10 research outputs found

    Morphomolecular characterization of Pleurotus ostreatus (Jacq. Fr.) kummer strains in relation to luminosity and temperature of frutification Caracterização morfomolecular de isolados de Pleurotus ostreatus (Jacq. Fr.) kummer em relação à luminosidade e temperatura de frutificação

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    Temperature is one of the main factors affecting mushrooms development and introduction in new areas. Effects of temperature (15&ordm;C and 28&ordm;C) and luminosity (120 and 900 lux) were evaluated for eight P. ostreatus strains in relation to precocity, yield, pileus area, stalk formation pattern, coloration and handling resistance. Genetic variability of strains was analysed by the Random Amplified Polymorphic DNA (RAPD) method. The Pos 98/37 strain was the only to yield white pileus at 28&ordm;C - 900 lux, and grey ones at 15&ordm;C and 120 lux. The Pos 96/05 strain, the latest, produced lead-coloured pileus at 15&ordm;C, as did the remaining strains at this temperature. Strains cultivated at 15&ordm;C did not differ in relation to handling resistance. At 28&ordm;C mushrooms were less resistant. In relation to yield, the Pos 98/38 strain was significantly more efficient. The Pos 98/37 strain, at 28&ordm;C, as compared to the same strain at 15&ordm;C, was more efficient and had an asymmetric stalk formation pattern. Among strains cultivated at 15&ordm;C, the stalk formation pattern was symmetric, except for the Pos 97/15 and Pos 97/17 strains. Molecular characterization of the Pos 98/37 strain was 30% similar to the remaining strains. The temperature of fructification and luminosity influence the induction and development of the isolates.<br>A temperatura Ă© um dos principais fatores que influenciam o desenvolvimento e a introdução de cogumelos em nova ĂĄreas. O efeito da temperatura (15&ordm;C e 28&ordm;C) e a luminosidade (120 e 900 lux) foram avaliados em oito isolados de P. ostreatus quanto Ă  precocidade, eficiĂȘncia biolĂłgica, ĂĄrea do pileus, padrĂŁo de formação das pencas, coloração e resistĂȘncia ao manuseio. A variabilidade genĂ©tica dos isolados foi analisada pelo mĂ©todo "Random Amplified Polymorphic DNA" ou DNA polimĂłrfico amplificado ao acaso (RAPD). O isolado Pos 98/37 foi o Ășnico a produzir a 28&ordm;C e 900 lux, apresentando pĂ­leo branco nessa temperatura e cinza a 15&ordm;C e 120 lux. O isolado Pos 96/05, o mais tardio, apresentou pĂ­leo chumbo a 15&ordm;C a 120 lux, assim como os demais isolados nesta temperatura. Os isolados cultivados a 15&ordm;C nĂŁo diferiram quanto Ă  maior resistĂȘncia ao manuseio, enquanto a 28&ordm;C, os cogumelos obtidos foram mais frĂĄgeis. Quanto Ă  eficiĂȘncia biolĂłgica, o isolado Pos 98/38 foi mais eficiente. O isolado 98/37 a 28&ordm;C, comparado com o mesmo isolado a 15&ordm;C, foi mais eficiente e apresentou padrĂŁo de formação de pencas assimĂ©trico. Entre os isolados cultivados a 15&ordm;C, o padrĂŁo de formação de pencas foi similar exceto nos isolados Pos 97/15 e Pos 97/17. Na caracterização molecular, o isolado Pos 98/37 apresentou 30% de similaridade com os demais. A temperatura de frutificação e a intensidade luminosa influenciaram a indução e o desenvolvimento dos isolados

    Saturable Metabolism and its Relationship to Toxicity

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    Body mass index and complications following major gastrointestinal surgery: A prospective, international cohort study and meta-analysis

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    Aim Previous studies reported conflicting evidence on the effects of obesity on outcomes after gastrointestinal surgery. The aims of this study were to explore the relationship of obesity with major postoperative complications in an international cohort and to present a metaanalysis of all available prospective data. Methods This prospective, multicentre study included adults undergoing both elective and emergency gastrointestinal resection, reversal of stoma or formation of stoma. The primary end-point was 30-day major complications (Clavien–Dindo Grades III–V). A systematic search was undertaken for studies assessing the relationship between obesity and major complications after gastrointestinal surgery. Individual patient meta-analysis was used to analyse pooled results. Results This study included 2519 patients across 127 centres, of whom 560 (22.2%) were obese. Unadjusted major complication rates were lower in obese vs normal weight patients (13.0% vs 16.2%, respectively), but this did not reach statistical significance (P = 0.863) on multivariate analysis for patients having surgery for either malignant or benign conditions. Individual patient meta-analysis demonstrated that obese patients undergoing surgery formalignancy were at increased risk of major complications (OR 2.10, 95% CI 1.49–2.96, P < 0.001), whereas obese patients undergoing surgery for benign indications were at decreased risk (OR 0.59, 95% CI 0.46–0.75, P < 0.001) compared to normal weight patients. Conclusions In our international data, obesity was not found to be associated with major complications following gastrointestinal surgery. Meta-analysis of available prospective data made a novel finding of obesity being associated with different outcomes depending on whether patients were undergoing surgery for benign or malignant disease