90 research outputs found


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    This study aims to determine and analyze the significance of the relationship between the Youth Development Index and the Human Development Index in Indonesia. This research is quantitative research to obtain results in the form of values from the correlation between the youth development index and the human development index in Indonesia. The data used are secondary data obtained from literature studies. Data analysis and correlation test used the Spearman Rank Correlation test. The results showed a correlation between the Youth Development Index variable and the Human Development Index, with a significance value of 0.004. (0.004 <0.05), the correlation coefficient value is 0.485 so that the final result shows that the relationship between the two variables is unidirectionalKeywords: Youth Development Index, Human Development Index


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    AbstrakSepakbola adalah salah satu cabang olahraga yang tidak asing lagi di telinga kita. Semua orang suka dengan sepakbola, mulai dari anak-anak, remaja hingga orang dewasa. Sepakbola juga merupakan permainan beregu, masing-masing regu terdiri dari sebelas orang, salah satunya penjaga gawang, dan permainan sepakbola dimainkan dalam dua babak (2x45 menit) dengan waktu istirahat 15 menit diantara dua babak tersebut. Jenis penelitian ini merupakan penelitian deskriptif kuantitatif menggunakan metode survey dan teknik pengumpulan datanya menggunakan tes dan pengukuran. Sasaran pada penelitian ini adalah 15 pemain sepakbola tim PERSIWU FC Jatiyoso Kota Karanganyar. Dari hasil penelitian pada uji coba pertama (uji validitas) dan kedua (uji reliabilitas) didapat hasil bahwa ketiga instrumen tes shooting yang diujicobakan kesemuanya dapat dinyatakan memiliki nilai validitas reliabilitas yang signifikan. Maknanya bahwa ketiga instrumen tes tersebut, yaitu instrumen tes shooting yang dikembangkan oleh Cristian, Nurhasan, dan Dikbud dapat dinyatakan valid dan reliabel serta dapat digunakan untuk mengukur keterampilan teknik shooting dalam permainan cabang sepakbola. Akan tetapi yang memiliki nilai validitas dan reliabilitas dengan klasifikasi sempurna hanya instrumen tes shooting yang dikembangkan oleh Dikbud. Dari tabel tersebut di atas dapat dilihat bahwa koefisien korelasi kehandalan selalu lebih tinggi daripada koefisien korelasi kesahihan, jarang diperoleh suatu tes yang koefiensi korelasi kesahihannya, lebih tinggi 0,89. Berdasarkan hasil simpulan di atas diketahui bahwa kedua tes tersebut sama-sama mempunyai nilai validitas dan reliabilitas tinggi, oleh karena itu disarankan. Guna memperoleh data yang akurat dan obyektif tentang keterampilan teknik shooting pemain sepakbola, instrumen tes shooting yang dikembangkan oleh Depdikbud tersebut dapat diterapkan karena mempunyai nilai validitas dan reliabilitas yang lebih tinggi, Guna mempermudah dalam mengevaluasi keberhasilan dan kegagalan program latihan shooting pemain sepakbola, instrumen tes shooting yang dikembangkan oleh Depdikbud tersebut dapat diterapkan karena mempunyai nilai validitas dan reliabilitas yang lebih tinggi, Guna mendapatkan hasil penelitian yang lebih sempurna disarankan penelitian sejenis ini dapat diuji ulang dengan menambah jumlah sampel yang lebih besar dan lebih luas. Kata Kunci : Shooting, sepak bola.AbstractSoccer is one of the sports that is familiar and liked by children, teenager and adults. Soccer is a team game, each team consists of 11 people and one of which is a goalkeeper. Soccer is played in 2 rounds (2x45 minutes) with a 15-minutes break between the 2 rounds.This type of research is a quantitative descriptive study using survey methods and data collection techniques using tests and measurements. The target of this study was 15 PERSIWU FC Jatiyoso City Karanganyar soccer players. From the results of the research on the first trial (validity test) and second (reliability test) the results obtained that the three shooting test instruments tested all can be stated to have a significant value of reliability validity. It can be conclude that the three test instruments ; the shooting test instrument developed by Cristian, Nurhasan, and Dikbud, can be declared valid and reliable and can be used to measure shooting technique skills in soccer branch games. However, the value of validity and reliability with perfect classification is only the shooting test instrument developed by the Ministry of Education. From the table above, it can be seen that reliability correlation coefficients are always higher than validity correlation coefficients, rarely obtained a test that coefficients the correlation of validity, higher than 0.89. Based on the results of the above conclusions, it is known that the two tests both have high values ​​of validity and reliability, therefore it is recommended. In order to obtain accurate and objective data on soccer player shooting technique skills, the shooting test instrument developed by the Ministry of Education can be applied because it has a higher value of validity and reliability, to facilitate evaluating the success and failure of soccer player shooting training programs developed by the Ministry of Education and Culture can be applied because it has a higher value of validity and reliability. In order to obtain more perfect research results, it is recommended that this kind of research be retested by adding larger and wider sample sizes.Keywords: Shooting, football

    Digital Literacy Using Protexan to Detract Herd Stupidity in The Era of Freedom to Learn

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    There are many problems in implementing the teaching-learning process in the era of freedom to learn. The specific purpose of this research is to provide education on digital literacy learning in English subjects through the Protexan application to detract the herd stupidity in society through students as agents of change in implementing health protocols in the era of freedom to learn. The method used in this research is the research & development (R&D) method. The research was carried out in several stages such as preliminary, prototype creation, expert validation, and media testing. The design and teaching media materials are matched through sorting the data processing at an early stage. This Protexan was tested on educators and students with satisfactory results above 70%. The material is in the form of procedural texts in English following the curriculum in high schools in the independent era of learning. The Covid-19 socialization that is integrated with the learning application is used as additional information for students to continue or to carry out post-pandemic health protocols so that students know what actions need to be taken in the family, friendship, and social spheres to avoid Covid-19.

    Digital Literacy Using Protexan to Detract Herd Stupidity in The Era of Freedom to Learn

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    There are many problems in implementing the teaching-learning process in the era of freedom to learn. The specific purpose of this research is to provide education on digital literacy learning in English subjects through the Protexan application to detract the herd stupidity in society through students as agents of change in implementing health protocols in the era of freedom to learn. The method used in this research is the research &amp; development (R&amp;D) method. The research was carried out in several stages such as preliminary, prototype creation, expert validation, and media testing. The design and teaching media materials are matched through sorting the data processing at an early stage. This Protexan was tested on educators and students with satisfactory results above 70%. The material is in the form of procedural texts in English following the curriculum in high schools in the independent era of learning. The Covid-19 socialization that is integrated with the learning application is used as additional information for students to continue or to carry out post-pandemic health protocols so that students know what actions need to be taken in the family, friendship, and social spheres to avoid Covid-19.Ă‚

    Teaching Solar System Topic through Predict-Observe-Explain-Apply (POEA) Strategy: A Path to Students’ Conceptual Change

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    The misconception of the Solar System topic is still found in students so that it becomes one of the obstacles in the learning process. The purpose of this study is to analyze the effectiveness of the implementation of Predict-Observe-Explain-Apply (POEA) learning to change the junior high school students' conception in the Solar System topic. Quasi-experimental research with the non-equivalent control group design was conducted in one of the private junior high schools in Bandung city. Samples were selected based on the test of the average significance of the pretest score of the population. Furthermore, 30 students of the experimental class and 32 students of control class were selected. The research instrument, which consisted of 15 four-tier diagnostic test questions about Solar System were used to collect data before and after treatment. The tests were analyzed quantitatively by using the Mann-Whitney statistical test to determine the significance of the difference in the acceptable conception changes (Acceptable Change) of students in the experimental class with changes in the conception of students in the control class. The results of the research show that the implementation of POEA learning is significantly more effective than POE learning in changing the conception of Solar System topic. The findings of this study can be an alternative for junior high school teachers in planning learning about the Solar System, especially in an effort to change students' misconception about the Solar System


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    Pengendalian kecepatan motor induksi tiga fasa ini membutuhkan modul Inverter. Inverter terdiri dari saklar semikonduktor atau transistor yang disusun sedemikian rupa, dan memerlukan sinyal kendali yang digunakan untuk mengatur nyala-mati saklar semikonduktor tersebut. Metode untuk merubah sinyal analog menjadi durasi nyala atau mati tersebut adalah Pulse Width Modulation (PWM). Pada proyek akhir ini akan dilakukan pengaturan kecepatan motor induksi tiga fasa menggunakan metode Sine Wive Pulse With Modulation (SPWM). Implementasi control tersebut dilakukan pada mikrokontroler ARM Mikrokontroler STM32F4 untuk mengatur pulsa melalui switching Inverter. Sumber AC dari jala-jala akan diubah menjadi sumber DC oleh rangkaian rectifier untuk masukan Inverter. Kemudian Inverter akan mengubah sumber DC menjadi sumber AC untuk mensuplai motor induksi tiga fasa. Metode SPWM diimplementasikan untuk mencari nilai Frekuensi dari selisih antara Frekuensi referensi dan Frekuensi estimasi. Hasil menunjukkan bahwa kecepatan dengan set point 300 RPM, merupakan respon kecepatan motor dimana nilai kecepatan motor yang dihasilkan hampir sama dengan nilai set  point  kecepatan  yang telah  ditentukan yaitu dengan kecepatan 298.2 RPM, error yang dihasilkan adalah 0,6036%

    Analysis of Legal Protection for Business Actors in the Customs Law in The Event of a Force Majeure Condition

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    The main focus of this research is on the role of Law No. 17 of 2006 on amendments to Law No. 10 of 1995 on customs in regulating and enforcing customs functions in Indonesia during force majeure. Based on this rationale, the problem posed in this research is how far the role of Law 17 of 2006 in terms of legal protection for business actors in the customs sector in Indonesia, how to process documents in a force majeure condition and how to process the flow of goods in a force majeure condition. To answer and explain the problems above, this study uses qualitative analysis with a normative juridical approach and is equipped with theories of justice, authority, legal protection, and legal sociology. The inductive method will be used by researchers in assessing the problems at hand. Inductive language is carried out by examining empirical matters including fiscal law regulations which include customs law in them. Therefore, the author uses law as law in books while also seeing the other side, namely law as an action or Law in Action. The research results obtained in the formulation of the problem are as follows; enacted Law No. 17 of 2006 in an effort to better ensure legal certainty, justice, transparency and accountability of public services, to support efforts to increase and develop the national economy related to global trade, to support the flow of goods and to increase the effectiveness of monitoring the traffic of goods entering or leaving the Indonesian. &nbsp;Keywords: Customs, CEISA, Force Majeur
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