institusjonelt landskap. Eg tek utgangspunk i institusjonell etnografi slik Dorothy E. Smith med fleire skildrar det i Institutional Ethnography (2005) og Institutional Ethnography as Practice (2006). Utforsking av metoden er ein viktig del av prosjektet. OppgĂ„va bestĂ„r av tre hovuddelar, samt eitt avsluttande kapittel. I kapittel 1 nystar eg fram problemstillingar, metode og teoretiske perspektiv i nĂŠr relasjon til kvarandre. Kapitlet byrjar med ei historisk framstilling; eg argumenterer for at offerperspektivet har spelt ei viktig rolle for kvinnerĂžrsla, mellom anna for Ă„ setja vald mot kvinner pĂ„ dagsorden i lĂžpet av 1970- og 1980-talet. Seinare har offeromgrepet vorte kritisert, mellom anna med utgangspunkt i eit postkolonialt feministisk perspektiv. I andre del av kapittel 1 gjer eg greie for det metodiske verktĂžyet, og koplar dette til eigne erfaringar frĂ„ kvinnerĂžrsla. Kapittel 2 er basert pĂ„ eit kvalitativt intervju med Krisesentersekretariatet. Informantane er kritiske til Ă„ snakka om valdsutsette kvinner som ”offer”, fordi ordet har konnotasjonar til passivitet, avmakt og hjelpelĂžyse. Offeromgrepet kan kanskje frita frĂ„ skuld, men kan fĂžra til passivisering og stigmatisering av valdsutsette kvinner. Dette blir eit paradoks dĂ„ sjĂžlve mĂ„let med kvinnekampen har vore at kvinner skal ta makt og sjĂ„ pĂ„ seg sjĂžlve som subjekt. Offeromgrepet er relatert til spĂžrsmĂ„l om skuld og ansvar. Gjennom Ă„ gjera greie for kompleksiteten som ligg i omgrepet ansvar, kastar eg lys over kva spenningar offeromgrepet rommar. Kapittel 3 er ei kartlegging av kva rolle offerdiskursar speler i utlendingsforvaltninga. Eg tek utgangspunkt i eit intervju med ein advokat og undersĂžkjer ”offerkravet” i tilknyting til sĂžknad om fornya opphaldslĂžyve etter utlendingsforskrifta § 37 sjette ledd. Informantintervjuet koplar eg til lovtekstar og konkrete saksvedtak, og kastar lys over korleis tekstar regulerer praksis. Eg argumenterer for at offerkravet og mishandlingsvilkĂ„ret er eit uttrykk for viljen til Ă„ gje opphaldslĂžyve til dei verdig trengande ofra. Dette er knytt til den politiske diskursen rundt immigrasjonsregulering, som handlar om at Noreg skal fĂžra ein ”sĂžmmeleg” politikk. I oppgĂ„va viser eg at offerdiskursar kan vera med pĂ„ Ă„ reprodusera stereotypiar og skapa eit skilje mellom kvinner/menn og minoritet/majoritet. Minoritetskvinner blir framstilt som offer for kulturen, som stakkarslege og hjelpelause personar som majoriteten kan synast synd i. Samstundes er det venta at minoritetskvinner skal passa inn i biletet av idealofferet for at ho skal fĂ„ hjelp og stĂžnad. I fjerde og siste kapittel reflekterer eg rundt ambivalensen i offeromgrepet. PĂ„ den eine sida kan det vera ein nyttig reiskap for Ă„ synleggjera og bĂžta pĂ„ ulikskap i makt, ressursar og sosial posisjon. PĂ„ den andre sida kan det vera vanskeleg Ă„ artikulera og retta opp ulikskap utan Ă„ stigmatisera eller reprodusera ulikskapen. Dette er ein sentral problematikk som vart diskutert av den nye kvinnerĂžrsla pĂ„ 1970-talet og som framleis ser ut til Ă„ vera relevant i relasjon til offeromgrepet. Til slutt kaster eg eit blikk tilbake pĂ„ den avslutta kartleggingsprosessen; eg dĂžftar institusjonell etnografi som ein mĂ„te Ă„ gjera sosiologi pĂ„. Eg argumenter for at dette metodiske perspektivet har vore nyttig for Ă„ kasta lys over offeromgrepet

    A feasibility study focused on communicating history at Berg-KragerĂž Museum

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    Berg-KragerĂž Museum er en tidligere lystgĂ„rd fra starten av 1800-tallet, som ble testamentert til KragerĂž og SkĂ„tĂžy kommune av den siste eieren, Henriette Marie “Jeia” Homann. Museet Ă„pnet for publikum i 1955, og tilbyr ulike utstillinger og arrangementer. De besitter en omfattende samling av historiske bilder og objekter, og lystgĂ„rdens hovedhus stĂ„r nesten uforandret fra siste eier. Museet ligger idyllisk til ved Hellefjorden, med gode tur- og rekreasjonsmuligheter. Ønsket fra Berg-KragerĂž Museum var Ă„ skape mer liv og gjĂžre Berg til en mer attraktiv destinasjon. PĂ„ bakgrunn av dette Ăžnsket har vi utfĂžrt en mulighetsstudie med fokus pĂ„ hvordan formidling av lokalhistorien kan bidra til Ă„ skape en attraktiv destinasjon. Mulighetsstudien er egnet som utgangspunkt for videre forskning og viderefĂžring av museets omrĂ„de. Oppgaven kartlegger en stĂžrre del av lystgĂ„rdens eierhistorie sett mot den historiske utviklingen av den tilhĂžrende parken. Gjennom arbeidet har vi forstĂ„tt mer av hvordan Berg ble brukt, samt registrert historiske elementer som ikke lenger er synlige i parken. Analyser og registreringer gjort pĂ„ stedet har gitt oss bedre forstĂ„else av omrĂ„det og ulike hensyn som mĂ„ vektlegges. Berg plante- og dyrefredningsomrĂ„de er et av landets viktigste lokasjoner for mange billearter. Det legger begrensninger for bruken og videreutviklingen av omrĂ„det. Som et resultat av arbeidet med oppgaven foreslĂ„r vi en historisk vandring basert pĂ„ Henriette Marie “Jeia” Homann, kalt “I “Jeias” fotspor”. Ved Ă„ formidle historien gjennom en vandring, unngĂ„r man stĂžrre endringer innenfor museumsparken og fredningsomrĂ„det. Vandringen styrker stedsidentiteten og tilhĂžrigheten gjennom historien knyttet til lystgĂ„rden, folkene som bodde her og bruken av landskapet rundt. Sammen med vandringen foreslĂ„s “Billejakten”, en aktivitetslĂžype spesielt tilrettelagt barn. “Billejaken” gir kunnskap og forstĂ„else rundt det biologiske mangfoldet og flere av de rĂždlistede billeartene som finnes pĂ„ Berg.Berg-KragerĂž Museum is a former country mansion from the early 1800s, that was given as a gift to the municipalities of KragerĂž and SkĂ„tĂžy by the former owner, Henriette Marie “Jeia” Homann. The museum opened its doors to the public in 1955 and offers a variety of events and exhibitions. The museum possesses a vast collection of historical photographs and objects and the main house is kept in its original form. It is beautifully located, with a view over Hellefjorden, in a terrain suited for walks and recreational activities. This thesis is based on the museum’s desire to increase the number of visitors and to make Berg a more appealing destination. We have explored the possibilities of achieving this by communicating history. The thesis provides a relevant base for further historical investigation and future restorations. We have described past ownerships and how they have affected the area’s appearance. We studied how the area had been used before and identified some elements that no longer exist in the park. Through analysis and registration, we gained a broader understanding of the area and of the cautionary measures that would need to be taken in order to protect and conserve wildlife. There is a protected wildlife zone within the museum’s property, where one of Norway’s most important locations for endangered beetles is found. As a result of our work, we suggest a historical walk based on the life of Henriette Marie “Jeia” Homann, called “In the footsteps of “Jeia””. With this walk we wanted to communicate her story, while preserving the historical ground and the protected wildlife. It will give the place a stronger identity and a better connection with its visitors. With the walk, we also propose a “Beetle hunt” in the form of an educational and entertaining trail designed for children and their families. The “beetle hunt” -trail provides knowledge and raises awareness of the local biodiversity and the endangered beetles.M-L

    Routine Use of Color Doppler in Fetal Heart Scanning in a Low-Risk Population

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    Objectives. To investigate the detection rate of major fetal heart defects in a low-risk population implementing routine use of color Doppler. Material and Methods. In a prospective observational study, all women undergoing fetal heart scanning (including 6781 routine examinations in the second trimester) during a three-year period were included. First a gray-scale scanning was performed including assessment of the four-chamber view and the great vessels. Thereafter three cross-sectional planes through the fetal thorax were assessed with color Doppler. Results. Thirty-nine fetuses had major heart defects, and 26 (67%) were prenatally detected. In 9/26 (35%) of cases the main ultrasound finding was related to the use of color Doppler. The survival rate of live born children was 91%. Conclusions. Routine use of color Doppler in fetal heart scanning in a low-risk population may be helpful in the detection of major heart defects; however, still severe malformations were missed prenatally

    Intrapartum ultrasound assessment of cervical dilatation and its value in detecting active labor.

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    Introduction We aimed to examine the agreement between ultrasound and digital vaginal examination in assessing cervical dilatation in an African population and to assess the value of ultrasound in detecting active labor. Method A cross-sectional study was conducted in a teaching hospital in Ghana between April and September of 2016. Anterior–posterior and transverse diameters of cervical dilatation were measured with ultrasound and the mean value was compared with digital vaginal examination in 195 women in labor. Agreement between methods was examined with correlation coefficients and with Bland–Altman plots. Active labor was defined when cervix was dilated ≄ 4 cm with vaginal examinations. ROC curve analysis was conducted on the diagnostic performance of ultrasound in detecting active labor. Results Data were analyzed in 175 out of 195 (90%) cases where ultrasound could clearly visualize the cervix. The remaining 20 cases were all determined by digital vaginal examination as advanced cervical dilatation (≄ 8 cm), advanced head station (≄ + 2), and with ruptured membranes. The Pearson correlation coefficient (r) was 0.78 (95% CI 0.72–0.83) and the intra-class correlation coefficient was 0.76 (95% CI 0.69–0.81). Bland–Altman analysis obtained a mean difference of − 0.03 cm (95% CI − 0.18 to 0.12) with zero included in the CI intervals, indicating no significant difference between methods. Limits of agreement were from − 2.01 to 1.95 cm. Ultrasound predicted active labor with 0.87 (95% CI 0.75–0.99) as the area under the ROC curve. Conclusion Ultrasound measurements showed good agreement with digital vaginal examinations in assessing cervical dilatation during labor and ultrasound may be used to detect active labor.N/

    Estimation of fetal weight in pregnancies past term

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    Introduction: The aim of the study was to investigate the accuracy of estimating fetal weight with ultrasound in pregnancies past term, using the eSnurra algorithm. Material and methods: In all, 419 women with pregnancy length of 290 days, attending a specialist consultation at Stavanger University Hospital, Norway, were included in a prospective observational study. Fetal weight was estimated using biparietal diameter (BPD) and abdominal circumference (AC). The algorithm implemented in an electronic calculation (eSnurra) was used to compute estimated fetal weight (EFW). Results were compared with birthweight (BW). Results: The mean interval between the ultrasound examination and birth was 2 days (SD 1.4). The median difference between BW and EFW was −6 g (CI −40 to +25 g) and the median percentage error was –0.1% (95% CI −1.0 to 0.6%). The median absolute difference was 190 g (95% CI 170–207 g). The BW was within 10% of EFW in 83% (95% CI 79–87%) of cases and within 15% of EFW in 94% (95% CI 92–96%) of cases. Limits of agreement (95%) were from −553 g to +556 g. Using 5% false‐positive rates, the sensitivity in detecting macrosomic and small for gestational age fetuses was 54% (95% CI 35–72%) and 49% (95% CI 35–63%), respectively. Conclusion: The accuracy of fetal weight estimation was good. Clinicians should be aware of limitations related to prediction at the upper and lower end, and the importance of choosing appropriate cut‐off levels.publishedVersio

    Put your weight behind it—Effect of body mass index on the active second stage of labour: A retrospective cohort study

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    Objective: To explore the duration of the active phase of the second stage of labour in relation to maternal pre-pregnant body mass index (BMI). Design: Retrospective cohort study. Setting: Labour wards of three Norwegian university hospitals, 2012–2019. Population: Nulliparous and parous women without previous caesarean section with a live singleton fetus in cephalic presentation and spontaneous onset of labour, corresponding to the Ten Group Classification System (TGCS) group 1 and 3. Methods: Women were stratified to BMI groups according to WHO classification, and estimated median duration of the active phase of the second stage of labour was calculated using survival analyses. Caesarean sections and operative vaginal deliveries during the active phase were censored. Main outcome measures: Estimated median duration of the active phase of second stage of labour. Results: In all, 47 942 women were included in the survival analyses. Increasing BMI was associated with shorter estimated median duration of the active second stage in both TGCS groups. In TGCS group 1, the estimated median durations (interquartile range) were 44 (26–75), 43 (25–71), 39 (22–70), 33 (18–63), 34 (19–54) and 29 (16–56) minutes in BMI groups 1–6, respectively. In TGCS group 3, the corresponding values were 11 (6–19), 10 (6–17), 10 (6–16), 9 (5–15), 8 (5–13) and 7 (4–11) minutes. Increasing BMI remained associated with shorter estimated median duration in analyses stratified by oxytocin augmentation and epidural analgesia. Conclusion: Increasing BMI was associated with shorter estimated median duration of the active second stage of labour.publishedVersio

    Skeive liv. Felles fortellinger pÄ tvers av forskjeller

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    Hva er det som trekkes frem som viktige hendelser når skeive skal fortelle om sine liv i Norge på 2010-tallet? I denne artikkelen analyserer vi frem fellesnevne- re på tvers av kvalitative intervjuer med 99 skeive personer med ulik bakgrunn og livssituasjon. Til tross for de mange ulikhetene mellom deltakerne var det noen overordnede tema som gikk igjen og fremstod som betydningsfulle på tvers av generasjoner og livssituasjoner: 1) Erfaringer med å fĂžle seg annerledes, 2) nega- tive mĂžter, 3) utforsking av identitet knytta til seksualitet og kjĂžnn, 4) å komme ut som skeiv, 5) å komme inn i skeive fellesskap og 6) refleksjon rundt slektskap og familie. Disse viktige hendelsene kan vĂŠre enkelthendelser i tid, samtidig som erfaringene repeteres gjennom livet både som hendelser og ved å fortelles frem som del av en skeiv livshistorie. På denne måten får hendelsene betydning ut over tiden og stedet de fant sted, og inngår i en situert skeiv selvfremstilling. Vi forstår de seks temaene som skeive metanarrativ som fremstår relevante når skeive skal fortelle om seg selv og sitt liv. I artikkelen bretter vi ut disse metanarrativene og noe av variasjonen i konkrete erfaringer som finnes i datamaterialet. Vi argumen- terer for at disse viktige hendelsene kan forstås som et tidsbilde som sier oss noe om hvordan vi gjĂžr oss forståelige for hverandre som skeive på 2010-tallet.publishedVersio
