991 research outputs found

    Comparison of Update and Genetic Training Algorithms in a Memristor Crossbar Perceptron

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    Memristor-based computer architectures are becoming more attractive as a possible choice of hardware for the implementation of neural networks. However, at present, memristor technologies are susceptible to a variety of failure modes, a serious concern in any application where regular access to the hardware may not be expected or even possible. In this study, we investigate whether certain training algorithms may be more resilient to particular hardware failure modes, and therefore more suitable for use in those applications. We implement two training algorithms -- a local update scheme and a genetic algorithm -- in a simulated memristor crossbar, and compare their ability to train for a simple image classification task as an increasing number of memristors fail to adjust their conductance. We demonstrate that there is a clear distinction between the two algorithms in several measures of the rate of failure to train

    Influential Article Review - Examining the Nature of German Retail and Commercial Customers

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    This paper examines retail. We present insights from a highly influential paper. Here are the highlights from this paper: Based on a unique data set of 909 defaulted retail and commercial (self-employed and SMEs) credit customers in Germany, whose original loans were made by 123 different banks, our article confirms a significant positive influence of collateral, and of amicable agreements between the debtor and the bank (redemption), on the recovery rate [1 − loss given default (LGD)]. In a further analysis of collateral, systematic biases between the realized market price and the expected market values of real estate are revealed, even though the appraisal reports should have already considered all factors influencing the value. Using valuations that were adjusted for these recognized biases, we can increase the explanatory power of the underlying models. Moreover, we compare these models to models that apply, as is common practice in the banking industry, flat haircuts to collateral values and show the superior performance of our proposed approach. For our overseas readers, we then present the insights from this paper in Spanish, French, Portuguese, and German

    R code for a model of phytoplankton community structure under multiple frequencies of pulsed nutrient supply.

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    Dataset: Modeling phytoplankton under multiple frequencies of nutrient supplyR code for a model of phytoplankton community structure under multiple frequencies of pulsed nutrient supply. For a complete list of measurements, refer to the full dataset description in the supplemental file 'Dataset_description.pdf'. The most current version of this dataset is available at: https://www.bco-dmo.org/dataset/820488NSF Division of Ocean Sciences (NSF OCE) OCE-155935

    Investigation of Synthesis and Processing of Cellulose, Cellulose Acetate and Poly(Ethylene Oxide) Nanofibers Incorporating Anti-Cancer/Tumor Drug Cis-Diammineplatinum (II) Dichloride Using Electrospinning Techniques

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    A model anti-cancer/tumor drug cis-diammineplatinum (II) dichloride (cisplatin) was loaded into micro- and nanofibers of cellulose, cellulose acetate (CA) and poly(ethylene oxide) (PEO), using various electrospinning techniques. Single-nozzle electrospinning was used to fabricate neat fibers of each category. Drug loading in cellulose fibers was performed using single-nozzle electrospinning. Encapsulation of cisplatin in CA and PEO-based fibers was performed using coaxial electrospinning. Morphological analysis of the fibers was performed using scanning electron microscopy (SEM) and energy dispersive X-ray spectroscopy (EDS). The various categories of fibers exhibited diverse morphological features depending on the material compositions and applied process parameters. The drug-loaded cellulose nanofibers showed attached particles on the surface. These particles were composed of both the polymer and the drug. The CA-cisplatin fibers exhibited drug encapsulation within various diverse morphological conformations: hierarchical structures such as straw-sheaf-shaped particles, dendritic branched nanofibers and swollen fibers with large beads. However, in the case of PEO fibers, drug encapsulation was observed inside repeating dumbbell-shaped structures. Morphological development of the fibers and corresponding mode of drug encapsulation were correlated with process parameters such as applied voltage, concentrations and relative feed rates of the solutions and conductivities of the solvents

    Synthetic Alkaloid Treatment Influences the Intestinal Epithelium and Mesenteric Adipose Transcriptome in Holstein Steers

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    Holstein steers (n = 16) were used to determine if a synthetic alkaloid, bromocriptine, would alter the transcriptome of the small intestine and adjacent mesenteric adipose. On d 0, steers were assigned to one of two treatments: control (CON; saline only) or bromocriptine (BROMO; 0.1 mg/kg BW bromocriptine mesylate injected intramuscularly every 3 d for 30 d). Steers were slaughtered and midpoint sections of jejunal epithelium and associated mesenteric fat were collected for RNA isolation. Transcriptome analysis was completed via RNA-Seq to determine if BROMO differed compared with CON within intestinal epithelium or mesenteric adipose mRNA isolates. Differential expression thresholds were set at a significant P-value (P \u3c 0.05) and a fold change ≄ 1.5. Only two genes were differentially expressed within the intestinal epithelium but there were 20 differentially expressed genes in the mesenteric adipose tissue (six up regulated and 14 down regulated). Functions related to cell movement, cell development, cell growth and proliferation, cell death, and overall cellular function and maintenance were the top five functional molecular categories influenced by BROMO treatment within the intestinal epithelium. The top molecular categories within mesenteric adipose were antigen presentation, protein synthesis, cell death, cell movement, and cell to cell signaling and interaction. In conclusion, BROMO treatment influenced the intestinal epithelium and mesenteric adipose transcriptome and identified genes and pathways influential to the effects associated with alkaloid exposure which are important to beef production

    Local adaptation constrains drought tolerance in a tropical foundation tree

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    Plant species with broad climatic ranges might be more vulnerable to climate change than previously appreciated due to intraspecific variation in climatic stress tolerance. In tropical forests, drought is increasingly frequent and severe, causing widespread declines and altering community dynamics. Yet, little is known about whether foundation tropical trees vary in drought tolerance throughout their distributions, and how intraspecific variation in drought tolerance might contribute to their vulnerability to climate changE. We tested for local adaptation in seedling emergence and establishment with a full-factorial reciprocal transplant experiment including 27 populations and 109,350 seeds along a 3,500 mm precipitation gradient for a widespread tropical foundation tree, Metrosideros polymorpha, in Hawaii. To more precisely relate seedling performance to soil moisture, we conducted a complementary greenhouse experiment to test responses of the same focal populations to simulated drought. In the reciprocal transplant experiment, we observed significant variation among populations and sites in germination and seedling establishment rates. Overall, there was a significant link between historical rainfall of populations and their performance under current rainfall at the study sites consistent with local adaptation. In particular, populations from historically wet sites demonstrated lower germination rates in currently dry sites compared to wet field sites, while populations from historically dry sites germinated well across all sites, with particularly high germination in dry sites. In the greenhouse, seedlings from wet populations survived fewer days without water, and succumbed at wetter soil conditions than populations from historically dry sites, corroborating results from the field experiment. Synthesis. While climate change models project the greatest drying trends for historically dry areas in Hawaii, even moderate drying of wet sites could significantly reduce Metrosideros polymorpha recruitment given the sensitivity of seedlings to very slight changes in water regimes. Thus, although M. polymorpha demonstrates high seedling drought tolerance in some populations, providing evidence of resilience at the species-scale, there are nonetheless vulnerable populations that will likely decline under climate change. Our approach demonstrates that even trees with high dispersal abilities can show significant clines in drought tolerance, and suggests that similar intraspecific variation might be an important consideration for other tropical foundational tree species

    The salience of sport in cross-race friendship selection

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    In response to growing racial concerns, stakeholders have called for programs that facilitate positive cross-race interactions. Adolescence has been targeted as the most effective life stage to initiate programs promoting relationships. Since schools are one of the primary social influences on adolescent development, they have been emphasized as a particularly important setting for promoting intergroup contact. Sport plays an important role in the experiences of students, and contributes to intergroup relations within a school. The purpose of this study is to examine the unique effect of sport participation on cross-race friendship selection. Using data from Wave I of The National Longitudinal Study of Adolescent Health (Add Health), mixed-effects regression models and analysis of variance (ANOVA) were used to assess the effects of sport participation on friendship heterogeneity. Overall, participation in sport activities did not significantly influence the racial heterogeneity of adolescent’s friendship networks
