328 research outputs found

    The functions of postpartum depression

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    Evolutionary approaches to parental care suggest that parents will not automatically invest in all offspring, and should reduce or eliminate investment in their children if the costs outweigh the benefits. Lack of paternal or social support will increase the costs born by mothers, whereas infant health problems will reduce the evolutionary benefits to be gained. Numerous studies support the correlation between postpartum depression (PPD) and lack of social support or indicators of possible infant health and development problems. PPD may be an adaptation that informs mothers that they are suffering or have suffered a fitness cost, that motivates them to reduce or eliminate investment in offspring under certain circumstances, and that may help them negotiate greater levels of investment from others. PPD also appears to be a good model for depression in general

    Depression as bargaining: The case postpartum

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    It was recently hypothesized that depression might function, in part, as a bargaining strategy when cooperation imposes a net cost but there are social constraints on defection (Hagen 1999). If so, such social constraints should be associated with depression, and depression in one partner should be associated with increased investment by other partners. Several predictions of this hypothesis were tested using postpartum depression (PPD) as a model for depression in general. The depression levels, abortion attitudes, additional mating opportunities, and investment in childrearing of 240 mothers and fathers with a new child were measured using self report instruments. Mothers were also asked whether the new child was planned and whether it was wanted. Perceived constraints on abortion correlated significantly with PPD levels, but, as predicted, only for mothers with an unplanned or unwanted child. Contrary to predictions, perceived constraints imposed by family and friends did not correlate with PPD levels. Social constraints on the pursuit of extra-pair copulations also correlated significantly with PPD levels, but, as predicted, only for men. As predicted, PPD levels in one spouse correlated significantly with increased investment in childrearing as reported by the other spouse. PPD levels correlated positively with parity for older women with few future reproductive opportunities, as predicted

    The bargaining model of depression

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    Minor depression—low mood often accompanied by a loss of motivation—is almost certainly an adaptation to circumstances that, in ancestral environments, imposed a fitness cost. It is, in other words, the psychic equivalent of physical pain. Major depression is characterized by additional symptoms—such as loss of interest in virtually all activities and suicidality—that have no obvious utility. The frequent association of these severe and disabling symptoms with apparently functional symptoms like sadness and low mood challenges a functional account of depression as a whole. Given that the principle cause of major unipolar depression is a significant negative life event, and that its characteristic symptom is a loss of interest in virtually all activities, it is possible that this syndrome functions somewhat like a labor strike. When powerful others are benefiting from an individual’s efforts, but the individual herself is not benefiting, she can, by reducing her productivity, put her value to them at risk in order to compel their consent and assistance in renegotiating the social contract so that it will yield net fitness benefits for her. In partial support of this hypothesis, depression is associated with the receipt of considerable social benefits despite the negative reaction it causes in others

    Music and dance as a coalition signaling system

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    Evidence suggests that humans have neurological specializations for music processing, but a compelling adaptationist account of music and dance is lacking. The sexual selection hypothesis cannot easily account for the widespread performance of music and dance in groups (especially synchronized performances), and the social bonding hypothesis has severe theoretical difficulties. Humans are unique among the primates in their ability to form cooperative alliances between groups in the absence of consanguineal ties. We propose that this unique form of social organization is predicated on music and dance. Music and dance may have evolved as a coalition signaling system that could, among other things, credibly communicate coalition quality, thus permitting meaningful cooperative relationships between groups. This capability may have evolved from coordinated territorial defense signals that are common in many social species, including chimpanzees. We present a study in which manipulation of music synchrony significantly altered subjects’ perceptions of music quality, and in which subjects’ perceptions of music quality were correlated with their perceptions of coalition quality, supporting our hypothesis. Our hypothesis also has implications for the evolution of psychological mechanisms underlying cultural production in other domains such as food preparation, clothing and body decoration, storytelling and ritual, and tools and other artifacts

    Informational Warfare

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    Recent empirical and theoretical work suggests that reputation was an important mediator of access to resources in ancestral human environments. Reputations were built and maintained by the collection, analysis, and dissemination of information about the actions and capabilities of group members-that is, by gossiping. Strategic gossiping would have been an excellent strategy for manipulating reputations and thereby competing effectively for resources and for cooperative relationships with group members who could best provide such resources. Coalitions (cliques) may have increased members' abilities to manipulate reputations by gossiping. Because, over evolutionary time, women may have experienced more within-group competition than men, and because female reputations may have been more vulnerable than male reputations to gossip, gossiping may have been a more important strategy for women than men. Consequently, women may have evolved specializations for gossiping alone and in coalitions. We develop and partially test this theory

    The quantitative measure and statistical distribution of fame

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    Fame and celebrity play an ever-increasing role in our culture. However, despite the cultural and economic importance of fame and its gradations, there exists no consensus method for quantifying the fame of an individual, or of comparing that of two individuals. We argue that, even if fame is difficult to measure with precision, one may develop useful metrics for fame that correlate well with intuition and that remain reasonably stable over time. Using datasets of recently deceased individuals who were highly renowned, we have evaluated several internet-based methods for quantifying fame. We find that some widely-used internet-derived metrics, such as search engine results, correlate poorly with human subject judgments of fame. However other metrics exist that agree well with human judgments and appear to offer workable, easily accessible measures of fame. Using such a metric we perform a preliminary investigation of the statistical distribution of fame, which has some of the power law character seen in other natural and social phenomena such as landslides and market crashes. In order to demonstrate how such findings can generate quantitative insight into celebrity culture, we assess some folk ideas regarding the frequency distribution and apparent clustering of celebrity deaths.Comment: 17 pages, 6 figure

    Neutron scattering from disordered antiferromagnetic insulators

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    SIGLELD:D50438/84 / BLDSC - British Library Document Supply CentreGBUnited Kingdo

    SeaBeam and seismic reflection surveys on the Ontong Java Plateau

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    Shared decision making interventions for people with mental health conditions

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    Background: One person in every four will suffer from a diagnosable mental health condition during their life course. Such conditions can have a devastating impact on the lives of the individual, their family and society. Increasingly partnership models of mental health care have been advocated and enshrined in international healthcare policy. Shared decision making is one such partnership approach. Shared decision making is a form of patient-provider communication where both parties are acknowledged to bring expertise to the process and work in partnership to make a decision. This is advocated on the basis that patients have a right to self-determination and also in the expectation that it will increase treatment adherence. Objectives: To assess the effects of provider-, consumer- or carer-directed shared decision making interventions for people of all ages with mental health conditions, on a range of outcomes including: patient satisfaction, clinical outcomes, and health service outcomes. Search methods: We searched: the Cochrane Central Register of Controlled Trials (CENTRAL, The Cochrane Library 2008, Issue 4), MEDLINE (1950 to November 2008), EMBASE (1980 to November 2008), PsycINFO (1967 to November 2008), CINAHL (1982 to November 2008), British Nursing Index and Archive (1985 to November 2008) and SIGLE (1890 to September 2005 (database end date)). We also searched online trial registers and the bibliographies of relevant papers, and contacted authors of included studies. Selection criteria: Randomised controlled trials (RCTs), quasi-randomised controlled trials (q-RCTs), controlled before-and-after studies (CBAs); and interrupted time series (ITS) studies of interventions to increase shared decision making in people with mental health conditions (by DSM or ICD-10 criteria). Data collection and analysis: Data on recruitment methods, eligibility criteria, sample characteristics, interventions, outcome measures, participant flow and outcome data from each study were extracted by one author and checked by another. Data are presented in a narrative synthesis. Main results: We included two separate German studies involving a total of 518 participants. One study was undertaken in the inpatient treatment of schizophrenia and the other in the treatment of people newly diagnosed with depression in primary care. Regarding the primary outcomes, one study reported statistically significant increases in patient satisfaction, the other study did not. There was no evidence of effect on clinical outcomes or hospital readmission rates in either study. Regarding secondary outcomes, there was an indication that interventions to increase shared decision making increased doctor facilitation of patient involvement in decision making, and did not increase consultation times. Nor did the interventions increase patient compliance with treatment plans. Neither study reported any harms of the intervention. Definite conclusions cannot be drawn, however, on the basis of these two studies. Authors' conclusions: No firm conclusions can be drawn at present about the effects of shared decision making interventions for people with mental health conditions. There is no evidence of harm, but there is an urgent need for further research in this area

    Basement structure of the northern Ontong Java Plateau

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    Site surveys conducted in conjunction with Leg 130 on the Ontong Java Plateau reveal a strong seismic reflector at 0.8 to 1.0 s below the seafloor that drilling at Sites 803 and 807 confirmed is Cretaceous basalt. This reflector is generally smooth, except for the northeastern margin of the plateau, where it forms a series of small, irregularly shaped depressions. Correlatable reflectors present at the bottom of the depressions are also present on the adjacent highs, suggesting that these depressions are original volcanic topography. A strong sub-basalt reflector occurs on many seismic profiles on the northeastern portion of the plateau. This reflection may be caused by a density and velocity contrast between pillow lavas and flood basalt flows or it may result from interbedded sediment and thus may represent significant lulls in volcanic activity. The presence of sub-basalt reflectors near Site 803 may indicate that later volcanic episodes occurred there, in contrast to Site 807, where this reflector was not observed and where older basalt ages were obtained