1,127 research outputs found

    Teen Dating Violence in New Hampshire: Who Is Most at Risk?

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    In this brief, authors Katie Edwards and Angela Neal discuss the results of a study examining how demographic characteristics such as sexual orientation, school characteristics such as the school poverty rate, and community characteristics such as the population density of the county relate to the possibility that a New Hampshire teen will be the victim of dating violence. The study included 24,976 high school students at least 13 years old who participated in the 2013 New Hampshire Youth Risk Behavior Survey. The authors report that nearly one in ten New Hampshire teens reported being the victim of physical dating violence during the past year, and more than one in ten New Hampshire teens reported being the victim of sexual dating violence during the past year. Being female, a racial/ethnic minority, or a sexual minority significantly increased the risk of sexual and physical dating violence victimization. They conclude that more research and community conversations are needed about how to ensure that all teens in New Hampshire have access to comprehensive violence prevention initiatives in all grade levels that include a focus on diversity and inclusivity, positive youth development (for example, the sense of mattering and purpose), and structural inequities (such as poverty)

    Synthesis Of Pcl/Keratin Composite Nanofibers For Nerve Repair Application

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    In the past decade, a wide variety of biomaterials comprised of both synthetic and natural polymers have been used to promote restoration of injured peripheral nerves. Despite making advances, none have matched performance of autographs, a gold standard in nerve repair. Mammalian-derived, protein-based conduits have shown good tissue biocompatibility and safe degradation products, but are mechanically fragile. Synthetic materials such as Polycaprolactone (PCL) typically have advantage of suitable mechanical properties and fine degradation rate tunability, but lack cell recognition signaling. Recent studies have shown that keratin promotes nerve cell attachment, differentiation and growth, but alone, it cannot be used as nerve guide material due to its weak mechanical performances. In the present study we extracted keratin protein from human hair and developed nanofibrous membranes of PCL/ Keratin composites by using electrospinning technique. Morphological analysis of nanofibers was done by scanning electron microscopy (SEM) and physico-chemical properties were analyzed by using X-ray diffraction (XRD), mechanical tensile testing, and Fourier Transform Infrared Spectroscopy (FTIR). Mechanical properties of PCL/Keratin nanofiber membrane showed variation in tensile strength between ratios. Potential use of these nanofibers was studied by examining the integrity in buffer solutions and cellular compatibility. PCL/Keratin fibers confirmed to have non-toxic effects on 3T3 fibroblast cells. SEM imaging showed that PCL/Keratin nanofibers promoted attachment of fibroblast cells and maintained characteristic cell morphology. Thus, appropriately constructed PCL/Keratin based composite nanofibers are expected to demonstrate the favorable biological properties of keratin and the mechanical properties of PCL. These nanofibers are found potential conduit material for peripheral nerve regeneration

    Beyond the Transcript: A Narrative Analysis of Students\u27 Experiences with Academic Dismissal in a Baccalaureate Nursing Program

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    ABSTRACT Re-defining different is the first step in addressing inequity in nursing education and the disparities that result in a high incidence of academic dismissal in baccalaureate nursing programs. What are the students\u27 differences that contribute to one student’s ease of progression through a baccalaureate nursing program and those who struggle from the first semester? This study provides a private look into the experiences of nine baccalaureate nursing students who were academically dismissed from their nursing program. Each story chronological from the time they decided to pursue nursing to their experiences during nursing school and to their lives after dismissal. For this qualitative narrative inquiry, the experiences of the nine diverse participants from three different universities in the South were individually and then collectively considered as relevant contributors to poor academic outcomes. Common themes emerged across the narratives that addressed social, cultural, and institutional contributors to academic failure and were analyzed with Critical Pedagogy as the theoretical framework. The factors that contribute to student success and failure cannot be quantified into one specific box or rationalized with responsibility assigned solely to the student. Using the lens of Critical Pedagogy, this study encourages academia to look beyond the typical descriptors of difference and account for the social, cultural, and political positions that may contribute to a student’s struggle in their nursing program (Kincheloe, 2008). The findings of this study suggest that intrinsic and extrinsic factors that contribute to one’s choice of pursuing nursing warrant consideration, including a student’s social and cultural position prior to admission. This study assists nursing program administrators in broadening the requirements for entrance into nursing programs to include not only quantitative criteria, but to allow for a holistic consideration of a student’s readiness for entrance into a baccalaureate nursing program

    Odo of Ostia's history of the translation of St. Milburga and its connection with the early history of Wenlock Abbey

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    The aim of this thesis is two-fold: to provide an adequate edition both of the Life of St. Milburga by Goscelin of Canterbury, and of the account of the Invention of her relics by Odo Cardinal Bishop of Ostia, and also to demonstrate the connection between this discovery of her relics in the twelfth century and the earlier history of St. Milburga's monastery at Much Wenlock. The first part of this study deals with the Vita Sancte Mylburge, the various manuscript versions, the problem of disputed authorship, the historical value of the work. The second part is concerned with the Miracula Inventionis Beate Mylburge Virginis and its attribution to Odo of Ostia. The texts of both works are included and the latter has been translated into English

    Teen Dating Violence in New Hampshire

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    Dating violence, defined as physical abuse (such as hitting) or sexual abuse (such as forcible sexual activity) that happens within the context of a current or former relationship, leads to a host of negative consequences, including poor mental and physical health and academic difficulties. Therefore, it is important that researchers examine factors that increase or decrease risk for dating violence, and then use this research to create evidence-based prevention and risk reduction efforts

    Understanding the resilience processes involved in social participation amongst visually impaired adults in the UK

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    The current thesis explores the construct of resilience amongst visually impaired people who participate in social life. Three studies were used to investigate the resilience factors and processes involved in social participation for visually impaired people living in the UK. Study one set out to identify the factors associated with an increased risk of social isolation. Taking social participation as a proximal indicator of social participation, a secondary analysis of survey data compared the social support status of participants taking part in three surveys (Network 1000, RNIB needs survey and Household Survey England). The results indicate visually impaired people who are registered are least likely to have access to social support. Study two, a two round Delphi study sought the views of twenty-two experts to define social participation as well as the risk and protective factors underpinning social participation and specifically, those relating to visual impairment. The findings suggest that whilst independence and confidence were amongst the protective factors located at an individual level, a number of risk factors located across a visually impaired person’s ecologies pose a challenge to their participation. The findings also revealed the emergence of resilience processes. The final study (Study 3) further explores resilience processes using data collected by six visually impaired people whilst participating in their local communities. Reflecting the findings of the Delphi, the findings indicated that the personal attributes of individuals played an important role in being able to participate independently such as planning ahead and positive attitude even when things go wrong

    Frank Bridge : the string quartets.

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    This study traces the stylistic development of the string quartets. The opening chapter shows the way that his personal idiom emerged in the earliest works. It also explains the analytical approach that has been used. The concept of symmetrical orderings fusing separate elements has been evident in music from all stages of Bridge's output. Overall tonal relationships have linked with inner tonal relationships as well as thematic ideas and chord structures. In addition, symmetry has drawn together the two aspects of Bridge's language, the traditional and the radical, and shown how the way that they are balanced is subtly changed in the course of his development as a composer. The music is explained from two approaches to symmetry, linear and circular. The ascending chromatic scale can be divided symmetrically by a number of intervals, notably seconds and thirds and tritones. Symmetrical orderings of two or more of these intervals are commonly found. The twelve semitones can also be arranged as a circle of fifths and it is this that has been most significant to the study. By adding tonal definition to these pitches, the circle of fifths explains this aspect of the music and also how certain pitches are interchangeable with one another. Therefore, the circle of fifths has also been a useful tool in explaining Bridge's concept of extended tonality. The main part of the study discusses the second and third quartets in depth as they represent the peak of Bridge's creative output and are at the centre of important stylistic changes. The final chapter briefly shows the way that his language continued to develop in the abandoned work and the fourth, and last. quartet

    Assistance at mealtimes in hospital settings and rehabilitation units for older adults from the perspective of patients, families and healthcare professionals: a mixed methods systematic review protocol

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    REVIEW QUESTION / OBJECTIVES The review question is: assistance at mealtimes for older adults in hospital settings and rehabilitation units: what goes on, what works and what do patients, families and healthcare professionals think about it? The specific objectives are: To determine the effectiveness of meal time assistance initiatives for improving nutritional intake and nutritional status for older adult patients in hospital settings and rehabilitation units To identify and explore the perceptions and experiences of older adult patients and those involved with their care with regard to assistance at mealtimes in hospital settings and rehabilitation units This mixed methods review seeks to develop an aggregated synthesis of quantitative and qualitative data on assistance at mealtimes for older adults in hospital settings and rehabilitation units in order to derive conclusions and recommendations useful for clinical practice and policy decision making

    La relación de buen trato y el comportamiento de los niños(as) de cinco años de una Institución Educativa, Trujillo, 2018

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    El estudio tuvo como objetivo establecer la relación del buen trato con el comportamiento en los niños y niñas de cinco años de la Institución Educativa Privada “San Pedro”, Trujillo, 2018. Bandura sostiene que es importante el comportamiento de los niños, porque en la sociedad, los niños están rodeados de muchos modelos influyentes, como los padres y otros miembros de la familia, personajes de la televisión (o de YouTube), amigos, maestros de la escuela, etc. Caballo (2007), en su teoría de habilidades sociales menciona sobre la diferencia en los participantes relacionados a la conducta asertiva, no asertiva y agresiva. Sanz (2016) manifiesta que: El maltrato o el buen trato lo viven y ejercen las personas, se da en las relaciones y se aprenden y desarrollan en lo social. El tipo de investigación fue cuantitativa, el diseño empleado es el transeccionalcorrelacional, la población muestral estuvo compuesta por 34 niños/as. Se aplicó un test para cada variable, obteniendo un alfa de Cronbach para buen trato 0,71 y para comportamiento 0,77 son aceptables. Llegando a la conclusión que al contrastar el buen trato con el comportamiento de los niños/as resulta un coeficiente de correlación de Pearson de 0,460 que representa una correlación positiva débil