228 research outputs found

    Análisis del impacto de la contaminación química sobre la herpetofauna: nuevos desafíos y aplicaciones prácticas

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    Durante el proceso de elaboración de esta revisión MEOS contó con un contrato del Programa Juan de la Cierva (Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad) y con una beca posdoctoral de la Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia de Portugal (ref. SFRH/BPD/84716/2012). AES fue financiado por una beca posdoctoral del Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico y Tecnológico – CNPq de Brasil (ref. 370592/2013-1)Peer reviewe

    Biología trófica de los juveniles del género Liza (Pisces : Mugilidae) en la laguna costera del Mar Menor (SE Península Ibérica)

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    En el presente trabajo se presentan datos sobre la alimentación de juveniles de tres especies de mugílidos presentes en la laguna costera del Mar Menor: Liza saliens (Risso, 1810), L. aurata (Risso, 1810) y L. ramado (Risso, 1810). La dieta fue omnívora para las tres especies, consumiendo una gran variedad de presas, tanto de origen animal como vegetal. Se encontraron diferencias interespecíficas en la composición de la misma, así como diferencias intraespecíficas en función de la campaña de muestreo. Además, se observaron cambios en la dieta en función de la talla de los ejemplares, situación probablemente relacionada con cambios ontogénicos en la dieta de las especies estudiadas.In this work data is presented concerning the food and feeding habits of three species of mullet juveniles that are present in the Mar Menor coastal lagoon: Liza saliens (Risso, 1810), L. aurata (Risso, 1810) and L. ramado (Risso, 1810). Diet of of the three species was omnivorous; they fed on numerous prey items, both animal and vegetal preys. Interspecific differences on diet composition were found, as well as intraspecific differences from sampling periods. Moreover, size-related differences in their feeding habits were found, suggesting the existence of ontogenic changes in the diet of the studied species

    Empleo de sacubitrilo-valsartán, rurosemida y levosimendán en un paciente pluripatológico con insuficiencia cardíaca descompensada

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    A 69-year old male hypertensive, dyslipidaemic, ex-smoker and former drinker, permanent atrial fibrillation and chronic ischemic heart disease. He goes to the Emergency Department due to minimal effort dyspnea and is arrhythmic and with pulmonary bibasal crackles. In hospitalization, implantation of implantable automatic defibrillator is performed due to streaks of non-sustained ventricular tachycardia. Sacubitril-valsartan is started, which is suspended due to new decompensation of heart failure. At this time, it is scheduled every two weeks in the day hospital for administration of intravenous levosimendan and furosemide, and thus, sacubitril-valsartan can be reintroduced at progressive doses.Varón de 69 años, hipertenso, dislipémico, ex fumador y ex bebedor, fibrilación auricular permanente y cardiopatía isquémica crónica. Acudió a Urgencias por disnea de mínimos esfuerzos y se encontraba arrítmico y con crepitantes bibasales pulmonares. En planta de hospitalización, se procedió a la implantación de desfibrilador automático implantable por presentar rachas de taquicardia ventricular no sostenida. Se inició sacubitrilo-valsartán, que se suspendió por nueva descompensación de insuficiencia cardíaca. En este momento, se cita cada 2 semanas en hospital de día para administración de levosimendán y furosemida intravenosos y, de este modo, se puede reintroducir sacubitrilo-valsartán a dosis progresivas

    Underwater acoustic impulsive noise monitoring in port facilities: Case study of the Port of Cartagena

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    Recording underwater impulsive noise data is an important aspect of mitigating its environmental impact and improving maritime environmental management systems. This paper describes the method used and results of the spatial monitoring of both the baseline noise level and the impulsive noise sources in the Port of Cartagena. An autonomous vessel was equipped with a smart digital hydrophone with a working frequency range between 10 and 200 kHz and a received voltage response (RVR) of, approximately, −170 dB re 1V/µPa. A GIS map was drawn up with the spatiotemporal distribution of the basal sound pressure levels by coupling the acoustic data with the vessel’s GPS positions to identify the sources of the impulsive noise of interest and their temporal characteristics. The loading of cargo containers was identified as the main source of impulse noise. This study is the first of a series designed to obtain accurate information on underwater noise pollution and its potential impact on biodiversity in the Port of Cartagena.We would like to thank the Cartagena Port Authority for their general support in the operational campaign. This research was funded by the Cátedra de Medio Ambiente Autoridad Portuaria de Cartagena-Campus Mare Nostrum

    Biología poblacional y asociaciones con el hábitat de las especies de peces bentónicas en las áreas someras de una laguna costera mediterránea (SE Península Ibérica)

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    The present study investigates the seasonal variation in fish abundance, fish biomass, reproductive status and population structure of four dominant benthic fish species, Salaria pavo, Pomatoschistus marmoratus, Gobius cobitis and Gobius niger, in the shallow and littoral areas of the Mar Menor coastal lagoon. In addition, the seasonal habitat associations of each species were studied by assessing environmental variables related to the habitat structure: submerged vegetation cover, submerged vegetation density, water depth and substrate composition. The temporal variations in fish density, standing stock and size frequency distributions of these species can largely be attributed to the seasonality of their breeding and juvenile recruitment periods. Moreover, habitat associations for these species were similar to those obtained in other Mediterranean and Atlantic coastal lagoons.En el presente estudio se investigaron las variaciones estacionales de la abundancia, la biomasa, status reproductor y la estructura de la población de cuatro especies de peces bentónicos dominantes, Salaria pavo, Pomatoschistus marmoratus, Gobius cobitis y Gobius niger, en las zonas someras y litorales de la laguna costera del Mar Menor. Además, se estudiaron las asociaciones con las variables del hábitat: cobertura y densidad de la vegetación subacuática, profundidad y tipo de sustrato, para cada una de las especies y en cada estación del año. Las variaciones estacionales en la abundancia, la biomasa y la estructura por tallas de estas especies pueden ser atribuidas a sus periodos de reproducción y el reclutamiento de juveniles. Las asociaciones con las variables del hábitat para todas las especies fueron similares a las encontradas en otras lagunas costeras Mediterráneas y Atlánticas

    The Influence of the Coach’s Autonomy Support and Controlling Behaviours on Motivation and Sport Commitment of Youth Soccer Players

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    The coach is one of the most influential agents in the sport commitment of youth players. Grounded in self-determination theory (SDT), numerous studies have examined the influence of the coach’s autonomy-supportive behaviours on athletes’ motivation. However, fewer studies have examined the influence of the coach’s controlling behaviours. The aim of this cross-sectional study was to analyse the influence of young soccer players’ perception of their coach’s autonomy-supportive and controlling behaviours on the satisfaction and frustration of their basic psychological needs (BPN) and sport commitment. A total of 203 soccer players (86% boys), aged 10–19 years (M = 14.88; SD = 1.54) participated. Coach autonomy support positively predicted BPN satisfaction which, in turn, positively explained sport commitment. Coach intimidation behaviours positively predicted BPN frustration, which, in turn, negatively explained sport commitment. In cross-relationships, autonomy support negatively explained BPN frustration, while intimidation behaviours and the controlling use of rewards negatively predicted BPN satisfaction. To conclude, these results suggest that it is important for the coach not only to support autonomy, but also to avoid the use of controlling behaviours, especially intimidation and controlling use of rewards, because of their influence on the motivational processes and sport commitment of youth soccer players

    Amphibians in the Region of Murcia (SE Iberian peninsula): conservation status and priority areas

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    The conservation status of amphibian species was studied in the Region of Murcia, taking into consideration 10 variables concerning their biology and distribution. The results obtained show that the amphibian species exposed to the highest risk of extinction in the study area are those with long larval development and a restricted distribution range. According to this species classification, an index is proposed for assessing areas whose conservation is of the highest priority. In the Region of Murcia, most of these areas are located in the main mountain systems, primarily confined to the northwest. Regional Parks and proposed priority conservation areas overlap by only about 12%. The current isolation of these areas makes it necessary to undertake habitat restoration programmes to ensure their interconnection

    La construcción mediática de la realidad. Aproximación al "fenómeno Houellebecq" en los principales medios de comunicación españoles.

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    Los medios de comunicación de masas han logrado establecer lo que hoy se conoce como "sociedad del espectáculo". Son la herramienta más eficiente a la hora de crear acontecimientos y personajes y configurar la construcción de la realidad. Con este proyecto se pretende demostrar, a través del estudio de caso del tratamiento de los principales medios de comunicación españoles del escritor Michel Houellebecq, el poder y la capacidad de influencia que estos medios tienen en la actualidad cuando se trata de retratar el contexto sociocultural en el que vivimos

    Retórica de la entrevista en prensa: Rosa Montero en El País

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    Este trabajo fin de grado analiza la función de la retórica y sus principales recursos en la entrevista periodística en prensa, especialmente en la considerada de personalidad, que es quizá la que más próxima se halla a la literatura y al periodismo narrativo. En esta relación destaca el papel fundamental de la metáfora, que para estudiosos como Aristóteles, Perelman o Ricoeur, constituye la principal figura retórica y por tanto puede derivar en muchos otros recursos. Asimismo, se trabajarán las diferentes clasificaciones y partes de la entrevista para ver qué papel desempeña el arte de la persuasión en estos textos. Para terminar, se expondrá el análisis de caso de las entrevistas de Rosa Montero: una de las pioneras en España en construir sus textos con una importante carga de figuras retóricas, de tal forma que los límites entre periodismo y literatura parecen desdibujarse

    Phylogenetic analysis and identification of Aeromonas species based on sequencing of the cpn60 universal target

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    An analysis of the universal target (UT) sequence from the cpn60 gene was performed in order to evaluate its usefulness in phylogenetic and taxonomic studies and as an identification marker for the genus Aeromonas. Sequences of 555 bp, corresponding to the UT region, were obtained from a collection of 35 strains representing all of the species and subspecies of Aeromonas. From the analysis of these sequences, a range of divergence of 0-23.3% was obtained, with a mean of 11.2±0.9 %. Comparative analyses between cpn60 and gyrB, rpoD and 16S rRNA gene sequences were carried out from the same Aeromonas strain collection. Sequences of the cpn60 UT region showed similar discriminatory power to gyrB and rpoD sequences. The phylogenetic relationships inferred from cpn60 sequence distances indicated an excellent correlation with the present affiliation of Aeromonas species with the exception of Aeromonas hydrophila subsp. dhakensis, which appeared in a separate phylogenetic line, and Aeromonas sharmana, which exhibited a very loose phylogenetic relationship to the genus Aeromonas. Sequencing of cpn60 from 33 additional Aeromonas strains also allowed us to establish intra- and interspecific threshold values. Intraspecific divergence rates were ≤3.5 %, while interspecific divergence rates fell between 3.7 and 16.9 %, excluding A. sharmana. In this study, cpn60 UT sequencing was shown to be a universal, useful, simple and rapid method for the identification and phylogenetic affiliation of Aeromonas strains