691 research outputs found

    Sexually size dimorphic brains and song complexity in passerine birds

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    Neural correlates of bird song involve the volume of particular song nuclei in the brain that govern song development, production, and perception. Intra- and interspecific variation in the volume of these song nuclei are associated with overall brain size, suggesting that the integration of complex songs into the brain requires general neural augmentation. In a comparative study of passerine birds based on generalized least square models, we tested this hypothesis by exploring the interspecific relationship between overall brain size and repertoire size. We found no significant association between song complexity of males and brain size adjusted for body size. However, species in which males produced complex songs tended to have sex differences in overall brain size. This pattern became stronger when we controlled statistically for female song complexity by using sex differences in song complexity. In species with large differences in song complexity, females evolved smaller brains than did males. Our results suggest no role for the evolution of extended neural space, as reflected by total brain size, owing to song complexity. However, factors associated with sexual selection mirrored by sex differences in song complexity were related to sexual dimorphism in overall brain size

    Tuning and fading voices in songbirds : age-dependent changes in two acoustic traits across the life span

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    ABSTRACT: Age-related phenotypic changes (maturationesenescence) commonly occur during an organism’s lifetime. While maturation is usually considered as a measure of individual quality, senescence is associated with loss of function and physiological deterioration. To date, little is known about age-dependent expression of acoustic sexually selected traits over a lifetime. Using a free-living population of great tits, Parus major, we recorded the song of individually marked males in a standardized way during a 4-year period, in a longitudinal design. The study focused on two previously identified, acoustic, sexually selected signals: song consistency and repertoire size. Young (1e2 years old) and old (5e6 years old) individuals expressed lower song consistency than individuals at intermediate age (3e4 years old), suggesting song tuning during the first 3 years of life, and deterioration after the peak is reached. Repertoire size, in contrast, did not vary with age. To the best of our knowledge, our study is the first to evaluate song changes at advanced age and to report senescence effects on song expression in free-living songbirds. Our results suggest that, similarly to speech in humans, different aspects of birdsong are differentially affected by age: while motor performance traits (song consistency) deteriorate with age, language skills (repertoire size) may not be affected during the life span

    A link between eumelanism and calcium physiology in the barn owl

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    In many animals, melanin-based coloration is strongly heritable and is largely insensitive to the environment and body condition. According to the handicap principle, such a trait may not reveal individual quality because the production of different melanin-based colorations often entails similar costs. However, a recent study showed that the production of eumelanin pigments requires relatively large amounts of calcium, potentially implying that melanin-based coloration is associated with physiological processes requiring calcium. If this is the case, eumelanism may be traded-off against other metabolic processes that require the same elements. We used a correlative approach to examine, for the first time, this proposition in the barn owl, a species in which individuals vary in the amount, size, and blackness of eumelanic spots. For this purpose, we measured calcium concentration in the left humerus of 85 dead owls. Results showed that the humeri of heavily spotted individuals had a higher concentration of calcium. This suggests either that plumage spottiness signals the ability to absorb calcium from the diet for both eumelanin production and storage in bones, or that lightly spotted individuals use more calcium for metabolic processes at the expense of calcium storage in bones. Our study supports the idea that eumelanin-based coloration is associated with a number of physiological processes requiring calciu

    Intra-Clutch Ratio of Yolk Progesterone Level Changes with Laying Date in Rockhopper Penguins: A Strategy to Influence Brood Reduction?

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    Hatching asynchrony in avian species generally leads to a size hierarchy among siblings, favouring the first-hatched chicks. Maternally deposited hormones affect the embryo and chick's physiology and behaviour. It has been observed that progesterone, a hormone present at higher levels than other steroid hormones in egg yolks, is negatively related to body mass in embryos, chicks and adults. A differential within-clutch progesterone deposition could therefore be linked to the size hierarchy between siblings and to the resulting brood reduction. We tested whether yolk progesterone levels differed between eggs according to future parental ability to feed the entire clutch in wild rockhopper penguins Eudyptes chrysocome. This species presents a unique reversed egg-size dimorphism and hatching asynchrony, with the larger second-laid egg (B-egg) hatching before the smaller first-laid egg (A-egg). Yolk progesterone levels increased only slightly with female body mass at laying. However, intra-clutch ratios were not related to female body mass. On the other hand, yolk progesterone levels increased significantly with the date of laying onset for A-eggs while they decreased for B-eggs. Early clutches therefore had proportionally more progesterone in the B-egg compared to the A-egg while late clutches had proportionally less progesterone in the B-egg. We propose that females could strategically regulate yolk progesterone deposition within clutches according to the expected food availability during chick growth, an adaptive strategy to adjust brood reduction to conditions. We also discuss these results, relating to yolk progesterone, in the broader context of other yolk steroids

    GnRH - a Missing Link between Testosterone Concentrations in Yolk and Plasma and Its Intergenerational Effects

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    Despite the strong interest in hormone-mediated maternal effects two key questions concerning their mechanisms are as yet unanswered: First, whether the deposition of hormones in the egg yolk is coupled with the levels of these hormones in the maternal circulation, and second, whether epigenetic changes as induced by embryonic exposure to maternal yolk hormones impinge on yolk hormone deposition at adulthood. We investigated the responsiveness to gonadotropin-releasing hormone (GnRH) in female canaries whose embryonic exposure to yolk testosterone had been manipulated. This enabled us to study to what extent GnRH interlinks testosterone concentrations in female circulation and egg yolk as well as the intergenerational potential of hormone-mediated maternal effects. As expected, canary females responded to GnRH with a rise in plasma testosterone. The GnRH-responsiveness was positively correlated with the yolk testosterone content. Factors stimulating the release of GnRH will, therefore, lead to an increase of testosterone in both plasma and egg, posing a potential constraint on the yolk hormone deposition due to testosterone related trade-offs within the laying female. Exposure to elevated yolk testosterone levels as embryo reduced the GnRH-responsiveness in adulthood, potentially limiting environmental influences on yolk testosterone deposition, but the concentrations of yolk testosterone itself were not affected

    Oxidative stress biomarkers are associated with visible clinical signs of a disease in frigatebird nestlings

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    Infectious diseases are one of the most common threats for both domestic and wild animals, but little is known about the effects on the physiological condition and survival of wild animals. Here, we have tested for the first time in a wild vertebrate facing a viral disease possibly due to herpesvirus (i) whether nestlings with either low levels of oxidative damage or high levels of antioxidant protection are less susceptible to develop visible clinical signs, (ii) whether the disease is associated with the nestlings' oxidative status, (iii) whether the association between the disease and oxidative status is similar between males and females (iv), and whether cloacal and tracheal swabs might be used to detect herpesvirus. To address our questions, we took advantage of a population of Magnificent frigatebirds (Fregata magnificens) whose nestlings have experienced high mortality rates in recent times. Our work shows that (i) blood lipid oxidative damage is associated with observable clinical signs and survival probabilities of nestling frigatebirds, and (ii) that high glutathione levels in red blood cells are associated with the emergence of visible clinical signs of the disease. Our work provides evidence that differences in the oxidative status of nestlings might underlie individual health and survival

    The relationship between DRD4 polymorphisms and phenotypic correlations of behaviors in the collared flycatcher

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    There is increasing evidence that the genetic architecture of exploration behav- ior includes the dopamine receptor D4 gene ( DRD4 ). Such a link implies that the within-individual consistency in the same behavior has a genetic basis. Behavioral consistency is also prevalent in the form of between-individual cor- relation of functionally different behaviors; thus, the relationship between DRD4 polymorphism and exploration may also be manifested for other behav- iors. Here, in a Hungarian population of the collared flycatcher, Ficedula albi- collis , we investigate how males with distinct DRD4 genotypes differ in the consistent elements of their behavioral displays during the courtship period. In completely natural conditions, we assayed novelty avoidance, aggression and risk-taking, traits that were previously shown repeatable over time and correlate with each other, suggesting that they could have a common mechanistic basis. We identified two single-nucleotide polymorphisms (SNP554 and SNP764) in the exon 3 of the DRD4 gene by sequencing a subsample, then we screened 202 individuals of both sexes for these SNPs. Focusing on the genotypic variation in courting males, we found that “AC” heterozygote individuals at the SNP764 take lower risk than the most common “AA” homozygotes (the “CC” homo- zygotes were not represented in our subsample of males). We also found a con- siderable effect size for the relationship between SNP554 polymorphism and novelty avoidance. Therefore, in addition to exploration, DRD4 polymorphisms may also be associated with the regulation of behaviors that may incur fear or stress. Moreover, polymorphisms at the two SNPs were not independent indi- cating a potential role for genetic constraints or another functional link, which may partially explain behavioral correlations

    The relationship between DRD4 polymorphisms and phenotypic correlations of behaviors in the collared flycatcher

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    There is increasing evidence that the genetic architecture of exploration behavior includes the dopamine receptor D4 gene (DRD4). Such a link implies that the within-individual consistency in the same behavior has a genetic basis. Behavioral consistency is also prevalent in the form of between-individual correlation of functionally different behaviors; thus, the relationship between DRD4 polymorphism and exploration may also be manifested for other behaviors. Here, in a Hungarian population of the collared flycatcher, Ficedula albicollis, we investigate how males with distinct DRD4 genotypes differ in the consistent elements of their behavioral displays during the courtship period. In completely natural conditions, we assayed novelty avoidance, aggression and risk-taking, traits that were previously shown repeatable over time and correlate with each other, suggesting that they could have a common mechanistic basis. We identified two single-nucleotide polymorphisms (SNP554 and SNP764) in the exon 3 of the DRD4 gene by sequencing a subsample, then we screened 202 individuals of both sexes for these SNPs. Focusing on the genotypic variation in courting males, we found that “AC” heterozygote individuals at the SNP764 take lower risk than the most common “AA” homozygotes (the “CC” homozygotes were not represented in our subsample of males). We also found a considerable effect size for the relationship between SNP554 polymorphism and novelty avoidance. Therefore, in addition to exploration, DRD4 polymorphisms may also be associated with the regulation of behaviors that may incur fear or stress. Moreover, polymorphisms at the two SNPs were not independent indicating a potential role for genetic constraints or another functional link, which may partially explain behavioral correlations

    Bonobo personality:Age and sex effects and links with behavior and dominance

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    Abstract The study described in this chapter examines whether individual differences in six rating-based bonobo personality dimensions—assertiveness, conscientiousness, openness, attentiveness, agreeableness and extroversion—are related to sex, age, behaviours and dominance. To these ends, the study tested predictions based on previous studies of human and chimpanzee personality, and bonobo behaviour and socio-ecology. Sex and age differences in assertiveness, openness and extroversion, and correlations between these personality dimensions and behaviour were consistent with predictions. Conscientiousness showed associations with observed behaviours but requires further investigation as sex and age effects differed from those reported in humans and chimpanzees. Agreeableness and attentiveness showed few associations with age, sex and behaviours, indicating the need to further investigate validity of these factors. This chapter shows that personality dimensions in bonobos are correlated with sex, age and behaviours in ways that are consistent with what is known for bonobos and their socio-ecology. L’étude décrite dans ce chapitre examine si les différences individuelles dans six dimensions de personnalité bonobos basées sur évaluation—Affirmation de soi, Conscience, Ouverture, Attention, Agréabilité, et l’Extroversion—sont liées au sexe et l’âge et les comportements et la dominance. L’étude a testé les prédictions basées sur des études précédentes de la personnalité humaine et chimpanzé, et le comportement bonobo et la socioécologie. Les différences de sexe et d’âge dans l’Affirmation de soi, l’Ouverture et l’Extroversion et les corrélations entre ces dimensions de personnalité et de comportement étaient cohérents avec nos prédictions. La Conscience montre des associations avec les comportements observés mais a besoin plus de recherche vu que les effets du sexe et de l’âge diffèrent des effets rapportés chez les humains et les chimpanzés. L’Agréabilité et l’Attention n’avaient pas autant d’associations avec l’âge, le sexe et les comportements. Cela montre qu’il faut plus rechercher la validité de ces facteurs. Cette étude montre que les dimensions de personnalité chez les bonobos sont corrélé à l’âge, au sexe et aux comportements de manières qui sont cohérentes avec notre connaissance des bonobos et de leur socioécologie.</jats:p

    Effects of experimentally sustained elevated testosterone on incubation behaviour and reproductive success in female great tits (Pants major)

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    n many seasonally breeding birds, female and male testosterone (T) levels peak at the start of the breeding season, coinciding with pair bonding and nesting activities. Shortly after the onset of egg laying, T levels slowly decline to baseline levels in both sexes, but more rapidly so in females. During this period, T in males may still function to facilitate territorial behaviour, mate guarding and extra pair copulations, either via short lasting peaks or elevated basal levels of the hormone. In some species, however, males become insensitive to increased T after the onset of egg laying. It has been postulated that in these species bi-parental care is essential for offspring survival, as T is known to inhibit paternal care. However, only very few studies have analysed this for females. As females are heavily involved in parental care, they too might become insensitive to T after egg laying. Alternatively, because territorial defence, mate guarding and extra pair copulations are expected to be less important for females than for males, they may not have had the need to evolve a mechanism to become insensitive to T during the period of maternal care, because their natural T levels are never elevated during this part of the breeding season anyway. We tested these alternative hypotheses in female great tits (Parus major). Male great tits have previously been shown to be insensitive to T after egg laying with regard to nestling feeding behaviour (but not song rate). When females had started nest building, we experimentally elevated their T levels up to the nestling feeding phase, and measured incubation behaviour (only females incubate) and reproductive success. T did not significantly affect nest building or egg laying behaviour, although egg laying tended to be delayed in T females. Females with experimentally enhanced T maintained lower temperature during incubation but did not spend less time incubating. This might explain the reduced hatching success of their eggs, smaller brood size and lower number of fledglings we found in this study. As in this species T-dependent behaviour by females during the phase of parental care is not needed, the results support the hypothesis that in this species the need for selection in favour of T-insensitivity did not occur