282 research outputs found

    An efficient CDMA decoder for correlated information sources

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    We consider the detection of correlated information sources in the ubiquitous Code-Division Multiple-Access (CDMA) scheme. We propose a message-passing based scheme for detecting correlated sources directly, with no need for source coding. The detection is done simultaneously over a block of transmitted binary symbols (word). Simulation results are provided demonstrating a substantial improvement in bit-error-rate in comparison with the unmodified detector and the alternative of source compression. The robustness of the error-performance improvement is shown under practical model settings, including wrong estimation of the generating Markov transition matrix and finite-length spreading codes.Comment: 11 page


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    Motor bensin empat langkah berkapasitas 135 cc dapat bersaing dalam ajang kompetisi balap seperti Indoprix 150 ccdengan meningkatkan kapasitas volume silinder. Cara untuk meningkatkan kapasitas volume silinder diantaranyabore upyaitu memasang piston dan silinder yang berdiameter lebih besar, serta stroke upatau mengubah posisi TitikMati Atas dan Titik Mati Bawah sehingga langkah piston lebih panjang.Setelah dilakukan modifikasi, terjadiperbaikan unjuk kerja yaitu torsi, tenaga, kompresi serta emisi gas buang bila dibandingkan dengan standar. Hasilpengujian menunjukkan bahwa peningkatan tenaga dan torsi terbesar terjadi pada modifikasi stroke up yaitu daritenaga dari 11,6 HP menjadi 13,9 HP dan torsi 12 Nm meningkat menjadi 14,58 Nm. Pada modifikasi bore up terjadipembakaran tidak sempurna yang terindikasi dari gumpalan kerak karbon pada kepala piston dan ujung busimeskipun terjadi peningkatan tenaga menjadi 12,6 HP dan peningkatan torsi menjadi 12,89 Nm. Emisi gas buang COhanya terdeteksi pada modifikasi bore up, sementara pada kondisi standar dan modifikasi stroke up tidak terdeteksiadanya polutan CO

    Haiti : the South African perspective

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    The original publication is available at http://www.samj.org.zaBackground and problem statement. The South African response to the Haitian earthquake consisted of two independent nongovernment organisations (NGOs) working separately with minimal contact. Both teams experienced problems during the deployment, mainly owing to not following the International Search and Rescue Advisory Group (INSARAG) guidelines. Critical areas identified. To improve future South African disaster responses, three functional deployment categories were identified: urban search and rescue, triage and initial stabilisation, and definitive care. To best achieve this, four critical components need to be taken into account: rapid deployment, intelligence from the site, government facilitation, and working under the auspices of recognized organisations such as the United Nations and the World Health Organization. Conclusion. The proposed way forward for South African medical teams responding to disasters is to be unified under a leading academic body, to have an up-to-date volunteer database, and for volunteers to be current with the international search and rescue course currently being developed by the Medical Working Group of INSARAG. An additional consideration is that South African rescue and relief personnel have a primary responsibility to the citizens of South Africa, then the Southern African Development Community region, then the rest of the African continent and finally further afield. The commitment of government, private and military health services as well as NGOs is paramount for a unified response.Publishers' versio

    Characterization of Phenylpropene O

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    Animals and their products utilized as medicines by the inhabitants surrounding the Ranthambhore National Park, India

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    The present ethnozoological study describes the traditional knowledge related to the use of different animals and animal-derived products as medicines by the inhabitants of villages surrounding the Ranthambhore National Park of India (Bawaria, Mogya, Meena), which is well known for its very rich biodiversity. The field survey was conducted from May to July 2005 by performing interviews through structured questionnaires with 24 informants (16 men and 8 women), who provided information regarding therapeutic uses of animals. A total of 15 animals and animal products were recorded and they are used for different ethnomedical purposes, including tuberculosis, asthma, paralysis, jaundice, earache, constipation, weakness, snake poisoning. The zootherapeutic knowledge was mostly based on domestic animals, but some protected species like the collared dove (Streptopelia sp.), hard shelled turtle (Kachuga tentoria), sambhar (Cervus unicolor) were also mentioned as important medicinal resources. We would suggest that this kind of neglected traditional knowledge should be included into the strategies of conservation and management of faunistic resources in the investigated area

    Una visión arquitectónica de sistema para aplicaciones en domótica

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    En el presente paper se ilustra una arquitectura de sistema para el control y monitoreo de módulos domóticos. Por una parte, la arquitectura de software se centra en un ambiente distribuido homogéneo pudiendo acceder a la funcionalidad de módulos domóticos, por medio de una Intranet o Internet. Por otra parte, se emplea una arquitectura distribuida CAN (Controller Area Network) en cuanto a la infraestructura para acceder a los dispositivos de sensado y actuación. Debido a que en trabajos anteriores se ha discutido la arquitectura de software, en este paper nos centraremos en las interfaces, capas y nodos funcionales para programar, controlar y monitorear un edificio así llamado inteligente. Se presenta consideraciones finales y futuros avances en el empleo de arquitecturas de software y hardware con potencial repercusión para el campo de la Domótica, entre otros dominios.Eje: Sistemas operativosRed de Universidades con Carreras en Informática (RedUNCI

    Una visión arquitectónica de sistema para aplicaciones en domótica

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    En el presente paper se ilustra una arquitectura de sistema para el control y monitoreo de módulos domóticos. Por una parte, la arquitectura de software se centra en un ambiente distribuido homogéneo pudiendo acceder a la funcionalidad de módulos domóticos, por medio de una Intranet o Internet. Por otra parte, se emplea una arquitectura distribuida CAN (Controller Area Network) en cuanto a la infraestructura para acceder a los dispositivos de sensado y actuación. Debido a que en trabajos anteriores se ha discutido la arquitectura de software, en este paper nos centraremos en las interfaces, capas y nodos funcionales para programar, controlar y monitorear un edificio así llamado inteligente. Se presenta consideraciones finales y futuros avances en el empleo de arquitecturas de software y hardware con potencial repercusión para el campo de la Domótica, entre otros dominios.Eje: Sistemas operativosRed de Universidades con Carreras en Informática (RedUNCI

    The Tension on dsDNA Bound to ssDNA/RecA Filaments May Play an Important Role in Driving Efficient and Accurate Homology Recognition and Strand Exchange

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    It is well known that during homology recognition and strand exchange the double stranded DNA (dsDNA) in DNA/RecA filaments is highly extended, but the functional role of the extension has been unclear. We present an analytical model that calculates the distribution of tension in the extended dsDNA during strand exchange. The model suggests that the binding of additional dsDNA base pairs to the DNA/RecA filament alters the tension in dsDNA that was already bound to the filament, resulting in a non-linear increase in the mechanical energy as a function of the number of bound base pairs. This collective mechanical response may promote homology stringency and underlie unexplained experimental results

    Large Scale, Actively Secure Computation from LPN and Free-XOR Garbled Circuits

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    We present a secure multiparty computation (MPC) protocol based on garbled circuits which is both actively secure and supports the free-XOR technique, and which has communication complexity O(n)O(n) per party. This improves on a protocol of Ben-Efraim, Lindell and Omri which only achieved passive security, without support for free-XOR. Our construction is based on a new variant of LPN-based encryption, but has the drawback of requiring a rather expensive garbling phase. To address this issue we present a second protocol that assumes at least n/cn/c of the parties are honest (for an arbitrary fixed value cc). This second protocol allows for a significantly lighter preprocessing, at the cost of a small sacrifice in online efficiency. We demonstrate the practicality of our evaluation phase with a implementation